Dynamic modelling of kidney function with interventions at acute kidney injury occurrences ¨ ur Asar Ozg¨ [email protected] with Peter J. Diggle, James Ritchie and Philip Kalra 25 March 2014 MRC Conference on Biostatistics, Cambridge CHICAS combining health information, computation and statistics 1 / 15 Outline I Motivation I CRISIS Cohort I Clinical Identification of AKI I Statistical Modelling I Results I Discussion 2 / 15 Motivation I Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined based on I I I kidney damage, e.g. increased albuminuria or proteinuria decreased kidney function, e.g. GFR < 60 mL/min per 1.73m2 Early stages of CKD are I I I reversible mostly asymptomatic usually detected during the assessment of comorbid conditions I Mostly gradual decline in kidney function I If progressive might lead to kidney failure within months I CKD patients are in risk of abrupt changes in kidney function 3 / 15 Motivation I Acute Kidney Injury (AKI): sudden falls in kidney function (in hours to days) I Ranges between I I renal impairment due to mild alterations w/o actual damage complete renal failure I Common and potentially catastrophic in hospitalised patients I Mostly associated with diabetes and/or cardivascular diseases I No specific treatment, treatment is only supportive I CKD is a risk factor for AKI I The influence of AKI on long-term kidney function is unknown 4 / 15 10 ? 5 ? 0 GFR 15 20 Motivation 0 1 2 3 4 5 time 5 / 15 CRISIS Cohort I Chronic Renal Insufficiency Standards Implementation Study (CRISIS), Salford Royal Hospital, Manchester, UK I A cohort of CKD patients, staggered entry, irregular follow-up I 2,221 patients, followed between 15 Nov 2000 - 28 Feb 2013 I 1,376 (62.0%) were male, 845 (38%) were female I 2,139 (96.3%) were Caucasian, 82 (3.7%) were non-Caucasian Total amount of 46,149 hospital visits I I I 40,877 (88.6%) out-patient 5,272 (11.4%) in-patient I Number of visits: 1 - 195, median of 13 I Total follow-up time: 0 - 10.9, median of 2.6 (in years) I Baseline age: 20.0 - 94.3, median of 66.9 (in years) 6 / 15 1 2 log(eGFR) 3 4 5 6 CRISIS Cohort 20 40 60 80 100 Age (in years) eGFR = 175 × SCr 88.4 −1.154 × age−0.203 × 0.742 I(female) × 1.21 I(black) 7 / 15 Clinical Identification of AKI I I 101 patients (5%), at least one AKI, any stage ⇒ a rare event Based on Creatinine observations by comparing I I I I I I RC = (Creatininet − Creatinines )/Creatinines (s < t) AKI was identified by (the AKIN criteria, Mehta et al., 2007) I I I I most recent OP with first IP first IP with other IPs adjacent IPs two successive OPs taken within 48 hours stage 1: if 0.5 ≤ RC < 1 stage 2: if 1 ≤ RC < 2 stage 3: if 2 ≤ RC AKI occuring within 72 hours belong to a single episode 8 / 15 Clinical Identification of AKI I Combine stage 1, 2 and 3 into a single stage I Censor the trajectories at the 2nd AKI I Omit the observations that belong to the first AKI episode Total amount of 5,595 hospital visits I I I I Total follow-up time for I I I 3,761 (67.2%) belong to pre-AKI 1,834 (32.8%) belong to post-AKI pre-AKI : 0.003 - 8.3, median of 1.1 (in years) post-AKI : 0.003 - 6.6, median of 0.3 (in years) Amongst the 101 patients I I I I 29 12 34 26 (28.7 (11.9 (33.7 (25.7 %) %) %) %) were censored at 2nd AKI had RRT (before 2nd AKI) died (before 2nd AKI and RRT) were administratively censored 9 / 15 Clinical Identification of AKI 4 3 log(eGFR) 1 2 3 2 1 log(eGFR) 4 5 Censored at RRT (n2=12) 5 Censored at 2nd AKI (n1=29) −5 0 Years after AKI 5 −5 0 5 Years after AKI 10 / 15 Clinical Identification of AKI 4 3 log(eGFR) 1 2 3 2 1 log(eGFR) 4 5 No 2nd AKI, No RRT, Alive (n5=26) 5 Censored by death (n3=34) −5 0 Years after AKI 5 −5 0 5 Years after AKI 11 / 15 Statistical Modelling I Based on the preliminary analyses Yij = Xij α + Ui + Wi (tij ) + Zij I I (1) Ui : random intercept, ∼ N(0, ω 2 ) Wi (t): non-stationary Gaussian stochastic process 1. Replace Wi (t) by bi tij , (Ui , bi ) ∼ MVN(0, Σ) 2. Brownian motion: cov (W (s), W (t)) = σ 2 min(s, t) 3. Integrated Brownian motion: 2 cov (W (s), W (t)) = σ 2 min2(s,t) max(s, t) − min3(s,t) 4. Integrated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process cov (W (s), W (t)) = I κ2 2ν 3 2νmin(s, t) + e −νt + e −νs − 1 − e −ν|t−s| Zij : measurement error, ∼ N(0, τ 2 ) 12 / 15 Results log(eGFR) = α0 + α1 ∗ tij + α2 ∗ (tij )+ + α3 ∗ (tij − 0.5)+ + α4 ∗ I(0 ≤ tij < 0.5) + α5 ∗ I(0.5 ≤ tij )+ Ui + Wi (tij ) + Zij (2) I tij : age at measurement - age at AKI I (tij − a)+ : 0 if tij ≤ a, tij − a if tij > a Model with Wi (tij ) as Random Slope Brownian Motion Integrated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Integrated Brownian Motion Max. logLik -1554.31 -415.44 -415.44 -1108.94 13 / 15 Results Parameter α0 α1 α2 α3 α4 α5 Variable Intercept tij (tij )+ (tij − 0.5)+ I(0 ≤ tij < 0.5) I(0.5 ≤ tij ) Estimate 3.072 -0.074 0.737 -0.648 -0.245 -0.390 SE 0.067 0.016 0.154 0.184 0.019 0.059 p <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 I Slope(t > 0.5) = 0.014, SE = 0.101 I H0 : Slope(t < 0) - Slope(t > 0.5) = 0, p = 0.386 I Level decrease for t > 0.5: -32.3% (=(exp(-0.390)-1)*100) 14 / 15 Discussion I Longer follow-ups after AKI with updated data I Incorporating survival end-points, with joint models I Modelling complete cohort Random change points for I I I I accelaration before AKI end of recovery after AKI Separating AKI stages 15 / 15
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