57th General Assembly 2014 (128.96 KB)

Minutes of the 57th General Assembly ACI Suisse
12 September 2014, 6.00 pm, Renaissance Zurich Tower Hotel, Zurich
Welcome address
The president of ACI Suisse, Bruno Langfritz, opened the general assembly and welcomed all ACI Suisse members,
honorary members, guests and particularly
Marshall Bailey, president ACI International
Nigel Brandon-Bravo, board member ACI UK
Sergio Zora, board member ACI Italy
In his following speech the president addressed these topics:
Investigations into alleged manipulation of the foreign exchange market
Market update
ACI Suisse board activities
ACI World Congress 2017
ACI Suisse goes press
Firstly, Bruno mentioned that the foreign exchange market has recently been very prominent in the press, however
not because of volatile markets but due to investigations into alleged manipulation of foreign exchange rates and
the misbehaviour of traders. In this context he highlighted the ACI Model Code and appealed to all members using
the Model Code as a guide for best practice.
Looking back on the market Bruno summed up that foreign exchange rates had been stuck in very tight ranges with
low turnover, an environment which has been challenging for many banks especially as the regulatory burden
continues to increase. Clearly, this has left most banks behind their annual budgets and Bruno expressed hopes that
the last quarter will be the best quarter of 2014.
Regarding the ACI Suisse board activities Bruno told the members that he was invited, among other market
representatives, by the «Eidgenössisches Finanzdepartement (EDF)» to Bern to discuss benchmarks fixings and if
regulators should take an active role in the fixing process. The outcome was that EDF will monitor to see if the
market can manage to self-regulate itself. Furthermore Bruno and the members of the board visited many banks to
discuss the future role of ACI Suisse and the expectations of its members.
Bruno then turned to ACI Suisse’s application for the ACI World Congress in 2017. During the council meeting held
in March 2014 at the ACI World Congress in Berlin, ACI Ireland and ACI Suisse both presented their application for
the World Congress in 2017. The council voted in favour of Ireland, therefore the 56th ACI World Congress will be
held in Dublin. ACI Suisse might apply again for 2018 but no decision has been made yet.
The president then informed briefly that he has been supporting press and other media to pass on knowledge
about foreign exchange trading.
Bruno ended his speech thanking all board colleagues for their work and especially Rita Bührer for her great
After the opening speech, Rainer Thüer presented the agenda for the general assembly
Election of vote counters
Approval of the minutes of the general assembly 2013
Activities reporting
Audit report
Décharge of the board
Confirmation of board members
Budget 2015
Election of the vote counters
Christian Rohrer, Luzerner Kantonalbank
Roland Müller, Valcambi SA
were elected as vote counters.
Approval of the minutes of the general assembly 2013
Under guidance of the secretary, Bernd Roth, the general assembly unanimously approved the minutes of the
previous 56th general assembly, which was held in September 2013 in Zurich.
Activities reporting
The secretary, Bernd Roth, presented the membership figures:
Deutschschweiz Romandie Ticino
Bernd then informed the members attending the general assembly that the board of ACI Suisse has decided to
open the association to other financial Institutions such as asset & wealth managers, pension funds and trusts.
Interested companies need to be regulated by a supervisory authority and must be active in FICC markets. As always
all new members will be approved by the board individually.
The next international events will be the following:
6-9 November 2014, 39th ICA Conference, Dubai
3-7 February 2015, 54th ACI Financial Markets World Congress, Milan
2016, 55th ACI Financial Markets World Congress, Jakarta
2017, 56th ACI Financial Markets World Congress, Dublin
The secretary’s report ended with a short promotional film for the ACI World Congress in Milan.
Daniel Haid updated the guests on operations activities. He outlined the challenge that operations face nowadays:
efficiency and low cost requirements on the one hand and regulatory changes on the other hand - both in
combination with the continuous order to adapt new technology and process optimization. Furthermore, Daniel
informed about the «Book of Work 2014» which focuses on transaction reporting and confirmation timelines,
harmonization of regulatory product definitions and further automation of the confirmation process.
