Ionic interactions at both inter-ring contact sites of GroEL are involved in transmission of the allosteric signal: A time-resolved infrared difference study BEGON˜A SOT,1 FRITZTHOF VON GERMAR,2 WERNER MA¨NTELE,2 JOSE MARI´A VALPUESTA,3 STEFKA G. TANEVA,4,5 AND ARTURO MUGA1 1 Unidad de Biofı´ sica (CSIC-UPV/EHU) and Departamento de Bioquı´ mica y Biologı´ a Molecular, Universidad del Paı´ s Vasco, 48080 Bilbao, Spain 2 Institut fu¨r Biophysik, Johan Wolfgang Goethe Universita¨t, D-60590 Frankfurt, Germany 3 Centro Nacional de Biotecnologı´ a (CSIC), Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain 4 Institute of Biophysics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 1113, Bulgaria (RECEIVED March 22, 2005; FINAL REVISION June 1, 2005; ACCEPTED June 13, 2005) Abstract The biological activity of the double-ring chaperonin GroEL is regulated by complex allosteric interactions, which include positive intra-ring and negative inter-ring cooperativity. To further characterize inter-ring communication, the nucleotide-induced absorbance changes in the vibrational spectrum of the chaperonin GroEL, of two single-point mutants suppressing one inter-ring ionic contact (E461K and E434K) and of a single-ring version of this protein, were investigated by time-resolved infrared difference spectroscopy. Interaction of the nucleotide with the proteins was triggered by its photochemical release from a biologically inactive caged precursor [P3-1-(2-nitro) phenylethyl nucleotide]. The results indicate that (1) ATP binding to the protein induces a conformational change that affects concomitantly both intra-ring and inter-ring communication, and (2) the experimental absorbance changes are sensitive to the double-ring structure of the protein. The characterization of the single-point, inter-ring mutants demonstrates that ionic interactions at both contact sites are involved in the transmission of the allosteric signal. However, both mutations have different effects on the inter-ring interface. While that of E461K still retains ionic contacts sensitive to ATP binding, E434K shows spectroscopic features similar to those of the single-ring version of the protein, therefore suggesting that electrostatic interactions at these contact sites contribute differently to the stability of the inter-ring interface. Keywords: GroEL; chaperonin; allosterism; infrared spectroscopy; protein conformation The molecular chaperonin GroEL from Escherichia coli is a member of the heat shock protein 60 (Hsp 60) class of chaperones, composed of 14 identical subunits of 57.3 5 Present address: Unidad de Biofı´ sica (CSIC-UPV/EHU) and Departamento de Bioquı´ mica y Biologı´ a Molecular, Universidad del Paı´ s Vasco, 48080 Bilbao, Spain. Reprint requests to: Arturo Muga, Unidad de Biofı´ sica (CSIC-UPV/ EHU) and Departamento de Bioquı´ mica y Biologı´ a Molecular, Universidad del Paı´ s Vasco, 48080 Bilbao, Spain; e-mail: [email protected]; fax: +34-94-6013500. Abbreviations: EM, electron microscopy; TR-IR, time-resolved infrared. Article published online ahead of print. Article and publication date are at kDa assembled as two stacked, seven-membered rings with a central cavity that provide a confined environment for protein folding (Braig et al. 1994). Each subunit is composed of three domains: an equatorial domain that contains the nucleotide-binding site and the interring contacts; an apical domain that binds nonfolded proteins and the cochaperone GroES; and an intermediate domain that connects the apical and the equatorial domains. The functional cycle of the GroEL/GroES system involves a sophisticated allosteric regulation by ATP. There are two levels of allosterism as seen by steadystate kinetic studies of ATP binding and hydrolysis: Protein Science (2005), 14:2267–2274. Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Copyright ª 2005 The Protein Society ps0514696 Sot et al. Article RA 2267 Sot et al. positive intra-ring and negative inter-ring cooperativity. The allosteric transitions have been characterized by different biophysical techniques, such as fluorescence spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and smallangle X-ray scattering (Yifrach and Horovitz 1995; Roseman et al. 1996; Llorca et al. 1997; Cliff et al. 1999; Ranson et al. 2001; Inobe et al. 2003). Nucleotide binding and hydrolysis induce conformational changes in the chaperonin, which cycles between protein substrate-binding and -release states (Staniforth et al. 1994; Yifrach and Horovitz 1996, 2000). As a consequence of the double-ring structure of GroEL, there are three allosteric states—TT, TR, and RR—in which T (low affinity for ATP and high affinity for nonfolded proteins) and R (high affinity for ATP and low affinity for nonfolded proteins) represent the allosteric state of each ring. The importance of inter-ring allosteric communication in controlling the GroEL/GroES reaction cycle is demonstrated by the fact that substrate and GroES release from the GroES-bound cis ring depends on ATP binding to the trans ring (Rye et al. 1997). Furthermore, the rate of GroES dissociation from the cis ring is controlled by the cooperativity of ATP binding to the trans ring—the stronger the intra-ring positive cooperativity, the faster the inter-ring communication. It follows from these findings that the combination of inter- and intra-ring cooperativity modulates the reaction cycle time (Amir and Horovitz 2004). Despite the key role of inter-ring allosteric signaling in the biological function of GroEL, its molecular basis remains poorly understood. As seen in the 3D structure of the protein, the contact surface between the two rings of the native protein involves both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions (Braig et al. 1994). Each subunit of a protein ring interacts with two of the opposite rings through two contact sites. Among the most important interactions between opposite rings, the salt bridges E461–R452 and E434–K105 are thought to stabilize the inter-ring interface, which in turn allows proper interring communication at physiological temperature (Sot et al. 2002, 2003; Sewell et al. 2004). The contact E434– K105 is weaker in the ATP state (nucleotide-dependent), these residues being at the end of an a-helix that crosses the equatorial domain to the ATP-binding site. The other salt bridge (E461–R452) appears in all the highresolution structures of apo and liganded GroEL (Boisvert at al. 1996; Roseman et al. 1996; Xu et al. 1997). We have previously demonstrated that time-resolved infrared difference spectroscopy (TR-IR)1, in combination with the use of caged nucleotides, is a suitable technique to detect subtle conformational changes during nucleotide binding to GroEL and its subsequent hydrolysis (von Germar et al. 1999). Here we analyze these 2268 Protein Science, vol. 14 conformational changes and compare the ATP-induced structural transitions in wild-type GroEL, two singlepoint inter-ring mutants (E434K and E461K), and a single-ring version of the protein (SR1). Our results indicate that ionic interactions at both contact sites participate in inter-ring signaling. Results ATP-induced IR difference spectra The experimental approach used here to detect the molecular events associated with nucleotide binding and its subsequent hydrolysis, requires illumination of the sample containing the protein and the caged ligand with an UV flash that releases the nucleotide and triggers the ATPase reaction (McCray et al. 1980). Difference spectra are calculated from the spectrum measured before the flash and the spectra recorded after nucleotide release (Barth et al. 1991; Barth and Zscherp 2000). Residues involved in ligand binding and/or hydrolysis will contribute to the difference spectrum, while the contribution of ‘‘passive’’ residues would be canceled out. Besides protein and ligand bands, difference spectra also contain signals from the photolysis reaction (von Germar et al. 1999). Previous studies have established that bands assigned to the photolytic release of nucleotides dominate the difference IR spectra below 1300 cm 1 (Barth et al. 1997). Above this frequency, i.e., in the 1750–1300 cm 1 spectral region, the experimentally detected absorbance changes contain contributions from molecular events related to the photolysis reaction and to protein conformational changes induced by nucleotide binding and/or hydrolysis. ATP induces absorbance changes due to intra- and inter-ring communication Differential signals due to intra- and inter-ring communication could, in principle, be distinguished by comparing the IR difference spectra of wild-type GroEL and SR1 in the presence of ATP. Prior to the description of the ATP-induced IR difference spectra of these samples, it should be mentioned that none of the mutants used in this study are able