Application of TESLA/XFEL/ILC SRF Technology for the CW FEL: LCLS-II Marc Ross 2014-04-14 Accelerator-IMSS-AAT Joint Seminar: LCLS-II project at SLAC LCLS-II SRF Linac Closely based on the European XFEL / ILC / TESLA Design LCLS-II Linac consists of: Component Count Parameters Linac 4 cold segments 35 each 8 cavity Cryomodules (1.3 GHz) 3 each 4 cavity Cryomodules (3.9 GHz) 1.3 GHz Cryomodule 8 cavities/ CM 13 m long. Cavities + SC Magnet package + BPM 1.3 GHz 9-cell cavity 280 each 16 MV/m; Q_0 ~ 2.7e10 (avg); 2 deg. K; bulk niobium fine-grain sheet-metal Cavity Auxiliary per each cavity Coaxial Input Coupler; 2 each HOM extraction coupler; lever-type tuner Injector 1 each 1 each special cryomodule (TBD) A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 2 LCLS-II SRF Linac • 4 GeV, 300 micro-Amp CW superconducting linac based on TESLA / ILC / E-XFEL 1.3 GHz technology Key topics: • Cavity process for high-Q0 production • CW cryomodule design and operations scheme for 110 W @ 2K / CM (or better) • Industrial capability for 1) dressed-processed-cavity, 2) coupler, and 3) vacuum-vessel/cold-mass production • Single RF-source / single-cavity • Jlab Cryoplant CHL-2 (12 GeV Upgrade) adapted for SLAC A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 3 LCLS-II SRF Linac • 4 GeV ‘up to 300 micro-Amp’ CW superconducting linac based on TESLA / ILC / E-XFEL 1.3 GHz technology Key topics: • Cavity process for high-Q0 production • CW cryomodule design and operations scheme for 110 W @ 2K / CM (or better) • Industrial capability for 1) dressed-processed-cavity, 2) coupler, and 3) vacuum-vessel/cold-mass production • Single RF-source single-cavity • Jlab Cryoplant CHL-2 (12 GeV Upgrade) adapted for SLAC A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 4 High Q0: Fermilab-developed ‘gas-doping’ process à Fermilab has developed a cavity processing recipe that results in high quality factors (>3E10) at operating gradients between 10 and 20 MV/m. This recipe is in its first phase of development and requires further investigation to be mature enough for large project implementation. Fermilab will lead a program in collaboration with Cornell and JLab to bring this about. The primary goal is to develop a reliable and industrially compatible processing recipe to achieve an average Q0 of 2.7E10 at 16 MV/m in a practical cryomodule. To reach this goal, the collaborating institutions will process and test single-cell and 9-cell 1.3 GHz cavities in a successive optimization cycle. The deliverable is industrial capability and cost-effective production yield. • To be applied to LCLS-II construction. A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 5 R&D for Optimum Q0 from Bulk Nb • Recently discovered that surface diffusion of some foreign atomic species into Nb at high temperature seems to inhibit RF loss mechanisms that have “normally” been present. • 800°C vacuum for 3 hours is used to degas dissolved H from the niobium bulk -‐ routine. • ~20 mtorr nitrogen gas @ 800°C for a few minutes -‐ new. • Lossy nitrides on the surface are removed by light > 2 µm electropolish. • ResulOng rf surface resistance decreases with field to unprecedented low levels (< 10 nOhm @ 2.0K, 1.3 – 1.5 GHz)= high Q0 LCLS II Cavity Processing Recipe Cavities ready for Processing HPR (Class 100) - 8hr Pre-process Inspection & Thickness Measurements Partial Assembly(Class 10) HPR (Class 10) - 12hr Bulk EP (120um to 150um) Post-process Inspection & Thickness Measurements 1- pass HPR Full Assembly (Class 10) Repair Leak Vacuum Leak Check (Class 10) Fail Pass UHV High Temp Bake Cavity Dressing (helium vessel weld) RF Tuning HOM Notch tuning Light EP (5-10 um) Ship Cavity Alcohol Rinse A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross VTA Testing FNAL/JLab 7 A. Grassellino, SRF2013 TUIOA03 A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 