THE CHURCH OF PENTECOST UK BIRMINGHAM DISTRICT ACTION PLAN FOR 2014 (incorporating the National, Area and District) THEME: ‘FANNING THE PENTECOSTAL FIRE TO IMPACT GENERATIONS’ (2 Tim. 1:5-7) District Vision The Birmingham District envisions that in the year 2014 there will be deeper experience of fulfilment as we focus on our restoration and life of righteousness through fanning the Pentecostal fire to impact generations. So, we will stress nurturing, empowerment, deepening of relationships with God and neighbour and soul winning and mentoring, until we have all grown in greater love of God and neighbour for dedicated service in God’s kingdom, community and the market place. Our Approach To achieve the vision that the saviour and master has set for us through the Executive Council and us, we intend to: 1. Help every member believe, think and feel that they are chosen vessels with the purpose of fanning the Pentecostal Fire in them so they can be capable ministers who are totally responsible in their respective services in the church, community and marketplace. 2. Intensify our pastoral care and follow-up activities at the Assemblies across the District 3. Teach and encourage members to read the bible, mediate on it and pray daily to ensure that members grow into the full stature of Christ in all aspects of their lives. Bible reading in Sunday services will be encouraged at all Assemblies 4. Increase the regularity of Holy Ghost baptism at each Assembly at least, quarterly. 5. Pursue conscientious regular evangelistic activities in the communities, institutions and the general marketplace, while exploring church planting opportunities in other towns in the West Midlands. 6. Make Altar call and acknowledge the presence of first timers and visitors at every church meeting. 7. Strengthen our Home Cell groups by re-launching the sensitisation programme. 8. Continue our weekly District Prayer Clinic at the Birmingham Prayer Centre. 9. Hold Leadership School of Excellence. 10. Bi-Monthly District All-Night Prayer Meetings in Birmingham 11. Establish a District Community Counselling Unit that is open to the general public. 12. Continue with the fund-raising towards the acquisition of church building in Birmingham. 13. Engage in holistic ministry to the communities around our churches and respond holistically to the welfare needs our members and others. 1|Page 14. Replace the chairs at St George’s and furnish the children’s Hall. 15. Acquire musical equipment for the district and to support the training of musicians and technical personnel. 16. Replace the sofas and dining set in the Mission House. 17. Hold a summer recreational activities across the district. 18. Explore opportunities for Prison Ministry in Birmingham. 19. Explore Drama and Radio Ministries. Our Targets are: 1. To work on achieving 10% increase in membership by winning at least a bi-monthly average of one soul at every Assembly. 2. To work on achieving 15% increase in tithes and offering over the present year in each Assembly. This includes the funds needed for the chairs and musical equipment. We do this through sound teaching, testimonies, prudent financial management and transparent regular feedback to the members and officers at Local and District levels. 3. To provide a congenial and user-friendly environment where membership and any visitor can experience and enjoy worship and fellowship. Issues with language, music, equipment, internal decoration and health and safety issues will be addressed. SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES DAY/DATE ACTIVITY TIME VENUE PARTICIPANT BM: 2Timothy JANUARY Friday January 3rd FOCUS: Strengthen Local Leadership Structures National Office Staff Head Office Resumes Normal Normal Local Time 11.00am2.00pm Local Fountain Gate Tabernacle Chairmen Arrangement Chairmen Arrangement National Sunday 12th Sunday January 12th Monday 13th –Friday 17th Communion Services Special Monday Clinic of the Year Boards/Committees Meeting Attend Coventry Assemblies Church