rnJ -I.lii il !!!! - oq.,. \~ REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES - u)- ~- ~~vJ \-\ ~"l~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY MANILA DEPARTMENT ORDER) 06 NO. Series of 2014 ~"\ll'''!>''~) SUBJECT: ~ AMENDED HUMAN RESOURCES OMNIBUS LEVELS OF AUTHORITIES OF DPWH OFFICIALS In the interest of the service and in order to ensure check and balance in the exercise of delegated authorities, the levels of authorities for Human Resources are hereby amended as prescribed in the attached matrix (Annex A). The amended portions, which are in bold font, in Annex A refer to approval of the Resolution of the Central Selection Board and the approval of appointments in the Central Office. This Order shall take effect immediately and supersedes Annex A of D.O. No. 68, series 2013 and amends pertinent provisions of D.O. No. 24, s. 2007, and all other issuances inconsistent herewith. Department of Public Works and Highways Office of the Secretary 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 WIN4102222 , --- Department Order No. Series of 2014 0(, "ANNEX A" OMNIBUS LEVELOF AUTHORITIES OF DPWH KEY OFFICIALS DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE a) Approval of Plantilla of Personnel (Regional Director) OJ c c 0 Vl •.... OJ t:l. CENTRAL OFFICE a) Approval of Plantilla of Personnel (HRAS Director) 0 ":m :P c to 0:: ;: a) Approval of appointment of Casual a) N!A for Central Office (Regional Director) ,......, c to to 0:: OJ .•..• :J to Vl .!!! 0:: •.... o ~ OJ .•..• b) Approval of Contracts of Service of b) Approval of Contracts of Service of Job Order for Project Management Office Job Order (Regional Director) (Project Director) OJ c OJ •.... "0 C ~e 'C Approval of Contracts of Service of Job Order for Services and Bureaus (Assistant Secretary for Support Services) 0 ..c .•..• :J « a) Approval of Division Chiefs and below in the Central Office (to be submitted to the CSB) (Service Director! Project Director! Bureau Director) OJ.0 ~ .8 .2 Ol c OJ 00:: :0-:J ,......, Sjffi ~~ " c"O* o to •.... * ,......, :Poco tOCOU) -gcO:: OJo~ E .- "0 E~:O ow 0 uU)co ~ro§ OJ.bB OJ c OJ b) Approval of Regional Division Chiefs (to be submitted to RSB) (Regional Director) c) Approval of Regional Personnel for Section Chiefs and Below (to be submitted to CSB) (Division Chief) ±::OJ.u OJ EOJU) E..c 0 .•..• u .•..• 0 1::"0 OJ OJ E;!:! OJ E U.o ~ :J t:l.Vl d) Approval of All DEO personnel below ADE (to be submitted to RSB) (District Engineer) a) Central Selection Board Approval of All 2nd level positions except Division Chiefs (Undersecretary Concerned) .•..• c OJ E OJ U 'c ~ o t:l.,......, :POJ"O :J ..c OJ c Vl "OJ 0 •...• OJ 0:: c g o .•... Approval "of All 1st level positions (Assistant Secretary concerned. Undersecretary Concerned if the Asst. Sec. is part of the CSB) ""2:88 to :J OJ 00 OJ coVl±:: c OJ .00:: E .E 1j~0 ~ .•... u OJ c u)o "0 OJ Vl to ~ .0 b) Regional Selection Board Approval of All 1st and 2nd level positions except Division Chiefs and ADEs (Regional Director) Page 1 of 5 Department Order No. Series of 2014 ()(, OMNIBUS LEVELOF AUTHORITIES OF DPWH KEY OFFICIALS DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE a) Approval of All 1st and 2nd level plantilla positions except Division Chiefs and ADEs and Immediate Staff of Presidential Appointees (Regional Director) CENTRAL OFFICE a) Approval of All Division Chiefs (Undersecretary Concerned) Approval of All 2nd level positions except Division Chiefs (Asst. Secretary Concerned) Approval of All 1st level positions (Bureau Director/Service Director/PMO Cluster Director) b) Approval of Casual (Regional Director) c) Approval of Job Order and Contracts of Service (District Engineer) c) Approval of Job Order and Contracts of Service (Regional Director) c) Approval of Job Order and Contracts of Service with prior clearance from the Secretary (Service Director/Project Director/Bureau Director/ Assistant Secretary/ Undersecretary) Renewal of Job Order and Contracts of Service with prior clearance from the Secretary (Service Director/Project Director/Bureau