53, Clumber Avenue Mapperley Nottingham NG3 5JY 0115 9200714 [email protected] Busdata Computing Services GUIDE TO SERVICES Revised 1-2-14 OUR AIM Our aim is to provide you with the data you need about the buses and coaches of the British Isles and Irish Republic and their operators. The operators include not just those with PSV Licences (or equivalent status in the Irish republic) but dealers and owners of non-PSV vehicles, caravans, preserved vehicles, minibuses etc. SOURCES OF MATERIAL When you buy a Busdata publication, you are not paying for the data it contains. It is not “our” data. It is all visible on the road, originally derived from observations and information gathered by many people. Some is submitted directly to us. Some is derived from official sources. Some is published on the web, in magazines, in books and other publications. Busdata contributors collect data from these many sources, review it, make judgments based on the balance of evidence when sources differ and submit it to our database. What you are paying for is the direct cost of operating our services. Consumables, postage, advertising, equipment replacement and the development cost of our computer programs are the main elements involved. CURRENCY Our database is updated every few days. Your material is taken directly from it so is as up to date as we can make it. The processes of reporting, collecting, entering and reconciling the data do of course all take time. The ‘current' data on the database is therefore normally a few weeks out of date for PSV operators and longer for other classes of operator. However immediately after each update a very small proportion of it might reflect very recent data indeed. HISTORICAL DATA Please note that we have only maintained full historical records since 1985. We do have some earlier material on our database, but the further back in time it goes the sketchier it becomes. We are happy to provide you with everything that we have, but please be aware that it is very far from complete. CODES To print all data in full would take an enormous amount of space and make some of our reports impossibly unwieldy for you to use. Much of the information is therefore provided in coded form, e.g. Pn is used rather than the full ‘Plaxton’ to indicate that bodymaker. A full list of the codes used is available as a separate document. HOW DATA IS PRESENTED – BY BUSVIEW OR ON PAPER We can supply the data to you in two ways. BusView BusView is a computer system which runs on your own computer. It gives you a complete copy of our database, snapshotted onto a CD when we process your order. To run BusView you install from this CD onto your computer, which must be working under Microsoft Windows Version 98 or later. It must be capable of connection to the internet because for security purposes BusView needs to do this. Every few days when you start it up it will connect to the internet very briefly, then disconnect. You can use BusView to display either the status at the time of snapshot or the full life histories of individual vehicles and operators. It also enables you to see fleetlists of operators as they are now or at any previous date. There are fuller fleetlists which give a list of all the vehicles an operator has ever owned with dates in and out. You can also use BusView to record notes of your photographs and sightings. You can add fresh data to the records of vehicles and operators and create new records. From BusView you can open windows on reference files which give you extracts of:All vehicles on the database sorted into the order of chassis maker and number. All vehicles on the database sorted into the order of body maker and number. All registrations on the database sorted into the equivalent of what for X123 MLN style registrations is number order. All the 123s come together All registrations on the database sorted into the equivalent of what for X123 MLN style registrations is right hand letter order. All the MLNs come together All names of operators on the database, whether current or not, sorted into name order All names of operators on the database sorted into name order by currency, class and geography Trading names of current operators, sorted into trading name order. If you require more information about BusView, we can send you a Fact Sheet which is also available on our website, or you can e-mail your queries to [email protected] or write to us. Printed Lists If you prefer to work from paper, we provide lists printed on loose-leaf A4 paper. It is not perforated or stapled, so you can choose your preferred filing method. It is printed on both sides of the paper, in a reasonably large font so that you can read it easily. For standard publications there is a wide margin at the right hand side of the page for you to add your own notes. The paper used is heavy grade so that it will stand up to your usage. OVERVIEW OF PRINTED LISTS We provide two types of publications 1. Standard. The format of these, our most