Factsheet: Jebel Ali Power Complex

Key facts and figures
Jebel Ali Power Complex
Jebel Ali, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA)
DEWA currently has an installed capacity of around 9,600 megawatts (MW) and produces 470 million gallons of
desalinated water per day from its power complexes. Approximately 70 percent of DEWA’s installed capacity is
powered by Siemens machines, and Siemens has been working with the authority for more than 30 years.
Siemens Scope
The Jebel Ali Power Plant and Desalination Complex produces around 7,800MW from seven stations, and forms
the backbone of Dubai’s power supply. Siemens has supplied equipment to four of these stations – G, K, L2 and
M. As Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), Siemens has installed 18 gas turbines, two steam turbines and
19 generators to the complex since the early 1990s.
Jebel Ali M Station
Inaugurated in April 2013, DEWA’s M Station facility at Jebel Ali is the largest power and desalination plant in
the United Arab Emirates, with the capacity to supply approximately one million households in Dubai with
power generated from highly efficient Siemens gas turbines.
Powered by six Siemens SGT5-4000F gas turbines and six SGen5-1000A series generators, the combined-cycle
M Station power facility produces 2,060MW of electricity and 140 million gallons of desalinated water per day.
In 2012 Siemens announced the signing of a USD450 million 12-year long-term service agreement for its
equipment at the facility.
Siemens has also implemented its Wet Compression technology at Jebel Ali M Station as a pilot project with
DEWA. The bolt-on technology, which uses water injection to increase the power output of the gas turbine by
reducing compressor inlet temperatures, is able to boost M Station’s power output by 15 per cent within 20
minutes. Crucially, the technology uses no extra fuel to realize this power increase.
Together with previous installations of the technology - there are now 8 gas turbines equipped with Siemens
Wet Compression at Jebel Ali - this provides the emirate of Dubai with up to 190MW of extra power during the
summer months when demand for electricity reaches its peak.
The Siemens Wet Compression solution has been successfully installed and operating in Jebel Ali Power
Complex’s G unit since 2005 and in the K unit since early 2010, with the latter scooping DEWA a Dubai
Government Excellence Award.
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