8 Nitrogen doping Use the temperature dependence to separate Rs components A. Grassellino, FNAL 4/11/2014 8 C. Reece A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 10 Development Work Sequence 1. OpOmize recipe on single cell 2. Apply to nine cells, gain staOsOcs • Nine cells choice: half from scratch, half reprocessed from ILC effort (want to validate full sequence including bulk removal) 3. Study effect of cooldown on dressed and undressed caviOes in VTS 4. (in parallel) Dress for HTS, study Q in HTS 5. (in parallel) – study of cooldown effect (‘Thermal-‐cycling’) on residual in CM2 Anna Grassellino, Fermilab TD High Q0 Studies schedule: 1. Use single-cell cavities to optimize and define protocol 2. Apply to nine-cell cavities for vertical test 3. and for horizontal (cryomodule-like) cryostat test HIGH Q0 SCHEDULE 2014-‐01-‐20 M. Ross, SLAC 15 tests completed September 1, 2014 Y M D Num. Tests 2014 J J 13 27 Fermilab 1. N-‐treatment N-‐treatment pprocess rocess optimization optimization with with single-‐cell s ingle-‐cell cavities cavities 8 2. 9-‐cell cavity treatments and vertical tests 8 3. Dress Dress 99 c cell ell ccavities avities ffor or HHTS TS ccomplete omplete 4. HTS HTS tests tests (Fermilab) (at Fermilab) complete 3 5. Final FY 2014 report submitted Jlab Num. Tests / Cavities 1. Begin N-‐treatment s ingle cpell rocess cavity optimization fab with s ingle-‐cell cavities 6 ◊ 2. Cavity s et complete 3. Single Dress c9 ell cell parametric cavities sftudy or HTS complete 18 4. Production HTS tests (p at rotocol Fermilab) ready complete for application to 9-‐cells 5. Nine cell production processing 6 6. Final report submitted Cornell Num. Tests 1. Single N-‐treatment cell tests p-‐rocess initial optimization with s ingle-‐cell cavities 10 2. Single cell tests -‐ final 8 3. Nine Dress cell 9-‐ cinitial ell cavities process for HTS complete 4 4. Nine HTS cell tests -‐ s econdary (at Fermilab) process complete 2 5. HTC Tests (Cornell) 3 6. Final report submitted A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross F 10 F 24 M 10 M 24 A 07 1 2 A 21 3 M 05 M 19 J 02 3 4 6 J 16 J 30 8 ◊ J 14 J 28 A 11 A 25 S 08 5 6 7 8 ◊ ◊ 2 1 S 22 O 06 O 20 3 ◊ N 03 N 17 ◊ ◊ 3 6 9 12 15 18 ◊ ◊ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ◊ ◊ 2 4 6 8 10 ◊ 3 2 5 8 ◊ 4 2 1 2 3 ◊ 13 LCLS-II nine-cell cavity test: Showing effect on high Q0 vs Eacc from gas-doping A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 14 TB9ACC015 – N2 doped plus 8 microns EP test after FF tuned and with SC NbTi flanges TB9ACC015 5.00E+10 4.50E+10 T=2K 4.00E+10 3.50E+10 Q 3.00E+10 2.50E+10 LCLS-II spec TB9ACC015 2.00E+10 1.50E+10 1.00E+10 5.00E+09 0.00E+00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 E [MV/m] • First nine cell proof of principle Q > 4e10 at 2K, 16 MV/m • Optimal amount of EP post bake yet to be found (gradient optimization) – quench at 17 MV/m, some MP x-rays, cavity will receive 5 more microns EP LCLS-II Single 4.5 K Cold-box Cryoplant Scheme Size limited by transport logistics Very close to: Jlab – CHL2, SNS and FRIB plant designs A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 16 Jlab CEBAF 12 GeV Upgrade 4.5 K coldbox (Linde) ‘CHL 2’ 17 Cost Optimization: • Assumes tunnel is ‘free’ • Includes 10 yr operations LCLS-II is at costoptimum for given cryoplant scheme . Cost (arbitrary units) . LCLS-II is below 2 x 4.5 K Cryoplant cold-box threshold: Construc5on plus 10 Year Opera5ng Cost -‐ 2.00 K CM + RF + Controls Cryo Plant, Transfer Lines and Facility -‐ 2.00 K 10 Yr Linac and Cryo AC -‐ 2.00 K 450 400 LCLS-II 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 8 10 12 14 Eacc (MV/m) 16 18 20 2 cold-box threshold Model of relative LCLS-II linac cost as a function of operating gradient, at 2 K. A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 18 LCLS-II SRF Linac • 4 GeV ‘up to 300 