popular publications which deal mostly with currently active operators and vehicles, is fixed and described below. When customer orders are processed, they are taken from the database as at its last update. The resulting extracts for customers are therefore as fully up to date as we can make them. 2. Customer Specified. We can produce reports exactly to the layout you need in order to suit your own purposes. This service is based on the number of pages, costing a little more than the standard publications. Prices of all Standard Publications are shown on our Price List. STANDARD PUBLICATIONS There are four versions of most of the standard publications. The first distinction is the level of detail which can be full or basic. The basic level gives vehicle registration, chassis maker and type, body maker, seating, operator and fleetnumber. The full version has further details including chassis and body numbers, dates and registration histories. Because of the amount of data on each line, full detail reports are printed in landscape format, i.e. with lines parallel to the long side of the page. The second distinction is the range of vehicles included. Some of our customers have no interest in minibuses of 16 seats and under unless they are owned by PSV class operators. We therefore supply versions of our standard publications which do not include these. They are shown as ‘PSV Plus’ in the Price List, as opposed to ‘All’. Current Registrations By Year Letter (s) These lists cover the registrations in the format issued since October 2001, e. g. 53/04 year period. They show the vehicles currently bearing these registrations which are either in service or between operators. If you want similar lists for earlier registration years we can produce them for you as Customer Specified Publications. Basic Details The registration is followed by vehicle details, status, operator and fleet number. If vehicles have no current owner, the last owner’s short title is shown between square brackets. If they have been scrapped, an asterisk precedes the opening bracket. CN CN CN CP 05 05 05 05 LCT SVS ULE AEK Vo MB LDV Fd B12BT O814D Cy Tt Bf Cym LDV Fd CH57/14CT C29F M16 M16 Baker, Weston-Super-Mare (SO) 68 Salec, Carbrooke (NK) Star Cars, New Barnet (LN) 139 [Pilians, West Derby (MY)] Full Details In the example below, the normal column settings have been altered to fit the sample data to this document DK 54 GWL MB 413CDI WDB9046632R695094 M16 12/04 ex AHZ 444 by2/09, DK 54 GWL 1/06 DK 54 GXU MB 311CDI WDB9036632R664354 M8 9/04 DK 54 JPJ Tbs Dt SLF SFD4D8ER34GW37814 EL Spr 51001 B43F 9/04 3/09 M&I Travel, Workington (CA) 9/04 x Williams R, Flint (CN) 9/04 Halton (CH) 48 As-New Registration Lists The layout of these publications is identical to that of the current registration lists described above. They differ in that they give the details of all vehicles first registered in the year in question as they were when they were first recorded rather than as they are now. The registrations are the vehicles’ original ones (which may have been cherished ones). The owners are those at the time of first registration. Please note that this is not known for many minibuses in the ‘All’ version publications. Cherished and Non-Standard Registrations These publications cover the old style cherished and Northern Irish plates which tend to be swopped frequently between vehicles so pose particular difficulties when recording. Because so few minibuses carry them other than those of PSV operators, these publications are only available in the ‘All’ versions. Basic This publication gives the present known holders of such registrations. In the example below at time of writing PSU 315 is an ancillary Scania - Plaxton with First Scotland East, PSU 316 is an Ayats with Galleon 2009, Roydon and PSU 317 is another Scania-Plaxton last recorded as sold from Midland Bluebird. PSU 315 PSU 316 PSU 317 Sca K113CRB As A24-13 Sca K113CRB Pn As Pn C49FT a First Scotland East (SS) 90147 CH59/16FT Galleon 2009, Roydon (EX) C47FT [Midland Bluebird (SE)] Full As with the Basic version above, this publication gives the present known holders of cherished etc registrations, but with their full details as for the other registration lists. Because most vehicles have registration histories the full version is a large publication with well over 600 pages at time of writing. The layout has been altered in the example below to make it fit this document; the operator is normally shown on the same line as the vehicle details PJZ 9455 Vo ex PJZ 9461 ex PJZ 9463 ex B10M-60 YV31M2A17MA025846 VH Ae 30692 C70F 3/91 by3/13 Warrington Coachways,Warrington (CH) A 13 JJN by8/11, H172 DVM 6/08, 14 RED 3/08, H172 DVM 8/04, VIL 4027 1/04, H172 DVM 11/02 Sca K114EB4 YS2K4X20001848831 VH Ae 36099 C49FT 1/05 [Edinburgh Coach Lines, Edinburgh (SS)] PSU 621 4/11, SN 54 LWT 3/07, 05-D-7792 4/05 Ld ON2R56C16Z4 ON20410 NC 4247 O--/35F 9/92 by9/12 a Lodge, High Easter (EX) K110 YVN by9/12 Historical This