to bind caged nucleotides (data not shown), as previously shown for wild-type GroEL (von Germar et al. 1999). This means that absorbance changes due to both nucleotide binding and hydrolysis can be experimentally observed. The time course of the absorbance changes detected upon nucleotide release to the medium, which under our experimental conditions occurs within the first 33 msec after the flash (Barth et al. 1997; von Germar et al. 1999), is shown in Figure 1. The photolysis reaction itself Inter-ring communication in GroEL Figure 1. Time dependence of the IR difference spectrum of GroEL (left panel) and SR1 (right panel) in the presence of ATP. Measurements were performed after release of 0.8 mM ATP in samples containing 0.8 mM protein subunits, at 25 C in H2Obased buffer. Spectra were recorded at the indicated times after the photolysis flash. Average of 10 (GroEL) and 11 (SR1) independent experiments. For the sake of comparison, the photolysis spectrum is also shown (bottom traces). gives differential features at 1642 (+) and 1526 ( ) cm 1 (Fig. 1, bottom traces), and as shown previously (von Germar et al. 1999), the IR difference spectrum of GroEL recorded 60 msec after the flash displays positive bands at 1652 and 1560 cm 1, small differential signals at 1694 (+), 1688 ( )/1676 (+), and 1625 (+) cm 1, and two negative absorbance changes at 1508 and 1546 cm 1 (Fig. 1, left panel). The amplitude of these absorbance changes increases during the first 2 sec and is maintained for 5 sec, and at longer times the intensity of the differential signals drops to a value similar to that seen with ADP (von Germar et al. 1999; see below). When the same experiment is performed in the presence of SR1 instead of GroEL (Fig. 1, right panel), the following differences are observed within the first 2.8 sec after nucleotide release: (1) modifications of the relative intensities of differential signals located in the 1670–1694 cm 1 spectral region; (2) appearance of an absorbance change at 1639 (+)/1626 ( ) cm 1 in the spectrum of SR1; and (3) in contrast to what is observed for wildtype GroEL, the intensity of the absorbance change at 1560 cm 1 does not vary with time, while that at 1570 cm 1 increases for both proteins (Figs. 1, 2). After ATP hydrolysis, the difference spectra of these samples look alike (Fig. 1, top traces), and similar to those of the ADP-bound conformation (von Germar et al. 1999; see below). The kinetic analysis of the absorbance changes at 1560 and 1570 cm 1, assigned to deprotonated side chains of Glu and Asp residues, respectively (Chirgadze et al. 1975; Venyaminov and Kalnin 1990), indicates that the ionization state of acidic amino acids of wild-type GroEL and SR1 differs in the presence of ATP, whereas it is similar in the ADP-bound state generated after nucleotide hydrolysis (Fig. 2A). A similar time evolution was observed for differential signals assigned to modifications of phosphate vibrations (1268 cm 1) and of the amide I mode of the protein backbone (1652 cm 1) (Barth and Zscherp 2002), as previously suggested (von Germar et al. 1999) (Fig. 2B). To assign the observed kinetic events, experiments were performed at different ATP/GroEL subunit molar ratios (Fig. 3). When the molar ratio is 1, the initial exponential intensity increase that occurs for wild-type GroEL at 3–4 sec 1 is followed by a lag phase before a single exponential intensity decay takes place at 0.07–0.09 sec 1 (Fig. 3A). Under the same experimental conditions, the lag phase is not observed for SR1, which shows the other two kinetic processes with time constants of 4–6 sec 1 and 0.06–0.08 sec 1, respectively (Fig. 3A). In contrast, when the ATP/wild-type GroEL subunit molar ratio is 0.5, the lag phase is not detected, and increasing the molar ratio to 2 results in the disappearance of the exponential decay during the first 40 sec after ATP release to the medium (Fig. 3B). For comparison, previously reported changes in fluorescence intensity of pyrenyl-GroEL in the presence of ATP are shown as solid lines (Kad et al. 1998). The initial fluorescence enhancement (k = 2 sec 1) was assigned to the conformational rearrangement of the occupied ring to the R-state, whereas the exponential 2269 Sot et al. Figure 2. Kinetics of selected infrared absorbance changes of GroEL and SR1 induced by ATP. (A) Time dependence of the absorbance changes at 1570 (circles) and 1560 (squares) cm 