5 Nanoscience& NanotechnologY, eds. E. Balabanova,l. Dragieva,Heron Press,Sofia,2006 OF FOAMFILMSSTABILUZEDWITH N-HEPTANOL INVESTIGATION EXPERIMENTAL D. Arabadzhieva,P.Tchoukov,E. Mileva, D. Exerowa Instituteof PhysicalChemistry,BulgarianAcademyof Sciences,l1l3 Sofia,Bulgaria Abstract. The drainagepropertiesof foam films stabilizedwith of electrolyte(KCl) are studied.The n-heptanolin the presence via the microinterferometric obtained are film characteristics method,which operateswith the measuringcell of ScheludkoExerowa.The experimentalsetup is additionally improvedby imageanalysis.The and consecutive includingvideo-recording the range of covers amphiphile of the interval concentration arejudged 2.2 x 10-6-2.8 x 10-5 mol/I.Thekineticproperties for the sameexagainstprevioussurfacetensionmeasurements Theresultsarejuxtaposedto formersimiperimentalconditions. solutionsof sodiumdodecylsulfate. of aqueous lar investigations Thesestudiesare very importantfor understandingthe impact in amnanostructures of surfactanttype on the self-assembled phiphilicsolutions. self-assembly,thin liqKeywords: amphiphilicnanostructures, uid films 1. to be expectedat concentrationsone-two orders of magnitude lower than the critical micellar concentrations(CMC). Although there are several other examples of surfactants displaying peculiarities in the static surface tension measurements,no systematicfoam film studieshave been performed for these intermediate concentration ranges. One interesting example is n-heptanol [3]. It is nonionic surfactantand no CMC has been observedfor it. The surface tension isotherm however,has a well-defined plateau portion (Figure 1). So, the aim of the present investigation is to perform systematic foam film studies so as to verify whether the peculiarities in the surface measurements might be related to the run of some of the foam film drainagecharacteristicsagainstthe heptanolconcentration. 2. Introduction Previous investigations show that some surfactants ex"static" Surfacetension measurements hibit peculiaritiesin tl-31. In the surface tension isotherms kink and plateau regions are observed.Experiments with thin liquid films obtainedfrom solutions within the same concentrationinterval also show unusualrun of someof the film properties, namely: unstableblack patterns (dots and spots) are observed;they have very short lifetimes and the films, which contain them, rupture quickly [4-10]. Besides,severalof the kinetic characteristicsof the films display a sharp change within a naffow surfactant concentration range. Theseexperimentshavebeeninterpretedon the basisof the assumptionthat a seriesof self-assembledaggregatesexist at the interfacesand inside the thin film. Thus the systematic studies of aqueoussolutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) have shown that surfactantnanostructuresare Materials and Instrumentation The n-heptanol used is Merk, 997o purity. Triply distilled water is used. Insofar as the n-heptanol is not very soluble in water, the initial solution is set on a shaking machine for about two hours for the complete solublization of the alcohol. The concentrationrange is the same as in the surface C, : 2.2x 10-6+2.8x 10-b mol/l; tensionmeasurements: is 0.1M KCl, Merk and is heated the added electrolyte temperature is maintained at The at 600oC beforehand. : tension measurementsare surface The 20 * 0.1'C. t from reproduced [3]. The film characteristicsare investigatedvia microinterferometric method, which operateswith the measuringcell of Scheludko-Exerowa(Figure 2). The experimental setup is additionally improved by including video-recording and consecutive image analysis according to the established € o.l A ! E b o 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 s 3 0 Amphiphileconcentration [mol/l] Figure 1. Surface tension isotherm of aqueous solution of nheptanol;C.t -- 0.1M KCl, t : 20oC. Figure 2. Microinterferometric experimental setup with the measuring cell of Scheludko-Exerowa: I - Foam film in measuring cell;2 - microscope;3 - CCD video camera;4 -PC with capture video card: 5 - video-recorder. 230 .J"07,: ? 