Hosted by THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS STRATEGIC PARTNER PLATINUM GOLD SILVER TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC A WORD FROM YOUR HOST If you are reading this, it means that you are participating in the annual Summer Conference. Welcome! We hope you will enjoy your experience! Our goal for the next few days is to provide you with a meeting place to discuss day-to-day challenges and, more importantly, to take a moment’s pause to think about your organization’s potential. It is also a summer conference where you build your own tool box by roles & responsibilities through several breakout and plenary sessions. Drive deeper connections between attendees. CEO, Quebec Technology Association Emphasis will be put on creativity, networking and exchange on best practices among members. Upon arrival, participants will be prompted to check their areas of interests/ responsibilities, in order to better identify their peer by functions. Nicole Martel ORGANIZING COMITTEE Ann Corcoran - NVTC Valerie Danger - AQT Tarin Horan - NVTC Kathy Knight - ICTAM Marc Lapointe - AQT Nicole Martel - AQT Bob Moore - TECNA Brad Nellis - NEOSA Alice Ng - NYTECH Wendy Nkomo - Colorado Technology Avvey Peters - Communitech Cindy Pearson - BCTIA Doug Robertson - Tech South East Cindy Stegmeier - NVTC I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to the organizing committee for giving so generously of their time. Special thanks to Bob Moore who assisted us throughout this adventure. His knowledge of the TECNA community members, their experience & expertise is impressive. Thank you to the 40+ moderators and topic leaders. The commitment of these friends and allies is the key to this event. I would also like to thank our sponsors for making this gathering possible. Last but not least, I am very proud to congratulate the AQT staff for their outstanding work and their commitment to the success of this event. Make the most of the Summer Conference by taking an active part in the activities, conferences, and Experience Sharing Sessions. Get even more out of the event by sharing your experience and knowledge. Thank you all – newcomers and veterans alike – for your presence! Happy Networking! TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC PRACTICAL INFORMATION AIRPORT You can get a taxi or limousine at the arrivals level near the central exit located in front of the cloakroom, where a dispatcher will assist you. No reservation is required. MONTRÉAL-TRUDEAU/DOWNTOWN TAXISLIMOUSINE Fixed fare 40 $ 55/60 $ Minimum fare 17 $ 50 $ Other destination Meter Rate Card Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard and American Express credit cards are accepted. Some drivers accept U.S. currency but provincial regulations require customers to pay in Canadian currency. UBER Travel comfy and steady with Uber. Register on your mobile phone at, choose your car and set your location: your private driver will be there shortly. Get $15 discount by using promo code UBERMTL15. HOTEL LE PLACE D’ARMES HOTEL & SUITES 55, rue Saint-Jacques West Old Montreal (Quebec) Canada H2Y 3X2 T. 514.842.1887 TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC PROGRAM AT A GLANCE WEDNESDAY, JULY 16TH 8:00 AM Off Program - $$$ Jumpstart your day in a Montreal lifestyle: Yoga, running and bicycle with AQT team 5:00 PM Free Time 5:30 PM Meet & Greet - Welcome Reception 11:00 AM Board of Directors 6:30 PM ‘‘Dinner with Strangers’’ - $$$ Suggested places to share a meal with your peers 1:30 PM Register Desk Open 3:30 PM Thought Leadership & Content Marketing: An Interactive Workshop - Molly Castelazo 10:00 PM Networking in Montreal Nightlife - $$$ THURSDAY, JULY 17TH 7:30 AM Networking Breakfast 8:00 AM Opening of the 2014 TECNA Summer Conference - Nicole Martel, Bob Moore, Steve Zylstra and Denis Coderre (Mayor of Montréal) 8:15 AM TECNA 2014 Membership Survey Results Erik Grimmelmann 8:45 AM Membership Panel 9:45 AM Networking Break 10:15 AM Experience Sharing Sessions (Breakout) • Membership Community of Interest • Public Advocacy • Marketing/Communications • CEOs Only - Board Engagement 11:45 AM Lunch 1:15 PM Roundtables: USA & Canada 1:45 PM Break 2:00 PM Experience Sharing Sessions (Breakout) • Turn Key Events • Non-dues Revenue Programs • Education/Workforce/STEM Part 1 • C-Suite - All about people 3:30 PM Team Building Get to know your peers in a team building fun activity 5:00 PM Break 6:00 PM Networking Dinner in Historic Montreal @ Auberge Saint-Gabriel 8:00 PM Networking in Montreal Nightlife - $$$ 12:15 PM Engagement 360/5 : The Event Marketing Ecosystem - Rachel Stephan FRIDAY, JULY 18TH 7:30 AM Networking Breakfast 8:00 AM TECNA Business Meeting Steve Zylstra and Bob Moore 8:45 AM The Irresistible Power of Storytelling Adrian Davis 10:00 AMNetworking Break 10:30 AMExperience Sharing Sessions (Breakout) • Great