DEEL LTz AFLEVERING 4 1969 i I !- t ! : r,..e '{ .\\: TTTDSCHRIFT VOOR ENTOMOLOGIE UITGEGEVEN DOOR DE NEDERLANDSCHE ENTOMOLOGISCHE \IEREENIGING \t EJ l-{ ,N Ay INHOUD: M. A. LrrrrINcK. - The melectinegenusEupaaloaskiaPopov, 1955, with notes on its distribution and host relations(Hymenoptera,Apoidea,Anthophoridae),pp. l}l-122, Figs. 1-8. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie; deel Llz, afl. 4 Gepubliceerd22-YnI-Lg 69 THE MELECTINE GENUS EUPAVLOVSKIA POPOV, T955, VITH NOTES ON ITS DISTRIBUTION AND HOST RELATIONS (HvunNoprERA, APOIDEA, ANTHoPHORIDAE) by M. A. LIEFTINCK Njksmuerm uan Naxuilijhe Hiuorie, Iziden I7ith 8 figures An analysisis given of a small'group of chiefly Mediterraneanparasitic anthophorid beesof the tribe Melectini, hitherto known from a single species,EupaalouÈ,ia funeraria (F. Smith). This taxon actually is a composite one, comprising two closely allied species,one of which splits up into two structurally nearly identical geographical races, E. o, obscura (Friese) and an eastem subspecies, E. o. similatix, which is new to science.Additional information is supplied to strengthenthe belief that Etpaalous,àia is inquilinous in the nests of the industrious anthophorid genusHabropodaF. Smith, though no conclusive evidence to that effect can yet be given. The genus is characterizedanew and full descriptions of its members,with illustrations of structural organs, are provided. A specified list is given of all countries and localities where speciesof Eapaolottskia and their supposed host bees were collected simultaneously. The geographic distribution of the taxa involved is demonstrated in a map showing all verified localities superimposed on the area occupied by the Mediterranean species of. HabroPoda. The specific or varietal nmes Melecta gandii Hedicke, 193), moreentit Straod, 1921, and rugosa Dours, L873, are rejected or relegated to synonymy. Ivlelecta italica Radoszkowski, 1876, considered synoûymous with E*paalottsâia fmeraria (F. Smith), is restored as a valid species of Melecta Latr. INtnoouctroN "Generic In his classification of Palearctic Melectini" (L91r) published in Russian, genera nearly related to fuIelecta Laû., V.V. Popov briefly redefined three Old \(odd Melecta 1805. These genefa æe Psetdonelecta Radoszkowski, L866 (çe-species diacantba Eversrnann, L8t2), Parauocisa Alfken, 1937 (type-speciesP. sinaitica Alfken, Lg37), and Eupaoloukia Popov, 19)5 (type-speciesMelecta faneraria F. Smith, 1854). Although some venational features, with a drawing of the wings, wefe suPPlied also for the type-speciesof. Melecta, viz. arrzald (Panzer) (recte 214.punctata F.), no definition of that genus was given by the author. In August tg6} | had the opportunity to discussthe relationship of these genera with the late Dr. Popov, on the occasion of the XIth International Congress of Entomology in Vienna. IC'e then agreed that even Melecra in its restricted, sense is not at all homogeneous and that all genera of this closely interrelated grouP were still poorly characterized, the diagnoses being insufficient and based mainly upon the structure of the male sternal plates and genitalia. Sexual dimoqphisrn, overlooked or neglected by most previous authors, is considerable and reveals itself not only by structural differences in the antenna€ and legs but also by the shape of the submarginal cells of the fore wing. Moreover, nearly all species exhibit marked variation in the extent of white and black hair spots, apparently due to geographic variation but often differendy allotted in groups of seemingly closely related species. In the following pagesa charrlccerizationwill be given o{ the forms Preseotly attributed 101 (uroqgn;tr 'g) ueçug1rg 'sa1uz1guaqrsnalzg sep Sunpnuug aqrsrEolooT ({eaawurouo4'y) purSurueT'USS1'DS'p?rv elntnsul ytlfopoT (uesse.rlg 'traqua:puag mz 'U prr? rapo.nps 'ff) upfryf tunâsn4-rnæN rroJ:Iu"rd (ro/ea's) pJoJxO 'IEoloulolug yo lueurpedaq ado11'wnamlq llrsra,uun pJoJxO (uosspuqrg 'g puu {rapuzlla[X 'g) urlogæols tunâsnrusIry ?lslrotsrqrnpN (raqrslg xelq) uar26'urnasnlq saqlsuolslgrnt"N (zralçng 'o pue Te?nog '7) 'eqe4 'azer4 t rrmesnlt rupor?N (prea 'f) oulrol 'g;rsrarrru6lqlap erEolooz lp oesnry (tpeglg-rou1e; 'S aFJ^I) eilemlN errolsrH,p I?uoF?N urngcnry ueple'I 'auolsJg a1ftlrnnpp u?^ umâsilus:tftU (srurequwlq'g) 'qg/u uuog '8luç,) 'V umâsnry pun lqgsursSrmqlsroù saqrsrEolooT(en8mg uypq "819) ?Âouag 'aprqy51?lrofs 1p of,rÀr) oâsnry (o1zs91rgzro11) pedzpng 'umezn1t llâzruâN rr.f,?e1t1(uuunm:;,1 'C) ur?prepury 'umasny41 qrsltoloo2 (nn-r.ra3'yq) ztuoa 'el8o1oulo1ugrp apuorz?N oIltFsI (o8ug,r1erp1g,gag) pFp"I t 'urEolourolugap logrdsg olnrnssl -._ (rpuzrg 'g) ruSolog 'zÉoloruolug lp olntqsJ (uaperlsran'3 puz buapal '11) xnolqung 1eri1,Iap sanbnuouorty saf,uaDssep ?rTnr?d t nsqrEq 'uo4râIlol aæur?ln\ ) ue^oqpurf,'uorpollor ueprJrlzJepu?À'D Irpe4n'uorpallor JJâoqra^'W'J'd zuJl'uoDæ11o1zr?arps')re1'rg?IUou'uorlf,âIlol ?quroJ 'I4I uaznl/uoryqg tuoqre11orJâr?ruuasurl 'rA, ?Jzeue 'uorlrollof, ?IroS ru"prolC 'V urcpra5ury 'uorpallor yperpuâr?g 'C (,toræ1 'H 'H 'I) uopuof '(fropJg I?rq?N) rrmâm]t qsFFg - INSZ -nZ JI^IS WnO SUN lNy[N dl^tyN Int dl^i fnt g.>û^I Dfnl C1S;aJ VI^I U1INI I^IitI g[I CVd lN) ZL) ^J SWf, fI^If l) SC) Sf, I IS 'perrrâJuof, sar:ads aç yo Sulpyaq egl Jepun 'Ëâl ârR ur spJoleJ frlp:o1 erp Jel;z pâpïæJq eru pu? areds aaes o1 ,(po 'uorluurul"xa JoJ paaoJroq suaurnads rerpo pue sadfi Pem uaaq arreq qoquls esa'T 's.radud.rerpea Jo uon?lol quasard aç EuqzcJouJ sloqulr(s Jo sarJesz pa,(oldure a ?q J 'suopellof, âpÀrJd s? lsotu ur sV Ila,u s? Isuoqnlrlsur ur l?Feæur elqnl?À Jo rr?ol Jo uoE)adsur eql JoJ sâplIIæJ Surpu'ord JoJ put'sumamur.u?adomg snorl?^ tupJqa ellqrÀ aru ol uarrrt eJuslsrssBpu? &rylldsoq aql roJ '1sr18urao.o11oJ ârR ul pâuoquaru eJ? seul"u asor{rÀsuocrad erp ol s{u?ql nr:u,n lur puaËe o1 amwald e s1t1 .lpnrs pasa.rd aq1 yo uorpldulor eql ol pepqrr1uoJ eÂ?g og,t. asogl IIB o1 apqnurE Âu ssardxa ol rlslirl, I srNsv[ficcIr]l$,oN>If,v '?papw muat 1p:ryy1p erp Jo 'radud lurr(uour(s rlgoads ewJrJlrrJ aql osp epnput uagt rpqal 8uyro11o; z ur r(1a,rrs IIpÀ -uaqardruor âroru sâurtrâlâurplJorr1 plg Jârtlo eql eurJapâro1 adoq 'selll? al?rpâruur J slf uro.ry lJ tupuudas saJq?