rJ.,. - FILED AT_ ./.)-O'CLOCKj2M NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS MAR 06 2014 ~~~ Pursuant to the Texas Open Meeting Act, Chapter 551, Texas . Commissioners' Court of Coryell County, Texas, will meet in open session to conduct regu ai' T~ business. The meeting will take place in the Commissioners' Courtroom of the Gatesville Annex, 205 S. 7th Street, Gatesville, TX on Monday, the 10th day of March, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. to discuss and act as appropriate on the items listed. Agenda Items: 1. Call to order 2. Invocation 3. Pledge to the Flags 4. Citizen's Forum: At this time, citizens will be allowed to speak on any matter other than personnel matters, matters under litigation, or matters on the regular agenda, for a length of time not to exceed five minutes per person. Thirty minutes total has been allotted for this section. 5. Consent Agenda: All matters listed under this item are considered to be routine by the Commissioners' Court and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. .If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. A. Consideration and action to accept the submission of the February 2014 financial summary report by the County Clerk's office. (Simpson) B. Consideration and action to accept the submission of the February 2014 report of all taxes collected by the County Tax Assessor-Collector. (Carothers) C. Consideration and action to approve Treasurer's report for the month of January 2014. (Medford) Action Items: 6. Discussion and action to approve the minutes for the Commissioners' Court meeting held on February 24, 2014. (Firth/Simpson) 7. Discussion of Road and Bridge projects and report of Road and Bridge Administrator. (NeeI) 8. Discussion and action to approve Coryell County Resolution #2014-04 in agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for Advance County Road Signs. (Firth) 9. Discussion of actions regarding the establishment of Coryell County Road District # 1. (Wall) 10. Discussion of future actions required to support the creation of a County Energy Transportation Reinvestment Zone. (Firth) 11. Discussion and possible action to modify Coryell County Burn Ban Order 2014-01, burn ban for unincorporated Coryell County effective February 3, 2014. (Firth) 12. Discussion and action on acceptance of roads in Horse Creek Ranch Subdivision, Phase III, Legend Oaks. (Firth/Belt) NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING MARCH 10,014 13. Discussion and action to approve the new County Extension Agent for 4-H and Youth Development for Coryell County presented by Donald KeIrn, District Extension Administrator. (Firth) 14. Discussion and action to approve Coryell County Resolution #2014-05 to open a County Tax office bank account at the National Bank in Copperas Cove. (Firth) 15. Discussion and possible action to approve a Coryell County policy to base the delayed opening of county buildings during hazardous conditions to announcements made by local school districts. (Firth) 16. Discussion of funding and the financial status of the Hill County Community Action Association and its impact on programs operating within Coryell County. (Firth) 17. Discussion and action to approve naming the newly renovated County building located at 800 E. Main Street, Suite A, Gatesville. (Firth) 18. Discussion and action to accept Coryell County Pretrial Services and Indigent Defense Annual Report for FY 2013. (Hull) 19. Discussion and presentation by Pre-Trial Services Department Head, Michael Hull, to update the Commissioners' Court on bondslbond savings and the indigent defense program including TechShare's plans for Fair Indigent Defense online (FIDo). (FirthIH ull) 20. Discussion and action to approve a Tier One Intent to submit application for the second year of a multi-year Discretionary Grant from the Texas Indigent Defense Commission for a Mental Health Defender program for Coryell County. (Firth) 21. Discussion on status of2014 primary voting within Coryell County and the schedule for a run off election. (Firth) 22. Pay Bills. (Firth) Reports: 23. Judges' Report (Firth) 24. Commissioners' Reports (WalllMooreIJoneslLatham) Adjournment Signed this 6th day of March, 2014. John E. Firth Coryell County Judge 2
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