Ideas to Steal • Voice of the Customer • Education/Workforce/STEM Part 2 • C-Suite - Unanswered questions for CEO’s 12:00 PM Lunch 13:30 PM Closing Remarks $$$ = At attendees own expenses TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC WEDNESDAY, JULY 16TH ROOMS 8:00 AM Off Program - 60 min. - Open to all - $$$ Lobby Jumpstart your day in a Montreal lifestyle: Yoga, running and bicycle with AQT team! 9:15 AM Free Time 11:00 AM Board of DirectorsTango A-B 1:30 PM Register Desk Open 3:30 PM Thought Leadership & Content Marketing: An Interactive Workshop with Molly Castelazo Bossa Nova 5:00 PM Free Time 5:30 PM Meet & Greet - Welcome Reception Opera A-B 6:30 PM ‘‘Dinner with Strangers’’ - $$$ Suggested places to share a meal with your peers 10:00PM Networking in Montreal Nightlife - $$$ THURSDAY, JULY 17TH 7:30 AM Networking Breakfast Bossa Nova 8:00 AM Opening of the 2014 TECNA Summer Conference with Nicole Martel, Bob Moore, Steve Zylstra and Denis Coderre (Mayor of Montréal) Bossa Nova 8:15 AM TECNA 2014 Membership Survey Results with Erik Grimmelmann (NY) Bossa Nova TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC THURSDAY, JULY 17TH (CONTINUED) ROOMS 8:45 AM Membership Panel Bossa Nova Moderator Kris Shock (CRTC) Amanda Hendley (GA) - Individual, Corporate and Societies Jon Milne (ON) - No Membership VS Membership Steve Currie (Communitech) - Hybrid-membership (ind, inc, tech buyers) 9:45 AM Networking Break 10:15AM Experience Sharing Sessions (Breakout) Membership Community of InterestTango A Moderator Amelia Baer (GA) - Societies/Chapters Skip Newberry (OR) - Membership Outreach Touchpoint Christie Williams (GA) - Renewals Program (including retention) Michelle Calton (NC) - Member Engagement Online and Offline Public AdvocacyTango B Moderator Brooks Raiford (NC) - Working with Outside Lobbyists Liz Hyman (CompTIA) - Member Mobilization and Partnerships Avvey Peters(Communitech) - Building Successful Public-Private Partnerships Marketing/Communications Opera A Moderator Julie Huls (TX) - Developing Strategies to Engage Community Valérie Danger (QC) - Measuring Effectiveness of Communication Doug Robertson (NB) - Lessons Learned Through Rebranding Jenna Frank & Vito Marchese (Constant Contact) - Online Engagement Best Practices CEOs Only - Board EngagementOpera B Moderator Brad Nellis (OH) - Strategic Planning with the Board Tino Mantella (GA) - Maximizing the Value of the Board Members Bill Tam (BC) - From Vision to Action (KPIs with your Board) 11:45AM LunchBossa Nova 12:15PM Engagement 360/5 : The Event Marketing Ecosystem with Rachel Stephan TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC Bossa Nova THURSDAY, JULY 17TH (CONTINUED) ROOMS 1:15 PM Roundtables: USA - TechAmerica powered by CompTIA & Bossa Nova Canada - BDC Tango A-B 1:45 PMBreak 2:00 PM Experience Sharing Sessions (Breakout) Education/Workforce/STEM Part 1Tango A Moderator Wendy Nkomo (CO) - Education/Workforce/STEM Survey Results Liz Hyman (CompTIA) - STEM Training and Careers Act of 2014 Michael Robertson (GA) - Strategizing Initiatives Margaret Anderson & Andrew Wittenborg (MN) - Minnesota’s STEM and Workforce Initiatives Turn Key EventsTango B Moderator Tarin Horan (NV) - Golf Tournament Matt Cookson (NH) - Tech Out Start Up Competition Ryan Weber (KC) - Reverse Pitch Megan Ryan (CO) - CIO Auction Non-Dues Revenue ProgramBossa Nova Moderator Steve Zylstra (AZ) - Have You Implemented a Non-Dues Revenue Program? Prabakaran Murugaiah (TechFetch) - Job Board and Job Fair Opportunity Tom Reilly (CompTIA) - CompTIA CertMaster & Certification Reselling Program John Robb (SourcePanel) - Member Value and Revenue Opportunity C-Suite - All About People Opera A Moderator Nicole Martel (QC) - Creative Outsourcing Tino Mantella (GA) - Matching HR performance standards to operating plan 3:30 PM Photo Rallye - Get to know your peers in a team building activity! Bossa Nova 5:00 PMBreak 6:00 PM Networking Dinner in Historic Montreal @ Auberge Saint-Gabriel 426 Saint-Gabriel St, Old Port of Montreal 8:00 PM Networking in Montreal Nightlife - $$$ Lobby TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC FRIDAY, JULY 18TH ROOMS 7:30 AM Networking BreakfastBossa Nova 8:00AM TECNA Business MeetingBossa Nova with Steve Zylstra and Bob Moore 8:45AM The Irresistible Power of Storytelling with Adrian Davis Bossa Nova 10:00AM Networking Break 10:30AM Experience Sharing Sessions (Breakout) Education/Workforce/STEM Part 2 Tango A Moderator Jay Larsen (ID) - Workforce Survey Results Rico Singleton (University of Phoenix) - Workforce Survey Results Steve Zylstra (AZ) - Science, Festivals, Bowls and Fairs Bryan Huddleston (TN) - T3 Initiative Great Ideas to StealTango B Moderator Valerie Cason (TX) - Battle of the Tech Band Giselle Mahoney (RI) - Women in Technology (WIT) peer-to-peer Mentorship Program Jennifer Skjellum (AL) - Corporate