âJ eÀlpuqsrp lsotu eql yo Lreruums e ptJe ?tTraolorlng o1 6g6l 'y 'rdv 'uT Titscl 'srsoroworNfl uoo^ JcruH)sqfrJ z0ï M. A. LrcntlxcK: DETINITIoN Tbe melectine genus Eupauloaskia L03 OF THE GENUS AND ITS COMPONENTS Eupaoloosà,ia was proposed by Popov to receive the aberrant Melecta funeraria Smith, the only speciesknown to him by autopsy.The assignmentof that speciesto a genus of its own seems to be well founded. Other taxa tentâtively included were lM. tugonl, Dours, t873, M. funeraria var. obscura Friesg 1895, M, -t'uneraùa var.? moreensisStrand, 1921, M, funeraria var. grandii Hedicke, 1935, and doubtfully, the African M. spinosa Friese, l)22, from Usambara. The identity of. Melecta ragorlt Dours, recorded from the Greek islands and Algiers, will remain unknown. Dours's collection has been destroyed and since it is impossible from the description alone to establish even its generic status, this taxon can further be ignored. The whereaboutsof the type of M, funeraria var. ? ntoreearir Strand, 6 , from Kalavrita, Morea, is equally uncertain: probably this has been lost also. Strand compared it with the description of.M. italicakadosz., a specieswhich he and other authors thought to be identical with funeraria. In fart, M, iralica is a true Melecta and a good species. "Eventuell As Strand only mentioned some negative features of his bee, stating that môge diese Forrn (var. ?) den Namen rnoreensism. bekommen", I feel justified to reject this name. As will be seen,Friese'svar. obtcaru is a true Eupaoloaskia,specifically distinct from E. faneraria (F. Smith). Lasty, M. funeraria van grandii Hedicke is identical with the var, obscura Friese and cleaily another name for it, obscura having priority. This leaves us with only two valid specific names in Eupaaloaskia, viz. faneraria and obscara. Popov's generic diagnosis is rather meagre and needs the following amplification: Diagnosis. - Size moderate to rather large, 12J-16 mm. Stature robust, body compactly built. Head broadly oval in frontal view, length (from summit of vertex to apex of clypeus) and width (acrossmiddle of eyes) in the ratio Lo : 14 approx. Face broad and flat, profile of frontal area situated below level of anterior eye margin. Eyes rnoderate, more convergent below than above, ratio of upper and lower interorbital distance as 4 :3 approx., inner orbits subparallel in lower half, very stightly incurved near upper end; greatestdiameter of eye in frontal view about one-half lower interorbital distance.Clypeus moderately prominent in side view, its depth peqpendicularto orbit, always shorter than diameter of eye; upper surface gently convex in profile; lateral margin of paraclypeal area with sharply acute carina extending along inner orbit upward to a level slightly beyond antennal socket. Labrum almost square,widest bæally, surface slightly concave,anterior border entire, little upturned, with rounded side edges; basal tubercles low but of large size. Malar space very short, about six times broader than long. Mandibles long and robust, more than half length of eye, unidentate in either sex; tooth small, blunt and placed near apex in 6. Maxillary palpus long and slender, sixsegmented;1 scatcelythicker'than the next. Segments1 and 6 only half as long as )-J, z longest, 3-6 gradually shorter but which are slender and subequal in length (t); 3-4 abottt equally long, 6 about half as long æ 5 ( ç ). Labial palpus with two free apical segmentsof equal length ( ô I ). Antenna (fig. 1) long and slender, flagellar segmentsattenuated; 4 in anterior view at least twice as long as wide and longer than the next segments,which become successivelyshorter; length-breadth ratio of )-10 about 10: 5.4-6. Rhinaria wanting. Vertex low, gently convex in frontal view, summit raised only slightly above level of eyes.Ocelli normal, placed approximately in line and a liule below upper margin of vertex in frontal view. Interocellar distance subequal to ? JI?q lnoq? WrnÀpâro^ol sr âr?Jrnsâql âreq^Àdpszq lderxe lurqs pu? qloous '1ur4ra,r (ernsopua) alSuerg papodord Fs?g 'snf,lnspassardurrlldaep lq umlletms tuor; pelurudas '1t:4ral 'poqs lraa umlou?lery '(aruersaqnd asuap.ra8uol qrntu lq uepp1{ llaplduor) p?pm) pâpâilp pue paurnldn ,(pq8as 'urnylelnrssz 3uo1 sE sprrqt-onq lnoq? âJErprqr!, saulds tuaSraalp lq8rcr1s 'lsnqor ;o rred E qll,l paure sa18uz-epÉpeprmor lun;ouulaur Sur8uyqralo lpruqslp pu? e)e;Jns ror.ralsod Flnrâ^ xa^uor olur Eurptmor fpdn-rqe er?Jrns psrop lsnrps passardwr lydaap r lq urnlouosauruor; papredas puu ,(lprpaur passardur lpqSrrs ,(ra,r 'xolruot l13uo;1s âf,?Jrnsarqua iaseq 1e qlpra s1r sz 8uo1 sr spJltll-oal lsoru æ 'lleseg papru, 'pprozedurl 'peorq pu? uoqs umllaln S 'eu{ u?rpatu 'passardur ,(pq811s'1roqs l:a,r seu4 pprsdurud :zp8e1 ç1,u, lalprzd ;o rp8ual ,(u,r rasrra rq'15'aouTffi:r:#i;:l,ïti'JiiïSirfi,,,,,,x{ ro?uuâru? .r .sru nTsaolae(xa 'possardurr -pJru lou eurl uurpatu learz elzprmdul reptueul IeÀâl ol p?pnsl Surpualxa 'um1 IIEurs qlJA ,{lroualsod umlouosew lappund llasuap unlou?Fru pu? umllâlnrs '(r,s) -ouosâIAJ qSrq ueql râprÀÀeplrl lpo'rzpqo18 puz prtos'azrse3re1Jo x?roql 'af,u4 -sry plrqrollelo sr tuol s? alJAl ls?âl l" ef,rrqsrp J?Ilelouualu? ieruBlsrp 1z1rdræo11aro uuç .rapert ,(pqEgs ,(po ra1p1 aç 'aruulsrp J?lmoilelo ueç raSuoy tapurulp urro Jreql 696T 'V 'rdv 'ZIT Tilsc 'slcorol^[orNfl uoo^ rdtuH:lsaflJ VOT M. A. LmrrrNCr: The melectinegex*s ErpaulousAia 105 dozen short longitudinal ridges on either side of the middle at extreme baseof triangle; posterolateralportions of propodeum closely punctate. Legs robust, coxae and trochanters unarmed. Outer face of all tibiae and basitarsi densely reticulate-punctate, surface even, lacking tubercles or dentides; tibiae swollen towards apex. Mid tibia of ô not expanded, apex in both sexeswith short, robust, slightly curved, conical posterior process,longest and finger-like in 9. Hind tibia of g normal, of ô with strongly produced antero-apical process; spurs long, of unequal length, innermost spur long and undulated, the outer much shorter and straighg both microscopically serrate; colour black. Hind basitarsusshorter than tibi4 subparallel-sided in g , modified and hollowed out extemally in A . Tarsal claws acute with distinct elongate arolia; colour very dark brown. Inner ramus of all claws thin and slender, shorter than ou,ter, but not flattened or plate-shaped; claws very dark brown. \ùfing membrane semitranspaf,ent, coloured light to dark grey brown. Fore wing greatly e4panded distad, especially in g , distal margin convex, apex blunt; marginal cell narrowly oval, apex rounded, little or not extending beyond apex of third submarginal cell; cubito-anal vein curved, distal to fork. Venation otherwise as shown in figures 2 and 3. Gaster short and