'lJ) htrI'0 : t"c:suorlnlos loueldaq-u leurur Jo uorleJlueJuoc '1 ern8rg luulcuJrns aql tsuru8e stulg ureoJ Jo seurleJll uuelN 0'0 altqdtqduy Itnou] uollerluacuoc 0 € 9 z 0 z s l 0 t s 0 .J"OZ: ,lJ) ? INI.0 : r"C:lU reeurTaqt alouap seurl aql '1oue1deq-uJo uorleJluacuooluetJeJlns ureuac JoJ IIp€J rulg Jo uortcunJse srulg uruoJJo $lnser eupeJII ^re1 'g e:n8rg snrp€Jrulrc 091 9L 09 0 0SI gat ffiO 00t sL 0s OI OI 41 0z P H hlr-0lx Z ]:sJ z'0 H aD' z i €'0 0sl 9Zt mt 09I CD + (D' H 'reqlre pe^resqoere slods {c€lq alqelsun ou uos?ere{upsaqt roC 'tOt-gl sureped{relq elqutsunJo uorluruJoJJo rusrueqJowIopou pesodordoql ot Surprocce sJrlsrJelcereqce8eureJpurlg rueoJ e.r,rlcedser eqt flenrlrs -uosocuengulol sBos luelJeJJnsgo flrluenb q8noueeseeleJ lou op ,{eqt uorlcnrlsepuodn lng 'slop {c€lq peuuep-lle^\ 'lluws Jo uollunresqo aqt ur^ polcolop sl ecueserdrleql leq^\euos ere ruedde lq8ru teqt sarnlrnls {lnq elqrssod aqt luqt sr ecuenbesuocoql 'lru1uoqrucorp,(quoqs reqler rllrl\ luetcuJJnsJruoruou6alqnlosssel sr loueldeq'ecug:re1ur rruAole1Y\ aqt pu? uorlnlos oql eql ul qloq sornl le Jo IInq -cnrtsoueucrpqdrqduu olur Surzluu8ro-Jles Jo elqedecpue elrlce aruJrnsqloq ll o{Bru qJIq^\ serlredordcrqoqdo;p,tq -crpqdorp,(qpecueluq-llo^\ B seq SCS ellr{Aysoruqsqns crpqdrqdue o^u eql Jo ernlcnrts eqt ur ecuereJJrpeqt ur serl uosBeroqJ 'scs Jo eS?Jeql ur u?r.l]'re^e^\oq ureuoJ -un pue en8eneroru qJnu sr eJoquorlelerJelq oql 'onJnc uorsuotoruJrnseql Jo seruodordppo eql qlrl\ sortrruln8eur esoqlJoeJueprcurocuorleluecuoc 3 pu? uorlBluoJuoJ luBl -JBJJns eql lsure8usJrlsrJalcer?r{J e8eururpeseqlJo unr eql ur sorlrJeln8errrruelc oJ€eJeql 'uorleluocuoc epqdrqdure aqt lsure8e(esecrelncrged srql ur rud OOt) snrperuenr8 e Jo srulg Jo eturteJl1oq] roJ sqnseJeql pelueserd ere L orn -EIC uI '9 ern8rg ur u1(oqs sr uor8er neeleld eqt urqlr^\ uorleruocuoc oql Jo esr?Jeql qlrd\ lU reeurl eql Jo adols ot{l Jo a8ueqcar{J 'lg rpeurl or{l stueserderern8g qcee uo ourl aql 'suorteJluaJuoJluereglp roJ snrpuJrulg lsuru8e seurleJll rulg - .$lnseJ 11\uJ, pollBc-oseql u^\oqs aJBs eJn -3lC uI 'scrlsrJelJereqce8eureJp IuJe^osruoq pelJelxe eq lq8rru sernlJnrls eseql lnoqu uorleuuoJur Ieuorlrppv (D 0t 9I j n ^or*rz=tJ .J"02,: .lJ) ? WI.0 : tnC lsrug urEoJul reedde stop {celq aJaq^\ loueldeq-u Jo uorleJluecuoo y 'y ern8rg rul uorter1ueruo:r a;rrJdrqdury [y71o 0 E s e 0 a 9 t 0 t s 0 0'0 ,/O /"-"-& t'0 ,1 e'o o E z "/- r'0 ' 'uorlnlos IUp1uIeql ur sortrtuerellecrruord;o acueserd er{l roJ sroturrpur are stop aseqt '[tr] SCS Jo eser eqt roJ u^\oDI fpeerle sl sV '(y arn8rg) rureqtosruorsuel or€Jrns eql Jo uorlrod neeluld eql s>lJeruqcFlr\! e8uer uorle$ueo .ezrsur ,lor8 -uor eqt pe^resqo ur are stop lou op {Jelq egl '(E ern8rg) stop puu s to1 anrl Keq; V-E {celq eql ere sruel -1ud >1cu1q palresqo oql e8eururpurlg ueoJ eql Jo osrnoc eql ur :8uruno11og eqt sr llnseJ enrl4rlenb crs?q aql 'top {Jelq u Jo uoqnlo^aeqtro3eldurexouV .g arn8rg s Tt'z s 00'z s 00.1 .J"OZ: ? 'lJx IAtrI'0: r"C isuorlnloslouuldaq-ulBplulJo uorl€rluacuoc luelJeJrnsaqt Jo uortcunJse tg reaull eql go adoyg.9 arn8rg [ytoru] uorlerluoruoc elrqdrqdruy 0'0 0 t s z 0 z s t 0 t s 0 v vr- 'sJrlsrJelce - -{ ,' -reqc e8eururpcgrceds(rr) :(s1op {relo suorlenresqoo^rl -u1r1enb (r) :s11nser go sed,{1o^u seurllnouorleJlueJuorlu?l -ouJJnslsure8ee8euru-rp urlu tuuoJorltJo uorlu8rlse^uroqJ - 7.'0 uolssnJsr0 puB sllnsou 5 -g 'peurelqoaJe srulg 0II lnoqe uorlurluoruorqrue roC '[0I-g] ernpecord z /^ E E 'O IEZ louoldag-u qiltul paznlrqzg sntl!,il uoog {o uounSrysa^uJlDruawuadrg 232 4. D. Arabadzhieva,P. Tchoukov,E. Mileva, D. Exerowa Concluding Remarks Aqueous solutions of n-heptanol exhibit concentration synchrony of the onset of black dots and the peculiarities of surface tension isotherm. The concentration coincidence of 'static' surfacetension measurementsand 'dynamic' foam film propertieshowever, is not so expressive as in other casesof ionic surfactants.The causeis the structural propertiesof heptanol:nonionic amphiphile with relatively short hydrophobic chain. The resulting amphiphilic structuresare very small and have less potential to affect sensitivelymost of the drainagecharacteristicsof the foam films. The obtained results outline the range of structural propertiesof the amphiphilic molecules that could initiate the onset of amphiphilic nanostructuresin surfactantsolutions. Acknowledgements The financial support by Project DAAD-02/20051No.42 is gratefully acknowledged. References A. Scheludko, BulLInst.Phys.Chem.3(1963) Ul D.Exerowa, 79-87. I2l A.Nikolov, D. Kashchiev,D. Exerowa,Ann. Univ.Sofia, Fac.Chim.73(1979)113-122. Coll.InterfoceSci. l3l A.Nikolov,G. Martynov,D.Exerowa,./. 81 (1981)116-124. [4] E.Mileva, D. Exerowa,P. 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