Connections: Introducing local startups to big business Marc Montoro (NC) - Come Tech Out Voice of the Customer Opera A Moderator Erik Grimmelmann (NY) Colleen Jamieson (VMware User Group)- How to Measure Impact Marc Lapointe (QC) - Search Results That Drive Action Tim Herbert (CompTIA) - Research Strategies to Position Organization as a Thought Leader: Drive Initiatives Sara Fraim (MA) - Big Data Delphi Study C-Suite - Unanwsered questions for CEOsOpera B Moderator Bill Tam (BC) - Unanwsered questions for CEOs by CEOs 12:00PM LunchBossa Nova 13:30PM Closing Remarks TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Wednesday, July 16TH - 3:30 PM Thought Leadership & Content Marketing: An Interactive Workshop Molly Castelazo Bio Molly Castelazo is Chief Content Strategist at Castelazo Content, a global content strategy, development, and marketing firm specializing in whitepapers, blogs, bylined articles, and other thought leadership content that generates leads and converts leads into clients. Molly serves in various leadership roles in the technology and marketing community in Arizona, including as cochair of the Arizona Technology Council Workforce Development & Education Committee. Synopsis The Thought Leadership & Content Marketing Interactive Workshop is designed for technology council CEOs and COOs as well as staff members. It is an interactive workshop where participants will get a chance to develop a strategy for thought leadership content. Chief Content Strategist, Castelazo Content Thursday, July 17TH - 12:15 PM Engagement 365: The Event Marketing Ecosystem Rachel Stephan President, sensov/ event marketing Bio Rachel Stephan, president of sensov/ event marketing, a boutiqueagency specializing in event marketing, channels nearly 20 years of creative advertising experience, social media, web and mobile technology to create, brand and promote engaging, successful event marketing campaigns for national and international conferences. Rachel is fluent in three languages and holds a Master’s degree in Advertising and Graphic Arts. Synopsis We’ve all heard it before: events are changing, event marketing is changing, events must “go social” to survive. But what does that really mean? This presentation will examine the Event Marketing Ecosystem, a comprehensive approach to the event marketing process with the belief that an event is a journey rather than a destination. Success stories from previous events will be showcased to demonstrate measured achievements in different situations and various industries. Friday, July 18TH - 8:45 PM Resistance is Futile: The Irresistible Power of Storytelling for Sales Professionals Adrian Davis President & CEO, Whetstone Inc. Bio With over 25 years of experience in professional selling, Adrian’s rise from homelessness to phenomenal success in the trenches gives him credibility before any sales audience. His experience in the field informs his role as a sales strategist and trainer. Adrian is an internationally recognized speaker, past president of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers – Toronto Chapter, and the president of management consulting firm Whetstone Inc. Synopsis Association executives must compete for the attention of their potential members and/or sponsors –people who are too time-starved, deadlinedriven and distracted to really care about what you are trying to sell them. In this engaging workshop, Adrian demonstrates why storytelling is the single most important skill you can use to convey value and persuade others to action. Adrian explains how telling better stories is the most effective way to capture attention and motivate potential members to sign up and potential sponsors to support your cause. TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC DINNER & ACTIVITIES Thursday, July 17TH - 6:00 PM 426 Saint-Gabriel St. Networking Dinner in Old Port of Montreal Thursday evening at Auberge Saint-Gabriel under the stewardship of the Michelin-starred Provencal chef Eric Gonzalez and owned by Cirque du Soleil. The history of the building alone would make this Old Montreal landmark worth a visit. Built as a twostory house by a French soldier in 1688, it is North America’s first inn and later, the first establishment to be granted a liquor license under British rule. Recently the property was purchased by Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte and pop star Garou who have transformed the space into a mesmerizing ode to contemporary art. As soon as you arrive there are most certainly indications that the property is owned by the world most famous champion of “circus.” The lobby is filled with magical moments. Thursday, July 17TH - 3:30 PM Photo Rallye in Old Port of Montreal Get to know your peers in this team building fun activity. While discovering and tasting different flavors of the city, take a photo of Old Montréal’s major venues! Each