Liver injury in Adult Dengue Sombat Treeprasertsuk, MD., Ph.D. Chulalongkorn University Aug 7, 2014 Prevalence of Liver function tests abnormality in adults patients with dengue infection N = 127 adult dengue patients at Hospital of Tropical Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand Mean age 26.4±11.5 years. Classification of Dengue infection by WHO criteria were DF 4.7%, - DHF grade I 26%, - DHF grade II 63% - DHF grade III 6%. Mean duration-fever clearance time 6±1.9 days Treeprasertsuk S, Kittitrakul C, et al AJG 2003 abstract Prevalence of Liver function tests abnormality in adults patients with dengue infection Abnormal AST and ALT were found in 88% and 69% of patients High-level AST and ALT (>10x) occurred in 11% and 7% Abnormal AST during febrile stage was associated with bleeding Shock occurred in 6% after av. 5.6 days All patients recovered within 1 day of shock, without using vasopressor. Pleural effusion occurred in 1.6%. No patient died. Treeprasertsuk S, Kittitrakul C, et al AJG 2003 abstract Cohort : Liver injury in Adult Dengue in Pakistan : Age>14 yr DENGUE INFECTION 699 CASES 65% = MALE AGE 31.9 Yr IPD/ exclude cirrhosis DF 86%, DHF12%, DSS 2% • Mortality rate 2.7% • Severe hepatitis 15% • ARF 3.9% • Encephalopathy 2.9% • Bleeding 1.7% Parkash O, et al. BMC Gastroenterology 2010; 10: 43. Primary outcome measures according to severity of hepatitis within 2 categories ; DF-DHF in Pakistan Diagnosis Categories Dengue fever (DF) (n=517) DHF/ DSS (n=82) Death (n) Death rate (Deaths/10 day) H.R (95% Cl;) P value (Difference in death rate)! LOS+SD P value Mild to Moderate Hepatitis (n=436) 3 0.019 2.97 (0.48,18.6) 0.283 3.50+1.54 <0.025 Severe hepatitis (n=81; 16%) 3 0.093 Mild to Moderate Hepatitis (n=60) 3/60 (5%) 0.010 Severe hepatitis (n=22; 27% ) 9/22 (40%) 0.073 Severity of hepatitis 3.96+2.27 5 (1.3, 16) 0.003 Parkash O, et al. BMC Gastroenterology 2010; 10: 43. 4.60+2.87 5.60+3.85 .212 Complications in 2 groups of patients with DF infection by severity of hepatitis Complications Mild to moderate (n=496) Severe hepatitis (n=103) P value Bleeding1 (n) 3 7 <0.0016 Renal failure2 (n) 8 8 0.002 Encephalopathy3 (n) 7 11 0.02 Shock4 (n) 6 2 0.406 Acalculus cholecystitis5 (n) 14 7 0.04 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Either mucosal bleeding (epistaxis or gum bleed) or Gastrointestinal (GI) bleed Acute Renal Failure (ARF) was defined as rise of creatinine > 3 times Encephalopathy = altered mental status for >8 hr (drowsiness, lethargy, agitation, coma) Shock was defined as Hypotension (defined as systolic pressure < 90 mm Hg) Acalculus cholecystitis was defined as inflammation of gallbladder without stone on US Analyzed by fischer exact test Parkash O, et al. BMC Gastroenterology 2010; 10: 43. Mild/mod. hepatitis Severe hepatitis ALT < 5*UNL: Mild hepatitis ALT >5-10 *UNL: mod hepatitis ALT >10*UNL: severe hepatitis Parkash O, et al. BMC Gastroenterology 2010; 10: 43. Characteristic histological changes to the liver parenchyma. Midzonal (zone 2) necrosis of the liver is the classic pathological expression of dengue infection Gasperino J. Liver Int. 2007;27(8):1148-51. Factors associated with acute liver injury or Liver failure in Dengue patients. • Direct viral effect on liver cells or an adverse consequence of dysregulated host immune responses against the virus (Seneviratne et al., 2006) • Liver involvement occur more frequently caused by DEN-3/ DEN-4 serotypes • Prolonged shock/ hemorrhage (ischemic hepatitis) • Drugs induced liver injury: acetaminophen, salicylates (Suvatte et al 1990) • Preexisting liver damage (Chung et al 1992) Nguyen TL, et al. Res. Virol. 