Director/Assistant Secretarv I Undersecretary) d) Approval of Immediate Staff of Presidential Appointees in the CO (per plantilla) except co-terminus with official (CTO) (Assistant Secretary for Support Services) e) Approval of Immediate Staff holding coterminus with official (CTO) positions (Assistant Secretary/ Undersecretary Concerned) a) Approval of Casual (Regional Director) Approval of Job Orders and Contracts of SerVice (District Engineer) b) Approval of Job Orders and Contracts of Service (Regional Director) b) Approval of Job Orders and Contracts of Service (Service Director/ Project Director/ Bureau Director/ Assistant Secretary/ Undersecretary) ~ .!!! ro . -.. Vl Vl .•.... C OJ Vl E"t: t;; OJ •....., ,Q) =s E "0 •.... « u - ~.s roc. (Same as the delegated authorities under "Signing of Appointments") OJ ro .•...• VlVl '5 .Vl OJ U :g Z 1 Approved w/in limits for casuals: 25% for Ros; 50% for DEOs Page 2 of 5 Department Order No. Series of 2014 OMNIBUS DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE LEVEL OF AUTHORITIES Oc, OF DPWH KEY OFFICIALS REGIONAL OFFICE CENTRAL OFFICE a) Approval of Designation of Section a) Approval of Designation of Section Chief Chief (Service Director/ Project Director/ Bureau (Regional Director) Director/ Assistant Secretary) c: o :p b) Approval of Designation up to one (1) month for OlC-DE, OlC-Division Chief, OlC-ADE in the ROs and DEOs (Designee must come from the same Division/DEO) (Regional Director) to c: Cl 'Vi (l) o a) Approval of S~ction Chief and below for reassignment within the same District (District Engineer) a) Approval of Section Chief and below for reassignment within the same Region (including moves between Districts) (Regional Director) a) Approval of Section Chief and below for reassignment within the same Bureau/ Service/ PMO (Service Director/ Project Director/ Bureau Director) The Appointing authority shall approve the reassignment b) Approval of All personnel Section Chief and below for reassignment outside the mother Region/ Bureau/ Service/ PMO (Undersecretary Concerned) a) Approval of All third level officials who are not Presidential Appointees including Division Chiefs and ADEs (Undersecretary for Support Services) b) Approval of Separation and Other Personnel Movement of Section Chief and below (Regional Director) b) Approval of Separation and Other Personnel Movement Section Chief and below (Assistant Secretary for Support Services) Page 3 of 5 Department Order No. 0(, Series of 2014 OMNIBUS DISTRICT ENGINEERING LEVEL OF AUTHORITIES OFFICE OF DPWH KEY OFFICIALS REGIONAL OFFICE a) Approval of Local Travel of All 1st and 2nd level personnel in the Regional Office; including District Engineer and ADEs up to one (1) month (Regional Director) ••...... Iii '0 IE 0 .•.....• Qj > ~ I- Iii u S b) Approval of Local Travel of All DEO personnel below ADE up to five (5) days (District Engineer) a) Approval of Travel Abroad of Section Chiefs and below excluding ADE maximum of thirty (30) working days total (Asistant Secretary for Support Services) lIJ•••..•.• 0l.... lIJ ..c c: 0 Vl l.... Q) Q) « >0... ~ .•.....• l- . a) Recommends Request for authority to teach!practice profession, subject to CSC rules (Regional Director) c:~ .•...•. 2 Vl ~VlQ) Vl 'C Q) :::J 0"'- l.... ..c:eu ~ a) Approval of Local Travel of All 1st and 2nd level personnel in the Central Office and Project Managers (except those designated as Project Directors & Assistant Project Directors) up to one (1) month (Service Director! Project Director! Bureau Director) b) Approval of Local Travel of All DEO b) Approval of Local Travel of Directors and personnel below ADE up to one (1) Assistant Directors month (Regions! Services! Bureaus! PMOs) (Regional Director) (Undersecretary Concerned) "0 o CENTRAL OFFICE 0. U'l 'lIJQ)u oiS.8 "'-u .•.... .•...• lIJ U a) Recommends Request for authority to teach!practice profession, subject to CSC rules (Service Director! Project Director! Bureau Director! Assistant Secretary for Support Services) Recommends Request for authority to teach!practice profession, subject to CSC rules (Undersecretary for Support Services) Vl l.... Q) Q) 0.''