broad rapidly tapered and more abruptly pointed apically than in Melecîa, especially in g ; colour blac}. First segment much shorter than second. Tergites 1-6 ( ô ) or 1-5 ( e ) finety superficially tessellate-puncta,te,surface dull or moderately shiny. Sides of tergite 7 of 6 strongly converging towards apex, the latter truncated with blunt side-angles and a wide V-shaped rnedian emargination; upper surface somewhat concave apically but integument completely hidden from sight by long, dense, appressed tomentum. Posterior border of sternite 6 of. I broadly rounted, surface finely reticulatepunctate and covered with short hair, distal half with shallow, narrowly oval, median impressed area. Apical sternal plates and genital capsule of 6 resembling Melecra more closely than Parucrocisa. Sternite 7 very slender with narrow apodemes and apex, the 8th with strongly developed postmedian ridges. Gonocoxites (basiparameres) of large size, gonostylus distinctly marked off, short and densely setose; volsellae reduced and partly hidden; sagittae (penis valves) of complex structure, strongly curved apically; penis free. Sternite 5 of g with or without weakly pronounced median ridge, indicated (when present) at extrerne apex only; median carina of sternite 6 complete though very low. Pygidial field elongate-triangular, covering entire dorsal surface of tergite 6; surface flat, finely reticulate, apex rounded, slightly swollen, median carina short and low. Pubescence.Black, suberect and rather dense on labrum, with longer bristleJike hairs interspersed, excq>t hairless bæal area which indudes the tubercles. Very long fringe at mandibles outwardly. Clypeal hairs dense but mostly decumbenÇvery long and erect on hypostomal a.rel, genae, ftons and vertex posteriorly; supraclypeal arca and vertex on either side of ocelli bare. Vestiture of thoracic segmentserect, entirely concealing surface, exceptionally long, dense and feathery; fine and velvety on dorsum, much longer at the sides, densest and tufty behind tegulae and base of metapleurae; metanotum, enclosure and lateral parts of propodeum bare. Pubescenseof coxae and trochanters short and deanmbent, except long fringes posteriody; similar fringes of fote and mid femora subequal in length or a little longer than diameter of fernur, those of hind femur rather long at base only, for the rest short ( a ) or almost as long as on fore and mid femora ( g ). Appressed pubescence on outer faces of tibiae and basitarsi short and evenly E qa lrJ tI: N \,\, È s È b. \ (-r ut 'Il o ô (D ? F ûa F} H.r o t-t (D { D oa Jâ oFt {p p rD Êù 5 ô ctt U, F) o 696I 'y 'rgv 'eIT rilq<t 'slsotonorN$ uoQ^ rcluH?scftl 907 M. A. Lrrnrwcr: Tbe neleuine genxsEzpaaloasAia 107 distributed, almost ( a ) or entirely ( g ) concealing surface; long hairs interspersed posteriody only on fore legs; pubescence covering inner faces short and scanty. No conspicuouspatch of felalike pubescenceon outer face of mid tibia of male. Disk of gastral tergites clothed evenly with very short, fine hairs; consistence of abdominal pubesceace otherwise variable, often long and feathery, forming conspicuous snowywhite lateral patches (see specific descriptions). Omitting differences in the pubescent colour pattern, E. faneraria and obscara can be distinguished by the following combination of characters: E. funeraria. - Antenna relatively short and slender, not much longer than width of thorax acrosstegulae (ratio in 6 approx. 10 : 8); 4th segmentin either sex less than Lr/2 times length of 3À; apical flagellar segments of 6 hardly noticeably bulging out or crenulatedposteriorly (fig. t). Hind basitarsusof 6 gradually expanded from base to apex, ventral (inner) f.ace of. basal portion naffow, narrowly lanceolatg its reticulate surface at least partly covered with short hairs and its intero-ventral carina subacute Gig. q. Vings relatively shorter, fore wing more suddenly expanded beyond middle, Fig. 3. Ea|aaloaskia s cies. Submarginal area o1. right fore wings, drawn on the same scale -xordde eç '(medfp yo çdap) af,e; eqt ;o ,{ruaururord arp puz sala aç ;o adtqs aç ur prmoJ eJ? sexesrpoq ol turÂddu sanads o^q eql uaâÀæq sêruâJeJJrpr{8gs .raçg ?mqol eJotll self?J puu ratrq lpqtlls azls '(9 'tr;) aruurueddu ur e{Jl-por Suraq ,tara 1?ruâ^ ur ssarord srç 'prenur Eunulod ssarord ps?qorâlur 'asolas llasuap puu padeqs-1srp'asra,rsuzl1 '(g '8U) elrreqnl 'monrrdsuor ræilÀ eprs Jerllra uo poruJp rlerÀ l?pæl ur eEleslo qsrprmoJ? Jo rnJoJ aç ur Euqre(ord alara oprs uI sserord eql '(9 '8ry) a1z1dxoÀuo) 'ssapruq '1u,ro ue lq papaprd 'ary1-qou1 /lÀâIÀ luarzdsupn Igoqrt pu? upp I?4uâ ur ssarord I?rluâÀ Fs"q-oJapl lsapslrg 8uo4s yo snÀoJo/tr1tlll/'À PâtFoIl Ipsuap âleJ râuul lay;ord uJ rzpSue pue uallo,rls ',llar,r lenua,r uI lno Peaolloq Pu? Pâ^JrDuI llSuorp reqlzr 'puorq mlfisouog 'lgerlde papuedxa Ilua,ra aroru Pu? eIPPnu æ PâltrrrsuoJ '9 '8$ ur st padzqs lpq8ls I ;o apsder FlluâC 8 Ptr? L sapld purals uePPIH ')pulq lq parzldar pu" pasq? f1oq,n ro lsotul? er? qods a11q.t arp tro 'vttrtaunl o1 rugurJs .raçta s8uqrzur luarsaqnd âlJtl/tÀqlJiÀ Jelsg 'uarorq-lar8 ra1q8q lpqSgs 's8ry) qrpuerq s1r EuqFnbe 'raEuol 8ur,r aro; Jo err?JquraI{ 'G-z lar pulSreurqns prç iqcuurq-apJsdreluaulpnr tuurel puz atp '1uaq1no,(pdnlqz ssâI 1nq elqslr?^ sulâ^ Iqgllqrt] pr€ pu? pn1 lo asrnor lpelsor peprzdas IIeÂô,lng SurSre,ruor lar leurSruurqns puz Jo sâprs p$rp puu lztuxord ixadp ol 1zqnÀârllosparadul llunsn Pu" ile) pur8rvru -qns pJç puo,{aq Sulpualxa 'apl'l[ u?ql ra8uo1 sauq JnoJ lnog? 1ar puÉleru !( ô ) 'palutod xods'a1pP1ulpuoleq arour ro (g) LC:00I olt?r çpearq/çEue1 tV-oV:00I '(l '8ll) aple ,(1d:eqs 're8uo1 stur2ç papuudxa lpdnrç ssal 'aætuo1aarour Eur,t eroy 'sselrreq puz lurqs erour pu? pasrpJ l13uo4s âJotu lseJf pulpnllSuol loJluaÀ'orâlw aç âf,?JJnseælnf,FâJs1J'1no pa^Àolloq l18uor1s eJow Pu? prto ,(pzeu arour uo4rod IEs?qJo ore; (reuur) prue^ 'aseguror; âlu?lslp aq1/1 o7 Vt moqt p papuedxalpdnrqu g 1o snsr?lrs?qpulH '(I'8ry) dlroualsod lpoul lpalruru I yo sluaruSasrqleSeg prrde lprç 'xorddz g ur uzgl re8uo1saup ( 6) ?At ro (9 ) z/fl wa1 lu tuaurEasWV l(6'9: 91 'fl ollzr) aelnEal ssoJJ?x"Jogl Jo qrplÀ uuql raEuol llpalreul ?uuâluv -'vmtsqo '(C '8lf) ?snqor ssel em1ztspuu râll"ur azrs a8zraly Pr?^rul llanbgqo PâparrP sepld altllassal 'luarzdsuBrlpns 'rzpSu4talqns Jo rrBd B SurugoJ e"IFsIo^ ;o sa:rdu 'esuq eurelxe 'a8pp ualloirls s ol paonpal ssarord æ ParuJ?unlsotul? 