M. Cueto, M. Jiménez‐Redondo, V.J. Herrero, J. L. Doménech, J. Cernicharo Inst. Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Spain Funding: CSD2009‐00038 “ASTROMOL”, FIS2010‐16455 2 1. Introduction 2. Kinetics of Cold Plasmas of H2 + Simple Gases of interest to Interstellar Media (ISM). 3. Spectroscopy in the Laboratory and detection in Space of Ions of Astrophysical Interest. 3 Interest of cold plasmas with high H2 content • Plasma‐Wall Interaction in Nuclear Fusion Reactors This talk • Thin Film Processing (microelectronics, solar cells…) • Chemistry of Interstellar Media (ISM) & Planet Atmospheres Hydrogen: the main constituent of Universe! Periodic Table of Astronomers H 75% He 23% O 1% C 0.5% N 0.1% … Ar 0.02%... 4 180 molecular species detected till now in space: • • • • • Simple radicals (OH, NH…) Diatomic molecules (H2, HD, O2, N2…) Polyatomic species (H2O, D2O, NH3…) Protonated ions (H3+, H2D+, N2H+, H3O+…) Complex species (amino acids, C60… ) http://www.astrochymist.org/astrochymist_mole.html actualized list of the species found Molecules play key roles in the Generation of New Stars in Interstellar Molecular Clouds 5 • MOLECULAR IONS can be neutralized much more efficiently than ATOMIC IONS. Through dissociative neutralizations: AB+ + e A + B, they decouple the gas from any electro‐magnetic field. The Horsehead Nebula, dark molecular cloud in Orion • MOLECULES cool efficiently the gas heated by gravity collapse, thanks to their large number of energy levels, many more than ATOMS, allowing very efficient absorption and emission of radiation. 6 Electro‐Magnetic Spectrum e‐ + e+ annihilation (0.5 MeV, 4 nm) Cosmic background 2.7 K (0.2 meV, 1 mm) MW Molecular Transitions Electronic Vib‐Rotational Rotational Cold ISM Regions 7 Spectral transmittance of dark Molecular Clouds Composed mainly of H2 and Dust (1%) Barnard 68 T 16 K UV ‐ visible ( large dust opacity ) Infrared ‐ Radio waves ( good transparency ) Most appropriate for molecular detection ! 8 Cold H2 rich lab plasmas vs. ISM Molecular Clouds Similarities • Gas‐phase dominated by H2 • Low ionization degree • Low density only binary collisions • Extensive ion‐molecule chemistry (large k f(Tgas)) • The lack of three body reactions implies that surface chemistry is crucial to explain the formation of molecules like H2 9 Cold H2 rich lab plasmas vs. ISM Molecular Clouds Differences • Ionization mechanisms: Lab: electron impact Molec. Clouds: cosmic rays • Neutralizations of ions : Lab: neutralization in the wall Molec. Clouds: dissociative electron attachment • Surface chemistry: Different relevance of the different possible processes, such as Langmuir‐Hinshelwood, Eley‐Rideal… 10 2. Kinetics of Cold Plasmas rich in H2 of interest to Interstellar Media (ISM). Electric discharges studied: H2 , H2 + N2 , H2 + O2 , H2 + Air , H2 + Ar 11 Experimental details HOLLOW CATHODE DISCHARGES • • • • Low Pressure 0.7 ‐ 20 Pa Low ionization degree 10‐5 Te 3 ‐ 8 eV ( > 104 K ) Tgas (neutrals & ions) 300 K Tanarro et al., JPC. A 111, 9003 (2007) Jiménez‐Redondo et al, PSST, 22,25022(2013) 13 Kinetic Models Main Processes Considered: • Ionization + dissociation by electron impact in the glow • Gas phase ion‐molecule reactions • Surface recombination of neutrals and ion neutralizations • Zero order models, 2 volumes: negative glow + cathode sheath • Set of time dependent differential equations for neutrals and ions • Maxwellian electron energy distributions 14 H2 lab. plasmas: Neutrals -3 Concentration (x 10 cm ) 2 0.08 mbar 15 Experiment Model 1 H2 H 0 1 2 Mass (a.m.u) Méndez et al, JCP A 110, 6060 (2006) [H2] / [H] 85 ‐ 90 % Balance [H2 ] [H] : Dissociation Wall Recombination Very efficient H2 dissociation, with large rate coefficients Strong recycling of H2 in the walls must occur ! 