RS BUILDER & DEVELOPER APPLICATION FORM Dear Sir, I/We request I/We may be registered for Allotment of a Residen al Apartment in your proposed upcoming Residen al Complex being developed and constructed by your firm on group Housing Plot in ............................................................................................................ I/We agree to sign and execute as and when desired by the firm (on confirma on of allotment), the Allotment Le er/Buyer's Agreement on the Company's standard format contents whereof have been read and understood by me/us and I/We shall be bound by them. I/We agree to abide by the terms & condi ons with this applica on from. Kindly book the same for me/us as per the details give below. 1. First Applicant Mr./Mrs/Ms. Son/Wife/Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Date of Birth D D MM Y Y Wedding Anniversary D D MM Y Y Profession Designa on Company/Firm name Residen al Status: Resident Non‐Resident Foreign Na onal of Indian Origin Na onality Residen al Address Office Address Tel. Office Tel. Res. Term & Condi ons Apply Mobile Fax No E‐mail Marital Status Income Tax Permanent Account No.. Regd. Office : 47, JSEL Building, JLN Marg, Jaipur Corporate office : 320 B, Himmat Nagar, Gopalpura Mod, Tonk Road, Jaipur (Raj.) 302017 Affix your recent passport size photograph here. 2. Second Applicant / Co‐applicant Mr./Mrs/Ms. Son/Wife/Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Date of Birth D D MM Y Y Wedding Anniversary D D MM Affix your recent passport size photograph here. Y Y Profession Designa on Company/Firm name Residen al Status: Resident Non‐Resident Foreign Na onal of Indian Origin Na onality Residen al Address Office Address Tel. Office Tel. Res. Mobile Fax No E‐mail Marital Status Income Tax Permanent Account No.. 3. Nominee: (In case of sole Applicant) Mr./Mrs/Ms. Son/Wife/Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Date of Birth D D MM Occupa on / Profession Y Y Wedding Anniversary D D MM Service (Govt.) Business Service (Pvt) Y Y Other Affix your recent passport size photograph here. Residen al Address Tel. Office Tel. Res. Mobile Income Tax Permanent Account No.. 4. Details of Apartment Project Unit No. Block /Tower Name Total Saleable Area Sq. Ft. (Super Build up) Term & Condi ons Apply Number of car Parking space Open Payment Plan Op on: (A) Down Payment Plan Sale Price : Rs S lt (B) Construc on Linked Plan (exclusives of all allied charges*) I/wer remit herewith a sum of Rs. amount in figures Rs . amount in words dated D D by Cash/Bank Dra / Cheque No. MM Y Y drwan on (Name of the Bank) Payable at Jaipur towards the booking amount or part thereof/earnest money or part therof. (All dra and cheques to be drawn in favour of " RS Builder & Developer" Payable at Jaipur.) I/We further agree to pay the installments of basic cost and allied charges as s pulated/demanded by the firm and/or as contained in the payment plan opted by me. I/We the above applicant(s) do hereby declare that the above par culars given by me/us are true and correct and nothing has been concealed therefrom. I/We shall abide by the terms agree that any allotment based on this applica on shall be subject to the basic terms and condi ons with to this applica on. I/We declare that is case of non‐allotment of the flat, my/our claim shall be limited only to the refund of the deposited amount without any interest. Signature Second Applicants Sole/First Applicants Date : D D Place: MM Y Y FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Summery of Booking Unit No. Sq. Ft (Super Build Up ) Payment Plan Direct Booking Block Number of car Parking space Yes No Through Agent Yes Open S lt No Name of Agent Term & Condi ons Apply Address of Agent Tel. Mobile Fax E‐mail Received with thanks Rs. Rupees by cash/cheque/bank dra no. date D D against applica on money for unit no. MM Y Y drawn on D D MM Y Y In Project ORIGINAL RECEIPT Mob. E‐mail : Website : Term & Condi ons Apply RS BUILDER & DEVELOPER Receive with thanks from ............................................................................................. a sum of Rupees ......................... ..................................................... against advance amount for registra on in " RS Builder & Developer" for residen al Apartment unit of .............................................. admeasuring ........................... sq on ................................ floor. Cash Rs. DD/ Cheque R.s. Total Bearing Cheque No. ......................................... Dated ............................ (Bank Name & Branch )............................................................................ This receipt subject to realiza on of cheque / DD/ PO & effect or credit in the a/c the builder. Regd. Office : 47, JSEL Building, JLN Marg, Jaipur Corporate office : 320 B, Himmat Nagar, Gopalpura Mod, Tonk Road, Jaipur (Raj.) 302017 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ALLOTMENT OF FLAT/PLOT/BUNGALOW/SHOP 1. The project is being executed by RS Builder & Developer (hereina er referred to as the "Firm") on leasehold land whereby the firm is authorized to develop and market the project. 2. The applicant (s) has applied for the allotment of the residen al/commercial unit with knowledge and subject to all the laws, no fica ons and rules applicable to this area, and this project which have been explained by t he firm and understood by him/her. 3. The applicant(s) has fully sa sfied himself/herself about the interest and tle of the firm in the said land and understood all limita ons and obliga ons in respect of it, and there will not be any objec ons by the Intending allo ee(s) in the respect. 4. The applicant(s) has accepted the plans, designs, specifica ons of the aforesaid project and hereby agrees the firm may effect such varia ons, addi ons, dele ons and modifica ons therein as it may, in its sole discre on deem appropriate and fit or as may be done by any competent authority and the Intending allo ee(s) hereby gives consent to such varia on/addi ons/altera ons/dele ons and modifica ons and the firm shall be en tled to do so without any objec on or claim from the applicant allo ee. 5. The applicant (s) has accepted the mode of payment plan as separate sheet enclosed. 6. The final allotment is en rely at the sole discre on of the firm and the firm reserves the right to accept or reject an applica on without assigning any reason thereof. 7. The firm may on its own provide addi onal improved specifica on and /or facili es other than those men oned in the reason of overall be erment of the complex /individual unit. The same shall be binding on the allo ee(s) and the propor onate cost of such changes shall be borne by the allo ee(s). 8. The firm shall have the right to effect suitable and necessary with alterna ons in the layout plan, if and when necessary, which may involve all or any of the changes, namely change in the posi ons of the apartment, changes in its number, dimension, height, size, area, layout or change of the en re scheme. 9. The intending allo ee(s) agrees that he/she shall pay the price of the residen al/ commercial unit and other deposit & charges on the basis of super area, i.e. the covered area of his/her apartment and also pro‐rata share of the common areas of the building and ancillary building. If there is any increase/decrease in the super built area/lawn area a er final physical measurement then necessary adjustment will be in the price of the unit based on the original rate at which the unit was booked. 10. The applicant allo ee(s) agrees to execute the firm standard sale/sub‐lease agreement and called upon to do so by the firm. 11. On the intending allo ee(s) not clearing all his dues along with interest @ 18%per annum within the 60 days from date, the said amount become payable and/or commi ed default in payment on due date under the agreement twice and / or on the intending allo ee(s) commi ng breach of any of the terms and condi ons herein‐contained, the builder shall be en tled at its own op ons to cancel and terminate this agreement in which event all rights, tle and interest of the intending allotee(s) over the said unit shall stand ex nguished and the intending allo ee(s) shall have no further rights, tle and interest over the said unit and the builder shall be en tled to treansfer the set unit to other person at the risk and cost of the intending allo ee(s). The builder apart from interest @18% per annum on all delayed payments, shall also be en tled to a liquidated damage of 5% of the total cost of unit form the intending allo ee(s) on th edate of termina on of the agreement. The builder a er making such appropria on shall refund the balance of amount to the intending allo ee(s) within the 120 days from the date of such termina on. It is agreed by and between the par es that the liquidated damages as the aforesaid 5% is just, proper and reasonable. 12. In case the intending allo ee(s) gives a wri en no ce to cancel the allotment, then in that event the Builder shall cancel the allotment and a er deduc ng 5% of the total cost of the said unit along with overdue interest from the amounts received from the intending allo ee(s) ll that date, refund the balance amount to the intending aloo ee(s) within 120 days from the date of such cancella on. However the intending allo ee(s) shall be en tled to exercise this op on within the period of 6 months from the date of this applica on from / allotment le er is respect of the said unit, where a er this clause shall automa cally be deemed to have become inopera ve and un‐enforceable. 