micro-Amp’ CW superconducting linac based on TESLA / ILC / E-XFEL 1.3 GHz technology Key topics: • Preserving high-Q0 in a cryomodule: HTS • CW cryomodule design and operations scheme for 110 W @ 2K / CM (or better) • Industrial capability for 1) dressed-processed-cavity, 2) coupler, and 3) vacuum-vessel/cold-mass production • Single RF-source single-cavity • Jlab Cryoplant CHL-2 (12 GeV Upgrade) adapted for SLAC A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 19 Horizontal Test: HTS • Cool-down dynamics (Tc) • Magnetic field shielding • Coupler heating • Cryogenic controls • HOM feedthrough • Fermilab (HTS) / Cornell (HTC) A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 21 Development Work Sequence 1. OpOmize recipe on single cell 2. Apply to nine cells, gain staOsOcs • Nine cells choice: half from scratch, half reprocessed from ILC effort (want to validate full sequence including bulk removal) 3. Study effect of cooldown on dressed and undressed caviOes in VTS 4. (in parallel) Dress for HTS, study Q in HTS 5. (in parallel) – study of cooldown effect (‘Thermal-‐cycling’) on residual in CM2 Anna Grassellino, Fermilab TD Cool-down dynamics near Tc Dependence of the residual surface resistance of superconducting RF cavities on the cooling dynamics around Tc A. Romanenko,∗ A. Grassellino,† O. Melnychuk, and D. A. Sergatskov Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 60510, USA (Dated: March 11, 2014) We report a strong effect of the cooling dynamics through Tc on the amount of trapped external magnetic flux in superconducting niobium cavities. The effect is similar for fine grain and single crystal niobium and all surface treatments including electropolishing with and without 120◦ C baking and nitrogen doping. Direct magnetic field measurements on the cavity walls show that the effect stems from changes in the flux trapping efficiency: slow cooling leads to almost complete flux trapping and higher residual resistance while fast cooling leads to the much more efficient flux expulsion and lower residual resistance. Slow cooling: <0.3K/min Fast cooling: 1.8-2.4K/ min Understanding why: magnetic probe positioning - examples! mG H=5mG Fluxgate magneto meters FIG. 4. Picture of the nine cell cavity with two fluxgate magnetometer probes mounted on the equator of the second cell. 3 flux from being expelled, leading to almost complete flux trapping, while a fast cooldown through Tc helps pushing efficiently the flux out of the superconductor. Also in this case, the RF performance correlated with the previous findings, as shown in Fig. 5: fast cooldown lead at 2 K and medium fields to Q0 ⇠ 1.5 ⇥ 1010 , and slow to Q0 ⇠ 1.2 ⇥ 1010 . It is interesting to observe that compared to the nitrogen baked cavity the e↵ect on the residual resistance is smaller in the 120 C bake case. An interpretation for this could be that for the same amount of trapped flux, this trapped flux reflects di↵erently on losses depending on the cavity surface treatment. This is plausible since the low field residual resistance due to trapped flux depends on the radius of the vortex cores (⇡coherence length ⇠) with ⇠ strongly a↵ected by the surface mean free path. It has been measured that the mean free path at the surface of a 120 C baked cavity is as low as 2 nm versus about 40 nm for nitrogen doped cavities5,6 . However, the trapped flux surface resistance part which depends linearly on the rf field is indeed present in both cases, and appears to deteriorate the medium field performance of the 120 C baked cavity by about 4-5 n⌦. In the third experiment, we studied the performance of a single cell nitrogen doped cavity with the results shown in Fig. 7. Similar to the 9-cell nitrogen doped cavity, Field enhancement due to Meissner effect – ambient flux expulsion What did magnetic probes reveal?! • Similar magneOc field at transiOon