a Colombian exploration company CORPORATE PRESENTATION July 2014 www.platinoenergy.com Platino Strategy Pursuing transactions to generate near-term catalysts Management remains focused on: 1) Utilizing Platino’s strong financial position • March 31, 2014 cash and short-term investments of US$53 MM (~C$0.84/basic share)(1) • No debt • Low ANH commitments • Reduced annualized G&A run rate of ~$2.5 MM 2) Maintaining the ability to execute quickly on strategic opportunities 3) Developing a prospective long-term portfolio • Three Putumayo blocks with high working interest • Proven oil at Coati with activity expected to re-start in Q2 2014 • Minimal required capital spend in 2014 preserves cash for transactions 1. CAD/USD exchange rate of 1.1055 as at March 31, 2014 www.platinoenergy.com 2 Asset Overview Coati W.I.: 100%(1) Gross Acres: 61,840 Net Acres: 61,840 Operator: Platino(2) Basin: Putumayo Morpho 4% Net Profit Interest Coveñas PANAMA VENEZUELA Middle Magdalena Basin Bogota Putumayo-8 W.I.: 50% Gross Acres: 102,800 Net Acres: 51,400 Operator: Vetra Basin: Putumayo Basin: Middle Magdalena Valley Llanos Basin Tumaco Andaquies Putumayo Basin ECUADOR BRAZIL W.I.: 100% Gross Acres: 114,875 Net Acres: 114,875 Operator: Platino(2) Basin: Putumayo PERU 200km 100 mi 1. Working interest will be reduced to 80% upon Canacol Energy Ltd. (“Canacol”) earning-in in accordance with farm-in agreement 2. Subject to approval of the ANH www.platinoenergy.com 3 Block Activity Profile Environmental licensing process has resulted in exploration drilling delays Activity Description & Timing Block Coati Putumayo-8 Andaquies Working Interest 100%(1) 50% 100% Activity Expected Timing • Coati-1 re-entry to produce U-sand • Q2 2014 • Environmental license process • Q2 2014 to Q3 2015 • Drill Nasua exploration well • Q4 2015 • Environmental license process • Q2 2014 to Q3 2015 • Drill 1st exploration well • Q4 2015 • Evaluating further exploration plans • As early as Q3 2014 1. Working interest will be reduced to 80% upon Canacol earning-in in accordance with farm-in agreement www.platinoenergy.com 4 ANH Commitments Platino has only $10 MM of net ANH committed spending remaining on its exploration blocks Coati Putumayo-8 Andaquies Remaining Work Program 1 exploration well 1 exploration well and 112 km2 3D seismic nil Gross Commitment $3.5 MM $14.4 MM(1) nil Net Commitment $2.8 MM $7.2 MM nil Gross Commitment Net Commitment Coati Putumayo-8 $18 MM $10 MM 1. Management expects this amount to be reduced by $7.0 MM gross / $3.5 MM net upon the ANH recognizing the 95 km2 seismic survey completed in 2012. This is expected in the next three months. www.platinoenergy.com 5 Financial and Operational Snapshot Financial Net Acreage Basic Shares Outstanding Options Outstanding(1) Fully-Diluted Shares Outstanding 69.5 MM 4.9 MM 74.4 MM Share Price (May 12, 2014) Market Capitalization (Basic Shares) Net Cash (Mar 31, 2014) C$0.64 C$45 MM $53 MM Gross Acreage 279,515 228,115 Putumayo Key Shareholders (fully diluted) Denham Capital(2) ARC Financial Management and Directors Total Operational 22.6% 9.8% 7.6% 40.0% Gross Acres Average Working Interest Net Acres Employees 279,515 82%(3) 228,115 ~15 1. At a weighted average exercise price of C$1.00 per Platino share 2. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary , C&C Investment Holdings LLC 3. Average working interest will be reduced to 77% upon Canacol earning-in on the Coati block in accordance with the farm-in agreement www.platinoenergy.com 6 2014 Planned Spending Commentary • Coati Block Capex (US$ MM net to Platino) $3.7 − Install temporary production facilities at Coati-1 to produce U-sand − Costs associated with global environmental license • Putumayo-8 − $3.0 Costs associated with global environmental license Estimated 2014 Full Year Coati $0.7 1. CAD/USD exchange rate of 1.1055 as at March 31, 2014 www.platinoenergy.com Put-8 (US$MM) Lower Spend Higher Spend Capital Expenditures ($3.5) ($5.0) G&A Expenditures ($3.0) ($4.0) 2014 Change in Cash ($6.5) ($9.0) Est. 2014 Year End Cash $48.2 $45.7 ~CAD $0.77 to $0.69/share(1) 7 Putumayo Asset Map Andaquies - 100% W.I. Operated C&C Energia Ltd. drilled Tardigrado-1 and Cachalote-1 wells in 2012 Putumayo-8 - Coati - 50% W.I. Non-operated Vetra is partner and operator Partners completed 95 km2 3D in 2012 100% W.I.