13. In case the allo ee wants to avail of a loan facility from his/her employers or financing bodies to facilitate the purchase of the unit applied from, the firm shall facilitate the process subject to the following. (a) The terms of the Financing Agency shall exclusively be binding and applicable upon th allo ee only. (b) The responsibility of ge ng the loan sanc oned and disbursed, as per the firm's payment schedule shall rest exclusively on the allo ee. In the event of the loan not being sanc oned or the disbursement ge ng delayed, the payment to the firm as per schedule shall be ensured by the allo ee, failing which, the allo ee shall be governed by the provision contained in clause 11 as above. 14. The Sale / Lease Deed or any other document conveying the said Flat or unit shall be executed and got registered in favor of the intending allo ee(s) within the reasonable me a er the building has been finally constructed at the site and a er receipt from his/her of full sale price and other connected charges. Cost of stamp duty and registra ons charges etc., as applicable will be extra and shall be borne by the Intending Allo ee(s). All costs, charges and expenses in connec on with the costs of the preparing, execu ng and registering of the Agreements or Agreements, Lease/Sub‐lease Deed, conveyance or conveyances, transfer deeds and any other document or documents required to be executed by the Builder for prepara on and approval of such documents shall be borne by the intending allo ee(s). 15. On execu on of the sub lease Deed in favour off the allo ee, the allo ee, as Lessee will be bound by the terms of the Original lessor including payment of Urban assessment/ Ground Rent, transfer charges, etc. 16. All taxes or charges, present of future, on land or building levied by any authority, from the date of booking, including the one me Urban Assessment/Ground rent payable to the authority shall be borne and paid propor onately by the allo ee(s). Free hold conversion charge, if payable, will also be borne and paid by allo ee(s) propor onately. 17. The intending allo ee(s) shall get his/her complete address registered with the firm at the me of booking and it shall be his/her responsibility to inform the firm by registered A/D le er about all subsequent changes, if any in his/her address, failing which all demand no ce and le ers posted at the first registered address will be deemed to have been received by him/her at the me when those should ordinarily reach such address and the intending allo ee(s) shall be responsible for any default in payment and other consequence that might occur therefore. 18. In case of transfer of allotment/assignments of ownership of the unit, a transfer fee@Rs 25/‐ per sq as prescribed by the firm shall be payable by the allo ee to the firm, however the first transfer will be free. 19. The applicant agrees that development of the project is subject to the force measure clause which includes delay for any reason beyond the control of the firm like non‐availability of any building material or any ac on or natural calami es of any act of God. In case of delay in posi on as a result of any no ce, order rule, no fica on of the Government/Public/ Firm authority, delay in issue of comple on cer ficate / occupancy cer ficate or any other reason beyond the control of the firm and in such an event, the firm shall be en tled to reasonable extension of me, However all condi ons being favorable if the firm fails to deliver the unit within 6 months from the original schedule of delivery, the firm shall be responsible only to consider for allo ng alterna ve available residen al /commercial unit or refund the amount already deposited with simple interest @8% p.a. for the delayed period. 20. The applicant has understood that the development and the comple on of the whole project may be done in phases and this may cause some inconvenience to the residents of earlier phases and he/she shall have not any objec on to the same. 21. The firm shall have the first lien and charge on the said flat or all its dues and other sums payable by the intending allo ee(s) to the firm. 22. Teh complex is to be maintained by the firm or its maintenance agency or any other agency nominated by the firm ll the maintenance is handed over to any other residents associa on/society or arrangement is terminated by the firm. The applicant(s)/ allo ee(s) agrees to enter into a standard tripar te maintenance agreement with the firm and its nominated maintenance agency and to pay the maintenance bills/demands properly and regularly. 