Population Census Day All Ministers Retreat/Meeting Local Time Local Local LOCALS LOCALS NATIONAL National Saturday 18th District Youth Activity 1-4pm Hoddesden Birmingham St George’s January 5th Monday January 6th Saturday January 11th Locals National District 2|Page th Sunday 19 Sunday January 19th Saturday January 25th Sunday 26th Monday 27th Friday 31st Friday 31st Friday 31st DAY/DATE Attend Coventry Assemblies Widows/Widowers & Orphans Day National Ministries Endof-Year Meeting Local Coventry Locals Local 10.00am 4.00pm Local Fountain Gate Tabernacle National Attend Walsall Assembly Communion Week Fasting and Prayers Presiding Elders All Night Retreat Local Locals Local Local Times 10.00am4.00pm Locals Fountain Gate Tabernacle Locals National (Area Level) Area Ministers Meeting 10am-6pm Manchester Area Level ACTIVITY TIME VENUE National PARTICIPANT BM: ACTS FEBRUARY FOCUS: Pentecost Power for Fellowship and Character a)10am-1pm (Movements) SATURDAY 1ST MANCHESTER AREA END OF YEAR MEETINGS Sunday 2nd Attend B’ham Central Local Time Friday/7th Saturday 8th National Exec./Finance End-of-Year Meetings 10.00am4.00pm Birmingham St George’s Local Fountain Gate National Tabernacle Sunday 9th Attend B’ham City and Redditch Local Time Locals Local 10.00am – 4.00pm Fountain Gate Tabernacle National Locals Locals National Local Local Local Level Saturday 22nd Attend Walsall Apostolic Visit/Area To Leicester District District Evangelism Activities Sunday 23rd Attend B’ham Central Local Monday 24th – Friday 28th Communion Week Fasting and Prayers nd Saturday 22 Sunday February 16th Sunday 16th Friday 21st – Sunday 23rd End-of-Year National Presbytery Council Mtg. BLANKSON FOUNDATION DAY (b) 1-5pm (Presbytery Sandy Lane, Manchester TBC AREA District Local Local Level Birmingham 3|Page Tuesday 25th School of Excellence 1 6:30-8:30pm St George’s Wed. 26th – Friday 28th DISTRICT PENTECOST FIRE MEETINGS 6:30pm9pm Friday 28th District All-night 1 9pm-2am DAY/DATE MARCH ACTIVITY TIME Leaders Birmingham District Level St George’s Birmingham St George’s District VENUE PARTICIPANT BM: ROMANS FOCUS: Understanding and Living by the Holy Spirit Saturday 1st District Women’s Meeting 2-5pm Birmingham St George’s Women Sunday 2nd COMMUNION SERVICES Local Locals Local Level Attend Coventry Locals Monday 3rd – Sunday 9th FRIDAY 7th March McKeown Missions Week McKweon Week/ AREA WATCH NIGHT Locals Locals NATIONAL For The Lord’s Supper Saturday 8th Wedding Local Local Sunday 9th Attend B’ham Locals 1-3:30pm Saturday 15th District Youth Meeting 2-5pm Local Birmingham St George’s Birmingham St George’s Saturday 15th Ministry Leaders and Committees Meeting DISTRICT FUND RAISING Attend Walsall 6-8pm Birmingham St George’s District Level Local Local Local Local Retreat at B’ham 7-9pm Birmingham Local Level Sunday 16th Wed. 19th Local Level District Youth 4|Page Friday -21st Friday 21st – Saturday 22nd City Saturday 22nd District Evangelism Area’s Leaders School Sunday 23rd LOCAL DAY Attend Redditch St George’s 7.00pm – 10.00pm Area Level NATIONAL District District Level To Be Scheduled National LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL Singles Night - LMA 10.00pm – 4.00am Area Level NATIONAL Monday 24 –Sunday 30th Women’s Ministry Week-Long Activities LOCAL LOCAL NATIONAL Tuesday 25th District Executive Meeting 7-9pm District Mission House District Executive Wed. 26th – Friday 28th Local Retreat B’ham Central District Evangelist Trip Local Local Local TBC Leamington Spa District 2-5pm District Level District Women Sunday March 30th District Women’s Meeting BRITISH SUMMER TIME BEGINS Sunday 30th Attend B’ham Locals Local time * th th Saturday 29 Saturday 29th DAY/DATE Leaders School ACTIVITY CLOCK GOES AN HOUR FORWARD TIME VENUE PARTICIPANT BM: GALATIANS APRIL FOCUS: Grace for Receiving and Fanning the Pentecostal Fire Monday 31st – COMMUNION WEEK Friday 4th Fasting and Prayers Tuesday 1st School of Excellence 2 Birmingham 6:30-8:30pm St George’s Wed. 2nd Friday 4th DISTRICT PENTECOST