@\IERNMENT OFAf{DHM PRADES}I ABSTRACT BfCTIOftS - Formationof LegislativeCouncil- Ardhn Pnde*r State- Graduates' - Qtnlificationsdeemedto be equiwhnt to tnt d a Gnduabe Cr$.errjes Fl'obficatbnunder Section27(3Xa) of the Representation of the PeopleAct, 1950Issled. (EtECS.F)DEPARTIiENT GENERAL ADMINISTRAnON G.oJ{s"No.536. Dated:?8s Se@mber,2006 Readthe folhrving:- 1 . Thb Go\€mmentLetterNo.260/Elecs.F200G25 dL14.8,2006 2. Frorn SE Seoetary, Electo4 €ornmisdon 6 India, l€tter No.16/2006/(Gen.)PS.tr,dt7.9.2006 3. Thb Gqemrnent Leter No ZffilEftrs.Fl?lul-,*27. Dabd: (X}.(X}.2006 4. From fte Secr@ry, Eledion @mmission of India, l€tter t{o.16/2006/(Gen.)As.n, dL 15.09.2m6 tf *'3 OR.DER: The following notificationwill be publishedin the Andhra Pradestl Se C'azettel NOIIFICATIOfiI In o(ercise d the powes @rfened by sectbn 27 (3) (a) of the Representationof the PeopleAcq 1950(CentralAct XUtr of 1950),the Goriemorof Andrra Prade$ herebydirecB, with the cfintn€nce d the Election@firnbsim of India that for tfp purposeof electionsto the LegidativeCourrcilof Ure State of Anfin Pradeshin the GraduatesConstu'hrenctss, eadt of the qualificationsspecined in the schedulebelo,vshall be deernedb be equimlent to tnt d a Graduateof a Uni\€rsity in the tenitory of Indh USToFQUA|IFIAAIIOilS Pat-I-Indhn General: All degrees issued by recognizedtkriversftie / DeernedUnirersitie whidr requirc a mininnrm of 15 years of study at sdml and Colhge brd. A. ARTSANDS(IENCES 1. The folloring oriental titbs confened by shri Venkates.warauniversity, Trrupati:$rornani, vidrqna\riffa pr-arcena.Bhashapraveena.Adib-I-Fazil,Afzal-ulUbma,Murnhi-I-Fazil andTabib-I-Kamil. 2. Acharyaand Shastridiplomasof BiharSanskitAssociation 3. Fazildplornaof MadarasaEraminationBoard,Bihar 4. Snatakof BiharVidyapih, paha. 5. Sahtyabnkarof Hindiyrd!€pih, Deoghar. 5. DBgfesconferredby Gujaratyd,]@t before1932. 7. Degreesconferredby Tilak l'lahanshtn Mdhyapithbefore 1932. 8. Dtdomas h &awing and painting, modeilingor commerciarart given by the Go,€mmentof Bombay(Maharashtra). 9. Art Maste/s bomination certificategiven by the Govemmentof Bombay (Mahara$tn). 10.Shasbiof punjabUniversity. 11.ShastriDiplomaawardedby the Govemment of Rajasthan. 12.Ad,anB and shasbi Diplomasawardedby the Registmrof Goremmentsanskit Cdbge Er<aminations, l.fttarpradesh. - 13.Alirn and Kamil diplomasawardedby the Registrarof Arabic and persian braminaUom,uttar pndesh. 14.VedahnkarandVidplankarof GurukulKangri. 15.shastuisand Masterof Appliedsociologydegreesconferredby KashiVidyapith. 16.lGmil,FazilandDabjrKamildiplomas of Allahabad University. 17.Kamil,Faziland DabirKamildiplomasof LucknowUniversity, 18.Didornasof FineArts awardedby Arts and Cnfo School Lucknow. 'r: 19.Degreesof dipkxnasawardedbrytfn BengalSanskritAssociation. 20. Degreesor dipbmasawardedby UtepurbabangaSaraswatSamaj. 21' Degreesor diprornas awardedby the Bangiyasanskritsikshaparishad. I .o 'aJv-.;teIh Jo luaulrus^ogaql Aq FpreMe (eundlNelq) funutd pue oulMercq puroldlo.L 'rndue1l'a6e;gog lern1lmubvluauua^o9 aqqIq paple,vre 0€6I Jo euoldlq .6Vf .Ol 'lqleo ,r^eN,elpul ,uoleenpSp {4qq4 ,uogecnp3 Jolueu,ue^og raqbrg ;anX roJ lounoC leuoqeNaq Aq pap:eaneso!ruas len1 u! euoldlq .69 'elere)/ao)ue^a11o llrslanrun ai{ AqpapreMelqerv ul allll eulelnln_le4v.g€ 'I1rs:anruqaqpuv atp Iq pap.renre euao^etder{p4pue euee^eldeseqg.lE serpel^l3oilpanrul atp,{q pquag ( serpe6p fiparuuq aq Aqpa1ua9 ( ( reddos(q) uedp4 (e) '99 eqqqy-1nqe4v (a) [urqt-!{ner (p) g1ze1-11qpy (r) (q) trzeJ-l-tqsunW 'euqnlnlezJv (e) 'S€ 'selpe4;o lq1la4u61atg r{qpa1ua6ue ph .r€ 'se:pe4;o firlaruu1 aq1Aq peguab(eqqqloAg ,esuetu114 pue eparuru{y'e,tlltles,euueqe,{1,e{e,{p,e1uepe1 .Et ol peppvi peuro.,tS 'serpehlp r(11lan1un aq {q pap.reare tueurolsecFues.z€ .11tsla^lun ,(rquy)qepy_lEe3 .IE Moulf,nlaq11o(rqe.ry)pue)-t-lqe6pue(rrqay):rs;e1_HlzeJ '6eAa6'uelauureg e4lqese1e{qp6 e/\qsr\lpulHar.qIq pap,ean" "',ffijdil.* 'alosl6 'uorpn4srl Jrlqnd Jo Jopaltq at4 ^q papremeuoqeulurelg 6eqq.rqn ue^pln lpurH.62 'a:cs{6 'uoqrrupu1ltlqnd lopalq ar4Iq pap.reane uoneutrlerBleulJlr.lsunr{.62 lo 'alos^l4 'uo1pn4zu1 Jtgnd Joropajlc ag1,Q papJeane uolleulule)qleulJs.ltpuedepeuuql.La 'arosA4Suorleuruer3pue uone?np3 lulsues lo pleo€ aq {q paplemee4seqsAue ur uoqeuruer3erltEln leMptn}qsues.9Z 'tqFC'ellll6 eruef Joaar6apqry p rolaqle€.? 'u€qelluqueqs,tt1taa1u1 nJeqgemqsi aq1lq papa6 alue6 pue lsnh ul europtOpue suel3 pue sArVaur3ur etuo;dtq.97 'ellnllef 'sqrv pqps lr.€ulure^o9 aq1p seuoldlg .E7 Jo '1e6uag pa41 'uoqe:npl psetepehi Jopreogaq1,{q pap.reueseuoldlp1osaatbag.77 of Sysa'e. awardddby the Govemment 42. Diplomain Modelling 43. Art Mastert'bemination awardedby the Governmentof i{ysore. 