Xi Boulé Soaks Up Spectacular Summer Night Zeta

Zeta Boulé
Xi Boulé Soaks Up Spectacular Summer Night
Archon Carl McCall and Archon Darrell Gay
Archousai Andrea DuBois, Racquel Kelly Oden and Michelle Douglass
Archon Enrique Riggs, guest and Archon Alfonso Carney
Archon Joseph Johnson, Archousa Wendy Carter and Archon Anthony Carter
Guests enjoy the picnic.
Archousa Peggy Murrain, Archons Godfrey Murrain and Fredrick Harris, guests and Archon Spencer Gibbs
The Member Boulés / The Boulé Journal 77•4 / Winter 2013
erched at the edge of a dramatic precipice, the majestic home of Archon Alvin Pittman and Archousa Carla
Pittman provided the venue for the annual summer
party of Xi Boulé, Los Angeles, on September 14, 2013.
The cobbled courtyard entrance led to an expansive deck
and pool, with a breathtaking view of the twinkling lights
and palm trees across the City of Angels. It might have
been a setting from the popular TV series The Hills, where
yesteryear’s movers and shakers, industry tycoons and
the up-and-coming elite resided, relaxed and recovered in
mansions and mini mansions overlooking the burgeoning
city and the Pacific Rim.
Sire Archon Wes Coleman and Archousa Barbara
Coleman welcomed Grand Sire Archon–Elect James Cole
and Archousa Ada Cole, who were visiting the Pittman
family from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Archons and
Archousai in “casual chic” attire greeted old friends and
acquaintances. As the fireball sun began its descent, everyone gathered at flower-bedecked tables for a four-course
dinner. Nonstop conversation punctuated by outbursts of
laughter and fist bumps confirmed the intense joy of brotherhood and camaraderie. After dinner, many couples responded to the band’s call for dancers or clustered around
the pool, soaking up the lush setting, the ambience, the
music and, most of all, this celebration of the best of one
another – yet another occasion for reaffirmation of the purposes and principles of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity.
Sire Archon Wes Coleman, Archousai Ada Cole and Barbara Coleman, and Grand Sire Archon–Elect
James Cole
Archons Christopher Reynolds, Robert Dockery, Jr., and Alvin Pittman
Yvonne Greene and Archon Clifton V. Lee
Archon Samuel Biggers and Archousa Florestine Biggers
Archon Harold C. Haizlip
Grapter, Xi Boulé
Winter 2013 / The Boulé Journal 77•4 / The Member Boulés 113
Xi Boulé
Xi Boulé
Archon James Castillo and Archousa Jackie Castillo
Archousa Beverly Patrick and Archon William Patrick, Jr.
Archon G. Bernard Brown, Archousa Jasmine Brown and Sire Archon Wes Coleman
Archon Albert DeBlanc and Archousa Leona DeBlanc
Archousa Carla Pittman and Sharon Barker
Archousa Carla Pittman and Archon Alvin Pittman welcome arriving guests.
Archon Carl Douglas, waitress and Archon Winston Kevin McKesson
Laia Hansen and Archon Gilmore Funning
Archousa Virginia Carter and Archon Herbert Carter
Archon Rod Henley and Archousa Carrie Henley
Carl Bolton, Archon Harold Haizlip, Judge Michael Carter and Archon Damon Lee
The Member Boulés / The Boulé Journal 77•4 / Winter 2013
Winter 2013 / The Boulé Journal 77•4 / The Member Boulés 115