FIRE MEETINGS 6:30pm9pm Friday 4th District All-night 2 9pm-2am Birmingham St George’s Birmingham St George’s Leaders District Level District 5|Page Saturday 5th Wedding 1-3:30pm Birmingham St George’s Local Local Local Venue Local Level Local Local National 7-9PM Birmingham St George’s District Level Manchester Officers In Manchester District District Evangelism Activities Evangelistic Activity in Walsall TBC TBC District Level TBC Walsall District Level District Women’s Meetings 2-5pm Birmingham St George’s District Women DISTRICT FUND RAISING Local Local Venues Local Level Attend Coventry Locals GENERAL EASTER CONVENTION ZONAL ZONAL NATIONAL Telford Locals National Fountain Gate Tabernacle LMA Area COMMUNION SERVICE Sunday 6th Attend B’ham City and Walsall Fasting & Prayer towards Easter Conv. Wed. 9th – Friday 11th Thursday 10 th Friday 11th Saturday 12th Saturday 12th Saturday 12th Sunday 13 th Thursday 17th –Sunday 20th Monday 21st – Friday 25th Monday 21st – Friday 25th Friday 25th – Sunday 27th Saturday April 26th Saturday April 26th MEETINGS OF ALL COMMITTEES AND TEAMS INVOLVED IN THE CONVENTION Gate Keepers Seminar (During the Fasting) Elim Bible Week Prayer Towards General Council Meeting Apostolic Visit to Glasgow All Deaconesses Meeting with National Head All Deacons/Deaconess Teaching and Prayer Meeting with Area Head and Wife Saturday 26th District Officers Retreat (if Area Prog. allows ) Sunday 27th Attend B’ham Central Monday 28th – Friday 2nd May Communion Week Fasting and Prayers Locals 3.00pm – 6.00pm The Time be fixed Later Sandy Lane Manchester Manchester Area 2-5pm Birmingham St George’s District Level Local Time Local Venue Local Locals Local Venue Local Level Birmingham 6|Page Tuesday 29th School of Excellence 3 Wed 30th – 2nd May Local Retreat at Coventry PIWC DAY/DATE ACTIVITY 6:30:8:30pm St George’s TIME VENUE District Level PARTICIPANT BM: JOSHUA MAY FOCUS: Obedience and Faith for Impacting Generations Sunday 4th Communion Services Attend B’ham City and Redditch Local Times Birmingham St George’s Local Level Monday 5th – Saturday 10th GENERAL COUNCIL MEETING (Accra) Arrival Pentecost Conf. Centre International Saturday 10th District Women’s Meeting 2-5pm Birmingham St George’s District Women Sunday 11th Sunday May 18th Attend Walsall Local Time Local Venue Local Level BCC Offering Locals National Saturday 17th District Youth Meeting 2-5pm Locals Birmingham St George’s Sunday 18th Wed. 21st – Saturday 24th Wed. 21st – Saturday 24th Attend B’ham Central Local 7.00pm – 10.00pm To be fixed later Area Level National Area Level National TBC District Local Level Local Local Local Level Leaders Saturday 24th LEADERS SCHOOL National Leaders Training Local Evangelist Activity Sunday 25th Attend Coventry Locals Monday 26th Friday 30th Communion Week Fasting and Prayers Tuesday 27th School of Excellence 4 6:308:30pm Birmingham St George’s Wed. 28th Friday 30th DISTRICT PENTECOST FIRE MEETINGS 6:30pm9pm Friday 30th District All-night 3 9pm-2am Birmingham St George’s Birmingham St George’s District Level District Level District 7|Page DAY/DATE ACTIVITY TIME VENUE PARTICIPANT BM: 1CORINTHIANS JUNE FOCUS: Judging Motivations by the Pentecostal Fire Sunday 1 st Saturday June 7th Saturday June 7th Sunday 8th COMMUNION SERVICES Attend B’ham City and Redditch All Elders Retreat and Meeting with National Head Area Elders Training and Prayer Meeting (Including All Area Pastors) Attend B’ham Central Local Local Local Level 3.00pm – 6.00pm Fountain Gate Tabernacle Area Level 11.00 18.00 Birmingham National Prog at Area Level Local Saturday 14th MEETINGS OF ALL COMMITTEES AND TEAMS INVOLVED IN THE CONFERENCE PEMEM Week-Long Activities District Evangelistic Expedition District Evangelistic Activity Sunday 15th Attend Walsall Local Local Local Level Monday 16th Friday 20th WISDOM CONFERENCE 7-9PM Birmingham St. George’s District Friday 14th Sunday 16th Area Head’s Visit to Telford District Telford District Saturday 21st District Youth Meeting Sunday 22nd Thurs. 