Inspiring knowledge & innovation 1 - 3 May 2014 Allphones Arena Olympic Village Homebush, Sydney NSW Australia DAY 1 - THURSDAY 1st MAY, 2014 MAIN AUDITORIUM TIME 8.00am 9.00am Registration CHAIR - Rob Mair 9.00am 9.30am 9.30am 10.15am 10.15am 11.00am Welcome & Official Opening Keynote - Dr Doug Richie: Radio frequency nerve ablation for plantar heel pain syndrome: A new approach Invited Speaker - Prof. Tony Redmond - Rheumatology: Forget all you thought you knew, the world has turned upside down 11.00am 11.30am MORNING TEA - EXHIBITION HALL MAIN AUDITORIUM 11.30am 12.00pm 12.00pm 12:30pm CHAIR Dr Caleb Wegener - Gait and Biomechanics: Propulsion - the forgotten phase Dr Karl Landorf - Plantar forefoot padding: What is the best type of pad and the best position? 12:30pm - Dr Luke Deady - Imaging (MRI) - Nerve 1.00pm Entrapment Syndromes 1.00pm 2.00pm Workshop Timetable Dr Anne-Maree Keenan - 12.15pm 1.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm A/Prof. Paul Tinley - 1.Endorsement for schedule medicine - PBA update. 2. Podiatry Board of Australia Audit update. Dr Steve Walmsley - Pharmacology Endorsement Education 3.30pm 4.00pm 2.00pm 2.40pm 2.45pm 3.30pm Trish Wisbey Roth Pelvic Assessment Dr Doug Richie Evaluation of AFO's for Neuromuscular Conditions. Andrew Hughes Knee Assessment CHAIR CHAIR Dr Anne-Maree Keenan Using the Foot Posture Index (FPI-6). Andrew Bull Leg Length Trish Wisbey Roth Pelvic Assessment Kurt Robertson Ankle Assessment Dr Doug Richie Evaluation of AFO's for Neuromuscular Conditions. Andrew Hughes Knee Assessment AFTERNOON TEA - EXHIBITION HALL CHAIR 5.30pm 7.30pm Kurt Robertson Ankle Assessment CHAIR Andrew Bull Leg Length Index (FPI-6). CHAIR Dr Steve Walmsley - Pharmacology 101 4.45pm 5.30pm CHAIR LUNCH - EXHIBITION HALL 2.00pm 2.30pm 4.00pm 4.45pm CHAIR Workshop Room 2 Workshop Room 3 11:30am Using the Foot Posture 12.10pm CHAIR 3.00pm 3.30pm Workshop Room 1 CHAIR CHAIR CHAIR Dr Matt Malone - Sherlock Holmes “the great diabetic foot infection”. From Podiatrist to private investigator. 4.00pm 4.40pm Dr Anne-Maree Keenan Using the Foot Posture Index (FPI-6). Andrew Bull Leg length Trish Wisbey Roth Pelvic Assessment Dr Mark Gilheany 4.45pm 5.30pm Kurt Robertson Ankle Assessment Dr Doug Richie Evaluation of AFO's for Neuromuscular Conditions. Andrew Hughes Knee Assessment WELCOME COCKTAIL PARTY - EXHIBITION HALL DAY 2 FRIDAY 2nd MAY, 2014 MAIN AUDITORIUM TIME AAPSM BREAKFAST SESSION - Featuring John Orchard & James Linklater NOTE: Pre-registration required. Checkout "workshops" on the registration website. 7:30am 9.00am 8.00am 9.00am Registration CHAIR 9.00am 9.45am 9.45am 10.15am Keynote Speaker - Dr. Brian Hoke D.P.T: Limb Length Discrepancies Invited Speaker Dr Anne-Maree Keenan: Foot Osteoarthritis: New insights into epidemiology, impact and interventions. 10.15am 11.00am Keynote Speaker - Dr Doug Richie: The Adult Acquired Flatfoot: It’s complexities, morbidity and treatment 11.00am 11.30am MORNING TEA - EXHIBITION HALL MAIN AUDITORIUM CHAIR: Rob Mair Workshop Timetable Workshop Room 1 CHAIR CHAIR Prof. Josh Burns - Neurological 11.30am Disorders: When to treat and when to 12.00pm refer 11.30am 12.10pm Jodie Fox 12.00pm CEO, Shoes of Prey 1.00pm Telstra Business Woman of the Year Prof.Tony Redmond Musculoskeletal 12.15pm - Imaging: Seeing the foot in a whole new 1.00pm light and what it means to practice 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.00pm 3.30pm Dr Andrea Coda - Paediatric Rheumatology CHAIR Wound Care TBA 2.45pm 3.30pm Prof.Tony Redmond Musculoskeletal