-' :::J--..c cr..c: :::J Q) U Vl c::: lIJ 2 .. a) Approval of Bureau, Service, Region and PMO Directors! > five (5) days (Undersecretary Concerned) b) Approval of Leave Applications of Assistant Directors and District Engineers 1 up to five (5) days (Reaional Director) b) Approval of Leave Applications of Assistant Directors up to five (5) days (Project Director! Bureau Director) Approval of Leave Applications of Assistant Directors and District Engineers> five (5) days (Undersecretary Concerned) Vl c: 0 :p lIJ .!::! is.. 0. « ~ lIJ Q) -' c) Approval of Leave Applications of Assistant District Engineer up to one (1) month (Regional Director) c) Approval of Leave Applications of Assistant District Engineer> one (1) month (Undersecretary Concerned) d) Approval of Leave Applications of Division Chiefs up to one (1) month (Regional Director) d) Approval of Leave Applications of Project Managers (except PD and APD) and Division Chiefs up to fifteen (15) days (Assistant Project Director! Assistant Bureau Director) Approval or Leave Applications of Project Managers (except PD and APD) and Division Chiefs up to one (1) month (Service Director! Project Director! Bureau Director) Approval of Leave Applications of Project Managers (except PD and APD) and Division Chiefs> one (1) month (Undersecretary Concerned) 1 copy furnished the Secretary Page 4 of 5 Department Order No, O(j) Series of 2014 OMNIBUS DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE LEVEL OF AUTHORITIES OF DPWH KEY OFFICIALS REGIONAL OFFICE e) Approval of Leave Applications of e) Approval of Leave Applications of Section Chiefs Section Chiefs up to three (3) 5 days months (District Engineer) (Assistant Regional Director) CENTRAL OFFICE e) Approval of Leave Applications of Section Chiefs up to one (1) month (Service Division Chief & Bureau Division Chief) Ul c f) Approval of Leave Applications of Section Chief No Limit (Regional Director) 0 P ro .~ i5.. 0.. <t: f) Approval of Leave Applications of Section Chiefs up to three (3) months (Assistant Project Director/ Assistant Bureau Director) Q) > ro .3 Approval of Leave Applications of Section Chiefs - No Limit (Service Director/ Project Director/ Bureau Director) a) Approval of Certificate of Clearance of Director IV, Director III, Project Managers, DEs, Division Chiefs, ADEs and Bonded Personnel (Undersecretary Concerned) Q) u c ~ ro Q) 0 .•... 0 2 ro u li= :e Q) u .s::: ...., '§: ~ .. Ul Q) C Q) ou.. POl C C Q) .> C C ,- o ~ ul- b) Approval of Certificate of Clearance of Section Chiefs and below (Regional Director) b) Approval of Certificate of Clearance of Section Chief and below (HRAS Director) a) Approval of External Domestic Training, Seminars & Conventions with appropriate expenses Within Region/Metro Manila for CO Personnel up to five (5) days (Regional Director) a) Approval of External Domestic Training, Seminars & Conventions with appropriate expenses Within Region/Metro Manila for CO Personnel beyond five (5) days (Assistant Secretary Concerned) ~~ Ul - •...• Q) ro > C ro 'EQ) ~ • U'lC!1 , Q) .Ol '-" C Ul ._ Q) Ul ro C b) Approval of External Domestic Training, b) Approval of External Domestic Seminars & Conventions with appropriate Training, Seminars & Conventions expenses Within Region/Metro Manila for CO with appropriate expenses Outside Personnel beyond five (5) days Region/Metro Manila for CO (Assistant Secretary Concerned) Personnel up to five (5) days (Regional Director) 'c •...• Q) 1-0.. U X P Q) Ul Q) Q)...., E o .!2 •.... 00.. coC e 0.. •.... 0.. ro ~ w * All approvals must ** Recommendation be in accordance with CSC rules and regulations. for positions that are not for Presidential Appointees and are excluded from this itt~m shall be covered by a Resolution issued by the Management Committee (all Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries) to be approved by the Secretary. *** Copies of approvals should be provided to the Office of the Secretary for informational purposes. Page 5 of 5
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