between fast/slow • No addiOonal field generated during fast cooling • SystemaOc strong difference in flux expulsion efficiency between slow and fast cooling EP+120C, Fine grain a) 4 EP, fine grain N doped, Fine grain b) c) FIG. 6. Characteristic magnetic field expulsion data for: a) 9-cell EP+120 C baking; b) nitrogen doped 1-cell; c) EP 1-cell. A strong systematic di↵erence in the field expulsion at di↵erent cooling rates is observed for all surface treatments. DESY XFEL CM ‘High Duty Factor’ Tests à XM-3 Proof of Principle: Very high Q0 demonstrated in practical cryomodule • Jacek Sekutowicz: XM-3 in CMTB; September 2013 • 7 large grain; 1 fine grain cavities with improved HOM antennas LCLS-II DESY AccSeminar 140114 27 What are the technical and “practical” limits for DF ? 1st limit: Heat load at 2K for each cryomodule should not exceed ca. 20 W 2nd limit: Heating of the HOM couplers must not cause quenching of the cavity 3th limit: An upgrade of the cryogenic plant should be “doable” 4th limit: New RF-sources will be added to klystrons used for the sp operation Jacek Sekutowicz; 05.11.2013 28 2. cw and lp operaOon; 3 experiments c. Dynamic heat load for Large Grain Cryomodule Comparison of cryomodules: cw operaOon at Eacc = 5.7 MV/m PXFEL3_1 PXFEL2_3 XM-‐3 XM-‐3 8 FG 8 FG 7 LG 7 LG # of caviOes with new HOM output 3 2 8 8 T [K] 2 2 2 1.8 Measured DHL [W] 19.5* 18.7 11.5 5.1 1.69 1.63 1 0.44 Type of Nb Ra5o: M-‐DHL / (M-‐DHL of XM-‐3 at 2 K) *scaled to 8 caviOes One must note here that we have not tested yet standard XFEL-‐type CM housing 8 FG caviOes, all equipped with new HOM output lines. LCLS-‐II DESY AccSeminar 140114 29 LCLS-II SRF Linac • 4 GeV ‘up to 300 micro-Amp’ CW superconducting linac based on TESLA / ILC / E-XFEL 1.3 GHz technology Key topics: • Cavity process for high-Q0 production • CW cryomodule design and operations scheme for 110 W @ 2K / CM (or better) • Industrial capability for 1) dressed-processed-cavity, 2) coupler, and 3) vacuum-vessel/cold-mass production • Single RF-source single-cavity • Jlab Cryoplant CHL-2 (12 GeV Upgrade) adapted for SLAC A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 30 Cavity Specifications (1) RF frequency 1300 MHz 2 K ~16 MV/m 2.7×1010 - 1.038 M 1036 (998) Ω (Ω/m) Geometry constant (G) 270 Ω HOM damped Q value (monopole and dipole) ≤107 - 8 - 0.5 mm 5 kW 6.3 kW 10 W Operating temperature Average operating gradient Average Q0 Cavity length (L) R/Q (r/Q) Number of cavities per CM Cavity alignment requirements (RMS) RF beam power per cavity (@300 µA load) RF power needed per cavity Cavity dynamic load A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 31 Cavity Specifications (2) Cavity Control Specifications Qext 4×107 - Coarse (slow) tuner range ± 245 kHz ~1 kHz ≤1.5 Hz/(MV/m)2 Peak detune (with piezo tuner control) 10 Hz Required amplitude stability per cavity 0.01 % Required phase stability per cavity 0.01 deg Fine (fast) tuner range Lorentz detuning (k) A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 32 Linac cryogenic heat loads for Q0 = 2.7 x 1010 Cryomodule Heat Loads 40 K 5K 2.0 K Predicted static heat per cryomodule (W) 100 12 6 Predicted dynamic heat per powered cryomodule (W) 88 10 85 Predicted total linac heat (kW) 9.4 0.9 3.1 Note: these heat loads are best estimates, no uncertainty margins added here. For helium vessel and cryomodule thermal design, a 50% margin for heat load is taken. We also design cryomodule so as fully to retain a 1.8 K option (lower vapor densities). A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 33 1.3 GHz cryomodule modifications for LCLS-II • We start with the TESLA Type 3+, XFEL, and Type 4 designs • Modifications for high heat loads Larger chimney pipe from helium vessel to 2-phase pipe Larger 2-phase pipe (4 inch OD) • Closed-ended 2-phase pipe Separate 2 K liquid levels in each cryomodule 2 K JT