(1) Operated Platino drilled Coati-1 exploration well (2013) after several year force majeure period 1. Working interest will be reduced to 80% upon Canacol Energy Ltd. (“Canacol”) earning-in in accordance with farm-in agreement www.platinoenergy.com 8 Coati Overview Pursuing global block environmental license to advance exploration program Planned re-entry of Coati-1 well for long-term test on the U-sand to evaluate well productivity and commerciality Coati-1 Well Attributes Additional Prospectivity • Hydrodynamic trap proven in Caballos & awaiting extended testing • • Proved production from U & T sands shows potentially large resource base present (water-flood potential) Nasua Prospect – geologically drill-ready (2D seismic) anticline with multiple reservoirs • Multiple undrilled anticline trend identified on existing 2D seismic • Additional upside potential in A & B limestones and “N” sandstone • N-sand stratigraphic potential in northern part of block • 28-32° API light oil • Multiple proven reservoir targets in block surrounded by similar fields www.platinoenergy.com 9 Coati Potential Potential • • • 7 prospects and leads on 2D 5 reservoirs Adjacent to producing oil fields Lead NE Lead NW Loro Field N sand stratigraphic play type Nasua North Caballos, U & T and N Coati North (“B”) Nasua Exploration Evaluation San Miguel / Acae Field Coati Extension Caballos Hydrodynamic Coati/Temblon Proven U & T & Caballos Temblon Field Evaluation U&T www.platinoenergy.com 10 Putumayo-8 Overview Awaiting revised environmental license to drill first exploratory well Evaluating conversion of remaining 112 km2 seismic commitment to a 2nd exploratory well Putumayo-8 Prospectivity • Large acreage position that with minimal exploration activity to date • Numerous proven oil fields in traditional plays (U&T sands in inversion anticlines) as well as N sand stratigraphic traps • Multiple reservoir targets (U, T, M2 and N sand) • Two drill-ready prospects identified on new 3D seismic, awaiting licensing • Significant upside potential in N sand stratigraphic play www.platinoenergy.com 11 Putumayo-8 Potential Platanillo West Prospect (N) Potential • • • 6 Prospects/Leads on 3D &2D 3 Reservoirs Leads and prospects adjacent to producing oil fields U & T & N sands anticline lead Platanillo Field Quinde West Field U & T & N sands anticline lead Platanillo West Prospect (S) Cohembi Field Luzon N sands Lead Las Chicas Sur Lead www.platinoenergy.com 12 Andaquies Overview Block-wide environmental license in place Evaluating further exploration plans Prospectivity • Northeast extension of proven structural play fairway • Multiple reservoir targets (Caballos, Neme & T sand) • Six mapped leads targeting both proven and stratigraphic play types • Accessible area with minimal security issues and low-cost seismic/drilling • Block is licensed, so upon de-risking structures, drilling could be near-term www.platinoenergy.com 13 Andaquies Potential Potential • • 6 Prospects and Leads on 2D 2 Reservoirs Dual reservoir targets in complex backthrust configuration partially tested in Tardigrado-1. Requires 3D to properly image structural configuration Tardigrado Area Neme in anticline with Caballos upside Cachalote Updip Areas Caballos & Neme in subthrust configuration similar to proven fields to SW. Marmota Area Caballos Strat Play Oil recovered from Neme in Cachalote-1. Additional seismic needed to prove updip drilling location Caballos pinchout trap (proven by existing wells) is mappable on seismic. LEAD S Caballos in anticline with Neme Upside www.platinoenergy.com 14 14 Block Terms Coati Putumayo-8 Andaquies Putumayo Putumayo Putumayo 61,840 / 61,840(1) 102,800 / 51,400 114,875 / 114,875 Working Interest 100%(1) 50% 100% Partner(s) Canacol Vetra n/a Operator Platino(2) Vetra Platino(2) ANH E&P Contract ANH E&P Contract ANH E&P Contract Government Base Royalty 8% 8% 8% High Price Share Participation Yes Yes Yes Third Party Royalty 6% nil nil ANH X-Factor Royalty nil 2% nil Well Timing Due to Environmental License Late 2015 Late 2015 Currently Licensed Basin Gross/Net Acreage Contract Type 1. Working interest will be reduced to 80% upon Canacol earning-in in accordance with farm-in agreement. 