44. SangeethaPraveenaEUe in Music awarded by Sri Venkate*ara University, AndhraPradesh 45. Pulawarawardedby AnnamalaiUniversity. University. 46.Vidwanasardedby Annamalai University. 47.Siromaniawardedby Annamalai 48. Diploma@urse in AppliedArts and Fine Arb of Ste S&od of Arts and Gafts, Davengere,awardedby the Boardof TedrnicalFxamination,Bangalore. 49.TamilPularar ) 50. SanskritWwan ) Awardedby Maduni University Sirornani 51.Sangeetha ) persons. 52.HonoraryDegreeconferredby MadrasUniversityon distinguished Uni\€rsitywhldt is a 2 53.8.A.,B.Com.,B.Sc.,B.B.A.,8.8.M.,(ExceptVenkateswara B.U'Sc.B.P.A,B.P.Ed., yearscourse)B.CA.,8.C.J.,B.Ed.,B.H.M.,B.H.M.C.T., B.P.R.,B,S.W.,B.Pharmacy,LL.M., LLB., B.L, degreesawarded by tfre all Uni\rersitiesin the Andhn Pndesh e*abli*red under the Acts of the Centralor State Goremment and all University Collegps maintained by the aboe Universities. OpenUniversity,Hyderabad. 54.Degreesawardedby Dr.B.R.Ambedkar 55.B.E.M.,B.P.S.,awardedby Andhn University 56. B.F.A.degree awarded by Potti SreeramuluTelugu University,Sri Padrnarathi MahilaVisravidpbpm, Andhn Uni\€rsity. (NaUonalAcademyof l-egalStudiesand Rmrch) 5l Degreesawardedby NATSAR Unirrersityof Law, Indian Sdrool of Business(ISB), Inbmational Instututeof (Uff) InformationTechnologry offeredby DnvidianUnhersity,Kuppam. 58.TeluguPandiBTrainingC-ourse 59. Sastri(B.A)degreeawardedby RashtriyaSanskit Mdyapeetha,Tirupathi 10 IL '0ZOf uof) ra4g 'Pequalg '/r6o1oe9pelpdv pue sat!!t^lJo lootlss ueiruI aS 3o auop;6 dtt'FppossV '9I 'elpul'sraan!6tEp uoqn$sul otg Iq pe1ua63'fN rc 'I'I'NY 'SI '!qpq'uogecng ;ecluqlalJolpunoge!ruI-W arg lq ua46 alan LuoOu1.ro6ugaeupuSF4ueqleil pue Fryp€E q etuqdglf 'p6ua8 $at ':ndnepe6 ,$qourpet ple 6ugaaq6u3 Jo ebelpo ag Iq pelapo: saa6aO '€I Jo 'aalpoou 'Olgcupu3 ll^DJo e6elpDuoseuroqt 'ZI Aq uaa16eNDUSraOs,raeq6u3 UeqsFsV .ro 6qraaupu3 l! D ut eulopn '.rndq1ao9.totlou1:rn 'efqpul leclurpel luaurula og arfl iq uaru6arqd1q.ll 'lndue11'aTqnsul p-queo ar.0 allll€l & te,!6 euroFto lu€xllura^€) 'rnduql 'qrqnsltl pcgap q euqdrc 1ec16opuqr1rapng unof,IeHe{l & ua16 6uuaeul6q 'aop6ueg 'ailaps Jo qrqgsq uqpul nfl Aqum16 6upaau!6uf uoll€rolunuu,o3p?.upap u1.to A6qouqrel IecUFE u! qecglU4 '0I '6 '8 te^qqseteqeH) ,L ,{eqwogJo luauua og aql r{q uary6uoflenlenpue 6u1uuq4u^ ol ul epcgqrao '(eqFeteqeN) Iequog ;o luaulanog '6ugaeul6uap tpuerq Aueq seulqdrc '9 at4 Aq uan16arrrpqlqtJe.ro A6olouq:a1 'alqlsul lerlutpat qqnt epq:lA aqqIq uaaFser'.qdrc 'Aequrog 'Aequo€'qrv Jolooqrs"t.t grs{q uaaFa:npelrprv u1seurqdg 's 'b 'supe!{ 6u!u!al 'pleqluoqeulua(3 pue uollg)np3 lslluqlea Jo pJeos ale|s el$ lorsejpe!,| 's€ arg iQ pepreile aelaurtrof, u! euold1l Lurodrc tbioipuq:ar 'selpe4 '6u!u!a t pue uogerngl lnluqlal JopJeoq '19{96I o1.ro!.rd 'p.reoguoleu;urex3 euroldlq 1ec$qcuqeal aql {q ua46 ate15aql i-Bejplt^r L6opuqraf,Euyaaupu3 Jo qlueq lue u1 sanold16 pue seulqdrc 4Ellua3fl Y€ 'buuaaut&r3 .raddlpue*r#...$l? apuiproqns aqlp se*ro1drc p a6a11q 'peqerep{f p llatrure/€9 'uogelng3 leuurpst arg {q uaa166uuaau!6€ loufreE pueFcpetpeH u! alPquoun Joluau,?redao 'z 'I ]w!9s'!o$*Fl33l. GNV 9NrB33hi19ruE'U Engineering awardedby the Assam and Electrical 17. Diplomain Gvil, Mechanical Institute,Gauhati. Engineering awardedby the H.R.H. and ElectricalEngineering 18. Diplomain Cwil Mechanical Princeof Wals Institute,Jorhat. awardedby the Silchar 19. Diplomain Cvil, Medranicaiand ElecFicalEngineering Polytechnic, Miherpur,Silchar. 20. Diploma in Gvil, Mechanicaland ElectricalEngineeringawarded by tne nic"Nowgong. NowgongPolytecfi givenby and Electrical and AutomobileEngineering 2L. Diplomain Civil,Mechanical University. the Travancore/Kerala 22. Diplomain Food,Fisheriesand ChemicalTedtnologyof the Travancore/Kerala University. University. of the Travncore/Kerala 23. Diplomain TextileTechnology 24. Diploma in Civil Fngineeringawarded by the State Board of Technical Jodhpur. Rajasthan, Education, 25. Diplomain ElectricalEngineeringawardedby the State Boardof Technical Rajasthan, Jodhpur. Education, awardedby the State Eoardof Technical Engineering 26. Diplomain Mechanical Jodhpur. Rajasthan, Education, 27. Diplomain Mining Engineeringawarded by the State Board of Technical Jodhpur. Rajasthan, Education, (India). 28. Graduateof the InstituUonof Engineers givenby the Go/emment of Technology 29. Diplomain any branchof Engineering of GujaraL awardedby the NagpurUniversity. 30. Diplomain Engineering (Sandwich Engineering @urse)awardedS 31. Diplomaof Licentiatein Mechanical and Training,AndhraPradesh. the StateBoardofTechnicalEducation 32. Diplonn in Architectureawardedby the State Boardof TechnicalEducationand Trainirg, Ardtn Pradesh. 