valve on each cryomodule • End lever tuner and helium vessel design for minimal df/dP • Two cool-down ports in each helium vessel for uniform cooldown of bimetal joints • No 5 K thermal shield But retain 5 K intercepts on input coupler • Input coupler design for 7 kW CW plus some margin A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 34 LCLS-II cryomodule schematic A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 35 LCLS-II Preproduction Cryomodule 1.3 GHz, modified for CW operation Total length ~12.2 m Nearly the final LCLS-II cryomodule design A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 36 LCLS-II Preproduction Cryomodule 8 cavities (End Tuner) + 1 Splittable Quad (V. Kashikhin), 6 Current Leads ~50A -80K shield (CM3) -4K intercepts -Global magnetic shield not shown -JT Valve A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross -Splittable Quad -BPM -Gate Valve 37 LCLS-II CM Cavity String & He Gas Return Pipe at Magnet End 5 K forward pipe BPM Warm-up / Cool-down line and connections to the cavity A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross Gate Valve Splittable Quad with Needle bearings Supports (6 Current Leads ~50A) 38 1.3 GHz cryomodule modifications for LCLS-II We start with the TESLA Type 3+, XFEL, and Type 4 designs Modifications for high heat loads • Larger chimney pipe from helium vessel to 2-phase pipe • Larger 2-phase pipe (4 inch OD) Closed-ended 2-phase pipe • Separate 2 K liquid levels in each cryomodule • 2 K JT valve on each cryomodule End lever tuner and helium vessel design for minimal df/dP Two cool-down ports in each helium vessel for uniform cool-down of bimetal joints No 5 K thermal shield • But retain 5 K intercepts on input coupler Input coupler design for 7 kW CW plus some margin A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 39 LCLS-II helium vessel and tuner Chuck Grimm, Evgueni Borissov A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 40 1.3 GHz cryomodule modifications for LCLS-II We start with the TESLA Type 3+, XFEL, and Type 4 designs Modifications for high heat loads • Larger chimney pipe from helium vessel to 2-phase pipe • Larger 2-phase pipe (4 inch OD) Closed-ended 2-phase pipe • Separate 2 K liquid levels in each cryomodule • 2 K JT valve on each cryomodule End lever tuner and helium vessel design for minimal df/dP Two cool-down ports in each helium vessel for uniform cool-down of bimetal joints No 5 K thermal shield • But retain 5 K intercepts on input coupler Input coupler design for 7 kW CW plus some margin A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 41 Bringing power into the cryomodule – the coaxial power coupler: SLAC assembly and test (45 made for ILC-GDE studies) September 6, 2013 A-I-A MarcJoint Ross, Seminar SLAC LCLS-II 140414 M. Ross 42 TTFIII Coupler Thermal Calculation at high CW Power Center conductor overheating A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 43 A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 44 Modified FPC Antenna For LCLS-‐II Tip cut 8.5 mm, d = 46.5 mm, Qext Nominal = 4e7 Qext Max = 6e7 d Antenna edge rounded by 3 mm A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 45 TTF3 Coupler Warm Section SecOon to be removed and re-‐plated A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross Center conductor bellows à subject to overheating 46 HOM extraction • LCLS-II Low current: HOM extraction requirements relaxed A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 47 A-‐I-‐A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 48 D. KosOn, J. Sekutowicz Antenna ModificaOons for E-‐XFEL “The feedthroughs are made of high conducOvity materials, pure niobium, molybdenum and sapphire. They will be connected thermally to the 2-‐phase tube with copper braids for be}er heat transfer to the 2 K environment.” A-‐I-‐A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 