Terms of use ABG seal EN Verwendungsbestimmungen

Terms of Use for Trademark Logos of
Austria Bio Garantie GmbH (ABG) including ABG branch offices
and for third countries
These Terms of Use form an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions
(currently valid version)
The client shall be entitled, after inspection and/or certification, to use the trademark logo (s) registered for
ABG to identify/label products and for advertising purposes.
In principle, the following shall apply:
The following illustrations are logos that are protected under trademark law. You may download the logos
free of charge from www.abg.at. In this instance, however, you undertake to use the logos in accordance
with the relevant guidelines and directives, which will be verified during inspection. Any illegitimate use and
any infringement may result in legal penalties.
Trademark logos of Austria Bio Garantie GmbH (ABG)
Colour definition of the Austria Bio Garantie seal:
Geen: 100 Cyan / 25 Magenta/ 90 Yellow/ 0 Key
Green: RGB 0/124/69
Red: 10 Cyan / 100 Magenta / 100 Yellow/ 10 Key
Red: RGB 196/7/27
Green: 349 C
Red: 187 C
 General ABG seal and seal for third countries
Available in color and black/white
Use: For businesses with an inspection contract with Austria Bio Garantie GmbH, as
well as with ABG branch offices and for businesses in third countries.
 On the product: After the conclusion of the inspection contract, businesses shall
be entitled to use the logo to identify/label products that are regulated in the
currently valid version of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 or in the currently valid
version of the Codex Alimentarius Austriacus chapter A8 and/or in the organic
standards under private law recognized by ABG or inspected according ABGProduction standard in third countries (outside the European Union). Additionally
these products must be permitted to bear a reference to organic production in the
sales description.
Agricultural enterprises may use the logo only on organic products, not on
products in conversion.
 Additional specification permitted on advertising materials (business documents, web pages, etc.) in the
same field of view as the seal:
 “Our organic products are certified by Austria Bio Garantie.”
"Produsele noastre ecologice sunt certificate de Austria Bio Garantie."
“Naše ekološke proizvode certificira Austria Bio Garantie.”
“Unsere Bio-Produkte werden von der Austria Bio Garantie zertifiziert."
 For trading businesses:
“Our retail activities are certified by Austria Bio Garantie.”
"Activitatea noastra de comert cu amanuntul este certificata de Austria Bio Garantie."
“Naše trgovačke aktivnosti certificira Austria Bio Garantie.“
“Unsere Handelstätigkeit wird von der Austria Bio Garantie zertifiziert.“
 For agricultural companies:
“Our agricultural company is certified by Austria Bio Garantie GmbH.”
"Ferma noastra este certificata de Austria Bio Garantie."
"Našu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju certificira Austria Bio Garantie.”
“Unser landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb wird von der Austria Bio Garantie GmbH zertifiziert.“
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 Restaurants and industrial kitchens must add one of the following supplementary indications:
 “Our organic meals and ingredients are certified by Austria Bio Garantie.”
"Meniul nostrum si ingredientele sunt certificate de Austria Bio Garantie."
"Naše ekološke obroke i sastojke certificira Austria Bio Garantie.“
“Unser Bio-Teil-/Vollsortiment wird durch die Austria Bio Garantie zertifiziert.“
 “The organic ingredients used in our kitchen are inspected by Austria Bio Garantie.”
"Ingredientele noastre ecologice sunt certificate de Austria Bio Garantie."
"Ekološke sastojke koje koristimo u našoj kuhinji kontrolira Austria Bio Garantie.”
“Die Bio-Zutaten unserer Küche werden durch die Austria Bio Garantie überprüft.“
 “Our organic meals are regularly inspected by Austria Bio Garantie.”
"Meniurile noastre ecologice sunt inspectate regulat de Austria Bio Garantie."
"Naše ekološke obroke redovno kontrolira Austria Bio Garantie.“
“Unsere Bio-Speisen werden durch regelmäßigen Kontrollen der Austria Bio Garantie überprüft.“
 “We guarantee the quality of our organic products through certification by Austria Bio Garantie.”
"Garantam calitatea ecologica a produselor noastre prin certificarea acordata de Austria Bio Garantie."
„Osiguravamo kvalitetu naših ekoloških proizvoda certifikatom Austria Bio Garantie.“
“Wir garantieren unsere Bio-Qualität durch die Zertifizierung der Austria Bio Garantie.“
 ABG seal in ROMANIA
Available in color and black/white
For Romanian organic food products inspected by ABG Romania (ABG branch office)
and certified by ABG in Austria.
Requirements: For businesses being inspected by ABG and have a valid inspection
contract with Austria Bio Garantie SRL in Romania. New organic product(s) label(s)
must be sent, for approval, to ABG before use.
Use: As with the general seal.
 ABG seal in CROATIA
Available in color and black/white
For Croatian organic food products inspected by ABG Croatia and certified by ABG in
Requirements: For businesses being inspected by Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o. and
have a valid inspection contract with Austria Bio Garantie in Croatia. New organic
product(s) label(s) must be sent, for approval, to ABG before use.
Use: As with the general seal.
 ABG seal in BULGARIA
Available in color and black/white
For Bulgarian organic food products inspected by ABG Bulgaria and certified by ABG
in Austria.
Requirements: For businesses being inspected by TP Avstria Bio Garanti and have a
valid inspection contract with Austria Bio Garantie in Bulgaria. New organic product(s)
label(s) must be sent, for approval, to ABG before use.
Use: As with the general seal.
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EU Organic Logo
You can find the exact style guide in the Regulation (EC) No 271/2010 and in
the user manual.
For import of organically certified products from third countries into the European Union companies must
use the correct code number, either AB-BIO-131 or AB-BIO-658 (AB is the ISO Code of the respective
country), depending on the product scope and import mechanism. Your logo should be proven by the
certification body Austria Bio Garantie.
The code number of the certifier (e.g. AT-BIO-301) and the place of farming (EU/non-EU agriculture)
must be displayed in the same visual field of the EU Organic Logo.
Improper use of the trademark logos
In case of malpractice or improper use of the trademark logos, the contracting parties shall first strive to
reach an amicable solution. In the first occurrence of an infringement, ABG shall respond with a written
warning, including reasonable corrective measures. In the event of further infringements or if an amicable
solution cannot be reached, the client shall be required to pay a penalty in the amount of 10% (minimum
amount € 1,000.-) of the turnover earned as a result of sales of the incorrectly labeled products. This fine
shall not be subject to the judicial right of mitigation. Furthermore, ABG shall be entitled to terminate the
inspection contract immediately and without notice if the trademark logo is used in a manner contrary to
the contract.
AS OF: 2014-04-7
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