33. Diploma in Fine Arts (Drawingand PainUng)awarded by the State Boardof andTraining,AndhraPradeh. TedrnicalEducation 34. Diplonnin FineArts (Modellingand Sculputre)awardedby the StateBoardof andTraining,AndhraPradesh' TedrnicalEducatjon Arts) awaroediry the Sbte Boardof 35. Diplomain AppliedArts (Comnrercial andTrainingn Anlhra Pradesh. TedrnicalEducation 12 FSSZ'r TL 'salllsla^lun a^oqe aqq Aq pauieXureusa6alpo l1s:aryun lle pue luaulula^o9 alqs ro le|lueoaqo]o sqrv aql rapunp3qslpqsaqsperd aqpuv aln u! sanlsra^run aqq lle ,Q paago 'I{J€I'B ''3'g "ueld'g 'Aretureq6'g''V'J'g "qr.rv'g i; ti 'Moulf,n-l'wapeld lqln uooe?uauiru]sul ul euoldl6 ]scc lrlrurl:;l Jo preo€Iq paptervre "l: 'iv\oqln'l'rls€perdleqlq'uonanp3 laluqlej lo preo€ Aq papeale uoperlpdy ralnduo3 u1 euroldrg po3 'uopelnpg ibluti*I 'rr^olqsnl'qsapeld:e951'uoDecrp3 Jo prpog & pepleme6upaaul6u3uols^alal u! euoldrq ]soc -l9 'uoBanp3 'Moqlnl 'qs-apa6regp le3lutpal Jo pJeoglq papervre6upaau16u3 le3lu.laqfu! eurolc,C ;i 'Atrste^lun:nd6ep aq Iq papeanpalnpaltqlrv u! euro1dq !€ 6uuaau;6u3Fcl.paE '!l 6uyaau16u3lmluerpah'l 6upaau1tu31;ap 't ur setuold;p pessa:ducO :Apueu'etqpuv'p:eoguoqeuruerj ewoldrqlarEopuqral aqq rQ pap.reme seu.roldlqpassaldu.ror6urr,roglo1 aqi '-t 'qsapeJd erqpuy'6ururp'l pue uollelnp3lel urpel Jo preog ale$ aql iq pap:eme(u6Faq palpdv) s4rv pallddv u1 auqdr6 ft C. MEDICAL 1'Medica|qua|ificationsrecognisedundertheMedica|CouncilAct'1956 Uni\€rsiryor Medicai or Ucensing InstihJtion of Andhra Univer.iity Medical Recognised qualifications Abbroriations Bachelor of Medicine aftc M.B,B.S., Andhra Bachelorof Surgery Licentiate in Medicine and L M . & S (AndhraUnversitY) 5urgery and D.LO. Diplomain LaryngologY Otology. Diolomain VenereralDisease. D.V.D. HyderabadGovemmenl Licentiatein Medicine Surgery(Osmania) and LM" & S. (Osmania) Ucensed Medical PractitionerL,M.P. (Hydembad) (Hyderabad) Universityof Osrnania and of Medicine Bachelor Bachelorof Surgery M.B.B,S. (Osmania) AssamMedicalExamination UcensedMedicalPractilioner L.M,P. (Assam) (Assam) Board Medical UcensedMedicalPractitioner L.M.P.(8,W. School, School,Dirbrugarh. (8.W. Medical Dibrugarh) Bachelorof Medicineand of Gauhati(Assam)Bachelorof Surgery University M.B.B.S. (Gauhati) of Patna University Medicine M.B.B.S. of Bachelor (Patna) of Surgery andBachelor Universityof Bihar Bachelor of Medicine and M.B.B.S.(Bihar) Bachelorof Surgery BiharandOrissaMedical Board Examination LicensedMedicalPrastitioner L.M.P. (BiharandOrissa) (BiharandOrissa) UcensedMedicalPractiboner LM.P. Sdtool fl-enrple Medical Scttool, Cl-emplel4edical Patrra). Paha) 14 9t .tuatun5 (sapen)'qpdV'ar (serpejl)''S'14'Opue auplpa4 u! eurogd6 (sepell) (sepen) 'd'1,,1"1 rauoglpeldFqpehpesualn (sape6) 's'l^l'1 (sape6) 's'8'B'N se4e6'a6a1p9 lprp4/r 'slaultuer3 pre:€ Jo tuatung pueaulltpa]4ut alelluaf,n tua6ln5Jolopqleg pueanl]|pel^lro ropqleg 'Aa6:n5;o:aisep (sape;4) 't^l'f''g'l^t puP auDrpehl Jo Jopqle€ tua6.rn5 rolpueauppahl u! ale?ulva3:o euo;d1q ' serpel^I JoAllar," -- tua&n5rc/pueauppe6l u!eleeunraC ro euolclrc leqdsoH ( ' a ' Nr o ' d . l ) ('a'wtoa:) 'd'l^1"1 rauoQo3erd pesualn lP3!p3N aropul'looJs lE:+^ preMpS 5,,,_r PJeOgUolleu,uef: lerlpa6 ('6'14rc) 1;r Lbolorpap 3 .3.U.N.C ,{6op1pe6 leclpaWur euroldr6 .H.f.O r{lleaHpltrff,ureuio;drg 'O'l'O Slsoln3laqnl ut sasseslo eulOldlg eleia)Jo,{1is,a,,..i Aa6lng 5r rcpqreg 5'B'B'i4 pue auplpsw Jo rolaqleB urerllnJo lgtsaru-r- fuafung;o.ropqreg 's'g'8'l^l puP aulllpel4 Jo ropqleg fuailn5 lD/pueautJ,pe4 u! alerunrar:oeuo;dr6 tuafunglolpue auplpai/{ u! elelgr1asro euroldtq '&a6:n5;oJolaqleg 's'g'g'14pue aurf,rpsl4 Jo loptlleg (epo:eg) ,ta&ng;o:qaqreg 's'€'B'14pue aursrpah Jo rolaqtreg ,!a6:ng p ropqleg (tae[ng)'! g'q 4 pue aut3rpa4 Jo ropr]le€ €,zr arof,ue^ellJo AlFra, -- epore8lo Ai!a.-- _r te.lefng1olqrs..ra.. Universityof Bombay and Bacheior of Medicine Bachelorof SurSery M.B.B.S., (Bombay) LicentiaEin Medicineand Surgery. L.M.S.(Bombay) Diplomain Anesdesiologty. D.A. and CIollege of Physicians Surgeons,Bombay (Bombay) M.C.P.S. Membership cf Collegeof a Phpicians and Surg@ns, This shall be Medicd reognized Bombay qualification one only when grantedafter 3&l Apil, t944. Collegeof Ph;ciciansand Surgeons,Bornbay of College of F.C.P.(Med.XBom.) tullo,ship Ptrysicians and Surgeons, F.CP.S.(Pah) (Bom.) (Surg.)(Born) r€dicine, F.C.P.S. in Bombay F.CP.S.(Dr.)(Bom.) Pathobgy,$rgery, or Thesequalificationsshall Dermabbgy, medical be recognized qualificaUons only when granted after the 1E April,1954. Lc.P.S. Licentiabof the Collegeof Physicians and Surgeons, (Bombay) Bombay. Bachelor of Medicine and M.B.B.S. (Poona). Bachelorof Surgery Universityof Poona of Nagpur University State Medical Bombay ' and Bachelor of Medicine Bachelorof Surgery Facrrlty, LicensedMedicalPractitioner (Nagpur). M.B.B.S. L.M.P.