49 D. KosOn, J. Sekutowicz FNAL HOM Quench Study A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross LCLS-II SRF Linac • 4 GeV ‘up to 300 micro-Amp’ CW superconducting linac based on TESLA / ILC / E-XFEL 1.3 GHz technology Key topics: • Cavity process for high-Q0 production • CW cryomodule design and operations scheme for 110 W @ 2K / CM (or better) • Industrial capability for 1) dressed-processed-cavity, 2) coupler, and 3) vacuum-vessel/cold-mass production • Single RF-source single-cavity • Jlab Cryoplant CHL-2 (12 GeV Upgrade) adapted for SLAC A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 51 Project Collaboration A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross • • • • • 50% of cryomodules: 1.3 GHz Cryomodules: 3.9 GHz Cryomodule engineering/design Helium distribution Processing for high Q (FNAL-invented gas doping) • • • 50% of cryomodules: 1.3 GHz Cryoplant selection/design Processing for high Q (gas doping) • Undulators • e- gun & associated injector systems • Undulator Vacuum Chamber • • Also supports FNAL w/ SCRF cleaning facility Undulator R&D: vertical polarization • • • R&D planning, prototype support processing for high-Q (high Q gas doping) e- gun option 52 Cryomodule Collaboration Fermilab is leading the cryomodule design effort • Extensive experience with TESLA-style cryomodule design and assembly Jefferson Lab and Cornell are partners in design review, costing, and production • Jefferson Lab sharing half the 1.3 GHz production - Recent 12 GeV upgrade production experience Argonne Lab is also participating in cryostat design • Beginning with system flow analyses and pipe size verification A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 53 Cryomodule Collaboration Fermilab is leading the cryomodule design effort • Extensive experience with TESLA-style cryomodule design and assembly Jefferson Lab and Cornell are partners in design review, costing, and production • Jefferson Lab sharing half the 1.3 GHz production - Recent 12 GeV upgrade production experience Argonne Lab is also participating in cryostat design • Beginning with system flow analyses and pipe size verification A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 54 Fermilab Cryomodule: CM2 à testing underway now A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 55 Cavity Transmi}ed power Gradient = 31.5 MV/m Fermilab CM2 First wholly US-built ILCstyle CM Uses high gradient cavities Cavity Forward power Cavity Reflected power CM-‐2 Cavity 1 achieves 31.5 MV/m (AdministraOve limit) 1 Hz, 1.3 ms pulse width 20 December 2013 Capabilities and Infrastructure: FNAL/ANL Cavity Processing Electropolishing Ultrasonic degreasing • Dressed cavity prep for CM or HT ass’y • Re-processing A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross High-pressure rinse Ass’y & Leak check 57 Capabilities and Infrastructure: FNAL CM assembly Class 100 Class 10 Cavity String Assembly Clean Room Cavity String Assembly Cryomodule Transport Final Assembly A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross Cold Mass Assembly Final Assembly 58 Capabilities and Infrastructure: FNAL 1.3 GHz CM Ass’y WS2:7d (7) WS1: 9d (6) WS3: 5d (10) WS4:5d (10) A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross WS0: 5d (2) WS5: 10d (8) WS6: 4d (4) Total = 45 days Workstation: duration (#people) 59 Capabilities and Infrastructure: FNAL CM Test ~100M investment 2006-2012 A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 60 Cryomodule Test Facility (CMTF) Cryoplant (blue) Distribution box (silver) Cryomodule Test Stand (CMTS) H- beam test cave A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 61 Capabilities and infrastructure: FNAL CM test facility Existing infrastructure for one cryomodule test stand (CMTS) • Project to provide RF source/distribution, and cryo distribution in cave Cryoplant (blue) Distribution