naPariqhad HarvanaSchoolShikshaPariyoi -114105 S h i k s h a S a d aS n ,e c t o -r 5 . P a n c h k u l a (E-mail:41ns_9_s!_4qya\?,@gm?il._co-.4,Website: lrtlp_/ Advertisementno: SSA/Admin.l0768dated 3110712014 This substitutesthe earlier dgtailsuploadedon the wgbsite Dateof Exam - 30/08/2014 Timings-3P.M.to5P.M. V e n u e- P a n c h k u l a Closingdatefor submissionof onlineapplication : 05.00P.M.on 2010812014 Last date for depositof fees : 04.00P.M. on 2210812014 Applicationsfor recruitmentof PGTs,Clerk, AccountClerk and Lab Attendantin ,\arohi Model Schoolsin Haryana. of posts; under categories are invitedfor filling up of the undermentioned Onlineapplications basisinitiallyfor a periodof one ModalSchoolSchemein AarohiModelSchoolson contractual Thesep()stsare performance. yearand furtherextendableon yearlybasissubjectto satisfactory form canbe filled up at the websitehttp://recruitmentpurelycontractual. The onlineapplication The candidates websitelink will be disabled. thereafter, portal.inup to 5.00P.M. on 2010812014 of subrnission for last date arestronglyadvisedto applyonlinewell in time withoutwaiting the T .h e c a n d i d a tw e i l l b r i n gt h e p r i n t e dc o p yo f t h e o n l i n ea p p l i c a t i ofno r m o f o n l i n ea p p t i c a t i o n No offlineapplication of docurnent. certificates at the time of verification along-withnecessary form or copy of downloadedapplicationform will be acceptedby the offrce.Qualilication with regardto lastdatefi.tedfor will be determined age and certificates /eligibilityconditions, fbrm.Thedetailsof postsas under:of onlineapplication submission No. 1: CLERK (36) (i) (ii) [.jniversty, Graduatein any disciplinewith at least50 %omarksfrom a recognized Knowledgeof computeroperations. NuK*- (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) on Shallbe requiredto passa testin EnglishTypingat a speed35 wordsper computerwithouterror. or l0+2/8,A./M.A.with Hindi asoneof thesubject. Matricwith Hindi/Sanskrit G o o dw r i t i n gs k i l l si n E n g l i s ha n dH i n d i / U r d u . Fluencyin spokenEnglish record' goodacademic Consistent Age; 18-40yearsas on 20-08-2011 No. 2: AccountsClerk (36) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) University. B.Comwith at least50 7omarksfrom a recognized Shallbe requiredto passa testin EnglishTypingat a speed35 wordsper mirruteon computer. with Tally' Basiccomputerknowledge M a t r i cw i t h H i n d i / S a n s k or irt l 0 + 2 I B . A . i M , A , w i t h H i n d ia so n eo f t h es u bljc t . record, goodacademic Consistent Age; 18-40yearsas on 20-08-20I4 No.3: Lab Attendant(36) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) B.Sc.with at least50o/omarksfrom arccognizedUniversity;and . or l0+2/B.A./M.A.with Hindi as oneof the subject Marricwith Hindi/Sanskrit Knowledgeof computerapplication publicschool. from Govt.lrecognized/progressive Oneyearexperience Age; 18-10yearsas on 20-08-2011. No. 4: PostGraduateTeachers(PGTs)(183) Qualificationscommon to all categoriesof PGTs : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The subjectin which Post Graduationis done shouldbe one of the subects in Graduation;and university;and B,Ed./M.Philwith 507omarksfrom recognized Matriculationwith Hindi/Sanskritor l0+2lB.A.lM.A. with Hindi as one of the subject;and Certificateof having qualified State Teacher'sEligibility Test (STET)/ Haryana Eligibility Test (NET). Further,the Teacher'sEligibility Test (HTET)A'{ational U*u^4- conditionof STET/HTETwill not be applicablein the subjectsof Music and Fine Arts;and in teachingin EnglishandHindi medium;and Proficiency (v) goodacademicrecord;and (vi) Consistent as toolsfbr learning. in IT skills andeffectiveuseof newtechnologies (vii) Conversant ( v i i i ) ln case of PGTs, in the subjectsof English,Hindi, History, PoliticatScience. Economics,Geography,Biology, Physics,Chemistry,Mathematics,Commerce, who have qualifiedNational Eligibility Test Music, and Fine Arts, the candidates will not be applicable' (NET),conditionof B.Ed./M.Phil. (ix) Age:21to 40 ason 20-08-2014 qualification(EQ) is givenwith eachpost' (x) E,ssential 4 (a): 16 postsof PGT English university' M,A. Englishwith at least557omarksfrom recognized 4 (b): 31 postsof PGT Physics Physicswith at least55% marks M.Sc. Physics/Applied Physics/NuclearPhysics/Electronics university. from recognized 4 (c): 26 postsof PGT Chemistry M.Sc.Chemistryor Bio- Chemistrywith at least557omarksfrom recognizeduniversity. 