(Bombay) Universityof Mysore and Bachelor of Medicine Bachelorof Surgery (Mysore) M.B.B.S. shallbe Thisqualification a recognisedqualificatkx only when grantedafter the 31stDecember,1932. Universityof Kamataka and Bachelor of Medicine Badelor d Surgery M.B.B.S. Gwemrnentof l,lysore t lcnsed MedicalPractiUoner LM.P. (Mysore) (Mysore) 16 MysoreMedicalfthool UcensedMedicalPnctitioner (MysoreMedicalSchool) L.M.P. (Mysore Medical fthool). UnilrersiVof Utkal Bactplord Medicineand Baclnlorof Surgery (u&al) M.B.B.S. OrissaMedicalExaminaUon UcensedMedicalPractiUoner LM.P.(Orissa) (Orissa) Board Universityof EastPunjab Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (E.Pun.1ab) M.B.B.S., and East Punjab State Medical Ucentiateof Medicine Surgery Faculty L.M.S., EastPunjab. Thisqualification shailbe recognised one only whengrantedon or after the 15* August, 1947, provided tfe holders thereof has passedthe E.S., Examination beforetakingup Medical studies. East Punjab State Medical Llcentiatein Medicineand Surgery Faculty L.M.S., EastPunjab. This qualification shall be recognised one only whengrantedon or after the ls'August, 1947to a personother than any personrefenedto in the entry relating to East Punjab State Medical Faculty in the first Schedule provided he passed had the premedical examination. State Medical Faculty of Fellowof the StateMedical Faculty(Punjab) Punjab (Punjab) F.S.M.F. Memberof the StateMedical Faculty(Punjab) (Punjab) M.S.M.F. Licentiate (Punjab) of the StateMedical L.S.M.F. Faculty 17 UcensedMedicalPractitioner M.P.L.(Lahore). (Lahore) This shall be a medical reognized qualificaUononly when granted beforethe 15t' August 1947. Universityof Rajputana Bachelor of Medicineand d Surgery Bachelor (Rajputana) M.B.B.S. Universityof Rajasthan of Medicineand Bachelor Bachelor of Surgery M.B.B.S. of Allahabad University Bachelor of Medicineand Bacfielorcf Surgery M.B.B.S. Allahabad Universityof Lucknow Bachelorof Medicineand Bachelor of Surgery Lucknow M.B.B.S. and Diplomain Laryngology Otologty D.L.O. Diplomain Gyanaecology and Ototetrics D.G.O. Diplomain MedicalRadiologry D.M.R.E. and Electrology Diploma in Ophthalmic D.O.M.S. andSurgery Medicine Universityof Agra Diplomain ClinicalPathology D.C.P. Bachelor of Medicineand Bachelor of Surgery (Agra) M.B.B.S. Diploma in OphthalmicD.O.M.S. Medicine andSurgery StateMedicalFacultyof UttarPradesh StateBoardof Medical U.P. Examination, Fellowof the StateMedical Faculty(U.P.) (U.P.) F.S.M.F. Memberof the StateMedical Faailty(U.P.) (U.P.) M.S.M.F. LicentiaEof the StateMedkd Faorlty LS.M.F.(U.P.) Licensed MedicalPractidoner L.M.P.(U.P.) (u.P.) 18 universityofc-alcutta state MedicalFacriltyof West Bengal Licentiatein pted@ )urgery BachelordMedrcire M.B.Calcutta Bachelorof Medicineand Bachelord Surgery M.B.B"S., Calcutta Masterof Obslertrics M.D.Calcutta Dipbmain Opthalrnic Medicineand Surgery D.O.M.S. Diplomain Gynaeocology and OHetrics D.G"O. Membership of the Medcal Faculty of Bengal. state M.F.(west Bergal) West Licentiate of the Medicai L.M.F.(WestBengal) Faculty,West Bengal Licentiatein Medicineand Surgery(Nat),WestBengal L.M.& S. (Nat) WestBengal Certificateof Qualificationby Certificateunderarticle the Sbate Medical Faculty 6,C under article 6-C of Sre (WestBengal) Statutes of the State Medical Faculty,WestBengal. Certificateof qualificaUonI C.ertificate underarticle the . Medical Faculty under 6-D or 6-E(WestBenpl) article GD or GE of the statutes of the State Medical Faculty,WestBengnl State Medical Faculty of Licentiate cf the Bengal Faculty,Bengal Medical L.M.F.(Bengal) This qualificationshallbe a recognisedMedical qualification onlywhen grantedbeforethe 15u August,1947. Lrcentiate in Medicineand Surgery(Nat) (West Bengal). 19 LM. & S. (Nat) WestBengal oz 'Zb6t \ee( aql 6uunppetuer6 J!Atgadun qefun61se3aqt (0I) 'r{equog'p:eog ;equaqqEFsoH rteruatif (O) '^equ:og'zuoa&ngpue suepp$6,o a6a1p3at-[ (g) 'rkquog l1s.ra4u6aql (/) 1o 'uogrq!]su! 