1nq Fs?qoJâ]q aql e?lleslo^ '(dto r '8ry) apraqnl snoJâJnâsreynSuzlrlqns" Jo tuJoJ aç ul Surpaford 'azrs ôÀer^apls ul pu? l1p4ua,r papaprdtm lpuaædde 11ztusJo Puu eTII-qoq ssaro.rd qlJÀ'PâqloP dlesuapPu? e^uJuof rtrâIÀl?4ue uI el?J I?JlueÀFs?q-oJaiBI:sânsuq Pâ^Jnf,aJ 'xadz 'pamf,ur elllJl lnq Jeuul slJ 'a11;ord uJ p^o fl,u.orrru Pu? flsurs raqlur m/lsouog '( '311 p ,(1prap1 uâilonÀsl18uo4s pue papuedxa lpdnrqz 'pJorro S ;o apsdæ telpat '( ( ro I ô ur se padzqs 8 pus / sapld luurals uapplH ç-1 quauEas Jo ePIs ) ) f-r 'aernaldzlaur Jrqlra uo allgrl Jo serpæd snonrrdsuol qlr^À Jals?C Jo apJsJetIlIa uo e)uâ) -saqnd J?IIu4s Jo Un1 tuol lsrreq âtlq,rû'tlâre 'paqrr:wq lpoqs '8uo1 ;o r?Ilol rolrâlu? 'æ?Iq,{1a.r4ua p?oJq qlr/rÀxpJorll 'pâJrcq-etq^ÀæJ? I?luory puu snaddp rlllltr soxestnog 'ualorq',(ar8 ,{lernrsqo 8ur,t aro; 'r(1pura1xa paleq-a1rq,t lprzd I ô yo ;o s8al 's8ry) 8uo1 u?gl reP?orq sâuJl z'I ls?âl lz'1roqs 'G-z lar purS:zurqns Jo eu?rqrrnry 'pa,uoqp pr€ :uow1nSrru lz tpu?rq apls &z1uaurynr ? JJo EunrS ,(puanbârJ Puz aql lpdorqu sureÀl?lrqrD pr€ pu? pu7 !ga: purS.rzu w l"Fpsrelul uaryo PuB papurSorddu ,(psop lllroualue Surtrarruor ,(18uo.qslar pur8reurqns PuZ Jo sâPIsFlslP Pu? leurrxord 'aplal uzç re8uol sârun âârtll lroqe 'pao lgar purErzurqns pJ€ puolaq turpualxe 1ou -apEuolagar puÉretu:( ô ) El: 0or ro ( I ) eC: 00I oq?r grpzarq/ç8ua1'lun1qxedu 6?61 'y 'rdv '4I1. rqtrg 'sJcQrQWorNg uoQ^ rJIUH?scfi; g0I M. A. LtrrrrNcK: Tbe melenine genur Eupaaloashia 109 t; iil:, ff|r"' %1,,), v.,4r,' 'r'' I I ril ,/ 7//t t "'rr,// t, /ri/, VL Ttû iry/ 'i l l t1 t 't,t' 7 it '/1 ,,/ / rJ!, ,,1 ;t; 1t ,, I l'/, /r/ {/,,'i,)\ ,; ;r v2i '/z/l' 'ilt t ii'ù*l l,'i'i\ !". f/ ù tl )t lrl, Wtr i /,1irltl W,i;iio funeraria d Olympia obsorra d Genoa simulatrix d Istria FiS. 4. Eupauloush,ia funeraria (F. Smith), E. o, obscura (Friese) and E. o, simulatrix subsp. nov. Outer aspect of right hind tibia and basitarsus. Scale-line _ 5 mm mate length-breadth-dçth ratios in funeraria being 20 : 10 : 6, in o, obscura and o. simulatrix 23 : lo : g-9. The most reliable charactersseparatingthe two are most easily understood by a comparison of the accompanying drawings of structural details. S7hereas E. funeraria throughout the whole of i s distributional area exhibits a uniform Pattern of black-and-white pubescence,the sexes being almost alike in this resPect,E. obscurais a much more variable insect. The female of typical obscarais at once distinguished from f uneraria by having the whole body black, while in the male it is the abdomen (except the first segment) which is almost or entirely unspotted. Howwer, two cleady recognizable nces can here be distinguished. In parts of the Mediterranean where the ranges of the two speciesovedap, a subspeciesof obscara occurs which 'hrluele>t] epruep; puu ( I 'f z9 'x?y[ '( zrz,ra.q:g a ù ç96tw'z z) vg't'tfzr <ûorolq:ez'sauuodola4 'zrrazlg 'ô z I z :(AI^IN) Surlu,n s,llpâu>pparurtps ur) lqrau:ppaprqrs 'æp 3pu?patpapg 'erdrudlg I ô qlriil3 py?hunt 4talayJ '9 I : (CngW) 8upp,r s,lgreuTepenuqrs q çoq) asaug '1ap ' I 'wg wutaunl ?paîaw ''lpepuqrg 'zoez.rg'erdrullg'8 I:(A.f,) rrdrullg'araerg'9 I:(tWS) (lupd) Z16I 'Qttù 'udur,(1g '1'ssrp qsaoEuJ3 'IIor xe '(ruJrd) oruof r) I ç, : âf,eerC ,[zruopareyggg ur uzrfog] uzrfoq-u4y '('sslp) e t :(fy[) seqellN çç6T.IL.zt-z ' L ' [ ' ç g 6 t ' l L ' ç 1 ' o r o q s' g ' z d s a r 4a 1 e 1 ' e l u o p a r z 4' 6 I t e r r ' e 1so8n 1-'OIZ) '1ap' ô 'ds 'u tt"tpstout'y7 'zlrmetoyl '1or 'asaug '98'?'ç 'H :4serz,d,,'z1ratelo141 .,plltlpuoz '1sa4'ô uu?rullol( 'llor xe 'frgsrolq 'lsadupng'6 r I 1 :(qngIAI) qaqel t:(-ltz) "urg uoq?rrJquapl aures 'g>prrg '8e1 'zsrre1sry ' ô I I Z : (Cn$[) ryzcoIAI ],rg ?ap alnraunl'W ssrx'1ap?toïurzJ puu ( ô g{u"g ?io)Tulf'(AV g C) /laq{n ) ) lle'(ô ?loTurz]' 6 g I c :(acrytN) ra:pg'g'C'pp'atntaunt'IV'(turrd) /taq(n qoTulz] 'laP "urs vtwtaun{ '}t/ tlll,rl auo 'asaug '11or'asaug '11orxa) 'ô 9 :('ur 868I esâIr{ I I 'pp'vtwtaunl ';47'asar.rg'(t) ge'9'tz puu ( ô 'g8'g'ç '1se4'ô z:(qnSW) drgsro;41 ) '(9) ( z ' p p ) e t t a ' t a u r' la s e u g ' 9 9 ' 9 ' ç ' l s e d g s ' g ' ç ' 1 s a 4 'ô z I t:(Cfft) ç8'9'9t '1ap'atwtaunl 'nz 'tplN 'V 'llol 'asaug'99'9'ç '1sa4'ô I 'g I :(JWS) 006I eserrd - 'OtSf) raurmq 'V 'f lq 'wS,ptt?nuttl wtalayl Pelleq?lqroq 9 1 : lresunH 'lausnq'serelpn'ô I pue'leursnq'plJp?N'9 I : ulzdg -'l?IJaletu JâII]lnt '0tno) orntaunl IâqEIrânÀ?rprâ^o qtoq'.,'qlv,, pelleqq (edfiufs) ô puu ',, I plppund'W 9çç. 'lupapur adf; ?p"qlv,, pâflâqq '(uorpalas luaserd ,(q adfiopal) ô : ? I u " q I V 'ruogsrog:?rssnqur i,fiu8ung * ,rrr^Ur""1lY]-ïlT} 'lâs) sïâV '(zll,r€ro14J luerodo>1rzu;,1 '(stwt) "aou 'ueE '(sarnpn.rls 'tç8I 'qrlurs 'g tpapw senads-edll e1ra31y,, 9) ç-rl .,..&?,j;ff .p,rv 'Ç,Ç,Ç_oteotwtaun! :rz ,*, ussn "1.611 rn€N o, ::"r":;::rï#:,:;,ir{,1ii,,!i,,0{f 'EJ'ttZ-eOZ:6 'U'd'U ?un"t '8ç6I 'u8n12- '('sro1uzuuErmg) çTV :77'ou'l1l '8trng '1ug etJog '8ç6r 'tgz:,ol^I- '('s:o1 uerrz8tmll) çç-rç t(çt) € 'UIIH "8tmg ermzg 'aepJdy 'Lç61 '19z:,o6 - '(ur1red ',,1sadepngs1qudonap11g,,)098 :sedornâleurry'n -proç 'ulg '096I 'lqreulaparurq:5 - '(ppgnop 'nJro] :sourJ :?ru?qlv ur $rnur?l\[ 8 ozzerno :snd) ZG :çç uâll[ 'snw 'lsltl 'ç06I 'lsulsnçl -rn1eç'uuy'z26I '1pp4 -'(PITPByU ççl-Vçï:'l?u'lsrH'dsa'rog l€âU'log 6) - '(ppqnop ,{ra,rn;ro3 pu? ?rrtsJ :?to1uF)-}sâd?png :srzd) L9I-99I '(turped 'Ie{ I ô \ gçt-CÇt '918I :1 s.zdornguauaJg'Ç68I 'esâFf,-'(snszlnz3 'uroqsrog) 'das 99 :71'ssog'luf, 'rog azro11 ' z u r e ? r o J-4' (Je l u B q 1 y ô \ L B z : z ' s n J A J ' t F g ' s u J ' u r . { g ' 1 2 3 ' F ç 8 r ' r n l u r sw m a u n { t P a P W (qlltus'g) 'strg / Pue ç-1 zpuraun; unlsaol,rudng 'atuu prqdzrSoet 'xt4vlnats râprnÂrlf,nrl " qlJ^Àsalradsqnsz o1 palldde ,(yrussareu ,rÀoueuruu e Jo âÂJlul -uasardor lllou?Ieû pu? âr?J lIrâlsenô.eql s" lJ Tu?r ol luerue^uof pue aprrdorddu arour r?J uaâq e^?q plnorÀ lJ 'srua{ {ua,ras usrll aJorurcy trpeaqeom uI ueeq lou P?g ptntlqo êuleu eql JJ 'sJorFnBrelq il? pu? âsâIJ{ Âq zzutauxl qil^ô' pepunoJuol tueql Jo qloq alârÀ 'r(ua8o/qd qI paIJâJ x!.tîpfiaf sanadsqnspopods-ayq,t slJ s? IIe^Àse ?,tfltqo prldltr llqeqord lou seop 4 se 'aleungoJun sI selreds rrd,9l1od sJql ol PaqddB eJnlplf,ueuou 'iÀolâq ua,u8 aq p,t sreprryed aql 'arrnradsradan4 rnç ur sdrqsuorlzpr uodn 8uqoo1 'uoqluSorer pç 'sapura; eql rarflmd 'lunn.rrs esolJ uo lpo alqlssod sr ;o ,(l.ruprrped [1asop os vznnun! Jo 1uql Euqgurasaruranzd lpoq a1rq,t-puu-T]?Iqz padola,rapsug 696T 'y 'fJv 'ZIT railc 'trloolonolNf, uoo^ IdIUH)Scfia 0I I M. A. Llrrtrncr: The nelectine genus Eupaaloutkia 111 Grrsenleitner(cMS). 