1 for GroEL (filled symbols) and SR1 (open symbols). (B) Time dependence of the intensity of differential signals at 1655 (squares) and 1268 cm 1 (triangles). Different constants were added to the values obtained for GroEL (filled symbols) and SR1 (open symbols) to allow for a simultaneous representation. Spectra were recorded in H2O-based buffer as described in Figure 1. interface, since mutations affecting these ionic interactions have a clear effect on the inter-ring spacing, the folding activity, and the thermal stability of the oligomeric particle (Sot et al. 2002, 2003). To follow in realtime the evolution of the ATP-induced absorbance changes that could be assigned to inter-ring ionic interactions, we have generated single-point GroEL mutants in which one of the salt bridges was suppressed (E434K and E461K). The spectroscopic characterization of these mutants should help to decipher whether ionic interactions at these contact sites are involved in the transmission of the allosteric signal that promotes GroES and protein substrate release from one protein heptamer, upon ATP binding to the opposite ring. Data obtained in D2O buffer for the four proteins are presented in Figure 4, together with the spectra obtained after subtracting the contribution from the photolysis reaction (inset). The comparison with results obtained in H2O medium allows to distinguish changes due to amide modes of the polypeptide backbone from those caused by amino acid side chains (see Figs. 1, 4). Deuteration shifts the amide I modes (1700–1610 cm 1), mainly due to peptide C=O groups, up to 10 cm 1, and the amide II band, mainly due to amide-backbone NH groups, from 1550 cm 1 to 1460 cm 1 (Barth and Zscherp 2002). In con- decrease in fluorescence intensity occurs at 0.1 sec 1, the rate of ATP hydrolysis (Kad et al. 1998). The good agreement between the rate constants determined by Kad et al. (1998) and the values estimated in the present work allows us to assign the first kinetic event to the Tto-R conformational transition, the lag phase to the steady-state hydrolysis of ATP, where the nucleotide is continuously binding to the protein, and the decay phase to nucleotide hydrolysis. Electrostatic interactions at both contact sites contribute to inter-ring signaling Assuming that the ATP-induced allosteric intra-ring conformational change is the same for the double- and single-ring version of GroEL, the data presented so far suggest that (an) acidic side chain(s) might be involved in inter-ring communication. As pointed out above, and in previous studies (Braig et al. 1994; Sot et al. 2002, 2003; Sewell et al. 2004), salt bridges could be potentially established at both contact sites of the inter-ring 2270 Protein Science, vol. 14 Figure 3. (A) Time dependence of the absorbance changes at 1655 (circles) and 1568 (squares) cm 1 for GroEL (filled symbols) and SR1 (open symbols). The nucleotide/protein subunit molar ratio was 1 in both cases. (B) Kinetics of the 1568 cm 1 differential signal obtained at nucleotide/wild-type GroEL subunit molar ratios of 0.5 (filled squares) and 2 (open circles). Other details are as in Figure 2. The fluorescence changes of pyrenyl-GroEL in the presence of ATP (nucleotide/GroEL subunit molar ratio 1 [A] and 0.5 [B]) are shown as solid lines (Kad et al. 1998). Inter-ring communication in GroEL Figure 4. ATP-induced IR absorbance changes in D2O medium. The difference spectra were recorded 3 sec after release of 1.6 mM ATP in samples containing 0.8 mM protein subunits. Wild-type GroEL (thick solid line), E461K (dashed/dotted line), E434K (dotted line), and SR1 (thin solid line). Photolysis reaction recorded under identical experimental conditions but in the absence of proteins (). Data are the average of 15 (GroEL), 10 (E461K), 12 (E434K), and 16 (SR1) different experiments. Other details are as in Figure 1. Due to the higher intrinsic ATPase activity of mutants E461K and E434K (Sot et al. 2002), the amount of ATP released in these samples was 1.6 mM to extend the binding event to 3 sec. (Inset) Difference spectra obtained after subtracting the photolysis spectrum from those obtained in the presence of the proteins. The criterion used to choose the subtraction factor was to cancel the negative signal at 1526 cm 1, indicated by an arrow. trast, larger downshifts ( 30 cm 1) are characteristic for the side-chain absorptions of solvent-accessible