'lauorqrpetd 1eq u1 6urure4,o esnol s,leal auo auofuapunpeq ro lsluap e se alorerd u; pabebuallsnor,rarduaaq6urneq (tt) leclpaure .ro'uoon11pu1 (t) 1eq q 6u;u1el1 Joasrnof,reaA orolauofuapunpeq :oqmuosradlue ol 'Ot6I 'q::e4 1oAep $I€eqalopqpa1ua6I,qilqef,;e1tdsogpuea6a11og|e1uacA!f,aqr(v9) 'I},6I lUdV p i{epmg7atp JaUepaluab J 'ellnllel te6uag 'AlnceJleclpa6a1rls (9) 'It6I ' eWp lepq aqqaroJeq 'uaulu.raq pleos (S) papa6 4 ';eqdsogpuea6a11o3 lqua6 ellnllef, Jo sarpoqqnebuyvrqplaq;o lue AqpansqiUlsnuapur setuoldrp lo saatbag 'se.tpe4',tpanlun serpe4aqg;oaa:bep'S'O'B(t) 'q:eQpueq3 'Alganlunqetun4aq1 aarbap'5'q'g (g) ;o 'elnrle3 'Alsla,lun eqlnlleCaq1p aarbap'S'O'S(Z) 'Moultnl 'IlrslanrupMoqln1 aq1p aa:6ep'S'O'g(i) 'gt6l 'pV qsnua6aql repunpasruborarfu1s;1uap ut seuoldrplo saatbaq '7 'C'I'O slsolnlraqnf (tqtaC)'S'e'g't,l ur i l 'saseasrc eLuo;dr6 'fuatun5 rolaqle€ Jo pueauplpal,4 Joroleqle8 '1p61'pn6ny '{sI eql arc1aqpelueto uaqmAluouonecullenb e leclpe4pasluOocal qq1 aq lleqsuoqecgllenb 'looq6 (ooqr5 ecreg) 1er1pa4 '4'y,1'1 rauouq:eld leclpa6ecre6) lellpa6 pasualrl 0e6uag) 'd16 a6allo:1ec1pa6 'poql5 leclpa4 'd'N'l ila€duec) lqlaclo ,{3rsanrug 1e6uag 1oJuauiura^o9 '(te6uae) a6elp9lellpehl;oetuogdlq @oqcSleclpay,t lla€ duref) iauolllDadlef,lpahpasuarn le6ua€lo luauruanog University Madurai-Kamaraj (formerlyknownas MaduniUniversity) &s BsH Doctorof Medicine and Masterot SurEery M'D' & I'l'5' aM of Medicine Bactrelor Eadrelorof Surgery. M.8.8.5. :r..!:B:lji;11i,[trtr" K€mrajUniversity. B.Sc.(Nursing)awarfu S the MadrasUniversity' Medicine;3. The followingdegreesor diplomasin Homeopathic (D of Andhn Pndesh' Covemment D.H.M.of the Boardof l-tomeopadry, (ii)H.M.D.orB.M.S.oftheNationa|Homeopat|iicMedica|Co||ege, Lucknow(iii) D.M.S.of the Genera!Counciland State-Facultyof..lo19opnf Medicine,westBenga|oiofthe@uncilofHorrreopathicMedicine, WestBengal.' 4.AyurvedacharyaandG.A.M.S'dlp|omasofGorcmmentAyurvedicCol|egs,Patna" and G.U'M.S.diplcmasgivenby the Gwemmentof Bihar" 5. G.A.M.S. of Maelms' of the Gorernrnent 6. G.C.I.M.diplomagivenby the Boardof Examiners T.DegreeordiplomagivenbytheUttarPndeshBoardoflndianMediejne" Banarastlindu!"lniversi$' 8. Degreeor diplomain Ayurvedagivenby the cf GurukulKangri' 9. Ayurvedalankar lo.AyurvedaVisharadandAyurvec|aParangatoftheTilakMaharashFaVidyapisl before 1944. Medicine' of Aytrrvedic gnnted by the StateF-acutty ryleg ^of 11. " Degreeor diploma of sfsem Tlbbi unani and Ayr.iruedic cf or'by th!-itaie iacurty ffi;t; Medicine,BombaY. the Soardof Enminationq Medical 12.Ucentiatein Apothecarycoursegiven by @llege,Madras. of VeErinaryCollege,Eombay' 13.G.B.V.C. Funjah' VeterinaryPractitioners' 14.Certificateof Licensed 21 J.2384 '?,s r'€5 ('29 /'rs d c'0s ll s'6b rI c'8t ;1 E n'Lb [S '9'9', zz 'a.rosft4'ilpli:s!.I uelput u! sapn1sJo PJeoSe[ & peplenneeuoldlg f,V'S'C'9€ 'a:osl14'auppa6 uegruIul seFrrISJo preogeg& pspei e etrptdn 'S'W'n'l'9e 'arcsln atiptpl.l uEput ul segn6;o fieog aglqpepeme *t1d;q '5'].1Y1 ']€ 'lr{POr,reN 'a6a1pgr p aa6aO'Eg :paunAV'g'd'O'S erg Aq papet'ry (S't^tV'H)e^apepaAmAv '(1uatutuaaog q euoldtO'Zg ete"r4t)r{ra6.reue euplp€t^l '(1uauu:arro9qaay) (auplpehl:perunAv q euqdp) asmoOeurgplg tt€N'I€ (luaur.uanogeluay) an.r;pa1r;tgedetrrcp ul eurqdto'0g '(e1aay/aoruenuAp &pre4ud euplpsl.l lparunAyu1rlparunAyu! euoprc'62 '(qaay/a.rouerral angpaWr;perunAyp loppag'82 ;o rQls.raruun) {uanruarog u1pogFaloue erJJtulrpof)euetpqqg epaalruty'41 '(luauulaaog ultllof,-aoluer€rL/tlltpoO)zueqsoqg er$!e'92 '(luauuer\og ultllQFajoue alJ/aro:uena1) elplpew snouaQpurq e|.uoF!c.sz '(luarluranog aouare.t$ PA'st ud .v'tt 0H [c'gt lqpluelry elgen'tZ '(luauu,ra^ogaouelre:1) qetu$eg Fclpsh Je1qil'EZ ;;,!,:::; . *a+s. '(tgOt '.raqqpOpr€Zlqe pequaEuaqmApo) 'sauppe61 p stu$r{5 peun pue lpalrnAy Jo ^ImeJ e.qqseqehl pue lequrcg 3s|noo ipsrunAv qppnq5Jo aq{uuroD & pepetue (Aequog 3y5'q} upeaa perunfVZZ Ptd ro ru+Is tuo) fsauppek{ dro'zl r,€z€ue patue$ueqm no trv'tl !Jo Mv'oa F bo'6€ PIJI Pro'ee !a!.l l'9'/€ $TTcffi "rro p lrf*l e$Fpreqe1,1 f€m F€3pai*rkprSwl Sresrppe1g'psuq[S '!,tvl'g) seupparyrperunlv F AFoeJ ,o Qerpe4gTz 4 feprer*e(rtequog .p3trteN @P9 (peru4l "AY). perettr parunAv'0a qpanrnly luauuiiarcg ae Iq p"p,*_ 1osuraF[sluarnpuerperun(vJo P,eogate*gn ^q ffi'ffin, tnr4rrr {uo'ae4e5 Z'6I aroFqpepu6 'eAe1eAp6eqe6 (ereps '6a) peBl paun{yi1 IeIpleA eprenry Iq peprervb re6eupe, rpo * *ffi :; ffi;f#ffi '!qPO'auppeu'l 'S'!'lT'O/'S't/'l'I'g'SI p u4s{5 lueunpue :prunAy Jo preogaqgdq papreale 37.G.C.AM. oR G.C.I.M.Degreeawarded by the Board of shrdies in Indian Medicine,M)4sorc. awardedby the Boardd and B.M.U.S. 38. Diplo'naof G.CAN., G.CU.M.,B.A"M.S. Pradedl Indian MedkJne,Andhra 39. Degree awarded by the Faculty of Ayurvedk and Unani Systemof Medicine GujanL 40. AyurvedPravinDiplonraawardedby tlre Faorlty of Aygrvedicand UnaniSystens of Medicinu,Gujarat,awardedafter tle 22r'dSepbmber,t964' 41. AyurvedicPravin Diplonraawarded by ttre Committeefor ShuddhaAyurvedic Gourse,Gujarat 42. Diploma of B.M.S. awarded by s€ Board cf Homeaahic itledcine, uttar Prade*t, Ludrnrv. 