team will have a list of places to photograph, so it’s time to show off your artistic talent! And don’t forget, the faster your team gets back, the more points you have! TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC AQT’S HOT SPOTS Saint Joseph’s Oratory 3800 Queen Mary Road There is so much to discover at Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal, a Canadian National Historical place. A stopover to add to your itinerary! Olympic Stadium Recommended 4141 Pierre-De Coubertin Ave. A daring architectural site, by Marc the Olympic Park was built to accommodate the 1976 Summer Olympics. Place des festivals - Jeanne-Mance St. Step into this public space entirely dedicated to festivals, urban entertainment and also the largest array of animated interactive fountains in Canada, with 235 water jets and 2 occupied restaurants with views onto the space. Recommended by Gilbert Bota Bota - 358 de la Commune St. Retreat from the city and try the Nordic water circuit and the massage. Warning: you may not want to go back on the shore. Sainte-Elisabeth Pub 1412 Sainte-Élisabeth St. Imported beers, great terrace, indoor fireplace and fantastic staff... what could be better after work! Atwater Public Market 138 Atwater Ave. Grab a slice of cheese and saucisson and eat it by the Lachine canal. Guy’s Wave - Gagné & Raymond St. The best place to enjoy easy-going River Surfing in Montréal as well as bicycle rides by the St. Lawrence River. Recommended by Mathieu Recommended by Nawal La Bottega - 65 Saint-Zotique St Simply the most succulent and authentic pizza in town. Try the “Margherita” with Tomato San Marzano, mozzarella and basil. End your night next door at Vices & Versa and taste its large selection of local beers. Recommended by Chantal Parc Jean-Drapeau Floralies Gardens Legacy of the 1980 Floralies Internationales horticultural fair, Parc Jean-Drapeau’s green spaces team provides tender loving care to tens of thousands famous and rare species. Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve The famed track is the host of the Grand Prix du Canada and the favoured spot for cyclists, walkers and in-line skaters. TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC AQT’S HOT SPOTS Camellia Sinensis - 351 Émery St. To taste teas from all over the world and to detox from a busy day. Recommended by Virginie Montreal Museum of Fine Arts 1380 Sherbrooke St. Great architecture and great exhibitions ! Les glaceurs - 453 Saint-Sulpice St. Best cupcakes in town! Rooftop Terrasse Nelligan 100 Saint-Paul St. 5@7 with Old Montreal Skyline Recommended by Valérie Schwartz - 3895 Saint-Laurent Blvd. World famous Schwartz’s, serving the best smoked meat from the original recipe of spices since 1928. Best when served late. Recommended by Joelle Shopping on Sainte-Catherine Street One of the largest sidewalk sales in Canada, in the heart of the metropolis. Mount Royal Chalet 1196 Camillien-Houde Road Enjoy the wonderful view of Montréal. Like everything in here, it’s best at night! Recommended by Valérie Olivia Poutineville - 1365 Ontario St. The place where you can create your own custom poutine! Try their homemade speciality: crushed potatoes. TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC Recommended by Nicole Parc Jean-Drapeau Beach Picture a beach located just five minutes from downtown. Yes, this tiny corner of paradise exists at Parc Jean-Drapeau, the ideal spot to lounge in the sun or take part in nautical activities, beach volleyball or open-water swimming with family and friends. Olive & Gourmando 351 Saint-Paul St. Famous brownie, good coffee and delicious sandwich in the heart of Montreal. Recommended by Lorraine Grévin Museum - 705 Sainte-Catherine St. This wax statues museum is probably the only place you can take a picture with Marilyn Moonroe and an NHL player at the same time. Say cheese! Ming Tao Xuan - 451 Saint-Sulpice St. Traditional Chinese tea house. ABOUT TECNA SPONSORS STRATEGIC PARTNER The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is the voice of the world’s information technology (IT) industry. Its members are the companies at the forefront of innovation; and the professionals responsible for maximizing the benefits organizations receive from their investments in technology. CompTIA is dedicated to advancing industry growth through its educational programs, market research, networking events, professional certifications, and public policy advocacy. TechFetch is a fast growing technology jobs platform reaching 6,000 IT companies, 2.9 million technology professionals and 300,000 tech jobs annually. We are also a passionate tech entrepreneur that supports companies to create 1+ million new tech jobs through thought leadership, evangelization and global events. University of Phoenix is constantly innovating to help working adults move efficiently from education to careers