1 g, Tinos fTenos I.], coll. o. sichel t867, faxeraria sm. g ô Tinos 5.67, det. O. Sichel (MP); 1 g, Tinos, Erber 1867, faneraria det. Kohl, M. faneraria Sm., det. Friese 1893 (NM\D; 1 6 I Ç , Insula Tinos, funeraria Smith 6 9, coll. & det. Morawitz (ZlL). - Italy: I e, Lazio, Roma, Fo. Toraccia M o n t e b e l l q2 6 . V . L 9 5 8M , . C o m b a( C M C ) . S i c i l y : Asia 3 ô, Sicily(BM).Minor (Tu*ey): 2 6, Erzurum, L4--20 km Ispir-Ikizdere Rd., L4- L7OO m, 2.V1.1962,K.M. Guichard& D. H. Harvey (BM). -USSR: 2 Ç, CaucæuqAraxes thal, Leder-Reitter (ZIL). Synonymy. Schmiedeknecht (L930) and Iuga (19j8) gave Melecta italica Radoszkowski, 1876, as a synonym of. E. funeraria, but this is incorrect. The type of M. italica, now before me and here selected as the lectotype of that species, is a male in the Berlin Museum (ZMB), bearing locality and identification labels in Radoszkowski'sown handwriting and also a label in G. Endedein's hand confirning the identification as well as the type designation. This specimen was first (rs76) mistaken by Radoszkowskifor a female but later (1893) recognized as a male. It is a tnrc Melecla, answering the original Latin and French descriptions published in L876 in wery respect, the name italica being validly applied to it. The genital armature was dissectedby Radoszkowskiand figured in his next paper (1893: L82, figs. 36a, b, c and i). Parts of the hidden sternal plates and genital capsulg still retainedwith the insect, are clearly recognizable and of the shape characteristic f.or Melecta, agreeing well with Radoszkowski's sketches. The second male (apparently also from "Italie"), which Radoszkowski associatedwith the former, is almost certainly a male Etpatioaskia, as would appear from his description of the leg structure. This example I have not seen. Male. - Hair of labrum silvery on disk, blad< at the sides, with long black bristles sparsely intermixed; thin fringe at margin of mandibles black. Long beardJike hypostomal tuft white. Dense coating on clypeus pure white, with admixture of long black bristles on pararlypeal area; much longer erect white tufts covering anterior half of antennocellar are4 the posterior half of which is almost bare; longish erect hairs on occipital area, white centrally, blad< laterally; behind the eyes black. Scape of antenna with long anterior fringe of white hairs. A fully 2 mm broad collar of long, dense, erect silvery pubescencecovers the entire anterior portion of mesothorax in front of and surrounding the black tegulae, ,this vestiture is continued laterally, o<tending as far down as the mesocoxae;behind this the thorax is black except conspicuous long tufts of white arising from upper portion of metepistemum and outer porLion of scutellum-metanotum. Sternites also partly white-haired. Legs mainly black; long posterior fringe on trochanters and femora white on fore legs, black on mid legs and absent on hind legs, on which it is replacedby shor't black hair. Outer faces of all tibiae with apical patch of appresse.l, finely plumose, silvery hair covering Êrcm 1y'5to 16 of fore and mid tibiaq 2/5 to t/2 of hind tibia; outer face of fore and mid tarsi black with distal patch of white on basal and apical segments,the intermediate ones mainly white; outer face of hind basitarsus silvery white except basally; succeedingsegmentsalso white, end segment mainly bare. Disk of first tergite mixed black and whitg long and erect on anterior half, short, blark and decumbentposteriody; sides with conspicuous,oval patch of long, suberect,finely branched hairs occupying whole surface. Hair covering following segments very short and black, but 2-5 in addition with conspicuous,transverselateral patches of much longer, denseand decumbent,snowy-whitehair, thesespots largest and more or less oval on 2, successivelysmaller and rectangular oa 3-5, the one on J reduced to a squarish 'eyqir-falous serplzd p.rap1 lumsrop Jo pJrç-auo 1?s?guo lpo luaruddu prr? Jauoqs aruarsoqnd pâJâ lnq âl?ur ur su e1r3.ra1ptpe8 prlg 's1ods ro sa8urr; alrqar 8urpz1 lpqq ro æBIq qsruaorq :lr?p sEal eç Jo II? pu? x?rogl Jo etrqms lanua,r eloqlg 'epru ur rrrrn Jall"ws eplrl ? prr? Jâuoqs 'palplllap lldrzqs arour 'a1rq,t rarnd oqu sgrnl 'uornaldoseru u,top dr,t-;1ug puralsdapll 1noq?sepls at1l æ pue arpEel Jo luoJt ur lsnl lpdnrqz Euraual a^oq? J"IIoJ JFq aql 'srJeq a1qro,-l,tous JesuaPPrr? Jauoqs rpnur Jo ;;o altru ur s? p?org s? JI?q lsouF nq peurJeplld.reqs erour EuqsJsuorpue (ruu z'I-o'I) pu?q f,n?Joql etrgnÀJorJaluv 'epur ul s? aslâÀraqloluory ut p?âq ')pEq II? ean 1vua8 puz saldual 'eare plrdn:o 'xalral 'um.rqq :sr$.oIIoJsu 'a1eurulory sJaJJIq -'epured 'ûnluatuol 'æ?lq luâqlunJeP u,uorq uap1o81o Il? sâllurâls Suqeor âsuap E sæeq qf,Jr1rr\alrEral q11 Jo Tslp ldarxa lpqq 1sararp rog ?ods nInf,JD ro 'salzJdpurars (1qa1r-uu"l r(rya1reddn) a1e1d ps"qorarnl iul,l ;'iil:i:i^"iiua,res lurluaa puu sn1,fisouo8 âJour'âLu?s pe)npeJSur,roqs'pa8rzlua lq31r :(fq6u ratol) to samlrnJlsEuJuJo{pz rrâr^ J?rlua^'epsdur14rua9'(araerg) erdurdlguro{ I '(,{l1urs'tr) vttotaunlw7raolno(ng'S'Ettr 696T 'V 'r{v 'ZTI rilqct 'stcorohtorNg uoo^ rdluH)scfll M. A. LrcrttNCK : Tbe melectine genils Eapauloushia TL3 more compact, angular and extending somewhat inward basally, consisting of longish appressedpubescence;white lateral patches of 2-4 very compact, slightly larger than in male, especiallythe one on 2, which is about equal in size to that of 1, subrectangular or almost circular in outline, those on 3 and 4 more transverse,angular and successively smaller. Pygidial plate dark reddish brown outlined in black. Measurements.- Body length: g (lectotype) 13.0 mm, fore wing 9.3 mm. Further specimens: 6, L25-13.5 mm and 8.7-10.0 mm, respectively; g, L2.5-14.0 mm ard 9.0-9.7 mm, respectively. The internal accessorygenitalia of. faneraria have been dissected and compared in a number of males, the specimen here figured (fig. 5) being taken only as an example. Variation is slight and mainly apparent in the shape of the 7th sternal plate, whose apex may be more or less deeply notched; also the number of strong, finely plumose seta€ varies between individuals. The whole structure is distinctly more slender than in E. obscara, the long, widely divaricate apodemal processesof. faneraria being especially distinctive. Flower records.