2014 AGM (FOR THE 2012-13 FISCAL YEAR) Please join us for Tikva Housing Society’s Annual General Meeting to be held on: Wednesday April 2nd at 6:00pm at 950 West 41st Avenue 2nd floor, Dayson Boardroom Our guest speaker, Thom Armstrong Executive Director of the Land Trust Foundation, will present the Land Trust’s proposal to develop affordable housing through an innovative partnership that includes Tikva Housing. Refreshments………………………………………………….…….………... 6:00 Welcome & Agenda Approval……………………………………………… 6:20 Special Donor Recognition…………………………………………….… …. 6:25 Past Business………………………………………………………………….. 6:35 Chair’s Report………………………………………………………………….. 6:45 Treasurer’s Report…………………………………………………………… 6:55 Nominating Committee Report & Elections……………………………… 7:05 Guest Speaker…………………………………………………………………. 7:15 Closing Remarks……………………………………………………………… 7:45 TIKVA HOUSING SOCIETY 2013-14 Board Members Name Profession /Affiliation Executive: Sam Cukier, Co-Chair American Institute of Architects Association Lucas van den Berg, Co-Chair Executive, Oil & Gas Jack Wizenberg Treasurer Retired, Property Manager Daniel Bar-Dayan, Secretary Property Manager Directors: Eric Fefer Developer Dan Granirer Investment Banking Sarah Neiman Law Society of BC Adam Policzer Architectural Institute of BC Allan Posthuma College of Psychologists David Zigelman Marketing Manager Agency Liaisons: Susan Alexman Jewish Family Service Agency Licensed Clinical Social Worker Penny Gurstein Jewish Federation of GV Director, School of Community & Regional Planning and the Centre for Human Settlements, UBC Rabbi Jonathan Infeld Rabbinical Association of Vancouver Rabbi TIKVA HOUSING SOCIETY PROPOSED 2014-15 Board Members 1. Daniel Bar-Dayan 2. Sam Cukier 3. Eric Fefer 4. Dan Granirer 5. Michael Grudman 6. Sarah Neiman 7. Adam Policzer 8. Allan Posthuma 9. Lucas van den Berg 10. Jack Wizenberg 11. David Zigelman AGENCY LIAISONS: 1. Planning Committee JFGV 2. Rabbinical Association of Vancouver 3. Jewish Family Service Agency Dr. Penny Gurstein Rabbi Jonathan Infeld TBA TIKVA HOUSING SOCIETY MINUTES ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MARCH 21, 2013 SNYDER LOUNGE JCC 950 WEST 41 ST AVENUE, VANCOUVER, B.C. Present: Susan Alexman, Daniel Bar-Dayan, David Berson, Glen Chua, Mark Cogan, Susana Cogan, Tania Cogan, Sam Cukier Jackie Day, Iris Dayson, Philip Dayson, Aaron Estrin, Eric Fefer, Julio Gomberoff, Olga Ilich, Karen James, Marge Johnson, Helen Karsai, Susan Katz, Jerry Kushner, Shirley Kushner, Eleonor Leclerc, Adam Policzer, Allan Posthuma, Shelley Rivkin, Cydney Shapiro, Kathryn Sharp, Laura Stannard, Leslie Stern, Stuart Thomas, Lucas van den Berg, Eva Wadolna, Jack Wizenberg, Bill Woodson, David Zigelman. Regrets: Shirley Barnett, Marcie Flom, Mark Gurvis, Dan Granirer, Dorothy Malkin, Vicki Robinson MC: Daniel Bar-Dayan 1. Call to order: Daniel Bar-Dayan called Tikva’s Annual General Meeting to order at 6:20 PM. He welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. 2. Special Donor: Daniel introduced Mielle van den Berg, Tikva’s youngest fundraiser and donor who brought with her a box full of coins, bills and cheques amounting to $465.00 that th she had collected among family and friends at her 5 birthday. Funds were for “people who have no houses” Daniel thanked Mielle and gave her a present in name of Tikva Housing. 3. Agenda Approval: Daniel reviewed the Agenda. Lucas moved to approve the Agenda. Motion was approved unanimously. 4. Reading and Adoption of Minutes of 2011 AGM: Sam moved to adopt the Minutes of Tikva’s 2011 AGM that formed part of the package distributed to members. The Motion was approved unanimously. 