19th Sunday 22nd Attend Coventry Locals PIWCs Holy Ghost Prayer Conference (District Level) Local District National Wed. 25th District Executive Meeting 7-9pm Mission House District Executive Tuesday 10th Monday 9th – Sunday 15th Wed. 11th 7-9PM Locals Birmingham St George’s District Level National TBC Locals Leamington Spa TBC Coventry District Level District Level 8|Page Thurs. 26th Sunday 29th Akan Holy Ghost Prayer Conference (District Level) Saturday 28th DISTRICT PRESBYTERY MEETING 1-4PM Sunday 29th Attend B’ham City Local DAY/DATE ACTIVITY District National Birmingham St. George’s Birmingham St. George’s DISTRICT TIME VENUE Local Level PARTICIPANT BM: NEHEMIAH JULY FOCUS: Initiative, Faith, Zeal and Commitment Monday 30th – Friday 4th Communion Week Fasting and Prayers Locals Locals Locals Tuesday 1st School of Excellence 5 6:30-8:30 Officers Wed.2nd – Thursday 4th Birmingham St George’s Local Retreat at Redditch Local Local Local FRIDAY 4TH AREA WATCH NIGHT TO BE DECIDED Local Local Local Sunday 6th 7th – 28th July COMMUNION SERVICES Attend B’ham City and Redditch National Head’s Annual Leave (part 1) Wed. 9th Friday 11th Local Retreat at Walsall Local Local Local Saturday 12th District Evangelistic Activity TBC Birmingham District Level Sunday 13th Monday 14th – Friday 18th Attend B’ham Central National Fasting & Prayer Retreat Local Local Local Locals National Friday 18th Singles Night 7-10pm Saturday 19th District Youth Meeting 2-5pm Locals Birmingham St George’s Birmingham St. George’s Sunday 20th Monday 21st –Sunday 27th Attend Coventry Locals National Youth Ministry Weeklong Activities Locals Locals Local Level District District National District District 9|Page Sunday 27th National Youth Day Sunday 27th July 27th – August 6th July Thursday 24th – Saturday 26th Monday 28th Friday 1st Aug. Attend Redditch Tuesday 29th School of Excellence 6 6:308:30pm Wed. 30th Friday 1st Aug DISTRICT PENTECOST FIRE MEETINGS 6:30pm9pm Birmingham St George’s 9pm-2am Birmingham St George’s Friday 1 Aug st Local ISRAEL TOUR Area Gospel Crusade/ Convention Venue To Local National Local Local ISRAEL NATIONAL Be Decided AREA Birmingham St George’s Leaders Communion Week Fasting and Prayers District All-night 4 DAY/DATE Local ACTIVITY TIME VENUE 9pm-2am Birmingham St. George’s District Level District PARTICIPANT BM: DANIEL AUGUST Friday 1 st FOCUS: Fanning the Pentecost Fire in a Foreign Land District All-night 4 District Level COMMUNION SERVICES Local Saturday 9th Attend B’ham Locals District Evangelistic Activity TBC Birmingham District Level Sunday 10th MEGA OFFERING Local Local Local Level HODDESDON NATIONAL Sunday 3 rd Local Level Attend Walsall Monday 11th – Friday 15th MINISTERS’ & WIVES WAITING District Women’s Birmingham 10 | P a g e Saturday 16th Conference TBC St. George’s District Level Sunday 17th Monday 18th Sunday 31st Attend Redditch COP-UK SILVER JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY District Evangelistic Activity Local Local Local Level Sunday 24th Mon. 18TH – Sun.31st Attend Coventry Locals Locals Sunday 31st Attend B’ham Locals Saturday 23rd DAY/DATE APS. BONSU FIRST ACTIVITY NATIONAL TBC PART OF Local TIME TBC Locals Locals Local Level ANNUAL LEAVE Local Local Level VENUE PARTICIPANT BM: EPHESIANS SEPTEMBER Monday 1st – Friday 5th Tuesday 2 nd FOCUS: Living by Spiritual Perspectives Communion Week Fasting and Prayers School of Excellence 7 6:308:30pm Birmingham St. George’s District Level Locals Level Wed. 3rd – Friday 5th DISTRICT PENTECOST FIRE SERVICES 7-9pm Friday 5th District All-night 5 9pm-2am Birmingham St. George’s Birmingham St. George’s Local Locals Sunday 7th District Level District Level COMMUNION SERVICES Attend B’ham City and Redditch Monday 8th – Sunday 14th Children Ministry WeekLong Programme Sunday 14th Attend B’ham Central Local Local Local Level Sunday 14th National Children’s Day Local National Saturday 20th District Youth Meeting District Local Birmingham St. George’s Sunday 21st Attend Walsall Local Local Local