-Vicia andTbynus (sec.Friese). Distribution. - A widely-spread Mediterranean specieswith a scattered distribution, probably more continuously so towards the east. Actual range presumably coinciding with that of. Habropoda zonatula (and tarsata?); see last chapter. Eupavlovskia obscura (Friese) Eigs. 2-4 andT MelecrafttnerariaSmithvar. obscuanov. Friese,ny'l, P,ienerEuropa'sl: 155-156(9 6 key, / -q / partim),166-L67(pars: 9 Dalmatien;9 Livorno). ' Melectanigra Spinola.; Gribodo,1893,Bull. Soè.Ent. Ital. 25: 414-4r, (9 6 Liguda). MelectafunerariaSmithforma Grandiinov. Hedicke,1935,Boll. Lab. Ent. Ist. Sup.Agrar. Bologna(19)4) 7: 213 (6 Bologna).- Grandi,1954,Boll. Ist. Ent.Univ. Bologna2o: 251 (Yersilia,littor. tosco-ligure). EupaaloosÈia funeruriaSmithvar. grandii Hedicke:Popov,1955,Trudi Zool. lnst. Akad. Nauk USSR21: 332(note;notseen). Type material.- Italy: 9 (lectotypeby presentdesignation),labelled l3/Mann t872Livorno, alerrima det. Kohl, L22 funerariavar. obscuraFriese g, det. Friese 1893 (NM\ùD. Jogoslavia: labelledMann Dalm. 8)0 (written on 9 (lectosyntype), square), aterrima det. Kohl, funeraria var. obscuraFriese g, det. Friese 1893 (NMI7). Italy: 6, Emili4 labelled Bologna, Ronzano, lt.IY.l934, Melecta funeraria van grandii m., det. H. Hedicke, lectotypeM. funeraria var. grandii Hedicke (IEB). Furthermaterial.-Italy: s r a n d , iH s e r i e s6 g ( s y n t y p e g i edickq2 6 diss.), Bologna, Ronzanq l2-26.1V.t934 (t A with Bologna, Gaibola), all taken in April and May, 1 6 identified as M. funeraria Sm. var. grand.ii Hed. and 1 g as M. funeraria Sm. var. obscuraFriese, by J. D. Alfken 1937 (IEB) i 3 g , same loc. and dates, 1938 and t940, M. nigra Spin. det. J. D. Alfken 1939 (IEB). 1 6 (diss.), Emilia, Italia, M.funeraria Sm.,det. ? (NAMP). Series 6 9, Liguria, Borzoli lnearGenoa], IV.1883, G. Doria, 1. 6 with M. nigra Spinola, det. Gribodo, L g with M. nigra Spin. ??, det. Gribodo, and 1 I with,44. nigraSpin. (nec Lep.), det. Gribodo (MCG); series 6 9, "su Borzoli, 10-20.IV.1909 ( 6 ), 15-20.IV.1909 9 ), all with addition fiori Brassica oleraceaG. Doria", 1 ô with Genova dint. and 1 g with M. nigra Spin. (unknown writing) (MCG); 1 6 1 Ç , Genova, Aprile, 6 with Melecta spec., det. Guiglia, g q)?â uo pareld aruarsaqnd ryos 8uo1 yo saq4rd rupEuurrl ssel Jo eJotu eql JoJ eÀ?s:pplq qng alwount rot pâqrJlcap sz aySrel 1srlJ Jo :lsry uo âJuaf,sâqndït?lg râls?C sJr?I{ I? 'lsul agl ldarxa sluaurSaspsrel 1z ;o sarldu âruârlxâ 1u lpo slods qsqrq,r ;o saEqsaa 5pqq p.rz1pu" â?rgq Ip Jo salq repg 'rred tsrrJ uo atlqa Jo ern1xnupclqElls ldarxe >lr?lg ?roure, ;o satuu; .roualsodl>pqq stal puSl Jo asoç 'pa.rregrgSl1lpæd sEal pnu pue âJoJJo srelu?rporl pu? e?xo) ivtwnunt ur u?ql ra8uo1s8a1Jo â)uelsaqnd 'peJnoloJ fy.rzpurs puz ra8uo1osle sSurn pu5lâq s1;n; purelsldepul 1q85 'a1Jqlo, arnd Jo p?epur '(selduuxa 'ra8uol ,br8 raplo ur) 6apd o1 (saaqqsar; lpra;red ul) a1rq,rgsr,uolpl fuip dpqSgs âr? srl?g llps pernolor{q8il W pw (umsroppFu uo urw gz-çz) rapeorq sr r?Ilof, egl i?ql ldetxa 'unuunt p pç Sugquaser osp urat1zd lD?rorltr '>pqq daap uarz plrdDro Eulpnpur p"eg Jo lsar Eur.rarrolaruarsaqnd!a8ur1qsmolla{ puqsp ? eÀ?q srrcq gq8{ IIp l?qt ldatxa 'utwtaunl rc1 peqrrlsep se 'edzls puuelup pue 'llroualuz puaq 'eert pluorg 'snedl13 'âlrqa-rlsraollal tung sryn; Jo lrurums I"uotsodlq 8uo1 aç lpo 'pu1q - 'aFI^I srluq daap uurroJpm IF 1nq wwtaunl ur se sped-qlnoru Jo elualsaqnif 'u1dg atSu "ttapw rnrrû, ue:IJIV Iq parynuapl ara,r 'euEolog urorJ sJeqlo eq1 e1q 'sapuay eJoru aruos (eCet) 'ru sB sâIButaJar6l'upuvtS 'J?^ sp rurq lq pallaqq Sulaq sapul ragel srzer(o^I'?tfltîqo ag] 'saxaserp epr)ossp ol pâil?J 'euSoyog1e ultoloruolufl rp olnlnsl aql ur npuvtS 1o suptunads s.eTlrpeH pesrÀeJLç61 ul oqar 'ua1;1y ua,ra 'qEnoua llqapzua1 'wwtaunl 'g 'aseug ?#ttrqo sI eeq sltn eru?u lJâJJof,aql JoJ ;o fpJrz,r TJ?p ? lJ paJaplsuoJ oq,rl 'aEuzrpaplrlsal eJoruqlnw ? svrlptnJlqo'o'g'Â1e11Ja^o IJ? lsotup pelnqqsrp sr elourdg zt7ru vgu1tund'yJ szataqmlnq 'sSurpunorrnsr?lnurs ur Suuds eç Euunp fiD)o qloq pu? Tælq aru saneds qtoq Jo sâpual eql 'JoJre eql pallalJol pu? lr pazlu -Eorar ar'rq ,{lpelqnopun plno^l opogrJg 'ouuo; lz uoJltogo) u,r,o s,uJouldgul peÂJes -ard puz uortrpuor pooE ul ilqs âpruâJ e 'ptîru 'y7 p ad$ aq1papadsur ag p?H 'êtu?u s lnoqlrn JâruJoJeqr Uâl pve rt8ru s.ulourdg ro; sanads re88rq eç 1oolslu 'uorsn1f, -uor 8uor,u egl 1e pâÀuJz ,(gzury puz ,.uun8ry,, sârl,rl?lolSurpuodsarroraqr ,(q pâFlur s?^l âq '(trrlvçtun( epar) 'zuu4 vpau'y4J 1o '$ayeÀ,, TJ"lq u dpo aq ot lf pesll?er puu lp11 ur sâqrl?rol reqlo ruoJJ 11a,tsanads srql Àâu>l opoqlrC q8noqlly 'ptteîaw ârul € prr? eeq râll"rss rpnw ?'rarraaloq'sr srqa'9gg1 ?louldg ru7u vltalayJ;o rQ'qzro1 adlr aql Jo l?rp rltpÀ eppuJoJ o1 suaddeq q:lq,t lrlunot u ?rmtq IUoJ, au?tr suaurnads sr11 'r(lnuapr eql noq? lqnop ou a,rza1'aSenEuel uÀ,o slq uI uellrriû, 'xas raqlra Jo suoq -dursap luâIlalxa asoq,r 'opoqug ,Q ,{rnzaq slr roJ pasr?Jdlgurur(1 os aaq aql q sF[l 'pp 'ô ?uttrqo'r?À rpr,t '(SUN) ?06I esarrd 'ouna1z4 '(rupd) pS'ô ô 1'a1q18a11r'ro1 z:(Syuf) (;) lplror'oN'S'ç96I'I^'1 ''æpuJ'llrrrg'6 ',(IplS'ô L g c:(Ws) qlFrs'd'llorxe I:(nts) BIurS't'ilorxa 'de1vây'y7 ' d ' r a p ' ' t r u f , ' l Su t 3 1 u ' y J ' l l p l s ' ô (e) r g r : llrrlS'(fZ) W p r S 'z1r,rero1q'1or taqrg 'cr1gv1e3' : (A.f,) eT)ur?lN snq){ '€96I'^1'17 "urrrsa4 ' I I ô I 'ouuz141 'orze1' 6 :(yUSZ) i'1ap'vrîru'W'çç6t'Lt'91 l:(UUN1) (1upd) "tuog1u[ '('1t 'll,rtl '593) pq1a1s?) pu? .z?N '1sI xe 'ç,ç,6t '71l'vl-zt 'ouu3141'o7ze1' ô I r r ru?ury '11 'zquo3 'nI 'Eal 'ÇS6t pw lol III'I€ urorJ LV6l'9r6t'9ç6I'Vç6t'LI'lI 'ouuzlq 'elPV 'elotetotr 'og bry1 :euoU 'o11eqa1uo1q 'lury pu? etuog Jo suoJlÀue 'ouloall lzau 'o11aruoJ1Epse3 'C '8ç6I'^'II-€ 'urnp?l 'ô I sâuas '(el) lgrarpuarug '1azn 'rq 'EaI '906I'ÀJ '/ 'âlu?^ef 'uuzrsol 'ô 'ONI^IN) € Iqo) ?ap wwtaarl r4sag 'tqqJ 'ô r I r '(VyU) ]eld 'C '?ç61'LI'ç-ç'[u,rouaf,, rueu] qEa4 'ç'sqp r) 'opogr.r8 'C pÀouaC .da1 zutt,talv 'wdg ztSu ',U qil,u 9 z : (Cf,I^I) opoqpC pp 696l 'V 'rdv 'ZTT rilsc 'stcotonorNfl uoo^ rsruH)saflJ ?TT gews Eapaaloosâia M. A. LnrrrNcr: Tbe melecrine llt side, which are yellowish-white, slightly variable in size and composed of hairs that are longer than in funeraria, Succeedingsegmentseither entirely black (in the majority of specimens),or 3-4 (still more wely 2-4) each with a minute circular spot or point of white pubescenceon either side. For the rest black, the disk of 7th tergite clothed also with black or very dark brown tomentum. Female. - Body jet-black, clothed all over with deep black pubescence,there being no concentrations of black hair-spots in places which in funeraria and o, simalarrix are covered with white hair bands or spots. Only the tomentum of the tarsal segmentsis dark brown with slight reddish brown lustre. Variation. - I7hereas the females are very uniform, remaining totally blacJ<,the males e.xhibit some slight variation in the e:rtent of white on the abdomen. In our series from ,the environs of Genoa and Rome about half of the males possesswhite hair points at the sides of tergites 3 and 4 (not on 2) in addition to the white tufts on either side of gastral 1. In all males from Bologna and Sicily, however, all tergites except the first are unmarked. The single specimen from Emilia approachessinulatrix by having tergites 2, 3 and 4 white-spotted, albeit that the spots on 3 and 4 are extremely minute. - Body length: 6 , 13.5-L6.0 mm, fore wing 11.0-11.3 mmi 9, Measurements. 