Chemistry 605 (Reich) SECOND HOUR EXAM Sat. April 19, 2014 Question/Points R-13A /20 R-13B /15 R-13C /20 R-13D /15 R-13E /20 R-13F Total Average Hi 61 92 /10 Mode Median 51 64 /100 AB BC 75 45 Distribution from grade list (average: 61.1; count: 26) 4 Number 3 2 1 0 0.00 10.00 20.00 Name 30.00 40.00 50.00 Grade 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 Answer Key If you place answers anywhere else except in the spaces provided, (e.g. on the spectra or on extra pages) clearly indicate this on the answer sheets. 20 Problem R-13A. Assign several of the protons and analyze multiplets of a steroid. (a) Assign and analyze the following signals (report multiplicity and J values). Use the steroid numbering on the structure: H3, tdd, J = 11, 7, 6 Hz δ 3.55 6 H15, ddd, J = 7, 5, 2 Hz δ 4.55 H6, dt, J = 5, 2 Hz δ 5.40 (b) Assign the 2-proton signal between δ 2.4 and δ 2.7. Briefly provide a rationale for this assignment. What kind AB of ABX of multiplet is this? 4 Apart from H3, H15 and H6, the H16 protons will be the most downfield. The large 2J (19 Hz) also means the protons must be next to the keto group 10 Solution 2 JAB 19.1 19.1 JAX 0.6 -14.8 JBX 6.3 21.6 νA 701.2 693.5 νB 683.0 690.7 νAB 18.2 2.9 i14=i15 0.0074 0.47 δA 2.60 2.57 δB 2.53 2.56 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 671.99 666.91 691.12 685.71 696.54 695.1 715.5 714.25 7 3 666.9 672.0 4 8 2.65 1 2 2.60 2.55 2.50 B A 2.45 Sol. 1 A Sol. 2 679.86 686.15 700.95 701.51 Solution 1 is correct - can't have a negative 3J, as in Sol 2. Also the Sol. 2 couplings are unreasonably large 685.7 5 6 Solution 1 691.1 c- ± Δνab-/2 = 701.51, 686.15 c+ ± Δνab+/2 = 700.95, 679.86 696.5 695.1 c- = 693.8 Δνab- = 15.3 c+ = 690.4 Δνab+ = 21.2 715.5 714.2 (c) Analyze this multiplet in a mathematically correct fashion (also show a coupling tree), using the frequencies given. Report coupling constants and chemical shifts. If two solutions are possible present them, and provide a rationale for choosing one of them. Problem R-13A 270 MHz 1H NMR Spectrum in CDCl3 Source: Ieva Reich (3/27) O 12 11 1 H 9 H HO 14 16 15 2 3 8 H OH 30 20 10 0 Hz 6 4 H15, ddd, J = 7, 5, 2 Hz H6, dt, J = 5, 2 Hz H3, tdd, J = 11, 7, 6 Hz 5.45 5.40 5.35 4.55 4.50 3.6 2.6 3.5 2.4 2.5 2.3 2.2 H11ax 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.35 1.30 2.03 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.00 0.88 0.88 H15 H6 6 5 H3 4 H16 3 ppm H8 2 1 0 15 Problem R-13B. Compound R-13B is a disubstituted naphthalene. Spectra of just the aromatic region are provided in two different mixtures of CDCl 3 and C6D6. From an analysis of the spectra, determine the positions of substitution. The substituents are: O O OMe Problem R-13B (C16H18O3) 270 MHz 1H NMR Spectrum in C6D6/CDCl3 (4/1) (Source: Ieva Reich 11/15) 2.85 8.0 H 1.00 O H 6.95 OMe O 30 20 10 0 H 7.15 Hz 1.10 H 7.57 H 7.67 H 7.63 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.1 7.0 6.9 ppm Problem R-13B (C16H18O3) 270 MHz 1H NMR Spectrum in C6D6/CDCl3 (5/2) (Source: Ieva Reich 11/15) 2.98 30 20 10 0 Hz 1.07 1.00 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.2 0.97 7.1 7.0 ppm .(a) Draw a possible structure, and label it with chemical shifts. Use the top spectrum for this, please. There are two patterns of 1,2,4-hydrogens H 8.0 11 H 6.95 R H 7.67 H 7.63 X H 7.15 7.63 6.95 8.0 7.57 7.67 Upfield signals - this one should have the electron-donating OMe group at position X 7.15 O O H 7.57 (b) Is another substitution pattern consistent with the spectra? Explain. 4 There is no way to determine the relative position of the substituents on the two rings with the information at hand 7.63 7.57 7.15 7.67 O OMe O 8.0 OMe 6.95 Problem R-13C. You are given the structure of a pentose thiol triacetate and asked to determine the relative stereochemistry and conformation from the 270 MHz 1H NMR spectrum presented on the next page. (a) Analyze the sets of signals and show coupling constants in the standard format. When you have completed the analysis, assign the individual protons (e.g., H5ax). Use the numbering system given on the structure in part (b). 