publication was added to our range in February 2014. It addresses the difficulty of matching a cherished registration to the correct vehicle, The registrations are presented in order in the left hand column. There may be several vehicles which have held a cherished registration; each is shown on its own line. Next to the cherished registration is the vehicle’s original registration and date new. Then come the vehicle basic details, the dates the cherished registration went onto it and came off it, and finally the registration held by the vehicle at present. HNZ 3909 HNZ 3909 HNZ 8052 BPF 137Y R 50 PCE UIL 932 7/83 10/97 2/02 Ld Ds MB ONTL11/1R Jv O814D Roe Mpo KVC H43/29F C57F C24F 9/05 11/10 10/05 11/10 1/06 BPF 137Y HNZ 3909 02-MO-5222 There have been so many cherished registrations used and reused that this is a large publication, with over 700 pages at time of writing. It will continue to grow. Summaries To summarise the current vehicles of the British Isles we provide six checklists in registration order. For these lists the British Isles is divided into Southern England (traffic areas H and K), East Anglia and the Midlands (t/a D and F), Northern England (t/a B and C), Scotland, Wales, and all of Ireland. A two column per page layout shows just the chassis and body maker along with the registration and operator. The example shows three lines extracted from the middle of a page. MV 55 CXB MV 55 CXC MV 55 MMF Io MinO May Gurney, Lincoln (LI) Io MinO May Gurney, Lincoln (LI) Pt 24X7, Elsenham (EX) | NJ 55 YWR | NK 55 KBU | NL 55 ENE Fd AD Fd Fd AD Fd Cape, Princes Risborough (BK) Nibsbuses, Wickford (EX) 055 taxi, Basildon (XEX) We also provide separate summaries which show just the coaches, 20 seats and over, of all operators in England, Scotland and Wales. Prices of Summaries vary according to the number of pages. Fleetlists We supply geographical fleetlists in A4 format as Standard Publications. They are available for each county. We use the same county system as the PSV Circle, the well-known enthusiast organisation. In England the counties by and large follow traditional boundaries, but Scotland and Wales (Cymru) are each divided into four 'counties' while neither Northern Ireland nor the Irish Republic are divided at all. Operators are shown in alphabetical order. For each operator, vehicles are shown in fleet number order if they carry fleet numbers and in registration order otherwise. Major operators which have significant operations in more than one county are included in all relevant fleetlist publications. There are cross-indexes of registration to operator and of fleetname to operator at the end of each publication. The example below gives an extract from the Lancashire basic details fleetlist with the last few vehicles of the Lakeland, Hurst Green fleet shown before the first few of Lancashire United YJ 08 NSU PO 62 KBP YJ 13 HTT Vo MB VH B12B O816D TX16 VH Pn VH C53F C30F C??FT new new new Lancashire United (LA) Lancashire United Limited, Prospect Park, Broughton Way, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG2 2NY FN: Lancashire United OC: Manor Sutton Street, Blackburn [MS]; Intack Garage, Whitebirk Road, Blackburn, BB1 3JD [IG]; Blackpool, Jackson House, Burton Road, Blackpool, FY4 4NW [BP] IG IG IG 13 14 15 H546 GKX H549 GKX H550 GKX Ld Ld Ld ON2R50C13Z4 ON2R50C13Z4 ON2R50C13Z4 Ld Ld Ld H47/31F H47/31F H47/31F Transdev Northern Blue (LA) 13 Burnley & Pendle (LA) 14 Burnley & Pendle (LA) 15 Major Group Index by Fleetnumber This is another publication newly introduced in February 2014. It addresses the problem of how to find the registration number and operator of, say, a vehicle in Stagecoach Group colours when only the fleet number has been recorded. It is laid out in two columns per page and contains two sections. The first covers the vehicles of the major groups who use a consistent numbering system across fleets, for instance First, Centrebus, Arriva (North East). Only chassis and body maker are given. The operator’s allocation code, if known, is shown after the fleet number. A few lines from the Stagecoach section. 16166 16167 16168 16169 S RY LC LC R166 R167 R168 R169 HHK HHK HHK HHK Vo Vo Vo Vo NC NC NC NC ZMFIFESOL| ZDMIDREDS| ZFLINCSHR| ZFLINCSHR| 16293 16294 16295 16296 WI RES BE RES R293 R294 R295 w R296 HCD HCD HCD HCD Vo Vo Vo Vo ArB ArB ArB ArB ZHHAMPBUS ZCGLENVAL ZHHAMPBUS ZKEASKENT To save space, the operators are shown in abbreviated form consisting of the operator class (Z for major), a single letter to denote traffic area and a short code, e.g. MIDREDS = Midland Red South. The second section of the report is an index to the operators, laid out in the order of these codes and listing their depots. ZDFLIGHAL Flights Hallmark Ltd, Flights Coach Station, Long Acre, Aston, Birmingham, B7 5JJ OC: 319 Shady Lane, Great Barr, Birmingham, B44 9ER; Castle Lane Industrial Estate, Melbourne, Derbyshire FN: Central Connect; Blue Diamond ZDMIDREDS Midland Red (South) Limited, Railway