14.0-1t.5 mm and 10.5 nm, respectively. Flower records.- Brassicaoleracea(near Genoa, sec. Doria and Gribodo). Eupavlovskia ob,scurasimulatrix subspec.nov. Figs. 1---4 and 6 MeleerafunerariaFriese,1895,BienenEuropa's1: 155-156( 9 6 key,partim),166-167(9 6 descr.,partim) ("Italien, Dalmatienbis Budapest",partim). - Zavattari,1913,Bull. Mus. Zool. 1930,Hym.Nord- u. Anat.comp,. Torino28, no.67Li 2 (6 Rodi,no descr.).- Schmiedeknecht, ert., partim).- Leclercq,1965,Bull. Mitteleuropas, 2. Aufl.:830 ("Sûdeuropa bis Budapest"; Inst. Agron. et Stat.Rech.Gembloux33:.144 ( 9 Vienna; 9 Asia minor mér.: BulgharDagh). Eupaalotskiafuneraûa Popov,195t,TrudyZool.Inst.Akad.NaukUSSR2l:3)2 (locs.,partim). J u g o s l a via: g ( h o l o t y p e )a n d I ( a l l o t y p e ) , M a z e d o n i e n[ S . Material. Jugoslavia],Treskaschlucht,Lo.V.L9r6 ( 6 ) and 20.Y.I956 ( e ), leg. Pinker, ex coll. H. Bytinski-Salz (ML). 1 g , Macedoni4 KatlanovskaBanja lVardar valley near Skopje], 5.VL1965, \7. VervoorÇ on Vicia darycarpaTen. (ML). 1 6, Macedonia, Cavenworth (?) (BM). 6,Dalmatien,Jugosl.InselLokrum[oppositeDubrovnik] L966,leg.C.v. Demelt, M. funeraria det. Leclercq (FAG). 1 g, Dalm latiaf, Zelenika [nr. Castelnuovo], Csiki, 214.plurinotata Brullé, det. Mocsâry (MBUD). z 6 (1 diss.), Istria, Rovigno, Mai 1900, Dr. Uzel, both with Melecla/Eupaolouskia/funeraria Sm. det. ? (NAMP), 1 g,Istria, Limski Fjord, 3.VI.r962,C. F. van Beusekom,on Cifius aillosus (ML).Albania: 1 g, Albanien, Durrec lDurazzof, lV.I9l7, Karny, Mel. g, 1 9,'Wien, Kuchelau,coll. det. (NM\U7). - Austria: Sm. Maidl funeraria Muhr-\7ien (FAG). - Greece: I g, MelectafunerariaSmith, 9 ( 6 eraded), Olympia, Griechenland, det. Schmiedeknecht(in Schmiedeknecht'swriting), Etpaolooskiafuneraria Sm., det. D. B. Baker (NM\ùD. L ç, Lamia (S of Othrys Mts., lat. 39o), 12.V.1962,\W. Linsenmaier(CL). 1 g, Sparta (Peloponnesus,lat. 37o), 18.V.1962, \7. Linsenmaier(Ct). 1 6, Graecia,StymphalischerSee [Stimfalias], l6-I9.lY.l9r6, Fr. Borchmanî L96o (MKB). 2 g, Graecia,Peloponnes,Zachlorou, 3o.Y.1962 nd 28.V.1964,Max. Schwarz(CMS).2 g, Ellas,Athene,Mt. Imitos,2.Y.L963,S. Daan & V. van Laar (MA); 1 g, Ellas, Attica, Limni Marathonos,11.V.L963,S. Daan & V. 4 6,, v a n L a a r ( M A ) . L g , T i n o s [ T e n o sL ] , c o l l . M o r a w i t z ( Z I L ) . - S i c i l y : drru I = âu4-âl?rs 'iùâr^ I?rluoÀ 'saluJd Juurals (lq8p reddn) qlqSre pue (ryal ra,u,o1)qluâ^es : (rya1raddn) pânluro trpsourEurlzo: Ipsuq asuapaql 'e1e1dl?s?qorâpl snoreJrlespu? râ^or snou?rq -urau Suraaogs'pa8rupaeJoul'âru?s seJnpuls 8urulo(pepuz snygsouoSrqElr:(lg8u.rairol) Jo rÀâr^ IEIJ]Ua^'apsdz: l?Uueg '?rJlsJ uory f, ''aou 'dsqns xlttftalr tfitrrqo oryn.olrtulng .g .3r.g 'â{lulù 'elletuy '6 (srr?urr?W ''f'S ?18n11, g r :296t' I'6I | :z96t Ll.çz \I ooz 'ueSopzog'urp,(y'6 snely'Ç96I.ÀI'9I'11palV,Nzo:-26 I g 9 :fu6f) aTrur?11\ '9 'iI'pp ,wguwtaunt ?papw I :(la1m;) rourIAJ "lsV -'(;W) ltg1tvtv7 qllnaeuo .z1sed't 'sopog '€I6I'I^-ilI "urqupzy'1pog'pue1s1 aru?sprrc ,soroposl-sor8y 'sopoA ç ' s s pI ) I z z I s o p o q u - ' f u A W N ) r a : p g ' g ' ( I ' l e p , w g w n t a u n t ,uag1z1g ,g vtTtoo1oalrT'61ç--glç 'rN '^uI 'rud11'gor; 'Oç6rIII-L1 ,eursse;41 Z .(Wg) m1uN a f :(Wg) lplS Inlqnop ;o,peurwexe-erlou,papods-a1rq,ro,,l[rls, 696I 'y 'TJV 'Z,U filsc 'srcororuorN[ uool J.JruHf,scfla 9II M. A. LmrrrNCrc: Tlte meleuine genus EupatlousLia r1.7 50-100 m,7.1V.L962; 6 g,Ispir fArmenia),IY.I962 (alt. e datesnot noted); all g, Asia minor mérid., Bulghar Dagh, 1.200m, K. M. Guichard & Harvey (BM);1 leg. Demelt, 6-15.VI. 1964, M. fureraùa, det. Leclercq (FAG). 1 g Taurus lKurdistan], Marasch, Y.1928, E. Pfeiffer, Melecîa funeraria Srn., det. F. Stocklein (ZSM). - USSR : 1 Ç, Caucasus,Kazikoporani lArmeniaf, funeraria Sm., coll. & det. Morawitz (ZlL); L Q, Transcaucasus, Borshom (ZIL). L g, tù7ag lner] Cauc lasus] (written on square), funeraria det. Kohl (NM\D. 1 g, Ost-Buchara (Uzbekistan), Tschitschantan,coll. Hauser 1898 (NM\7). At least half of the bees named funeraria in collections belong to this species,which is more robust, averagesslightly larger in size and has longer hair than faneraria, Morphologically, E, o, sinulatrix is almost an exact replica of. obscura,the size being the same, the venational chararteristicscorrespond closely, and there are only slight differences in the form of the leg structure and genitalia of the male. Both sexes differ from the nominotype mainly in that the light markings are much more extensive, especially on the abdomen, the yellowish tinge of the thoracic pubescence of male obscara having becomepure white in sirnalatrix. Male. - White fringe of long erect hairs at occipital crest sparselyintermixed with few dark hairs. Iong white pubescencecovering thoracic segmentspure silvery-whitg the anterior collar frequently a little broader than in o, obscara (up to 3 mm), more or less confluent laterùly below the wings with the metepisternal ,tufts and occupying rnost of the sides. Legs predominantly black-haired; coxae and trochanters with much white hair, long posterior fringe of fore femur also pure white, those of remaining femora black; tibiae black but outer faces of all segments,except (or partly including) the lasÇ dothed with white tomentum similady to faneraria. tù7hite lateral patches of gastral tergite 1 larger and more approximated than in obscura, the erect hairs on anterior portion of disk frequently likewise partly or wholly white; white tergal blotches covering the sides of 2-5 consisting of decumbent hairs, resembling those of faneraria in shape but all slightly larger, usually more angular and extending a little further inward in several specimens (orcept in the holotype, in