15 H/H2 balance in Space Unexpectedly large concentration of H2 molecules in molecular clouds: (H2 / H 10 4) H2 formation on dust surfaces. Dust 1% dust particle ISM dust surfaces slightly covered with atoms Langmuir‐Hinshelwood recombination, i.e., atoms adsorbed on the surfaces migrate until they meet another one and react. Laboratory plasmas: high surface coverage Eley‐Rideal mechanisms prevail, i.e., one atom reaches the surface, meets another atom and reacts. 16 Hydrogen lab. Plasmas: Ions Inversion of the Major Ion from H2+ to H3+ ( with Pgas Te ) + 0.5 Symbols: Exper. Lines : Model + H2 0 1 + H 3 H2 (Pa) 10 3 -1 H3 + H2 H2H3+ H + k (cm s ) Relative Ion Conc. 1 -9 10 + 7 8 H2+e H2+2e -10 10 4 5 6 T Balance H2+ / H3+ : H2 + e H2+ + 2e H2+ + H2 H3+ + H Méndez et al, JCP A 110, 6060 (2006) 17 H3+ in Space • Second most abundantly produced interstellar species, next to H2. H2 + Cosmic Rays H2+ + e • H2+ + H2 H3+ + H Starts a chain of barrier‐less protonation reactions to form new species, like water: H3+ + O → OH+ + H2 …… H3O+ + e H2O + H H3+ IR spectrum in lab: Oka (1980) H3+ in Jupiter Ionosphere: Oka & Geballe (1990) H3+ in ISM: Geballe & Oka (1996) H2+ not yet detected in ISM ! Ions: Protonated ions prevail over the parent ones: NH4+, increases markedly with NH3 content. H3+ + NH3 NH4+ + H2 N2H++ NH3 NH4+ + N2 … Carrasco et al. PCCP, 13, 19561 (2011) Relative concentration Neutrals: NH3 : Minor stable product ( 2%), produced by wall reactions involving H, N, NH & NH2 in several steps. 8 Pa, H2+ (% variable) N2 0 10 Neutrals H2 -1 N2 10 NH3 -2 10 0.00 0.6 Relative concentration H2 + N2 lab. plasmas 18 0.03 0.5 0.06 0.09 0.12 + NH4 0.4 0.3 N 2H 0.2 H3 + + 0.1 Protonated ions 0.0 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 Fraction of N2 (discharge off) (H2 + O2) 8 Pa H2 + O2 plasmas Neutrals : • H2O, formed at the walls, more abundant than the O2 precursor. 0 10 Relative concentration See posters session: P‐27 ! 19 -1 10 H2 H2O O2 -2 10 Neutrals 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.8 • H3O+ always dominant. • Hardly any O2H+ is detected. Carrasco et al., Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion, 54, 124019 (2012) 0.7 Relative concentration Ions : H 3O + 0.4 Protonated ions 0.3 + 0.2 H3 0.1 0.0 0.00 O 2H 0.03 + 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 Fraction of O2 (with discharge off) NH4+ & H3 O+ in Space 20 T (K) 400 200 NH4+ 100 30 H3O+ Protostar envelope, static model, 105 years after “switch on” of a protostar. Rodgers & Charnley, ApJ 585, 355 (2003) Distance to star center (cm) NH4+ and H3O+ predominate as their neutral precursors, NH3 and H2O, evaporate from the dust surfaces (ISM : H2O / H2 10‐5, NH3 / H2 10‐7) 21 • NH3 slightly lower than H2O in spite of [N2]/[O2] 4 • NH3 needs more formation steps in the walls Ions + • NH4 clearly dominates when NH3 reaches enough concentration. Relative concentration Neutrals 0 10 H2 -1 10 N2 H2O NH3 -2 0.06 0.09 O2 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.6 + NH4 0.5 0.4 Protonated ions 0.3 + H3O 0.2 + H3 + 0.1 Carrasco et al., Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion, 54, 124019 (2012) Neutrals 10 0.03 Relative concentration H2 + Air plasmas (H2 + Air) 8 Pa 0.0 N2H 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18 Fraction of air (with discharge off) 22 Hierarchy of protonated ions NH3 0.6 Proton affinity (kJ mol‐1) Protonated ion 853.6 NH4+ H3 O+ H2O 691 N2 493.8 N2H+ H2 422.3 H3 + + O2 421 HO2 Ar 371 ArH+ + NH4 0.5 Relative concentration Molecule (H2 + Air) 8 Pa 8 Pa H2 + % Air 0.4 + H3O 0.3 + 0.2 H3 0.1 N2H 0.0 + HO2 + 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18 Fraction of air (with discharge off) 23 H2 + Ar lab. plasmas (H2 + 15 % Ar) 2 Pa Ions Ar + H2+ ArH+ + H Ar + H3+ ArH+ + H2 ArH++ H2 Ar + H2+ Relative Ion Current • H3+ is the major ion. • ArH+ > Ar+ balance of reactions: 1 + + H3 H H+ 2 ArH + 0.1 Ar 0.01 1 2 + 40 41 3 Ion mass Méndez et al., PCCP. 12,4239 (2010) 24 ArH+ in Space First detection of 36ArH+ (and of any noble gas molecule) in Space, Herschel Space Observatory (December 2013), 36ArH+ rotational transitions. 