1997; 148: 273-277 Gasperino J. Liver Int. 2007 Oct;27(8):1148-51. Ling LM. J Clin Virol 2007 Mar;38(3):265-8. Comparison of mean levels of transaminase in HbsAg-positive and HbsAg-negative DHF patients. AST (U/l) DHF with HbsAg+ (n=5) 116+17.8 DHF with HbsAg- (n=40) 120+23.6 P value ALT (U/l) P value 37+2.5 NS Nguyen TL, et al. Res. Virol. 1997; 148: 273-277 38+13.8 NS FHF and Acetaminophen Case control study: Paracetamol ingestion for the current febrile illness compared between 25 cases of FHF vs 33 age matched controls Results: Supra-therapeutic doses of paracetamol (mean 145 mg/kg/day) were consumed by all 25 cases vs none in the control group Mean duration of paracetamol intake prior to admission in cases was 3.5 days vs 1.8 days in the control group Ranganathan SS, et al. Indian J Pediatr 2006;73(10):871-5 Antibiotics associated hepatotoxicity in King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital (2002-2006) : N = 244 Acetaminophen 21% 7% ARV ATB 6% 6% 7% 5% 40% Anti -TB unknown AntiTB Antiretroviral Allopurinol Antithyroid Herbs Acetaminophen Antibiotics Immunosuppressive NSAIDs Antiepileptic Treeprasertsuk S, et al. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2010; 31:1200 DF and Acetaminophen; case report 8-month-old female infant with severe DF Given therapeutic paracetamol for severe dengue, developed FHF with encephalopathy, GI hemorrhage and severe coagulopathy (INR>8) Day11; AST 1,539 IU/L, ALT 5,497 IU/L Responded to supportive measures and N-acetylcysteine infusion, day 25-improved Gan CS, et al. Singapore Med J 2013 ;54(2):e35-7. Treatment of patients with Fulminant hepatic failure-Dengue Recent interest has focused on 1. Supportive medical manangement; N-acetylcystein (NAC) 2. Providing temporary support as a bridge to Liver transplantation: Artificial Liver Support - Limitation: no RCT, small sample size 1. N-acetylcystein (NAC) and Dengue severe hepatitis Repletion of hepatocellular glutathione stores Scavenges free radicals, improves antioxidant defense Vasodilator to improve oxygen delivery and consumption NAC-benefit is seen if used early stage of liver failure rather than late stage Dose applied non-acetaminophen FHF Lee WM,from et al. Gastroenterology. 2009;137:856–64. N-acetylcystein (NAC) and Dengue severe hepatitis - Dose/Duration iv NAC 100 mg/kg/day infusion x 5 days (Habaragamuwa, et al.- adult) iv. 150 mg/kg bolus over 15 min followed by 12.5 mg/kg/h for 4 h and then 6.25 mg/kg/h x 72 h (Kumarasena, et al.- Ped) - or 100 mg/kg/day x 6 days (Lim, et al.- Ped) Lee WM, et al. Gastroenterology. 2009;137:856–64. Sklar GE, et al. Ann Pharmacother. 2004;38:498–500. N-acetylcystein (NAC) and Dengue severe hepatitis - Outcomes Studies Case report LFT - presentations Habaragamu wa BW et al, 2014 54-yearFemale FHF-AST 16,261 U/L, GCS = 11 ALT 4,545 U/L, INR 1.7, TB 6 mg/dl Survive with normal LFT 2 wk Lim G, et al 2012 6-year-old boy FHF No details Survive Kumarasena RS, et al, N =7; Age 6 mo 12 yr FHF Low GCS, prolonged shock Survive 2010 Complications Outcome 2.Liver Support Therapy Artificial Liver Support A. MARS - Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System (MARS, Gambro, Sweden); by Stange/Mitzner in 1993 B. Prometheus (Fresenius, Germany); by Falkenhagen, et al in 1999 C. SPAD (Single pass albumin dialysis) Bioartificial Liver Support : NO any clinical beneficial effect, due to safety concern with xenotransplantation of porcine cells or use of liver-tumor derived human cell lines Carpentier, et al. Gut 2009;58:1690–1702. Benefit of Artificial Liver Support Improvement of jaundice. Improvement of hemodynamic instability (Mean arterial pressure, Stroke volume, Systemic vascular resistance). Reduction of portal pressure. Reduction of intracranial pressure; ALF cases Improvement of hepatic encephalopathy. Nevens F, Laleman W. Best Practice & Research Clin Gastroenterol 2012; 26: 17–26. A. MARS (Molecular adsorbents recirculating system) Based on the dialysis of blood with a membrane separation system coated albumin Enables the exchange of water-soluble and protein bound toxins by an albumin-coated membrane and recycled protein containing dialyzate System consists of 3 compartments - blood circuit - albumin circuit - renal circuit Sambit,et al. Am J Gastroenterol ;2005:100 :468 – 475. Steffen ,et al. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 2007, 16:589–595. Molecular adsorbent absorbent recirculating system (MARS) uses albumin as dialyzer to remove albumin-bound and water-soluble toxins BFR: 120 – 150 mL/min MARS membrane Blood from patient dialysis membrane 600 ML 20% Albumin dialysate ADSORBERS Anion exchange resin Hemofiltration circuit LOW FLOW Activated charcoal To patient 1.blood circuit A. MARS 2.albumin circuit 3.renal circuit MARS in patient with DHF-Acute liver failure - Reveres hepatic encephalopathy and improved LFT Penafiel A, et al. J Intensive Care Med 2006 Nov-Dec;21(6):369-71 Human serum albumin (HSA) Albumin binds bilirubin, copper and nitric oxide, other liver-derived hydrophobic toxins, +/- remove proinflammatory substances such as chemokines healthy adults, albumin synthesis occurs predominantly in polysomes of hepatocytes (10-15 g/D) half-life of between 12.7 and 18.2 days (mean, 14.8 days) Quinlan GJ, et al. Hepatology 2005;41(6):1211-9. C. Single pass albumin dialysis : SPAD Dialyzes blood/plasma against a 4.4% solution of albumin A standard renal replacement therapy machine is used without any additional perfusion pump system (simpler) Use of considerably more diluted albumin as the dialysate (4.4%, vs. 20% in case of MARS) Offsets the cost of not recirculating the dialysate. Alb. dialysate flow rate: 1-2 L/h in CVVH circuit Sen S, et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2005;100(2):468-75. No. of cycles of SPAD = 2.8 +/- 1.2 in FHF 4.4% solution of albumin High flux dialysis filter Flow 1-2 L/h in CVVH circuit Mitzner S, et al. Ther Apher Dial 2006 Apr;10(2):108-17. Sen S, et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2005 Feb;100(2):468-75. Boonsrirat U, et al. Artif Organs. 2009;33(8):648-53. MARS VS SPAD: No differences in the need for blood transfusion, health scoring, or mortality between the two treatment modalities were detected. Changes of serum bilirubin level Kortgen A, et al. Ther Apher Dial 2009:13(5):419–425. Effective bilirubin reduction by SPAD in Liver failure - KCMH Using 2% human S. albumin dialysate for 6 h. SPAD significantly improved the levels of TB, DB, urea, and creatinine (P < 0.001 for all parameters). Reduction ratios of TB 23+/- 4%, - DB 21+/- 5%, - BUN 19+/- 4% - Cr 28+/- 3% No significant changes in MAP were noted, representing cardiovascular tolerability. Boonsrirat U, et al. Artif Organs. 2009;33(8):648-53. SPAD: Safety and outcome SPAD : hemodynamically well tolerated Pre-and post-treatment mean arterial pressures were 73.4±1.6 and 71.2±1.4 (NS) All patients could complete the 6-hr session No mortality and no dialysis-related complications. Cost of SPAD in the present study : one-fifth of MARS (75,000 Bt = 2,420 US$ / 3 days) Boonsrirat U, et al. Artif Organs. 2009;33(8):648-53. Summary: Liver injury in Adult Dengue Abn. LFT : common 88%: by AST /ALT elevated AST >10X U/L = 11-14%, ALT >10X U/L = 7% Mortality rate in DHF/DSS 0-2.7% (mild/ mod 3/60; 5% vs severe hepatitis 9/22; 40%); with Hazard ratio of 5 (95% CI1.3-1.6) Severe hepatitis (ALT >10x UNL) : may be a significant contributing factor to mortality AST, ALT are mandatory to monitor in Dengue Severe hepatitis DHF: had higher spontaneous bleeding episodes, renal failure, encephalopathy Treatment: aim supportive; NAC?, SPAD?
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