43.Dio|omainHomeopathic(D.H.M.)awardedbytheAndhnPrwirrchl ndnreopathicMedlcalCollege,Gudivada' qtnlification or vai4t'a 44. A.T.A,V. (Associateof Taranath Ayurrredavrdyapeeth) cirpnryQ AyUndaUdlmpeS!,Bellqry' Praveen 45. -' VaidyraVachaspatidiplomaawaardeds the D.A"v.collegeManaging_@rnmitee Medicine'Punjab. ,";6;t* ry bre AoarUof Ayurvedkand UnaniSystemsd unani 46. G.A.M.S.Degreeawardedby the PunjabState Facultyof Ayurvedicand Systensd Medicine. and 47. UcenuateDiploma awardedby the court.of Enminers of Homeopathic Biochemicsystems of Medicineestablishedunder BombayHomeopathicAsq fgif anAni eomUayHomeopdrh and BiochemicAcQ1959' 48.D'A.M.(Dip|omainAyrrvedkMedicine)awardedbytheBoardofSfudiesin Indian Medicine,Bangabre. b/ the 49. 8.5.A.M.(Degree)(Badrelorof shuddhaAyunredicMedicirn)awarded Universityof Bangalore,l'lysre and Kamataka' sammelan, 50. AyurvedRatrradegreeawardedby the HindiMshwavidalayasahitya Pralag, uttar Pradesh. 51'AyurvedaKa|anirjhiIAwa@bySfrriVenkatestrwaraAylrveda Alankar i tcahsala,vijqprada, (Andhn Pradestt) ;t:;ft"d" 53. Bachelorof lndian (B.I.M.) Medicine - Awaded by tte liladuraFlGnnrajutverltv 6 trladuraiUniverslty)' (fonrErly kr|ovYn Awardedby the Departmentof Urban 54. - Diplomain Homeopathic UiOiclne and Surgery(DHMS) Dwdopmentand PublicHealth' Govemmentof Maharashtra. 23 pnln:g6q vz se.p"l.l p fiFla4un I4 paralo "s.A.g Ape\rtn , (fad :Se tr rs.n.g euetueg {q paego :S'n'e .Hy .l .9 .S arqe6ueg'sacuapglarqlrog6y 3oASsUun perqp .HV & B "S.A.g -v ,Gquog p A1stalun Aq pgrago:5:11'g ?v E ?S:A.g_,{?aA) "S.g .€ Algalun prqpopEry .dV & peialo "S.A-S AFralun 1anilqr6v e6ueU.S.l,t efueqryAq paplemesaabap ''rs'l'g ''H'V B 'r5'n'g ':S'H'g ,'qral.g ,.:S.g -Z npeN llurel aqt Iq saqnreJraqlo pue alrqru6y 'Atga4un leJrqlnqrfo .I u! pop,renpaa:6epall lIUfi.Llnf,IU9V ? 'nV srauorlrpe.td '-epeap le6el at4 Jo/ uorpasrapun '618r se uotsslulpvJo sfecgnl€ 'Z€6I'salnu .E -r:te)u!uaos,Jolpnv aql rapun butureqleco:ed FJe st ooajtuleq it) '6t6I :.1\/ s1uelunofJvFkllsl.jeql et4 Jo i6!6i'19'19) pauraa-rarx'JJol r ti aroJaqy'ouaunoov u1ewoldlqluauruja^o9aqqJo pre/r\Eet'] lcj i roqelnoauaql iapun paqu:sa:d6ulu!e4lerorel g:e uonzurruaq(7) '6961'suogeln6e1 $uerunolv :ara1lnD aql Japunpequcsad bururelllecereJdpue $oneuruler3(i) 'elgrl u! sauelun@trv ro; luettrlJnsuouecgr;enb : :lra]leql Jo elniqsul aql Jo raqtrlalue 6urulof,aq Auy 'yno3 qflg qlnlleS to Aeqtuogaq1 Aautoneue se luaulo.tualo aletgrua-'; io 'twFgorss;JoHd 'c ,{qpa.iago(.i-aS)'l5'eB (5u1srnq)'r5'B 'l.s i1leaHJo&ls:aruun'U'l_'N'.iC saluarf,S 'aup!p3l,l a^qua^ardJo elryF.l! iq perago (,$opuqrel Atop:eroqq lqpb{} E'S'gS 'se3t"€psr{l€aH A}sra^lun ^S'l^l'n'g'S'A'N'B ' " s ' ! 4 " H ' g ' ' sJo 'o'€''s'g'g'ld'5s Aq paago "S'l,,.|'V'g : .j_'N'rO 8. AgiictiltuniUniversify & A.i-|.ofreredby Maharastra B.V,Sc. g. B.V.Sc. & AH. Unversnry cffered by Mahanstm Animal and Fshery Scier';:; 10.B.VSc.,B.V.SC'&AH,"offeredbyl4al-ratrnatiiiuieKrishiVidyapeeth KrishiVidyapeeth 11. B.V.Sc& A.H.ofieretJby l4ai"Lhwada 12.8.V'5c.&,q-ii'cfferedbyF,laft|twacjaAgrrcui|ura|'.jnivei.5l|y,Pa:bhani 13. B.V.Sc,3'V.5c.& AFl", E.3c'{vet'} , Universiry ofieredby Nagapur 14'8.V.9:.&A.Fi'|rffe€dbyOnssaUtliversiB.'ofAgricultureandTechrlo|og,v Ui)iverslty by O5irraiiia 15. B.V.5c., B'V.sc"&,'1.H."rifferecl & AH- offeredby FuniabAgriculturaiUniversity 16. B.V.SC. 17. B.V.Sc.& A'i-i'offeredby PunjabraoKrishiVidyapeeth Pondicfery University, 18. B.V.Sc& r\.|'i.offeredby Pondichery A'P' University, offeredby Sl'iVenkatewara 19. B.V.Sc. universlty ancjnnimalsciences Vetennary 20. B.V.sc.ofered b'yTamilnadu Hebbal 21. B.V.Sc.offeredby Universityof Agricultunl Sciences, 22,B.V.sc.&A.H.offeredbyt}ttarPradeshAgricu|tura|University,Pantnagar 25 9Z 'ql!Mu€r9 '1 'a6alpJ lerppap lo le?tueqfahlu1euoptg leDlutpa11e{o6ar4 ;o 6u;.raau16u3 'Alslanlun:a$atpuehl '9 p 6WaauFuf pupq3 .ro bupaaupuSlecluepahl .to i{6o1ouqra1q apqJ{uaf 'uopusl 'saaut6u3ll D Joe1n1l5ulet4 Jo uotleuluex3dtqgaquaWalepossv '9 'mpwl'aTqRsuI ul euoldlq 't spllng Bre Ap aq Jo dlqsatrepossV Jo alecupel rc 6u1taau!6u3 'e 'uopuol 'a6a1;o3 fipla4u1 p 6upaaul6q ul euoldlq 'uopuo'l'a6alpo q6uryp 6upaaupu3u! euoldlo 'Z 'uopuq 'asnop{epae3 ftigaaul6u3lecppep u! euoplq 'I Jo 'll/Jr90'loNHf,:u- oNv 9Nru3llNrgNf 'S '5 'aloqel 'ltpade,Qnpen| atg lq papiemeaar6ap(leuopeN)'V'€ uoo6ueU :euun8't lqa{steu pue ecreO yg :qsapel6ueg pu5 pueqefun6 :ueFqed 'E '(utnnO) teuoneNpue (abalpXrAttutttJumnOtselpg :pJep{ 'z 'saleM 'srnarg.typleg '6u1pea6'p.roJxg':apaqlue4 'uopuo'l 'podla^n rue ppuJptls 'spea1mo6sq9'qfunqup3'tuer4ng'abppqueS'ppug'ureq6u1uu1g'uaep'nqy pe1un'I :urop6ury -:saglsia^un6u;mo1p1 aq;o lue lq par:apo:aa6aq 3f,N3ps ! SIUV'V N9ISUOJ.II-IUVd 8. ProfessionalCertificabfor Instructorsgiven by the RoyalNaral College,Glmgow. 