2 δ 3.75 dd, J = 12, 9 Hz This must be H5a from the chemical shift - coupled gem and ax-ax. Thus H4 must be axial. 2 δ 4.05 ddd, J = 11.5, 4.5, 1 Hz This must be H5e - coupled gem and eq-ax. There is also a W-coupling to the equatorial H3 4 δ 4.95 dd, 8, 2.5 - H2 br d, 8 - H1 This is an AB pattern, one half is coupled to an X proton by ca 2.5 Hz, the other half is broadened. These must be the H1 and H2 protons, the H1 is broadened by exchange of the SH (which is a broad singlet at δ 2.17). The 8 Hz coupling between H1 and H2 means both protons are axial. The small coupling (2.5 Hz) of H2 to H3 means H3 is equatorial 2 δ 5.07 ddd, J = 8.5, 4.5, 3 This is the proton at H4, coupled to the axial proton at C5 (9 Hz) and to the eq protons at C5 and C3. Thus H3 must be equatorial. 2 δ 5.55 This is the equatorial H3 proton, coupled twice eq-ax (2.5 Hz) to H4 and H2. There is a small W coupling to H5e. td, 2.5, 1 (b) Determine the stereochemistry of R-05K. Place the appropriate substituents in each of the boxes on the structure below. H H5e H 4 O 5 O SH AcO 5 5 SH H 1 2 1 3 2 H5a OAc AcO 4 OAc 3 OAc H OAc (c) Briefly describe how you made the assignment at C-4. 3 H5a and H5e can be assigned from their chemical shifts (most upfield of the ring protons) and coupling patterns. H5a shows, in addition to the 12 Hz gem coupling, a 9 Hz vicinal coupling, which means H4 must be axial. H4 can be assigned from the three couplings, two of which are to the H5 protons. Problem R-13C (C11H16O7S) 270 MHz 1H NMR spectrum in CDCl3 (Source: Paul Savage/Gellman 11/32) O 5 H5a 8.61 dd, J = 12, 9 Hz H5e dd, J = 11.5, 4.5, 1 Hz SH 1 2 AcO 4 OAc 3 OAc 10.00 H3 4.1 dt, 2.5, 1 4.0 3.8 H1 br d, 8 H4 30 20 10 0 3.7 Hz H2 ddd, J = 8.5, 4.5, 3 dd, 8, 2.5 H AcO 5 H 3 5.1 5.60 5.55 5.50 2.88 5.0 H H 4 O 2 1 SH H AcO OAc H 4.9 SH Curphy-Morrison: H SH X 7.0 1.3 O-Alkyl 2.10 O-Ac 6.5 1.06 1.00 1.02 2.2 2.1 2.0 3.45 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 ppm 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 15 1060.7 1059.0 1057.2 1074.1 1072.3 1070.5 1068.8 1067.5 1085.2 1083.9 1082.1 Problem R-13D. This problem requires you to interpret the partial 500 MHz 1H NMR spectrum of a 1,2-dimethylpiperidine deuterated 94% on the N-methyl group (source: F. A. L. Anet J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1989, 111, 3429). 30 20 10 0 Hz AB q of 1:1:1 triplets Normal Spectrum CH3 N CH3 CH2D CH3 JHD = 1.8 Hz 1059.0 94% 1085.3 1084.0 6% 2 1072.6 1070.8 N AB q JAB = 11.6 Hz Deuterium decoupled νAB = 2 JHH (25.0) (1.8) = 6.71 Hz νA = 1071.7 + 6.71/2 = 1075.1 δ 2.15 νB = 1071.7 - 6.71/2 = 1068.3 δ 2.17 2.18 c = 1071.7 2.16 2.14 ppm 2.12 δ 2.14 2.10 Identify all of the peaks in both the top and bottom spectra. Briefly explain the pattern, extract all coupling constants and determine exact chemical shifts, and report them in the standard format (e .g., δ 3.44, t, nJxy = 3.5 Hz). 3 The signals we are looking at are the N-CH3 protons (δ 2.17) and the N-CH2-D protons (2.11-2.17) 3 In the deuterium decoupled spectrum the singlet at δ 2.17 is N-CH3 9 In D-decoupled the AB quartet centered at δ 2.14 is the N-CH2-D group. The CH2 group is diastereotopic (there is an asymmetric center at C-2) and so forms an AB quartet. 