SWOG G Group M Meeting ti Spring 2014 Plenary, Part II Charles D D. Blanke, Blanke M.D., MD F F.A.C.P., ACP F F.A.S.C.O. ASCO Chair, SWOG Presenter Disclosure Information Charles Blanke, MD: No Disclosures Harry Erba, MD: Advisor for Novartis, Incyte, Seattle Genetics, Celgene, Amgen. Speaker’s bureau for Novartis Incyte Novartis, Incyte. Research grant from Millennium Millennium, Seattle Genetics, Amgen, Cellator Carol Fabian,, MD: No Disclosures Gabriel Hortobagyi, MD: Consultant for Novartis, Pfizer, Galena. Research grant from Novartis. Neal Meropol, MD: No Disclosures Lori Minasian, MD: No Disclosures Joseph Unger, PhD: No Disclosures Lymphoma Committee Thank you to Dr Dr. Richard Fisher Three decades Th d d leading g SWOG’s Lymphoma research Jonathan Friedberg, Friedberg Lymphoma Jonathan W. Friedberg, g, M.D., Chair, Lymphoma Committee Director, Wilmot Cancer Center University of Center, Rochester Study chair or co-chair for numerous SWOG trials Initiatives Term Limits & Performance Reviews 360 review of each chair @ mid 360° mid-term term First reviews in San Francisco: ◦ Breast: Gabriel Hortobagyi ◦ Symptom Control & Quality of Life: Carol Moinpour and James L. Wade Reviewers: EO, fellow chair, outside peer working group peer, group, self-evaluation self evaluation VA Re Re--Engagement g g Meeting(s): g( ) ◦ Lou Fiore, MAVERIC Consortium ◦ Timothy O’Leary O Leary, VA Director of Clinical Services, Research & Development MAVERIC: 8 potential member VA facilities ◦ Master lung protocol (to start) Process to minimize regulatory barriers Adolescents & Young Adults S 0 melanoma S1404 e a o a sstudy udy e eligibility g b y includes c udes patients as young as 15 yrs ◦ Melanoma among most common AYA cancers ◦ A simple but important start Looking at age-eligibility age eligibility in all GI studies To come: Studies of biologic differences SWOG Website ReRe-design Survey results: ◦ SWOG users: Useful but not appealing ◦ New more feature-rich public face for an expanded public ◦ Preserve utility; enhance searchability, ... Request for proposals is out LungLung g-MAP: SWOG S1400 Lung Master Protocol Squamous cell lung cancer 1 genomic screening screening, 5 sub sub-studies studies ◦ Tumor genomic alterations matched with substudy t d off ttargeted t d agentt ◦ “Non-match” immunotherapy study Required training: Kickoff session today, 6 - 7:30 pm pm, Grand BallRoom B (others to come) Accrual Milestones Dr Parminder Singh Dr. ◦ S0931 EVEREST renal trial ◦ Patient #609; goal 1,218 Dr Eila Skinner Dr. ◦ S1011 surgical trial in bladder cancer ◦ Patient #310; goal 620 ASCO “Blackjack” Blackjack SWOG has 21 abstracts to be presented ◦ 2 at Scientific Plenary ◦ 5 oral presentations NCTN Grant Award > last year, < requested Partially remedied past underfunding of SWOG Tied more closely to accrual percentage Tough decisions need to be made, but we will not compromise our mission Joan K. Mauer Memorial Quality Assurance Award Dr. Noboru Oishi Presenter: Linda McClure, RN, MS NCI Clinical Cli i l T Trials i l M Monitoring it i Branch In memory of Joan K. Mauer Chief, Clinical Trial Monitoring Branch (2000 – 2010) Joan K. Mauer Memorial Quality Assurance Award P Purpose off the h Award A d Recognize the individual’s valuable contributions to the QA program in support of NCI-sponsored clinical ti l trials g the dedication of the individual by y Acknowledge their active participation in QA functions and/or volunteering for audits 18 Joan K. Mauer Memorial Quality Assurance Award Annual Recognition Awards Two Recipients: Non-physician Physician Ph i i Individuals nominated by their Group Nominees are reviewed by the Award Selection Committee 19 C it i for Criteria f Selection S l ti Volunteer auditor, and/or Significant role in QA functions, and Worked in the clinical research arena for at least 3 years 20 Significance of the Award The recipient is recognized by NCI leadership; award is reviewed and approved by the NCI Division Director CTEP Deputy ep y Director e and C 21 Recipient of the 2013 Joan K. Mauer M Memorial i l Quality Q lit Assurance Ass Award A d Noboru Oishi, MD 22 SWOG--associated LAPS SWOG Case Western Fred Hutchinson H t Huntsman, U Utah MD Anderson Ohio State Stanford U Alabama UC Davis U Colorado U Mi Michigan hi U Oklahoma USC W Wayne State St t Yale Integrated Translational Science Center Grant Co d Sp Cold Spring g Harbor a bo Laboratory abo a o y The Jackson Laboratory P i i l IInvestigators: Principal ti t ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Laurence Baker Lee Ellis Edison Liu Anne Schott D id T David Tuveson Coltman Fellowship 2014 Fellowship at Fall Group Mtg Accepting applications until Sept 1 Applications on SWOG & Hope websites b it swog.org/visitors/funding swog org/visitors/funding SWOG/Hope Impact Award Scott Kopetz Kopetz, MD Anderson ◦ Patient-derived xenograft models for S1406 iin BRAF BRAF-mutated d CRC Roger Lo & Antoni Ribas Ribas, UCLA ◦ BRAF/AKT inhibition to reverse melanoma resistance to MAPK inhibition SWOG/Hope Impact Award Anne Schott, Schott Lee Ellis, Ellis Jo Horn Impact Award Review Committee ◦L Lee Elli Ellis & D Dawn H Hershman h cochaired committee of 9 reviewers SWOG Trial Support pp ((STrS)) To support pp trial components p needing g $ during patient enrollment period Up to $75K/year, $75K/year up to 2 years Apply pp y when submitting g capsule p to triage g Not for funding correlative studies swog.org/visitors/funding thehopefoundation.org Plenary y II Presentations Best of SWOG ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Statistical Center Breast Leukemia Survivorship Neal Meropol: Technology & Accrual Lori Minasian Lecture in CC&P Best of SWOG: Stat Center Joseph Unger Unger, Ph Ph.D. D Comparison of survival outcomes among cancer patients ti t treated t t d in i and out of clinical trials JNCI 2014 Best of SWOG: Breast Gabriel Hortobagyi Hortobagyi, M M.D., D Chair Breast Committee Best of SWOG: Leukemia Harry Erba Erba, M M.D., D Ph Ph.D., D Chair Leukemia Committee Best of SWOG: Survivorship Carol Fabian Fabian, M M.D., D Co-Chair Survivorship Committee Neal Meropol Meropol, M M.D. D Lester E E. Coleman Coleman, Jr., Jr Professor of Cancer Research & Therapeutics Chief, Hematology/Oncology CWR Trial Ti lP Prospector t T Tooll Using Technology to Enhance Accrual Lori Minasian Lecture Lori Minasian, Minasian M M.D., D Deputy Director Director, NCI Division of Cancer Prevention Multiple prevention & supportive care trials including: trials, ◦ SELECT Incorporating patient-reported outcomes t into i t studies t di Open Office Hours Contracting & Finance Biospecimen Banking Social Media Marina Room (Bay Level – up 1 floor)
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