9- Certifi@ d Asocb'hship in Elecbical Engireering of Heriot Watt &llege, Edinburgh. 10.W Oass dipk'nrad the PunjabCollegeof Engineeringand Technologytahore, (formerlyl'ladrbgan Bpirreerirg College,Moghalpun). C. }IEDICAL 1. Forelgn MedrcalQualificationsreognised under the Indian MedicalCouncil Act, 1956. Liusing Bodies Abbreviations Australb tt€rv SoLdiUfahs LrniversityofS)/drey(g M.B. M.D. ch.M.B.s. SouthAustralhtkti\,Ersilyof Adelaide M.B-B.S. (aXc) M.D. M.S. Vicbria Universityof Melbourne(b) M.B. M.D.,B.S. M.S. Eurma Univesityof Rangoofl !1*,Ig1cdEamination M.B.S., LM. & S. (Rangoon University). This QualificaUon shall be a recognisedMedicalqmlification only when granbd before the f April, ..,i:1.::,::: t937. r:: Board L.M.P. (Burma). This - qualiFrcation - " -shall- . ' 'abe recogrfu Medical qualification only when granted beforethe lst April, 1937.'n','i,r',':; :e!.:: lJ;:th; 27\, :: :lir! i;:1 Abbre$iatlons l-icensing Bodies CanaCa: AlbertaandSurgeons Member Collegeof Physicians (B) Alberta of of the Province M.D. of Albefta(b) UniversitY Manitoba: andSurgeons Member Collegeof Physicians of thi Provinceof Manibba(b) M.D.,M.D.,cM. of Manitoba(c) UniversitY North West Territories: and Surgeons Collegeof Physicians of the Prcvinae of North West Tenitories.(b) (When held in conjunctionwith Licenseof the and Surgeons Collegeof Physicians of the Provinceof Saskatchmanor the Provinceof Alberta') Nova Scotia; Nova Scotia ProMncial Medical LM.S. Board(axc) M.D.,C.M. (a) (c) DalhousieUniversitY Prince Edward Island: Prince Edward Island Medical L.M.S. Council(b) Ceylon: L.M.S. CeylonMedicalCollege(axc) Hong Kong: Universityof HongKong(a)(c) MBBS. MDMS All RoyalItalianUniversity(d) M'D' Tfalv: 28 l-icensingBodies A,bbreviations Japan: (e) Any M.B.(Igakushi) All ImperialUniversities Govemmentor prefacturalspecial M.D(Igakuhakushi) by a Minister MB(Igakuslii) Collegedesignated ofJaPan(e) of Education Malta: RoyalUnivenityof Malta M.D Newfoundland: Medical Board{b) Newfoundland L.M"S." New Zealand: of NewZealand. University M.8.,Ch.B. Pakistan: PunjabUniversity [-.M.S. M.8" M.8.,B.S. M.D" M.S" PunjabStateMedir:llFacul$ L.M.S.F';niab"This qualificrtlon, shall be a recognise.d one onlywhengranted beforethe 15*rAugu*, 19-17provi'Jed the holder therefr.ire has parsedF.Sc", Exarninatii,;r beforetakingup medica, studies. Union of South Africa: of SouthAfrlca(b) University M.8.,Ot.B. Universityof CapeTown(aXc) M.8.,Ch.B. M.D.,Ch.B. Universityof the Wituvatersrand (a)(c) Johannesburg M"8.,Ctl.B. f'4.D.Ch.M. United Kingdom: of Birmingham University M.8.,Ch.B.M.D.,Ch.M., U. Brim. Universityof Eristol M.8.,Ch.B.,M.D.,Ch.M.U.Bris!Br"istol. 29 J.238-5 Abbreviations Universl of Carnbrlbe M.D.,M.Chir.U.Cam.bridge M.B.,D.Chr. Universityof DuitPm U- Durham. M-8.,8.S.,M.D.M.Chri., universttydl€6 M.8.,Ch.M.D.,ch.M.,u.l-d Univeaityof LiverPool M.8.,Ch.B.,M.D.,Ch.M. M. Ch.Or$. (U. UverPool). Universityof London M.8.,O.S.,M.D.,M.S.U.London. Universityof Manchester M.B.,B.Ch.B.M.D.ch.M. (U.Manchestot'). Univemllyof Odotd M.8.,B.Ch..M.D.,M.Ch.U. Odord Universityof Sheffield M.8.,Ch.B.,M.D.,Ch.M.(U.Shetrield) Universityof Wales M.8.,B.Ch.,M.D.,M.Ch'(U.Wale) Universityof Aberdeen M.8.,Ch.B.,M.D',Ch.M.(U'Aberdeen) Univeisityof Edinburgh M.B.,Ch.B.,M.D.,Ch.M.(U.Edinburgh Universityof Glasgow Glasgow). M.8.,Gt.B.,M.D.Ch.M.(U. Universityof SL Andrews Andrews) M.B.Ch.B.,M.D.Ch'M.,(U.SL Queent Universityof Belfast 6.M.D. M.8., (Q.U.Belfast). Universityof Dublin L.Ch.M.D., M.8.,B.Ch.LMed. M.Ch.,M.A.O.(U.Dublin) NationalUniversityof Ireland M.A-O.N. M.8.,B.Ch.,M.D.M.ch., (U. Ireland). Ropl Colbgeof PhPiciamof ton6n R.C.I.,(London) M.,M.F., RoyalGllege of Surgeorsof England (England) 1.M.,F.R.C.S., of London Societyof APoilrecaries LM.S.S.A-London,LS.A"London Rqel Colhgeof Ptrrpiciarsof Rlinburyh (Edinburgh) LM., F.R.C.P. Rqfal Collegeof turgeonsof Edinburgh L, F.R.CS.(Edinburgh) M'Gl. (Glasgw) R.F.P.S. RoyalFaarltyoi enyO.ir* und Sufgeonsof LF., Glasgow'(P) F.R.F.P.S., Clasgot^, Glasgow,(S) F.RF.P.S., 30 M.A"O. --Tkensing Abbreviations Bodies RorplCollegeof Surgeorsin Ireland L, LM., F.RCS.,(Ireland) ApohecariesHallof DublinStn'rts Settlementsand fuerated MalayStates- L'A'H'(Dublin) The KingEdwardVII (Collegeof Medicine, L.M'S' singapore(a) (c) s M.D.(Bertin). M.D.(Paris). s M.D.(Amsterdam). GerynanY). .D.(Freiburgh, I il:3ffiH)'"*"r s M.B'B.S.(Da@). for Women's -D.(Bonn.)SPecialist Diseasesand Obotetrics). The KingEdwardVII Collegeof Medicirre, M'B.B.S:;(@on); (a) (c) Singapore n M.D.