Business & Product Events
Marcel Zimmermann looked back on the past business & product events:
10 December 2013 «FX Turnover Survey» with Andreas Schrimpf, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
followed by a panel discussion in Zurich
The next planned business & product events are:
15 October 2014 «Abenomics» with Yujiro Goto, Nomura and Thomas Köhler, a Swiss travel agent in
20 November 2014 «Apéritif Marché Monétaire» with Fritz Zurbrügg, Swiss National Bank in Geneva.
Marcel then provided an update on the developments regarding the TOIS fixing where ACI Suisse has been the
administrator since 2001. A working group has drafted a new TOIS fixing agreement and new fixing practice
standards which both should enter into force soon. ACI Suisse will keep the role of administrator of the TOIS fixing.
In his role as vice president of ACI Suisse Marcel took over the role of chairman of the «ACI International President
Delegated Selection Committee» in October 2013. The task was completed in March 2014 when Marshall Bailey
was elected as new ACI International president.
Rainer Thüer informed the members about initiatives from ACI Suisse to establish closer contacts with local media
and mentioned the various international bodies where ACI Suisse board members take an active role.
Christoph Niggli congratulated the new ACI Diploma holders
Mehdi Schnider, Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Manuel Christen, Basler Kantonalbank
David Marasco, Aargauische Kantonalbank
Matthias Keller, Aargauische Kantonalbank
and handed over a little gift to the graduates present at the general assembly.
Christoph the explained the new ACI International exam portfolio and presented Bloomberg as new partner for the
Looking ahead, Christoph told the guests, that under the lead of ACI Suisse the German Language Group is
organizing a «Think Tank Workshop» in the first quarter 2015. Interested and motivated members are invited to
discuss global changes and future challenges and their implications on the foreign exchange market and especially
the ACI organisation.
Marketing and Sponsoring
Andreas Hablützel named the sponsors of the general assembly 2014 and thanked all sponsors for their important
financial support over the year.
The sponsors are:
Cosmorex AG
LMAX Exchange
Thomson Reuters
velcor sa
Social Events
Peter Bollier presented the past social events:
June 2014 «ACI Soccer Tournament»
July 2014 «World Cup Public Viewing»
Peter thanked all sponsors and looked ahead to the next planned social event:
November 2014 «Wine Tasting»
The ambassador of the Romandie, Eric Vauthey, reported on the past events:
21 November 2013, Apéritif «Marché Monétaire» with Swiss National Bank in Geneva
11 June 2014 «Soirée de l’amicale des cambistesC in Geneva.
The next events will be:
20 November 2014 «Apéritif Marché Monétaire» with Fritz Zurbrügg, Swiss National Bank in Geneva
«Repas de l’amicale des cambistes», tba.
«Table ronde», tba.
The ambassador of Ticino, Carlo Delgrosso, outlined a few activities organized for the foreign exchange community
in Ticino.
The ambassador of Liechtenstein, Paul Göldi, highlighted one product event in Liechtenstein:
November 2013, ACI FL event «FX e-tools - beyond the obvious» in combination with a «Meet the
president of ACI Suisse»
The next planned event is:
12 March 2015, «Collateral & Liquidity Management» in Bendern.
The treasurer, Urs Zurbrügg, outlined a number of details of the ACI Suisse financial situation for the reporting year
2013. Details can be requested directly from the treasurer by any ACI member. ACI Suisse closed the year with a
loss of CHF 25’791.--.
Audit report
The auditor, Daniel Barmettler, explained that he reviewed the financials based on the “Schweizer Prüfungsstandard
910” (standard for associations like ACI Suisse) and proposed the general assembly to approve the finance report.
Décharge of the board
Asked by the secretary, Bernd Roth, the ACI members discharged the board unanimously.
Confirmation of board members
The members unanimously re-elected Andreas Hablützel and Urs Zurbrügg for three years (2014-2017).
Budget 2015
The treasurer, Urs Zurbrügg, presented the budget for 2015 and explained the major points. The budget was
accepted by the members unanimously.
After the speech of Marshall Bailey, president ACI International and short messages from the platinum sponsors
Killian O’Hagan, Bloomberg, and Heiko Cassens, SwapClear/LCH.CLEARNET, ACI Suisse president Bruno Langfritz
officially closed the general assembly 2014 at 7.20 pm.
Bernd Roth
Secretary ACI Suisse