36ArH+, J=1-0 617.5 GHz 36ArH+, J=2-1 1243.6 GHz Barlow et al, Science,342,1343 (2013) Crab Nebula: from supernova explosion observed in China in 1054 AD. 36Ar formed by ‐particle capture chain. 25 • Unfortunately, the Herschel mission ended in spring 2013. • The Earth atmosphere presents a high opacity for those 36ArH+ rotational transitions. Herschel Telescope Future searches for 36ArH+ will rely in ground‐based INFRARED observations. CRIRES (CRyogenic high‐resolution InfraRed Echelle Spectrograp) ESO. Atacama, Chile. 26 3 ‐ Spectroscopy in Laboratory and detection in Space of Ions of Astrophysical Interest : ArH+ & NH4+ isotopologes Experimental set‐up for IR absorption of ions by difference frequency laser spectroscopy in our lab 27 28 29 ArH+ IR spectroscopy 8 signal / V 40 6 0.10 R(6) + ArH = 1-0 0.08 R(6) 40 40ArH+ : + ArH = 2-1 Signal / Noise 1000 0.06 at = 1‐0 , with a single scan. 4 0.04 2 [40ArH+] 3 x 1010 cm‐1 0.02 Kinetic temp.: 390 10 K 0 2711.39 2711.40 2711.41 2587.72 2587.73 -1 2587.74 2587.75 wavenumber / cm Solar wind composition: 40Ar/ 38Ar/ 36Ar = 0.0 / 15.0 / 85.0 % Earth’s atmosphere comp.: 40Ar/ 38Ar/ 36Ar = 99.6 / 0.06 / 0.34 % 40Ar: Product of 40K decay, ½ = 1.25 × 109 y. IR spectra of 19 vib‐rotational lines of 36ArH+ and 38ArH+ obtained, only 8 measured before in labs, with worse resolution. 36ArH+ 38ArH+ 100 averages 800 averages 108 cm‐1 2 x 107 cm‐1 M. Cueto et al, ApJL. 783:L5 (2014) The data have also been used in a Dunham‐type global fit of all published laboratory data (IR and sub‐mm) of all isotopologues. Exposure time at CRIRES granted by ESO to find out the 36ArH+/38ArH+ ratio in Crab Nebula 30 31 Ammonium Ion Spectroscopy Unfortunately, the tetrahedric symmetry of NH4+ precludes its observation in radio frequencies. NH4+ NH3D+ However, the isotopic variant NH3D+, with small permanent dipole moment ( = 0.26 D), is a good candidate for radio‐astronomical searches. 32 Deuterium enrichment in Space In spite of the cosmic ratio D/H 10‐5 ! , deuterated molecules are abundantly found in cold ISM regions (T < 20 K), due to the “Zero Point Energy” effect initiated by H3+ B1‐bS dark cloud (12 K) X+ / H2 NH4+ NH3D+ ( NH3D+ / NH4+ ) ratio remarkably enhanced 33 Energy Zero point energy effect The lowest vibrational level is closer to the minimum of the potential curve as the isotope composition increases in weight Internuclear distance IRAM 30m radio‐telescope surveys of NH3D+ in Sierra Nevada, Granada (Spain) • Orion IRc2: proto‐star region • Perseo B1‐bS: cold pre‐stellar core Orion 34 35 Orion IRc2 survey Perseo B1‐bS survey TGAS 100 K TGAS 12 K U-262816.7 U-262816.73 262807 Unassigned peak found close to the predicted frequency for NH3D, Jk (10‐00) = 262807 9 MHz ( 3) (Nakanaga & Amano 1986) IR spectrum of NH3D+ + *NH4+ in 30 Pa (NH3 (30%) + D2) discharge Levels involved in the 4 IR band of NH3D+ 2 J 1 0 K=0 10 – 00 pure rotational transition Orion survey: mm spectrum 36 37 Cernicharo et al, ApJ. 771, L10 (2013) Domenech et al, ApJ. 771, L11 (2013) New Predicted Jk (10‐00) = 262817 6 MHz (3) NH3D+, exact matching! 38 Conclusions • Neutral products like HD, NH3 or H2O are efficiently formed in reactor surfaces for the rich H2 containing mixtures of the plasmas studied. • The ion chemistry is dominated by very efficient protonation reactions, in analogy with the interstellar medium. • The preponderance of a given ion is largely given by the proton affinity of its neutral precursor. • • The new IR data of 36ArH+ and 38ArH+ should help in future ISM searches. Thanks to the new laboratory data, the ammonium ion (NH3D+) has been detected for the first time in the ISM. 39 Thank you!
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