in a rapidly changing world. Flexible schedules, relevant and engaging courses, and interactive learning can help students more effectively pursue career and personal aspirations while balancing their busy lives. As a subsidiary of Apollo Education Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: APOL), University of Phoenix serves a diverse student population, offering associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs from campuses and learning centers across the U.S. as well as online throughout the world. For more information, visit PLATINUM Canada’s business development bank, BDC puts entrepreneurs first. With almost 2,000 employees and more than 100 business centres across the country, BDC offers financing, subordinate financing, venture capital, securitization and consulting services to more than 28,000 small and mediumsized companies. Their success is vital to Canada’s economic prosperity. At CGI, we’re committed to helping all of our stakeholders succeed. Our 68,000 professionals in 40 countries across the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific provide end-to-end IT and business process services that facilitate the ongoing evolution of our clients’ businesses. CGI is committed to helping our clients achieve their business goals; to providing our professionals with rewarding careers; and to offering shareholders superior returns over time. At CGI, we are in the business of delivering results. TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC ABOUT TECNA SPONSORS GOLD Constant Contact ® is revolutionizing the success formula for small organizations through affordable, easy-to-use Engagement Marketing™ tools that help create and grow customer relationships. More than 600,000 small businesses, nonprofits, and associations worldwide rely on Constant Contact to drive ongoing customer dialogs through email marketing, social media marketing, event marketing, and online surveys. All Constant Contact products come with unrivaled KnowHow, education, and free coaching with a personal touch, including award-winning customer support. Hitachi Data Systems provides information technologies, services and solutions that help companies improve IT costs and agility, and innovate with information to make a difference in the world. Our customers gain compelling return on investment (ROI), unmatched return on assets (ROA), and demonstrable business impact. Our products, services and solutions are trusted by leading enterprises, including more than 70% of the Fortune 100 and more than 80% of the Fortune Global 100. SILVER SourcePanel is an On Demand IT project outsourcing platform. SourcePanel focuses on a growing problem in the enterprise IT space: how to quickly find and work with specialized expertise on smaller, complex, high-impact projects. To solve this problem, SourcePanel has developed a custom software application which eliminates overhead by automating many legacy processes associated with IT project outsourcing. SourcePanel standardizes the manner in which vendors, companies and staff collaborate, automates the scoping process, manages payments, and allows members to manage multiple projects from a single, centralized dashboard. Projects run on SourcePanel are consistently completed in less than half the time than traditional channels, creating savings for both service providers and end-user companies. LAVAL TECHNOPOLE is mandated by the City of Laval to promote and ensure the economic development of the City by attracting investments, hosting companies and supporting businesses on its territory. The VMware User Group (VMUG) is an independent, global, customer-led organization, created to maximize members’ use of VMware and partner solutions through knowledge sharing, training, collaboration, and events. With over 90,000 members worldwide, we are the largest organization for virtualization users. Our standing partnership with VMware has allowed us to create an ever-growing network of customers and partners who continue to strategically impact VMware products and services. We are TechnoMontréal: the information and communications technologies (ICT) cluster of the Greater Montreal region. We bring together players in the private, institutional and public ICT sectors of Greater Montreal around common goals and concerted actions. Our mission is to increase and accelerate the competitiveness, growth and reach of this industry that provides 93,000 jobs in 4,700 organizations within the metropolitan region. TechnoMontréal, founded in 2007, is a non-profit organization that significantly contributes to the economic and social vitality of the Montreal region. TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC HOTEL FLOOR PLANS GROUND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR TECNA Summer Conference 2014 | Montreal, QC
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