Precipitation-Frequency Probable Maximum Precipitation Presenter: Geoff Bonnin Office of Hydrologic Development, National Weather Service, NOAA Email: [email protected] Web: Authors: Geoffrey Bonnin, Deborah Martin, Sandra Pavlovic, Sanja Perica, Ishani Roy, Michael St Laurent, Carl Trypaluk, Dale Unruh National Dam Safety Program Technical Seminar No. 21 February 19-20, 2014 Topics 1. Precipitation Frequency Estimates 2. Probable Maximum Precipitation 3. Probabilistic Flood Hazard Assessment 4. Potential Impact of Climate Change NOAA Atlas 14 Volumes NOAA/NWS/Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center (HDSC) precipitation frequency estimates on behalf of the Federal Government Referenced in many Federal, state and local government regulations Updates are published as Volumes of NOAA Atlas 14 Application: Infrastructure design Examples: Control of water: Flood mitigation, land development and construction , storm water drainage (roads, parking lots, airports, land, roofs), culverts, bridges,... Utilization of water for beneficial purposes: water supply, irrigation, navigation, hydrolectric-power development, ... Water-quality management Mays, Water Resources Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 1996 Precipitation frequency (PF) estimate definition Frequency: AMS: Annual exceedance probability – AEP PDS: Average recurrence interval – ARI eg: amount with1% chance of being exceeded once or more than once in any given year (AEP = 1%) on average, will be exceeded only once in 100 years (ARI = 100yr) PF estimate: Precipitation Depth (or Intensity) for a given Duration and Frequency (AEP or ARI) Depth-Duration-Frequency (DDF) curves Depth Frequency Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves Duration Annual maximum series (AMS) vs. partial duration series (PDS) AMS PDS AMS-based frequency analysis used in NOAA 14 PDS-based (for ARI) PF estimates calculated directly for early Volumes indirectly from Langbein’s formula for later Volumes Where to go find NOAA Atlas 14 products? Precipitation Frequency Data Server (PFDS): NOAA Atlas 14 Volumes – performance statistics MW SE CA PR SW ORB AK HI PI NOAA Atlas 14 interactive web page (upper part) NOAA Atlas 14 interactive web page … PF estimate (with confidence limits) . PF graphical: DDF curves, confidence intervals Cartographic maps Maps were created to serve as visual aids and are not recommended for interpolating estimates. Precipitation frequency estimates in GIS compatible format (30 arc-sec resolution) PDS: 570 grids (190 quantile; 190 upper CL; 190 lower CL) AMS: 513 grids (171 quantile; 171 upper CL; 171 lower CL) Temporal distributions of amounts exceeding 2-year magnitudes provided for 6-hour, 12-hour, 24-hour, and 96-hour durations for delineated climate regions. Four precipitation cases; defined by the duration quartile in which the greatest percentage of the total precipitation occurred. c) 24-hour duration 100 Cumulative percent of precipitation . Supplementary information: Temporal distributions 90 80 70 90% 60 50 10% 50% 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Cumulative percent of duration . Supplementary information Seasonality analysis . Supplementary information Time series data . Supplementary information Documentation Comparison with superseded studies Main differences in available products: • NA14: 30 arc-sec gridded estimates - Estimates up to 1,000 years ARI - Confidence intervals - Supplementary info. • Superseded documents: paper maps with isopluvials – Estimates up to 100 years ARI Main differences in methodologies: • Statistical methodology • Spatial interpolation techniques (topographic features) • Available data (number of stations and record lengths) 24-hr 100-yr NA14 vs. TP40 Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) . Theoretically greatest depth of precipitation, for a given duration, physically possible, over a given size storm area, at a particular geographic location • “Worst case”, “perfect storm”, “the most the atmosphere can pump” Used in design of large dams PMP used to estimate Probable Maximum Flood Status of PMP Estimates . Very old empirical methodology needs updating • There is doubt about the old estimates Very little data collection since 1972 generally • 1986 in some areas Interagency committee tasked with proposing update plan • Little progress to date • USACE, USBR, NRC, each with internal plans & programs • Several States are going it alone - Produces inconsistency NWS Maintains Old PMP Documents . Probabilistic Flood Hazard Assessment? . What about design between 1,000 yr ARI and PMP? • • • • Agencies design and asset management want risk based approach NA14 doesn’t go beyond 1,000 years because of large uncertainty There is doubt about PMP estimates and methodology More research is needed • “Workshop on Probabilistic Flood Hazard Assessment”, Jan 2013 . Can Climate Change Make the “Perfect Storm” More Perfect? World and U.S. Record Rainfall . Potential Impact of Climate Change on Precipitation Frequency Contact us: Email: [email protected] Web: Subscribe to our list-server for announcements via email:
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