box (silver) H- beam test cave A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 62 Cryomodule Collaboration Fermilab is leading the cryomodule design effort • Extensive experience with TESLA-style cryomodule design and assembly Jefferson Lab and Cornell are partners in design review, costing, and production • Jefferson Lab sharing half the 1.3 GHz production - Recent 12 GeV upgrade production experience Argonne Lab is also participating in cryostat design • Beginning with system flow analyses and pipe size verification A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 63 Jlab SRF Production Facilities Existing and required additions • Vertical Test Area (VTA), significant extra capacity - 8 dewars (4 available for LCLS production, 8 cavities per week capacity) • • Peak testing 4 cavities per week required Routine 2 cavities per week required - Low level and high power RF on hand • Clean room for cavity string assembly, extra capacity – supported by exisitng tooling plan - - - - ISO 4 Dedicated drying and assembly bays Modular wall system Need LCLS specific cavity string assembly tooling, two sets to support production rate • Cryomodule assembly are, significant extra capacity - 4 bays, two with existing rail systems, two work station per rail - 2 rails needed for LCLS - Need LCLS specific cryomodule tooling, final design to be completed at Jlab to adapt exisitng tooling to Jlab system • Cryomodule test facility (CMTF), pacing facility at 5 shifts per week - additional throughput available by using more than 5 shifts per week (weekends and multiple shifts) - Single shielded cave - 2K cryogens available, high throughput investment needed - New feed cans for LCLS cryomodules needed - Borrow HP RF from the project A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross - New LLRF needed for 1300 MHz 64 Jlab upgraded SRF Facilities: 2013 Start 2* A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross Ship 1* * See next page 65 Cryomodule Assembly Rails 1 2 A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 66 Cryomodule Collaboration Fermilab is leading the cryomodule design effort • Extensive experience with TESLA-style cryomodule design and assembly Jefferson Lab and Cornell are partners in design review, costing, and production • Jefferson Lab sharing half the 1.3 GHz production - Recent 12 GeV upgrade production experience Argonne Lab is also participating in cryostat design • Beginning with system flow analyses and pipe size verification SLAC • installation and commissioning A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 67 SLAC: View from air: Equipment entryway LCLS-II Linac A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 68 SLAC Sector 10 Access Tunnel Entrance A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 69 Access Tunnel Intersection to Main Linac Tunnel Entrance to SLAC tunnel A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 70 Cryomodules Transport into Tunnel Beam A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 71 Existing SLAC Linac Tunnel Remove Linac and Support Pipe; Re-use Bypass line Linac Bypass Lines Linac Support Structure A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 72 ‘cut-paste’ tunnel cross-section: A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 73 Summary • LCLS-II SRF is based on TESLA / XFEL / ILC work of 20 years • To be implemented by SLAC and Partners: Fermilab, Jlab and Cornell in the next 5 years • High Q0 development made excellent progress in last 1 to 2 years • LCLS-II tries to capture these advancements • CW operation / Cryogenic load are cost-drivers and will require ‘system-optimization’ • LCLS-II can be a step toward further application of SRF A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 74 End A-I-A Joint Seminar 140414 M. Ross 75
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