Terrace, Rugby, CV21 3HS OC: Banbury, Canal Street [BY]; Leamington Spa, Station Approach [LN]; Nuneaton, Newtown Road [NN]; Rugby, Railway Terrace [RY]; Stratford, The Depot, Avenue Farm Industrial Estate, Avenue Farm Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 0HS [SD]; Reserve [RES]; Unallocated [UA] FN: Stagecoach in Warwickshire; Stagecoach in Banbury CUSTOMER SPECIFIED PUBLICATIONS If our Standard Publications do not quite meet your needs, we will gladly quote for an individual report to your own specification. This may be a variation on one of our Standard Publications, perhaps containing additional information which we hold. Your requirement may be quite different in nature, for example the present whereabouts of all Dennis Darts, or life histories of all vehicles known to have been owned by a particular operator. We can provide reports on these and many other topics. If you are interested in historical information, though, please be aware that it has only been entered into the database since 1985. Any data you want prior to that year, if held at all, is likely to be incomplete. To use the service, all you need to do is to describe to us what you want. If you want your data laid out in table form, for instance as fleetlists or as lists of vehicles produced by particular manufacturers, we need you to tell us a number of things. What information should we select from the database? How should we lay out that information in the lines of the report? Into what order you would like the data sorted? We will set the report up for you and will contact you with some sample sheets from it together with a quotation for the price. If you are satisfied, once we have received your payment we will print the full report and post it to you. If you want a report or layout which we have provided in the past as a Standard Publication but which has been dropped from our current range, it can still be provided but as a Customer Specified Publication. For example, if you wish, you can have your basic details registration lists and fleetlists laid out using two columns per page. We originally supplied them in this format but changed to the present single column per page layout in response to requests from many customers for space to write on them. The two column layout does not give that, but some customers still prefer it. DELIVERY Our aim is to fulfil each customer order within a month of receipt, and we will usually respond well within this time but very seldom within a week. This is because we normally 'snapshot' the database every 10 days or so and only then process orders received since the last snapshot. We may deliberately further delay a snapshot if we know that new material from the input team, which would make the reports more up to date, is very imminent. If speed of turnround is more important to you than data which is fully up to date, please let us know when placing your order and we will process it as rapidly as possible. QUALITY AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Busdata publications are produced from an active database which covers the whole country. New material is being entered all the time. This gives you the advantage that our material is always well up to date, whatever your area of interest. It also gives the inevitable disadvantage that a very small amount of the data being picked up will be incorrect due to typing errors etc. These are put right as soon as detected. Particular thanks are due to the contributors who collect and analyse data from various sources, make decisions about what to put into the database when sources differ and carry out compatibility checks. CONDITIONS OF SUPPLY While data supplied cannot be guaranteed as correct, you are welcome to use it to support your own interests. For obvious reasons, it is not permitted for you to copy it to others or to use it for commercial purposes. COMMUNICATIONS We would recommend that you use e-mail ([email protected]) or write to us rather than using the telephone. E-mail is our preferred method of communication, is given top priority and we always aim to get a response to you within 24 hours. Our telephone is not continually manned, particularly out of normal working hours, and you may find yourself being requested to leave a message on an answerphone. However we do appreciate that sometimes the telephone is the only practical method of communication for you and if we are not immediately available when you ring we will get back to you when in a position to do so. If you have any comments or questions on our services, please include them with your next order or write or e-mail separately. We take our customers' comments seriously, and tailor our services to take account of the opinions you have expressed. E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.busdata.co.uk Write: Busdata Computing Services, 53 Clumber Avenue, Mapperley, Nottingham, NG3 5JY. Phone: 0115-9200714
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