College of Interdisciplinary Studies Thammasat University College of Interdisciplinary Studies,Thammasat University isrecruiting for an English instructor. Qualifications: 1. Bachelor's Degreeor Master's Degree in English, English Language Teaching,Linguistics 2. A minimum two - year experience in English language teaching 3. Aged not above 40 with enthusiastic personality 4. Ability to work full-time (5 days/week) Job Description: 1. Teaching English to students of the College of Interdisciplinary Studies. 2. Developing English teaching materials for students of the College. 3. Organizing activities and projects to improve English skills of students, instructors and officers of the College. 4. Checking the accuracy of academic document translation of the College. 5. Participating in academic and student activities at Lampang Campus. Conditions and package: 1. One year contract with College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Thammasat University 2. Working in Lampang Campus during the working session 3. Workinghours: 9.30 A.M. 4. Salary 20,780 bahU month 5. Housing 8,000 bahU month 4.30 P.M.(Monday-Friday) Required Documents: 1. curriculum vitae 2. degreecertificates and transcripts 3. a copy of passport 4. a 1 inch photo taken less than one year (with no hat and sunglasses on) 5. criminal record (if available) Application Procedure 1.Submit curriculumvitae and letter of application in person or send by post beforeJune h 2i ,2014 2. Successful candidate will be called for an interview and teaching demonstration. Criterion 1. Qualificationand experience 2. Performance in an interview and teaching For more Information,pleasecontact: College of Interdisciplinary Studies,ThammasatUniversity,LampangCampus 248 moo 2 Pongyangkok Sub-District Hangchat District,Lampang Province 52190 Tel.(66) 054 268 -702ext.5342 1 I l~ J ~~VM~ (Professor VuntaneeVasikasin ) Dean of the College of Interdisciplinary Studies lh::: n'l f'I~'Vltl 'ltrtl ~~~'Vltl'l n'l1 ).J~'l~'Vl tI'l trtlfi11).J f'I'l ~ j;Jf ~.:J fu~:I!fil1~n~'l.:Ji'l fill'l'l"JI'l'lIJi'l.:J1.J1:::L'Vl f'I ~'l LLwll.:J'fJ'l"'l'l1tl 'lJ . 1. 1 ~1 L1"'1 n1 J'~n'M11::: ~'IJ;'Wm'V 'V 'l f;I'1 ~1'fJ1.J~'V 'V'l t'Vl 'Vl1.:J ~1'W n11~'fJ'W1l1'M1€.:J n~'M 1l1'M1f'11~j;Jf1.J1:::[Jn!il m1LL1.J~mJ'~'fJ'W1l1'M1€.:J n~'MLtI'W1l1'M11Ji1.:J1.J1:::L'Vl f'I ~1'fJ~'W1 ~ L~tI'l;r'fJ.:J nUn1J' .... .., L1t1'Wn1J'~'fJ'\.l1l1'M1'fJ.:Jn~'M 1.2 ij1.J1:::~'lJn'lJ'ru''Wn'l1~'fJ'\.l1l'l'M1€.:Jn~'M'fJU'l.:JU'fJtI 2 1.3 L'Vif'l"JI1t1~1'fJ~tQ.:J 'fJ1[Jhhn'W 40 tJ tJ , ij'4fil~n~n'Mru:::iifilfi'fJ.:J~'lLL~:::n1:::~'fJ1'fJ1'W1'WmJ' , 2. 1l11:::.:J1'Wiifu~£il"JI'fJ'IJ 2.1 ~'fJ'W~"JI'lIl'l'M'l€.:Jn~'MLLri'll'n~n'M1~'Vltl'l~tI~~~'Vltl1m1 2.2 ~1iJ.J'W1~'fJn11~'fJ'\.l1l1'M1€.:Jn~~'l~f'IJ'll'n~n'M1~'Vlm~tI~~~'Vltl1mJ' 2.3 r.\'V1 n"'ln 1J').J~1'fJ tfil1.:J m J'~1iJ.J'W1V1n'M:::1l1 'M1€.:J n ~'MLLri'll'n ~ n'M1 LL~:::'4fil~1 m'1l'fJ.:J~'Vlm ~tI ~~~'Vlmn'lJ' 2.4 j;Jn"'l~'fJ'lJn'l1LL1.J~L'fJn~'lJ''Vl'l.:J~''JI'ln'l1~1'fIL'fJn~'lJ''Vl1.:J11''J1n'ln'fJ.:J~'Vltl'l~tI~~~'VlmmJ' 2.5 L;r'li'l).J1'Wn"'lnJ'J').J'Vl1.:J~"JI1n1J'1Ji1.:J 1 '1l'fJ.:J~'Vltl1~tI~~~'Vltl'ln'l1LL~:::'1l'fJ.:J a.J~1~'Vltl1~tlfiJ'J'a.J f'l1 ~ f;lf f'I'Wtl~11.J1.:J 'lJ 3. ~'fJ'W1'1ln'lJ'vi1.:J1'WLL~:::~t)~~n'l1 3.1 ~'V'V'l~'l.:Jn'IJ~'Vltl1~tI~~~'Vltl1n1J' ij1:::tI:::L'l~'l 12 L~'fJ'W(1 ~.:J~1fil).J 2557 -31 nJ'n!.]'lfila.J 2558) 3.2 ~'la.J'lJ't11.Jli'illl.:J1'W ru~'Vltl1~tI~~~'Vltl'ln'lJ' a.J~'l~'Vltl1trtlfi11a.Jf'I'l~f;lf ~'Wtl~'l1.J'l.:J 3.3 ~'la.J'l1mJli'illl.:J1'WL~a.JL'l~1 t)'Wr.\''W'Vlf - t)'WfI.!nf L'l~'l 09.30 - 16.30 'W . .., 3.4 'fJf;l11 L.:J'WL£il'fJ'W 20,780 'lJ1'Vl ...... 3.5 ;l1L"lhth'W8,OOO 'lJ1'Vl 4. 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