Asn, Gln, Lys, and Arg, as are small upshifts of up to 10 cm 1 for COO bands (Chirgadze et al. 1975; Venyaminov and Kalnin 1990; Barth 2000). As compared with the spectra recorded in H2O, the IR difference spectrum of GroEL measured 2 sec after ATP release in D2O buffer shows the following differences (Fig. 4): (1) The differential feature described in H2O at 1694 cm 1 disappears; (2) the absorbance change at 1652 cm 1 is downshifted to 1648 cm 1; (3) the absor- bance changes at 1546 ( ) and 1508 ( ) cm 1 are significantly weaker and disappear, respectively; and (4) the positive band at 1560 cm 1 is slightly upshifted upon deuteration. Differences at 1625 cm 1 are maintained in D2O. These findings reinforce the assignment of 1651 (H2O) and 1647 cm 1 (D2O) to helical segments of the protein (Byler and Susi 1986), in accordance with the helical structure of the equatorial domain (Braig et al. 1994); the 1546 ( ) cm 1 differential signal to amide II modes of the protein; and the 1508 ( ) cm 1 absorbance change to NH3 modes of Lys (von Germar et al. 1999). As compared with data obtained with wild-type GroEL, there are several differences in the IR spectrum of the ATP-bound state of SR1, namely, (1) the positive signal at 1627 cm 1 disappears in the spectrum of SR1, and instead a negative differential feature is observed at 1631 cm 1, as described in H2O; and (2) the intensity of the absorbance changes previously assigned to acidic amino acids at 1584 and 1567 cm 1 decreases (Fig. 4). Interestingly, the amplitude of these differential features observed in the spectrum of E461K is intermediate between those seen for wild-type GroEL and SR1, whereas the difference spectrum of E434K resembles that of the single-ring version of the protein (Fig. 4). It is important to note that these differences are only detected when comparing the ATP-bound states of the proteins, e.g., during the first 2 sec after nucleotide release to the medium, and that they are abolished once ATP is completely hydrolyzed, as already mentioned in H2O buffer. Since under our experimental conditions both single-point mutants share a doublering structure (Sot et al. 2002), these data indicate that the mutated residues participate in inter-ring signaling. ADP-induced conformational changes The absorbance changes induced upon ADP binding to these proteins are shown in Figure 5, together with those detected during the photolysis reaction. At variance with ATP, ADP binding does not induce any significant spectral difference between these proteins, and therefore promotes a similar conformational rearrangement that does not involve the inter-ring interface. As expected, none of these differential bands show the kinetic behavior described in the presence of ATP. Discussion GroEL is believed to function as a two-stroke complex, in which both rings participate in a negative allosteric mechanism that synchronizes binding and hydrolysis of ATP with binding and release of GroES and protein substrates (Lorimer 1997). Although each of the two rings is the functional unit in protein folding (Weissman 2271 Sot et al. Figure 5. ADP-induced absorbance changes in D2O medium. Difference spectra recorded 3 sec after the release of 0.8 mM ADP into samples containing 0.8 mM protein subunits. Wild-type GroEL (thick solid line), E461K (dashed/dotted line), E434K (dotted line), and SR1 (thin solid line). Photolysis spectrum (). Average of seven (GroEL), eight (E461K), five (E434K), and eight (SR1) experiments. et al. 1995), the double-ring structure and the signaling between the two rings are stringent for the folding mechanism to work (Rye et al. 1997). In this context, the ATPase cycle of wild-type GroEL, two single-point inter-ring mutants, and a single-ring version of the protein, has been followed by difference IR spectroscopy to further understand the structural requirements that allow transmission of the inter-ring allosteric signal. The recently described consequences of the single replacements (E461K and E434K) include a downshift of the inactivation temperature (Sot et al. 2002) and a decreased stability of the tetradecameric protein particle against the thermal challenge (Sot et al. 2003). These observations were interpreted as a result of a destabilization of the inter-ring interface, which causes a loss of inter-ring negative cooperativity and favors dissociation into heptamers with increasing temperatures. The