2 JAB = 11.7 Hz, δA = 2.15, δB = 2.13 3 Normal spectrum: each peak of the AB quartet is split into a 1:1:1 triplet by coupling to D. 2JHD = 1.7 Hz 20 Problem R-13E (C18H25O2PSi). In this problem you are given the structure of a phosphorus compound and asked to interpret parts of the NMR spectrum. For each multiplet or set of multiplets report the pattern in the standard format: δ 0.00, triplet of pentets, nJXY = 0.0 Hz. You may use first order analysis. O SiMe3 P (a) Assign and interpret the three signals centered at δ -0.05. O-CH2-CH3 Me3Si signal The two small peaks are 4 29 Si satellites 2 JH-Si = 7Hz (b) Assign and interpret the multiplet at δ 0.75. Draw and label a coupling tree. B This is the P-CH2-SiMe3 group - the protons are diastereotopic (P is an asymmetric center), so this is an ABX pattern X = 31P JAB = 14 Hz (2JHH) δA = 0.73 7 30 20 10 0 A 2 JHH Hz JAX = 16 Hz (2JH-P) δB = 0.78 2 2 JH-P JBX JBX = 18 Hz (2JH-P) (this is "AMX" treatment which always corresponds to Solution1, not a proper ABX analysis, so if this happens to be a Solution 2 situation, then the J's would be very wrong - they do look OK though, and so Solution 1 is probably fine) JH-P JAX 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 (c) Assign and interpret the multiplets at δ 3.7 - 4.2. Draw and label a coupling tree. ABM3X Each pattern is a doublet of pentets, J = 10, 7 Hz for the diastereotopic O-CH2-CH3 group. The pentet arises because 3JHH to the CH3 group and 3JHP are nearly the same 6 3 JHH = 7 Hz 3 JHP = 7 Hz 2 JHH = 10 Hz We know the 10 Hz coupling is the gem JHH because of the size, and leaning effects. 4.20 4.15 4.10 4.05 4.00 3.85 3.80 3.75 3.70 (d) Assign and interpret the multiplet at δ 8.2. This must be the proton ortho to the phosphonate group approximately a ddd, J = 12, 6, 2 Hz. There are some second-order effects, so couplings are suspect 3 3 JHH = 8 Hz (ortho coupling) 4 H O P SiMe3 O-CH2-CH3 JHH = 2 Hz (meta coupling) 3 JHP = 12 Hz (ortho 31P coupling) 8.25 8.20 8.15 Problem R-13E (C18H25O2PSi) 300.1 MHz 1H NMR Spectrum in CDCl3. Source:Olafs Daugulis/Vedejs 08/24 30 20 10 0 O Hz B O 2 SiMe3 P SiMe3 P X A A HB H JHH OEt 2 2 7.6 7.5 7.4 3 O P d pentets (actually dqd) HB HA O d pentets (actually dqd) CH3 3 JHH = 7 Hz 3 JHP = 7 Hz 2 JHH = 10 Hz 4.20 4.15 4.10 4.05 4.00 8.25 8.20 8.15 1.30 1.25 3.85 3.80 3.75 3.70 0.00 -0.05 3.05 ddd, J = 12, 6, 2 Hz JHH = 8 Hz (ortho coupling) 4 JHH = 2 Hz (meta coupling) 3 JHP = 12 Hz (ortho 31P coupling) 2.03 0.96 10 JH-P JAX 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 7.3 7.97 Benzene Shifts O 0.48 P OMe 0.16 OMe 0.24 JH-P JBX 9 1.00 8 7 6 5 ppm 4 0.90 3 2 1 0 10 Problem R-13F. Here are the two parts of quiz 217 we didn't get to finish during my first lecture. Put your analysis (δ, J, multiplicity) in the space provide, and suggest some possible structures from the quiz answer sheet. Below are proton multiplets in different molecules. Analyze the pattern and extract the coupling constants. From the chemical shift given, what kind of protons are these likely to be? What part structures are suggested by this pattern? Find one or more molecules on the "NMR Quiz Answers" sheet that fit the chemical shift and coupling pattern. 40 30 20 Hz (b) Integration: 2H 5 HD NH2 HC Y HB HB 7.40 7.35 ppm 0 These are two aromatic protons (HA and HB), coupled to each other with J = 8 Hz (ortho). The upfield proton HB has a second ortho coupling to HC. Both protons are meta-coupled also, HA to HC, and HB to HD HB td, 8, 1.5 dd, J = 8, 2 HA 10 X 7.30 O Br HA 17 HA 8 9 10 25 also fit 22 ddd, δ 3.45, J = 8.5, 8, 3.3 (almost a dt) 976.7 986.2 985.6 983.5 995.3 993.0 992.4 1002.0 1030.2 1026.9 1038.3 1035.3 (c) Integration: 2H 1047.1 1044.0 5 less well because J in pyridine are more varied ddd, δ 3.30, J = 9.0, 8.5, 6.8 9.0 8.5 8.5 8.0 3.3 Most likely structure: HA HX HA and HB of an ABXY pattern O C C HB HY J / Hz 6.8 O 3.50 3.45 3.40 3.35 ppm Coupling constants are consistent for those in a five-membered ring. They don't fit very well for chair cyclohexane 3.30 3.25 O Ph N HB HY N+ HA HX 18 19 HB HA NMR Quiz Answers Hans Reich Chem 605 CF3 OEt O Cl O OH S CF3 2 S CF3 N-H OH S O O O CF3 O OEt 1 CF3 CF3 4 3 5 O H O Br H N O H 6 OH OH 7 8 O 9 SeCH2Ph 10 O H HO O SiMe3 H S Cl S H SeCH2Ph H 11 12 14 13 15 16 O NH2 Br O Ph O N 18 S 19 23 27 SiMe3 O S H OH O O 25 24 O O OEt O CO2tBu 21 Ph O O O OMe 22 O H 20 HO Ph Ph H O N N EtO Ph P H 17 O O N+ Br O 26 OH O O H 28 29 30 31
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