(Munich). @lbge of UcentiateDiploma' The Medico-Suryical Nova€oa. (F) of the Britifi MedicalRegister (a) *' The oualificationmust be includedin Table Medical@trncilof tie United General by the to time time ;;;r-blirh"d from Kingdom. (b) Whengrantedon or beforethe 31s October,1937 (c) Whengrantedon or beforette 31$October,L942 (d) when grantedon or beforethe 10s October,1940 (e) Whengrantedon or beforethe 8n De+ember'1941 2.ForeQnqualificaUonsindenti*ryrecognizedundertheDenti*Ad'1948 l.DegreeorDiplomainDenusbyissuedbytleRq@lco||eqeofsurgeons Edinburghor Engtbtd 2. Degreeor Diplomain Dentistryis$red by tle Rryd Faotltyd Ptrysichrs and Surgeonsd Glasgo,v. 3.Degreeordip|omainDenti*ryisgJedrytheRop|co|legeofSurgeons, Ireland. 31 zt, unossr4'slnall5 p llss^tun rQ pensqIIsgueC u; alopq ro ae$eC .11 'qosauul6 Jo lilsa^pn gFSauu[^l .02 & pansq ^muaO u1 euqdlq .ro eeJbeq 'sora1 'ucqgno;.1 'a6anoO .61 F$aO elqs setcal Aq parnq AqsOueOq anqdrc .rc aa:6aq 'epe4lsuua6 'etqdppetqa Lqsgua6 'qrqRsut pXueq $er\J seuJot{!. Jo poq6 auen;Asuua43o fiJsrapq Aq pansq AriS[uaOu1 euqdp .ro aar6a6 .gy 'Alsraalunegurnpg'Aa6.tng 15n ?oA maN erg pue lequaqJo poq6 Iq pansslrtqsquaq u1 euqdp .ro ae.r6ag '11 'qs€JqeN'eqang 'epe4a1 ;o rlrslangup'{4qpa6 p a6a11O Iq pansqArynuaOut eulodtp.roaafaO .gt 'l'latunS qe{a1 o6eelrD'lqlsaagup lequagJo a6allof, ,{q pansq tu$puag q aloldp .n aa6ag .91 sqlcflqtresse6'uqsog'Ap:anlun -:reMleHlooqX teueo Aq panssl Aqsquac u1 euqdp :o aafa6 .91 - cur|11 tupquac Jo aballoo^q panss!tuFnuao u1eun$6 ,o *rffi ,lslluac p 'r, 'euelpul's11odeue1pul a6qg3 Aq panssl tu1squa6u1 euopp rc aa.r6eq'71 'q6:oag'eluepv'aballq! :t.iag uia\Bnos eluegy Aq panssrtupguap u1 euoplq .ro aa.r6aq'11 's!"!ed :stelue.tl a4queq epc:l Iq pansq l.4sgua6 u! europl4 ;o aari:eg '91 sue4'sue4ap erlqua6 ap:3 Iq g.enss{4snuapu1euo$6 :o aalbeq '6 'q]runl{'aullsul spq!r..!a^tun :-)Fsraeuqez sqrquec ,{q pansq Aqsnuac ur euioldlg rc aaibag 'g ' uuql'al nl|]5'lll s?qft 8Alufi ;-lrt:lsrapuqezaqrquao aq1Aq panss fu$guap ur eu:qd1glo aarnaq '['opqug'o1uao1 ::uerol p A11raruu6a.q Aq panssliqsuuaq ul einqdg .ro ao.r6ag 'g :aqenQ'leaquo4&1s"edun 9'f,'WJo a6allo:lleluaa a[ Aq pansq^qsnuapu1euqdlo rc aa:6eq 's puela,rip lqparuun leuoaeNer4ro FEpt! 'srr,ra.rprrry'.1g cisr.rg'splaqgaq5'spaa1 toodaaq'tueq6uttullg'ra;saqlue61'uopuol reqlnq Jo saqrra^runaq iq panssrAqsrluapur euop;p "roaa:6aq 'b 22. Degree or Diploma in Dentistry issued by Universityof Michigan, MichigBn 23. Degreeor Diplorra in DenUsUyLssuedby Tufts Oollege,Bffin. 24. PostGraduatecertfrcateof DenUsg of the UniversityofVrenna(ZDS) 25. Diploma granted by the American Dental College,Karacfriif granteci before31st Deember, 1935. 26. The qualificaUon of dentalspecialistgrantedby the Facultyof Medicine, Unircrsity of Venna after a two ye€rrcoursein dentistry prior b which the M.D.Degreeof that Universityhasbeenobbined. 27. Dr.Med.Dent Universityof 8edin. 28. TahnarziDiploma,Universityof Berlin 29. ZahnarziDiploma,Unirrersityof Freiburg. 30. Dr.Med.DenfUnircrsityof FranKurt 31. D.D.Sand M.S.Degreeof the Universityof BalUmore Collegeof Dental SurgeryUniversityof MarylandMaryland. 32. Dr.Med.DentalUnivenity of RostoclqRostock,Germany. 33. D.D.S.and M.S.of the Universityof DetroiLUSA 34. Ph.D.Degree of the Universityof Rochester,Rochester,USA 35. D.DS.TulaneUnhemityof Louisana,USA 36. DiplomaEcoleDe ChirugiaDenbire of De-Stomatologic de paris 37. ZahanarstDiploma,Universityof D0sseldofl Germany. 33 tg squauqredeo Jo speaHlle ol Ado3 ?euqeDss Jo quau4ledaolv ol Ado:) srsIgo leuols!^loanua^eullv prasn q6nor.f) (s.,raruo uqpeE { '3le1s "13-s-11.T taq0u! sraluo enua^aupulslo llv 'peqaapAg'lelUJOuoglag pFFIO € ';1'3'14'.tzuo1sslurtllof, aql srollo uo|peE p.ulsloB srolFlloc llv 'e1pu1 uolsslujtllcouopaE 'fue1ana5aq1 lqpo ,!€N ;o 'uogeqpndsilJeUeuoosallazegetgJo saldol 0OSqslurnl ansslxau aql u1uoger;qnd pue Areuproe4rqe+lezegalqs qsapad P-JqpuVJo '6uquu6 lauolssluiulo]aqr to1 peqe.rapr$^6ry'asalln6 salo$ B fuauo0els Jo 01 'l lvdDN$d 09 or^wllufls B U:DUIO Tv'tOl-f:n3 #IHf ttolwHe'n (xsgcvta \ruHoNvJo uoNus3 og 3t-tt lo lt,lvN ll-l.l NI cNV uSodo As ) 'saleto^W p A1nce3aq1 'Z Jo rappre€ e se lueulotua Jo alecupaf lo requlaure se Jo puepll pue pue16u3 '(uoqeptnbllul r,,\ousl AapoS atn Puesale6 pue pueFug u! qu€qun@lvpara1teqlJo a$Usul etg tgli pa1abalui uaaq acuF ser{ 'uopuol 'quBqunorv pelaod.rorul Jo AFpoS aqt - ('g'N) 'pueprl u! squetrunollvpe.taletD alnl]sul aql (€) Jo .pupno6 Jo quEqunoDvpale}let!) Jo evg$sul aqr (z) 'saleMpuepue16u3 ul squelunolv palauerDJo aulllsul aql- (I) -:p 6u;u1e.q lmqlud puesuoueutulerl 'elpul u! quslunoDv peleueql 'I Jo ayqnsul etg ,o Jaquar.ue 6u1tlo:eq JoJ lueolgns suogecgl;enbuQarcJ 'tvNorssrjoud'o
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