Imaging: Seeing the foot in a whole new light and what it means to practice Prof. Josh Burns - Orthotic Therapy for Pain, Disability and Deformity Sharon Kelly Social Media & Your Practice Lisa Hackett Ultrasound Dr Cylie Williams - Feel the Heel: How to assess and when to treat the toe walking child CHAIR Wentworth Advantage Contractors vs. Employment Sharon Kelly Social Media & Your Practice Lisa Hackett Ultrasound Dr Cylie Williams Feel the Heel: How to assess and when to treat the toe walking child AFTERNOON TEA - EXHIBITION HALL CHAIR 4.45pm 5.30pm Wentworth Advantage Contractors Vs. Employment CHAIR 2.00pm 2.40pm Dr. Shannon Munteanu Osteoarthritis of the foot: evidencebased assessment and management’ 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.00pm 4.45pm Wound Care TBA CHAIR LUNCH - EXHIBITION HALL CHAIR 2.00pm 2.30pm Workshop Room 2 Workshop Room 3 Dr Michael Kinchington PhD (Sports Med): A new injury paradigm: The role of comfort and injury. Dr. Neil Halpin - Groin Pain Through the Age Groups CHAIR CHAIR 4.00pm 4.40pm Wound Care TBA 4.45pm 5.30pm Prof. Tony Redmond Musculoskeletal Imaging: Seeing the foot in a whole new light and what it means to practice CHAIR Wentworth Advantage Contractors vs. Employment Sharon Kelly Social Media & Your Practice Lisa Hackett Ultrasound Dr Cylie Williams -Feel the Heel: How to assess and when to treat the toe walking child DAY 3 SATURDAY 3rd MAY, 2014 TIME MAIN AUDITORIUM 8.00am 9.00am Registration CHAIR 9.00am 9.30am Keynote Speaker - Dr Brian Hoke D.P.T: Advanced Biomechanics & Closed Chain Function 9.30am 10.15am Invited Speaker - Prof. Tony Redmond - Biomechanics: The past present and future [ACR] 10.15am 11.00am Invited Speaker - Dr Anne-Maree Keenan: Where are we with plantar fasciitis? 11.00am 11.30am MORNING TEA - EXHIBITION HALL MAIN AUDITORIUM CHAIR Workshop Timetable Workshop Room 1 CHAIR Workshop Room 2 Workshop Room 3 CHAIR CHAIR Dr Brian Hoke Advanced Biomechanical Examination Dominic Hogan Orthotics: Problem solving and technical workshop Lisa Mayo Dry Needling Wilson Biason Infection Control Alison Griffiths Mobilisation AAPSM SESSION Chris Bishop Assessing the Runner in the Clinic 11.30am - Dr Kathryn Mills - Orthotic's Role in the 11.30am 12pm Management of Knee Pain. 12.10pm Dr Cylie Williams - Paediatrics: What 12.00pm happens when it's not just flat feet and 12:30pm intoe walking? 12:30pm 1.00pm Dr. Monisha Gupta - Recognising Onychomycoses - Pitfalls and Challenges. 1.00pm 2.00pm 12.15pm 1.00pm LUNCH - EXHIBITION HALL CHAIR 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.00pm3.30pm UNIVERSITY SHOWCASE Charles Sturt University, Western Sydney University & University of Newcastle present their current research 3.30pm 4.00pm CHAIR 4.45pm 5.30pm 5:30pm CHAIR 2.00pm 2.40pm Dominic Hogan Orthotics: Problem solving and technical workshop Lisa Mayo Dry Needling 2.45pm 3.30pm Wilson Biason Infection Control Alison Griffiths Mobilisation AAPSM SESSION Chris Bishop Assessing the Runner in the Clinic AFTERNOON TEA - EXHIBITION HALL CHAIR 4.00pm 4.45pm CHAIR Dr Brian Hoke Advanced Biomechanical Examination CHAIR CHAIR CHAIR Dr Tasha Stanton - Targeting the brain in pain: Why and how? 4.00pm 4.40pm Dr Brian Hoke Advanced Biomechanical Examination Dominic Hogan Orthotics: Problem solving and technical workshop Lisa Mayo Dry Needling ABSTRACTS 4.45pm 5.30pm Wilson Biason Infection Control Alison Griffiths Mobilisation AAPSM SESSION Chris Bishop Assessing the Runner in the Clinic Prize Giving & Close
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