4 (d): 21 postsof PGT Mathematics with at least55% marksfrom recognized / AppliedMathematics M.A. / M.Sc. Mathematics university. 4 (e): 2 postsof PGT Commerce as a major subjectof study Financialaccounting M.Com.with Accounting/ Cost accounting/ university.Holdersof degreeof Applied/ with at least55% marksfrom recognized shallnot be eligible. Business Economics a (0: 14 postsof PGT Hindi university. M.A. Hindi with at least55%marksfrom recognized 4 (g): 13 postsof PGT History university. M.A. Historywith at least557omarksfrom recognized 4 (h) T Political Science university. M.A. Pol.Sciencewith at least55% marksfrom a recognized a (i): 7 postsof PGT Economics Economicswith at least 55o/omarks from M.A. Economics/Applied Economics/Business university. recognized 4 (i): 19 postsof PGT GeograPhY university. M.A. Geographywith at teast55% marksfrom recognized 4 (k): 10 postsof PGT BiologY Plant Pathology/ BioM.Sc. ZoologylBotanyl Bio-Science/GeneticsAvlicro-Biology/ Science/Life Science/MolecularBio. with at least 55ozrfrom technology/Environmental recognizeduniversitymarks, providedthat the applicanthad studiedBotany & Zoology at Graduationlevel. a (l): 04 postsof PGT Music university M.A. Musicwith at least55% marksfrom recognized 4 (m): 08 postsof PGT Fine Arts (i) university;and M.A. FineArts with at least55% marksfrom recognized (ii) Bachelorof Fine Arts (B.F.A.)or its equivalentfrom a recognizedUniversity marks. s0% 4 (n): 03 postsof PGT PhysicalEducation (i) M.p.E. or M.P.Ed.or M.A. in PhysicalEducationwith 55% marksfrom a and university; (ii) Graduatewith Bachelorof PhysicalEducation(B.P.Ed.)or its equivalentfrom a with 50%marks, University recosnized QualifyingTests: I. Clerk A writtentestwill be conductedfor the postsof Clerk.The writtentestwill comprise of Multiple Choice Questionsfor maximum of 50 marks in Generalknov'rledge, Hindi (Matric level)& Iinglish &QuantitativeTechnique), Mentalability (Reasoning as per the written test,will be requiredto (Matric level).The shortlistedcandidates, passa type test as per the qualificationnorms mentionedabo beforedocument afterthe declar n of resullof the verification.Dateof type testwill be announced writtentest. AccountsClerk and Lab Attendant for the postsof AccountsClerkand Lab Attr:ndant. A writtentestwill be conducted as un<ler: Thequestionpaperof writtenexamwill includeobjectivetypequestions II. A. Part-l (GeneralObjectiveType Questions) Maximum Marks Syllabus Suggestive Generalknowledge,Mental ability (reasoning& quantitative 25 Marks Hindi (Matriclevel)& English(Matriclevel) Technique, B. Part-II (SubjectSpecificObjectiveType Questions) Posts Syllabus Suggestive Accounts Clerk Graduate level of Maximum Marks Mathematics and Commerce,basiccomputerapplications 25 Marks Physics, Chemistry and Biology of basic Computer 25 Marks Lab Attendant Graduation level, Application III. PostGraduateTeachers(PGTs): A writtentestand an interviewwill be conductedfor the selectionof PGTsin Aarohi Model Schoolsin Haryana.The writtentest,of maximummarks25, will comltriseof (MCQs)up to postgraduatelevel. subjectspecificMultiple ChoiceQuestions \\'ttt Particulars 10"' l0+2 Graduation SubTotal Writtentest TOTAL II. r5 20 Criteria of marksobtained 0.15of percentage 0.15 of percentageof marks obtained of'marksobtatned 0,20of percentage 50 50 100 Accounts Clerk and Lab