Tuesday 23rd District Executive Meeting 7-9pm Mission House District Executive National District 11 | P a g e Monday 22nd – Sunday 28th Evangelism Ministry Weeklong Activities District District National Saturday 27th District Evangelism TBC District District Level Sunday 28th Attend Coventry Locals Local Local Local Level Monday 29th – Fri. 3rd Oct. Communion Week Fasting Prayers Tuesday 30th School of Excellence 8 Birmingham St George’s Leaders DAY/DATE ACTIVITY 6:308:30pm TIME VENUE PARTICIPANT BM: ESTHER OCTOBER FOCUS: Truth overcomes Wickedness in Exaltation FRIDAY 3RD AREA ALL NIGHT Sunday 5th COMMUNION SERVICES Attend Redditch TO BE DECIDED Local Locals Local Level Local Locals Local Level Friday 10th – Sunday 12th Apostolic visit to Southampton District Southampton District Saturday 11th District Women’s 2-5pm Meeting LOCAL DAY Attend B’ham Locals LOCALS Apostolic visit to Glasgow District AREA HEAD’S VISIT TO BIRMINGHAM Birmingham St. George’s District LOCAL LOCAL Glasgow Birmingham District District District Sunday 12th Friday 17th – Sunday 19th Friday 10th – Sunday 12th Saturday 18 District Youth Meeting 2-5pm Birmingham St. George’s Sunday 19th Monday 20th Sunday 26th Attend Walsall Local Local Local Locals Locals National Saturday 25th Pensions Week District Evangelistic Activity TBC TBC District Level Sunday 26th Attend Coventry Locals Locals Local Local Level th 12 | P a g e Mon 20th –Sat 25th Sunday 26th Area Head’s Tour of Manchester District BRITISH SUMMER TIME ENDS Monday 27th Friday 31st Communion Week Fasting and Prayers District Level Activities Wed. 29th Friday 31st DISTRICT PENTECOST FIRE MEETINGS Friday 31st District All-night 6 6:30pm-9pm Birmingham District Level St George’s Birmingham 9pm-2am St George’s District DAY/DATE NOVEMBER ACTIVITY Manchester Area CLOCK GO BACK ONE HOUR TIME VENUE PARTICIPAN T BM: 2KINGS FOCUS: Impacting the Pentecost Gift to Generations (Elijah Elisha) Sunday 2nd COMMUNION SERVICES Local Local Locals Level Redhill Centre District Level Attend B’ham Locals Friday 7th – Saturday 8th Women’s Leadership Retreat Sunday 9th Officers Appreciation Day Locals Locals National Sunday 9th Monday 10th – Friday 14th Attend Coventry Locals Local Local Local Level International Saturday 15th District Youth Meeting 2-5pm Accra Birmingham St George’s Sunday 16th Attend Redditch Local Local Local Level Fasting & Prayers for The Church’s Breakthrough Local Locals National District District Level Local Local Level Heads Meeting in Accra Monday 10th - District 14 Days Sunday 23rd Fasting and Prayers Sunday 23rd Thurs 20th – Sat. 22nd Saturday 29th Weekend Attend B’ham Locals Teaching and Prayer Session in LEEDS (Area Head) District Evangelistic Activity District Local AREA TBC TBC District Level 13 | P a g e Sunday 30th DAY/DATE DECEMBER Attend Walsall ACTIVITY Local TIME Local VENUE Local Level PARTICIPANT BM: LUKE’S GOSPEL FOCUS: The Gift that impacts Generations Monday 1st – Friday 5th Communion Week Fasting and Prayers Friday 5th AREA ALL NIGHT Sunday 7th Monday 8th – Wed. 10th Attend Coventry Locals Intensive Prayer & Fasting Towards Christmas Convention Tuesday 2nd Thursday 11th – Sunday 14th Thursday 18th – Sunday 21st Wed. 24th – Wed. 31st MEETINGS OF ALL COMMITTEES AND TEAMS INVOLVED IN THE CONVENTION CHRISTMAS CONVENTION (PIWC’s) TO BE DECIDED Local Locals Local Locals Local National 7-9PM Birmingham St George’s District Level District Level District Level National District Level National DISTRICT LEVEL District CHRISTMAS Level CONVENTION (Akan) LOCAL PRESBYTERY, MINISTRIES AND COMMITTEES MEETING Saturday 27th DISTRICT GOSPEL DINNER TBC TBC Sunday 28th Wed. 31st Attend B’ham Locals ALL NIGHT SERVICES TO END THE YEAR Local DISTRICT LEVEL DISTRICT LEVEL JANUARY 3RD 2015 DISTRICT PRESBYTERY MEETINGS DISTRICT LEVEL DISTRICT LEVEL NATIONAL DISTRICT Glasgow is exempted from all are watch nights programmes. The area head will organised separate programmes for them. 14 | P a g e
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