5. President’s Report: Sam presented the 2011-12 Chair’s Report He presented an overview of Tikva’s activities during 2011-12 highlighting: • Dany Guincher House – Roof replacement; • Awareness campaign during Sukkot, talks at several synagogues; • The Rent Subsidy program; • THS’ participation in a new development in Richmond; • Third Housing Forum – Bricks and Mortar or Rent Subsidies? Was well attended; interesting discussions ensued. He also spoke about future plans: • New Sukkot Awareness Campaign jointly with b’nai Brith and JCC. Campaign will include a Sukka building competition. • Joint partnerships, working with Katherine Sanford and other non-profits to acquire additional units. 6. 2011/12 Financial Statements Presentation: Lucas presented the Financial Statements for st the past fiscal year ending August 31 , 2012. • He explained in detail the “Statement of Financial Position”. es • He noted that RBC Mortgage will be renewing in June 2013. Rat through BC Housing are expected to be around 3% for a 10 year mortgage. Tikva Housing Society 2011-2012 AGM Page 1 of 3 • Motion to approve last year’s financials, David Z. Moved – unanimous approval. 7. Nominating Committee Report & Elections: Allan Posthuma presented the Nominations Committee Report. a. Directors continuing on the present Board: • Daniel Bar-Dayan, Sam Cukier, Sarah Neiman, Adam Policzer, Allan Posthuma, Lucas van den Berg, Jack Wizenberg and David Zigelman. • Vicki Robinson is stepping down. b. The Committee suggested that: • Two Board Members who have completed their three year term be reappointed for another term: Lucas van den Berg David Zigelman • c. Three new Board Members be appointed: Eric Fefer Dan Granirer Susan Katz Allan asked for nominations from the floor three times. There were no additional nominations. Allan moved that the Board be elected as recommended by the Nominations Committee. It was unanimously approved. 8. A motion to limit the number of Board Members to a maximum of 14 was presented by Lucas. a. Discussion: presently the Board is composed of 12 Members but Tikva is looking to include a person with accounting background and a person with fundraising expertise. b. Adam seconded the motion; approved unanimously. 9. Guest Speaker –Daniel introduced Olga Ilich, keynote speaker Co-Chair of City of Vancouver Mayor’s Task Force on Affordable Housing a. Highlighted that 50% of Vancouver residents live in rental accommodation but, 22,000 live in basements. b. Task force targeted lower income singles and couples with critical needs for suitable rental accommodation as well as empty nesters who wish to downsize. c. In terms of income the Task Force targeted those with incomes between $21,500 and $86,500 who can pay $560 to $2,160/month for rent respectively. d. Task Force Recommendations: i. City of Vancouver owns substantial parcels of land but they need to look at them cohesively; ii. To promote better planning of City assets, City should have a Housing Corporation. iii. City should also review Social Housing Policies to explore opportunities to renew and expand the stock. iv. City should streamline processes to reduce costs and uncertainty; v. City should get effective public engagement. e. Results: i. City will have an Interim Rezoning Policy for Rentals ii. Increased building height and density near transit hubs; Tikva Housing Society 2011-2012 AGM Page 2 of 3 f. Questions to Olga Ilich related to Co-Housing and Development Cost Charges. g. Thanks Daniel thanked Olga Ilich for her interesting talk. 10. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm. After the AGM meeting Board Members met and appointed the following members to Executive Positions: Co-Chairs: Sam Cukier Lucas van den Berg Treasurer: Jack Wizenberg Secretary: Daniel Bar-Dayan Tikva Housing Society 2011-2012 AGM Page 3 of 3
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