2. Subject to ANH approval. www.platinoenergy.com 15 Exploration Phases Coati Putumayo-8 Andaquies ANH E&P Contract ANH E&P Contract ANH E&P Contract Completed Phases I, II n/a I Current Phase III I II 1 exploration well 1 A3 well and 207 km2 3D seismic 1 A3 well Current Phase Work Complete nil 95 km2 3D seismic 1 A3 well Current Phase Work Remaining 1 exploration well 1 A3 well and 112 km2 3D seismic Nil Remaining Contractual Commitment Cost (Gross / Net) $3.5 MM / $2.8 MM $14.5 MM / $7.3 MM Nil Contract Type Current Phase Work Commitment www.platinoenergy.com 16 Corporate Information Management Tomas Villamil Fred Watchorn Andres Cuenca President & CEO VP Geoscience Controller & Interim CFO Board of Directors Carl Tricoli Larry Evans Tomas Villamil Auditors Deloitte LLP Financial Co-President, Denham Capital Partner, 32 Degrees Capital President & CEO, Platino Investor Relations Tomas Villamil President & CEO [email protected] Corporate Office Colombia Office Suite 1250, 555 – 4th Avenue SW Calgary, AB, Canada T2P 3E7 +1(403) 262-6046 Carrera 4, No. 72-35, Piso 8 Bogota, Colombia +57 (1) 235-0007 www.platinoenergy.com 17 Advisory Forward-looking Information This corporate presentation contains forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws that involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking information typically contains statements with words such as "anticipate", "estimate", "expect", "potential", "could", "will", "plans" or similar words suggesting future outcomes. Platino cautions readers and prospective investors in Platino's securities to not place undue reliance on forward-looking information as by its nature, it is based on current expectations regarding future events that involve a number of assumptions, inherent risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by Platino. Forward-looking information in this presentation includes, but is not limited to, information concerning the expectations of Platino with respect to Platino's future production and reserve growth, Platino's drilling plans (including the timelines and costs associated with those drilling plans), Platino's interest in the Coati Block following an earn-in by Canacol, plans and expectations regarding the completion of certain of Platino's wells, future ANH commitments, Platino's 2014 capital expenditure program and proposed budget, resource potential, Platino's seismic program, expected future production from such wells and Platino's ability to fund future development programs from its current cash position, future cash flows or otherwise. These forward-looking statements are subject to assumptions regarding Platino's operations and the operating environment in Colombia. In particular, the statements regarding Platino being the operator of the Coati, Morpho and Andaquies blocks are subject to assumptions regarding the ability of Platino to obtain the approval of the ANH in due course. Statements regarding the estimated spending are subject to assumptions that the costs of the company’s drilling plans will be in line with estimates and the absence of other transactions and spending opportunities for the remainder of 2013. Platino's drilling and seismic plans are subject to change if circumstances change or if management of Platino determines that other business plans are more appropriate. Forward-looking information involves significant known and unknown risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by Platino including, but not limited to, general risks associated with the oil and gas industry (e.g. operational risks in exploration; inherent uncertainties in interpreting geological data; changes in plans with respect to exploration or capital expenditures; the uncertainty of estimates and projections in relation to costs and expenses and health, safety and environmental risks), the risk of commodity price and foreign exchange rate fluctuations, the uncertainty associated with obtaining necessary ANH approvals and with negotiating with the ANH or with other third parties in countries other than Canada, the risk associated with international activity and certain other risks detailed in Platino's Form 2B TSX Venture Exchange listing application and other public disclosure documents from time to time, copies of which are available on Platino's SEDAR profile at www.sedar.com. The forward-looking information included in this presentation is expressly qualified in its entirety by this cautionary statement. Platino cautions that the foregoing list of assumptions, risks and uncertainties is not exhaustive. The forward-looking information included herein speak only as of the date hereof and Platino assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking information to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law. All figures are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise stated. www.platinoenergy.com 18 Corporate Office Suite 1250, 555 – 4th Avenue SW Calgary, AB, Canada, T2P 3E7 +1 (403) 262-6046 Colombia Office Carrera 4, No. 72-35, Piso 8 Bogotá, Colombia +57 (1) 235-0007 www.platinoenergy.com ©Copyright Platino Energy Corp. 2013
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