Attendant Particulars lOtn I 0+2 Graduation SubTotal Writtentest TOTAL III. Maximum Marks l5 Maximum Marks l5 l5 20 50 50 100 Criteria of marksobtained 0.I 5 of percentage of marksobtained 0.l5 of percentage of marksobtained 0.20of percentage PostGraduate Teachers(PGTs): Particulars Maximum Marks l0'n t0 l0+2 l0 l0 20 Graduation PostGraduation Sub Total Written test 30 Interview 20 TOTAL t00 \,*rV- 50 Criteria of marksobtained 0.1 of percentage of marksobtained 0.1 of percentage of marksobtained 0.1 of percentage of marksobtained 0.2 of percentage No. 5: Pay Scale:The incumbentappointedwill be paid will be Rs. 7580/-for the entry level emoluments At currentrates,the total approximate i) postof Clerkand AccountsClerk;Rs.6050/-for the postof Lab Attendantand Rs- 16890/-for thepostof PGTs. ii) l l l o w a n c e sD,A a n dH R A a sp e rr u l e s w i t l b ep a i dM e d i c aA He/She (Bank toRs.500/-+Rs.20 amounting No. 6: ApplicationFee:Applicationfees(non-refundable) and Rs,250/-Rs,20(Bank chargt:s)for charges)for Generaland other categorycandidates s t a t ew i l l b e p a y a b t tel r r o L r gchh a l l a ng, e n e r a t eadf t e ro n l i n ef i l l i n g S C / p Hc a n d i d a t eosf H a r y a n a of application. of belongingto other reservedcategories(SC/BC/ESM/PHCcandidtLtes Note: Candidates HaryanaState)must ensurethat they have valid caste certificateissuedby the conlpetent authority.In case,at the time of verificationof documents,it is for-rndthat certificatesrlre not will be rejected. valid.theircandidature No.7: ConsistentGood AcademicRecordmeansthat out of the lower qualificaticnsi'e' onemustsecureat minimumqualification, etc.,otherthanthe requisite Graduationll}+2lMatric If thereare and50% in the two lowerexaminations. least55 %omarksin one lowerexamination oh marksin one'lower then one must havesecuredat least55 only two lower examinations, examand50ohinanother. awardedby any State,Boardor University TrainingDiplomaor Certificate No.8: Professional only if this Degreeor Diplomaor will be recognized otherrhanHaryanaEducationDepartment by theHaryanaGovernment. hasbeenrecognized Certificate tbr by the NationalCoLrrrcil coursein teachereducationrecognised No.9: A Diploma/degree However,in caseof,Diplomain Ed"rcation (NCTE)only shallbe considered. TeacherEducation by the Rehabilitation a courserecognized (SpecialEducation)and B.Ed. (SpecialEducation), Councilof India(RCI)only shallbe considered. shall for womenandthis reservation 33% postsin eachcategoryshallbe reserved No. l0: be horizontal. by HaryanaBoardof School havingqualifiedHTET/STETconducted Candidates No. 1l: only will be eligible. of teachers Bhiwanifor this category Education, for filling the onlineapplicationform are availableon the Detailedinstructions No. 12: i n. itment-portal. websitehttp://recru regardingthe onlinefiiling of In caseof any guidance/information/clarif-ication No. 13: N o s . 0 1 7 2 - 6 6 1 9 0 5a4n c 0 1 1 2 t h e f o r m , t h e c a n d i d a t cea n c a l l a t C - D A C M o h a l i h e l p l i r r e 6 6 1 9 0 5 o5 n a l l w o r l < i ndga y sf r o m9 : 0 0a . m .t o 6 : 0 0p . m . ilt'tl-1'-- I No.14: The Parishad reserves the risht to increase or decrease the number of vacancies/posts at any point of time. No.15: The prescribedessentialqualificationdoesnot entitlea candidateto be calledfor writtentestand interview.In the eventof numberof applicationbeing large,the Departmentof for interviewby conductingalvritten SchoolEducation,Haryanamay short list the candidates test. The decisionof the Parishadin all mattersrelating to acceptanceor rejectionof an etc.rvill be of the candidates, modeof andcriteriafor selection application, eligibility/suitability will be entertainedin this No inquiry orcorrespondence final and binding on the candidates. Place:Panchkula StateProject Director HSSPP ShikshaSadan. Panchkula
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