conclusion of these studies was that ionic interactions at both contact sites are required to maintain the functionality and stability of the inter-ring interface that allows GroEL to function as a molecular thermometer distin2272 Protein Science, vol. 14 guishing physiological from stress temperatures (Sot et al. 2002, 2003). A recent cryoEM study of one of the mutants used in this study (E461K) proposes that a new set of electrostatic contacts might be established at the inter-ring interface, as a consequence of a reorganization of this protein region that undergoes an 18 rigid body rotation about the sevenfold symmetry axis of one of the rings relative to the other (Sewell et al. 2004). As compared with wild-type GroEL, the contacts between subunits of opposing rings would be in E461K 1:1 instead of 1:2. Therefore, the electrostatic interactions left at the inter-ring interface of the mutant would be E434–K470 and E102–K105, whereas in wild-type GroEL are E434– K105 and E461–R452 (Braig et al. 1994; Xu et al. 1997). The results presented here support the view that upon ATP binding to GroEL, the initially observed protein conformational transition most likely represents the rearrangement of the occupied ring from the T-state to the Rstate, while nucleotide hydrolysis relaxes the protein to an ADP-bound-like conformation. An important finding in this study is that this structural transition, as seen by IR spectroscopy, is sensitive to the double-ring structure of the protein and, therefore, witnesses inter-ring signaling. Although the simultaneous presence of other differential features in the IR spectra of these proteins also reveals an ATP-induced intra-ring conformational rearrangement, we focus on inter-ring communication. However, it is interesting to point out here that the time evolution of the absorbance changes that might be assigned to interand intra-ring conformational events is similar, indicating, as previously suggested (Shiseki et al. 2001; Amir and Horovitz 2004), that they are both coupled. ATP binding to GroEL has been suggested to distort the inter-ring interface, inducing an overall increase in separation of the rings and tilts of the equatorial domains of the protein (Ranson et al. 2001). Analysis of the absorbance changes appearing only in the difference spectra of wild-type GroEL and not in that of SR1, e.g., those involved in interring communication, clearly demonstrates that during the T-to-R conformational transition, the chemical environment of an acidic, most likely a Glu, residue(s)s in GroEL (Figs. 2, 3) is altered. This is not caused by the ionization of – COOH group(s) that would contribute with a negative signal at 1700–1730 cm 1, and might reflect the rearrangement of the inter-ring interface that causes modification of ionic interactions between residues located in subunits of opposite rings. The assignment of an arginine residue as the counterion of E461 is suggested by (1) the absorbance changes observed in H2O at 1680 (+)/1670 ( ) and 1642 ( )/1635 (+) cm 1 and (2) the decreased intensity of these differential signals upon deuteration (see Figs. 1, 3). A differential signal at similar frequencies has been assigned to an Arg residue that was involved in ion-pairing interaction with a halide ion in halorhodopsin (Braiman et al. 1994; Inter-ring communication in GroEL Rudiger et al. 1995), and reinforces the idea that the ion pair E461K–R452 senses ATP binding to GroEL. It is also clear from our data that at the inter-ring interface of E461K there are still ionic interactions sensitive to ATPinduced inter-ring communication, that might include those left at the other contact site or a new set of charged contacts, as recently proposed (Sewell et al. 2004). It should also be mentioned that this assignment is based on the comparison of nucleotide-induced difference spectra of wild-type and single-point, double-ring protein structures and SR1. Therefore, we cannot rule out that other ionic contacts might also contribute to the differential signals during the T-to-R transition, or that these mutations might also have some effects on these interactions (White et al. 1997). A different picture is obtained with E434K GroEL. Disruption of the ionic contacts at this site results in the disappearance of the absorbance changes assigned to inter-ring communication in the TR state of wild-type GroEL. Instead, the difference spectrum