23. In case of NRI / Foreign na onal buyers, the observa on of the provision of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and any other law as may be prevailing shall be the responsibility of the allo ee(s). 24. The allo ee(s) shall not use the said unit for any purpose other than for which he said unit is being acquired by him except with prior wri en permission of the builders. 25 Electricity: a. The allo ee(s) hereby agrees and covenants with the builder that all the agreements wri ng/ undertaking entered into by and between the builder with municipal corpora on or Government of Rajasthan or Jaipur Development Authority or Government Departments/Authori es or Vidhyut Vitran Nigam Limited shall have binding effect on the allo ee(s) and all the terms and condi ons agreed to by and between the Builder and any of the authori es men oned herein before in this clause, shall have binding effect upon the allo ee(s). b. The price of the unit men oned above is inclusive of the cost of providing electric wiring. switches and plugs but does not include the cost of electric fi ngs and fixtures which shall be got installed by the allo ee(s) at his/her own cost. Electric sub‐sta on charges will also be charged extra for the service connec on, sub‐sta on equipment, security deposit etc., and for the space u lized there of. The allo ee(s) will be required to pay the Rs. 30 per sq. . extra as demanded by the builder to meet the above expenses. The expenses will be charged in propor on to the area of the space agreed to be purchased by the allo ee(s). No detailed explana on of the expense shall be given to the allo ee(s). c. The allo ee(s) shall be required to get and maintain separate electric connec on for the demised permises in his own name from Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam and the en re cost of the electric meter and its fixa on charges, cabling, M.C.B. main switch and other fi ngs shall be borne by him. The allo ee(s) shall be en tled to avail and get electric connec on from Jajipur Vidyut Vitrna Nigam Ltd. only a er the aforesaid obliga ons are completed by him. d. An addi onal deposit for generator backup shall be paid extra to the builder in proprorate sq along with the payment of tenth installment. 26. DISPUTE AND ARBITRATION: In respect of dispute arising between the par es rela ng toe this agreement/Applica on for any ma er whatsoever, the same shall be se led in accordance with provisions of the Indian Arbitra on and Concilia on Act. 1996 and the statutory modifica on therof. The venue of the arbitra on shall be at Jaipur only. The law courts at Jaipur shall alone have exclusive jurisdic on to entertain the disputes between the par es hereto. I confirm that I have read and understood all the terms condi ons men oned hereinabove and agree to abide by them without any reserva ons and also I agree that the informa on given by me hereinaboe in the applica on form is correct. Date : Place : Signature of the First Applicant Signature of the Second Applicant RS BUILDER & DEVELOPER PAYMENT PLAN Construc on Linked Plan Linked Stages Payment 1. On Registra on 2 Lacs for 1 BHK Apartment 2 Lacs for 2 BHK Apartment 2 Lacs for 3 BHK Apartment 2. Within 30 days : 15% Less Registra on Amount 3. On Comple on of Basement slab of respec ve block : 10% of Flat Value 4. On cas ng of s lt floor slab of respec ve block : 10% of Flat Value + Parking Dev. Charges st : 10% of Flat Value + Parking Dev. Charges nd : 10% of Flat Value + Parking Dev. Charges rd : 10% of Flat Value + Parking Dev. Charges th 8. On cas ng of 4 Floor slab of respec ve block : 10% of Flat Value + Parking Dev. Charges 9. Plaster Work with in the apartment : 10% of Flat Value + Servent Room 10. Flooring within the apartment : 10% of Flat Value + Gas Pipe Line charges 5. On cas ng of 1 Floor slab of respec ve block 6. On cas ng of 2 Floor slab of respec ve block 7. On cas ng of 3 Floor slab of respec ve block + Electrical Sub Sta on Charges 11. Possession No fica on : 5% of Flat Value + Club House + Maintenance Charges Parking Development Charges (INR) Open : 1,00,000/‐ (Per Car) S lt : 2,00,000/‐ (Per Car) One Time Charges : INR Servant Room Charges : 75,000/‐ (Per Room) Gas Pipe Line charges : 20,000/‐ (Per Flat) Club Charges : 75,000/‐ (Per Flat) Electrical Sub Sta on Charges : 30/‐ Sq. Ft. Interest Free Maintenance Deposit : 30/‐ Sq. Ft. (Three Year Maintenance‐ Non Refundable) Service tax and all other taxes shall be charged extra with each installment as applicable . Term & Condi ons Apply Disclaimer : Rates can be revised without any prior no ce. Signature Date : Place : Sole/First Applicants Second Applicants
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