of this mutant resembles that of SR1 in spite of showing a double-ring structure under our experimental conditions. The interring interface of E434K senses the T-to-R transition differently, as compared with E461K, a behavior that might be caused by (1) a new interaction between subunits of opposing rings that place oppositely charged residues far enough apart to cancel out Coulombic attractions under the experimental conditions used in this study (e.g., 50 mM NaCl, 30 mM MgCl2), and/or (2) a destabilization of the inter-ring interface that increases inter-ring distance (Sot et al. 2002; Sewell et al. 2004) and hampers interaction between residues that might form salt bridges in wild-type GroEL. In this context, it is important to note that this interpretation would be in excellent agreement with the stronger effect of mutation E434K in destabilizing the inter-ring interface (Sot et al. 2003), which might result in a larger interring spacing and therefore weaker electrostatic interactions, as experimentally observed. In summary, the present work demonstrates that upon ATP binding, the T-to-R transition involves a rearrangement of the inter-ring interface of GroEL that affects the ionic interactions at both contact sites. It also shows that these interactions are required to efficiently transmit the inter-ring allosteric signal, essential to maintain the asymmetric reaction cycle and thus the functionality of the chaperonin. Materials and methods Protein expression and purification GroEL mutants were produced by the homologous recombination technique (Martin et al. 1995), according to Weissman et al. (1995). Wild-type GroEL and mutants were overexpressed from E. coli, purified as described previously (Sot et al. 2002), and concentrated using microconcentration filters (Centricon 50; Amicon). Sample preparation Sample buffer was exchanged by repeated concentration and dilution steps with a buffer of 100 mM MOPS, 50 mM NaCl, and 30 mM MgCl2 made in H2O or D2O (pH or pD 7.0). IR samples were prepared by drying onto a CaF2 window 1 mL of the following reagents: caged nucleotide (5, 10, or 40 mM), 40 mM KCl, and 20 mM DTT. They were rehydrated with the same volume of the desired protein dissolved in the above buffer, and the samples were sealed with a second window. The protein subunit concentration was 0.8 mM, as estimated with the bicinchoninic acid assay (Sigma). All experiments were carried out at 25 C, using thermostated cell holders. Time-resolved infrared spectroscopy (TR-IR) Experiments were performed in modified IFS 66 (Bruker) and Nexus 870 (Thermo) spectrophotometers equipped with MCT detectors. Photolytic release of nucleotides from their caged derivatives was triggered with a Xenon flash tube. The voltage of the flash power supply was adjusted to release the desired nucleotide concentration. Data were acquired with double-sided interferograms, at a spectral resolution of 4 and 8 cm 1. To improve the signal-to-noise ratio, signals obtained from several samples were averaged after normalizing the spectra to an identical protein concentration. Normalization prevents the possible predominance of individual samples with the highest protein concentration in the averaged spectra, and was done as previously described (von Germar et al. 2000). Control experiments on samples prepared as described above but without protein were performed in the same time interval to obtain the photolysis spectra. They were subtracted from the protein spectra to get bands that mainly arise from nucleotide binding and its subsequent hydrolysis, as described. The criterion used to choose the subtraction factor was to cancel the negative signal at 1526 cm 1 (von Germar et al. 2000). For the kinetic analysis of ATP-induced difference spectra, selected bands were integrated as described previously (Barth et al. 1991; von Germar et al. 2000). Briefly, the time slots of spectra recording were represented by their average times, and the time constants were obtained by fitting band intensities to single exponential functions (Origin 5.0). Miscellaneous methods A spectrophotometric method that includes an ATP regenerating system was used to characterize the ATPase activity of the proteins (Sot et al. 2002). Nucleotide binding was assayed by mixing 150 mM free and caged nucleotides with the same concentration of protein subunits. 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