which the spots are quite similar to those of rnost funeraria). In a large-spotted male from Istria the spots have attained their maximum size, being placed transversely on tergites 3 and 4 and equal in breadth to the distance separating them; this is, however, an exceptionally light specimen. Minus variants originate from Sicily. Tomentum covering 7th ,tergite exactly as in E. f*xeraria. Fig. 7. Left: Eupaulouskiaf uneraria (F. Smith), from Olympia (Greece); right: E, o, obscura (Friese), from Bologna (Italy). Right lateral view of apex of gonocoxiteand gonostylus of I genitalia; vlp : ventro-lateralprocessof gonostylus 'tru1sDleqznur ?J?rFFg 'g eïI 'paurpno ær? erp puolaq SuJr(1qsodlno uJelsue auros 't'e 'em1ere1q âql ruory uaI?l splolal 'suaurpads pep:4uarpru esr \Jâqlo Jo pelJquapr llprpp ParJrJeÀ-uou,ral u tr;uo âÆs uo pes"q are dsur arp ur paJelua rryroolov(xg Jo seql?rol il? r?rf; pepp? eq p1norls 'lueuquoJ 'er.ra81y u?tpJv eql uo pare^of,srp uâag reJ os e^?q wTtaolary'ng ou lI uI II?JO worl senadseruossB u,$,ou>Iuaaq 8uo1 *q'('da1) ,,o,tor1doc/tuv,,;o 'sarrads prFfi E qtnoqlp pq luru;y yo rpo{oqrg finua4xa urarpJou aql osp sâpnlrul srç 'au1 'rpoy'otqvg e8uzr unÀou>lâql unpr,tr II"J ?rueurrv pu? Brs?JrcJ ;o -srr?Jtr 'eare u€aueralpew aqr w zt4roolovlng seq{æol IiB trIprnoetd ærR uaes âq Jo 'duur eql uo ?eJ?parpær{ eql asolf,uarpg,rÀ IIIA ll s5R urorg Jo sarwpunoq apuxorddu aql 'rfto1ura1 paldn:ro agl llapmæe aloru qs{g?tse ol aur salguue srrTl pu? 'aEpalnoul Itu o1 auror ateq vpolotqpH Io spJoJaJ FuoqnqrJlsJp eJor[ uâr1l âf,urs .pepJerrmue uaaq {prarp Euprzq ârrp f?t11 ts urrouï trlayuryap seRrTæoIlsou '(99(I Sprplan) JerIJ?e aru dq pasnar eraru dnorE pauonuar-lspl eql Jo saeq aql .(g .tU .deur arp osp aas) vpoy'oqvg go sanads uperr?rJelrpây\lo,s] eql Jo l?rp rFFs, uoqlrmlvot ur ut7 +ao1oty'ng 3o aEpal,roul Fuonnqrlsrp agt âzrJ?ruumso1 ldwa1p tru sr Eur,no11o;aqg 'slsau urory peJBaJueaq reaa Eurrruq senads ou 'saaq eseql Jo lSolorq ar141noqs u,llouT sr æql Ip trpuaredde q sFII .âpnp?or aW æ IJos luuol ur ap?rrr aJa^\ s,rlorrng asoqt 'rpolotqpH lo alls tunsau aql JâÀo ptmorE eql 01 asop raqlatol tuilg uaas ererr pu? "lrlA lo sJe,t,olJerp pâlFI^ sâeq aW arag '(ÇÇ :L68I ''plql pua L9I:ç691 's.edornguaualg) redepng Jo 1s?e'zare soleg eql q untaun! 'fl pay (WpS '9.) zlngvaoz'I? peÂrâsqogggl eunf ul oq/n 'asaJ.rg dq uaarE ararô, qW o1 Eupepr flrorwJrpur 1sâru?a aq7 'vpoy'orqrg awrcqdorpuc eql Jo qseu eqt ur f,pJs?Jsdan atqsooyrtv(rg go sanads et11wql peumssu ,(leraua8 sl 11 SNoIIYfiIU J,SOHCNV NOrrnSrurSrC 'eu1sJ) '(lrt .rl snsoîfa i(rlmaut{'yJ ngu2 'asapg 'ras 'up1s1) snatqg:(a(dory rlwttwp nau) "plA -'sprorer re,raold çs '?ottrqo yo senadsqnse se paruld 1seqaq ol $seas xryrfuq'arn1rn4s yo fipe1p4s euprlxa aqr rIrJ^Àuort?urguroJ ur uralpd uoqnqrJlsrp rnql tuuaplsuo3 'swroJ p,tntsqo ,.pr1d&,, 'lla,rrsua1xa lpqnur ,(ya8rz1 â^rsnpxa )aqqnrutr ere pva 'o 'g ,(ra,r xltlryfla!î dulra,ro uwtaunt se8uer puv prrqdertoaS erp sæJerIlN ;o 'fla,rqradsar 'uru g'11-g'0l pue uruJ ' ô :Ile^rrradsar 'uns Z.Il_7.Ol 0'çI-€'€I pu? uruI O'gl-ç'çl'9 :suatuDadsJâqUnJ 'uru 0'II 8uul, aro; 'rttru ç'ç1 (addolp) ô lwur 7'61 Supr aro; 'uru ç'ç1 (adfploq) g :çEua1 lpog - 's$raruerns?ary 'uoxpl 'tur1u1s lra.a sr uratp lueseJd aç .log tcltîqtlulr aru?u âql aruaq 'isaTJ?p ueanleq æu?Iquasal aql eql qtrntu rlntaunt esrr$Jeqlo Euraq p avetqwaw 'sEg) s8ur,r eJoJ arn 'adeqs aç ur punoJ Surr atp '(ç-Z Jo uorluJnâu prr? Jnolo) eJ? o/tr1 aq1 Euqr.rudæ seJnleeJpydlag 'Jârlr?â ualrE srapenrp Fmpnris aqt Eulm lq dpo rprru paqsm8ulsp eq va) xtqqflatî 'o ptJv ptt"paaf yo saptua; uro26 fiurcpar 'adzqs pue azls ur uon?rle Surpuod -seJrof, Eurur.oqss1ods pultuopq? ellq,rÀ aq1 'vtutaunl ol J?Iruns alJnb tueped ,(pog 'pu1q daap sl tpgrrÀ 'arnlqsel aql 'al1qn-lnous Jo lseJ a{r rpJal ,(18uorp tuqsznuor SulrBaddu sngl s?ere lq8g aç 'daa1e,r prru esurp 'ralrogs rpruu ailIa)sagnd rneroç :wutaux{'A Jo sexesaW op ss lBâl arupseB ur epru eqt tuory sJeJJlq - .aptuet 696I 'y 'rJV 'ClT rirsg 'slcQroryorNg uool rJIUH)scfl; gI I M. A. LmrtrNCK: trg The melectine genils Eupaaloushia 'd ç o o .o ! F3. Ê H è0J.. (u ÉÈ Ë 'F (U -r H g -Fj t{ g g E â "g o ; Ë + l sÊ { o s'u A . É S U .À# \tF{ E c X c ) Ë H \ t tr è > . :5s r é0. À.8 ,È_E {-' lta O . F. ç) {-, d q +, 'ËËsz - o o i5 æ àô tr{ -Irc rynna '?ruâujnu prtpfiafll'g q lo sarfads tsog erp Jo auo s3 oPoq utnl l?ql tuqou ll uorpeuuo) srqt uI (, ?rccldoclîav suorluetu (ttz :gç6I) '(rllpS uJtup .8.a 's1soqsu tun:s peÀIo^ur -trlon rtoeldoqtuv lo sapads purarr ra88rq eql Jo atuos os1?eJ? saeq Jerpo lBrR papnpeJd ye w lou sJ tJ ro; uorluEqsa^ur InJepl ermba.r 1p,u snll 'pu?lsr srql u1 sdgqsuort?lâr ârul eql qsllq?1sao] tsârelurparS;o eq plno,u rJ .IIea sB ?îflpaoz pue ?r?rwt rpoQoqvg sââqsnorr;snpur ortrl eqt pus ,pa1ear1aleq z:rul aunJeletu .êlualJnf,f,o eârt1r lgrlg yo ur erualsrxe-oJ eql ulqdxa o; elq?rm ur? luasard æ Ip I 'papedxa ur rnpdolp lp6rq ee ?mrqo aqtoolavdng sal?J o,t4 arn aq ol s&rô,sV Jo 'a1lsSuqsaueç 1u rrosras ârR ur relq .rsadde-arluu allszred sll ærF alglssod pnf sJ l1 ,eulp lurp æ punoJ oJellô.JerrrJoJsrll Jo sirÀoJmgou s? 'laae,u.o11.ooïJntr slJ ssoJJ?aur?trsluo JâÂeueg ,sareld ppt,t?î .I/ upper urn a)u?prmq? qng uJ ql!lô, erp ssl!À qtnorpp lotntsqo lsalBarS lâtu 'o 'iI '896I pdy uJ xruwrrC lp sâeq ryalq snon:rdsuor ârR roJ Fo-IooI dreqs z rdal 8up:a11or eyq,r 'lrperpueJ?g 'C 'rq an8valloc lyq 'arlp lp srroro lJ sârurlrrstu sadly aq1 q pu" 'svtrety af pue arua,(zg 'xneulu11 'serne141'nopue,rel e1 'sarpl11 â.ru senrylol ur$,ouTern J? 'dpp r,fl u1 '8uHds f1.rza ur lgecol uourulor sl ll areqal 'atuurg ;o spzd uJalssarpnosaruelxâ âW uJ iJrrrJI uJelserÀslr serp?âJppilq .l? ef,urs tulqsluolse arour eql $ srql 'peToolreÀo aq o1 l1e1J1lou aeq a8n1 e sr ll roJ 'ltproaapu sr Ne !. arp ol JeqlmJ eruasq? sll '?fitrqo 'o 'fl Io rellqsq lsouruJêlsârÀaç Euraq ?oueC Jo srroJrÀua aç 'aruzrg uJâWnos uo.r; papodar uaaq æl lou s?q snuat aç r?rn elqulJsrnal sJ lJ 'O,tÀJ atp 'rerpaEol m:r,o ?înpuoz pva "ps,rpt.g ,saaqralso; Jo Jef,r?rsern qrnru tunq rapel oç o,tal eqt æql eJâq lpo sr l! se 'pæryruEls sJ sJrII 'atuou J?au uilpl FnprÀrpur a18urse uror; lpo uÂrouTsr nwount'A pail? aql 'Du; Jo Jâu?ru" sV 'pu?1urzurerp Jo lsar ârn uo luuduror deal o1 wees saâq eru?seqtr 'uoq?IeJ prltololq JreW ol qulod llpalqnoprm qrlqar 'uu8olog pup ?ouag ruau llsnoauu4nurs pepeflo) ueâg 8u1,req rfr?â Jo sarrâs pooS 'salrnossu esoltren ?mtsqo 'o 'l pw "pr,tpl 'H'êJu?1sur ro1 'Âpll urerpJou uJ '(t .tqrl) uorlnqrrtsJppepr1eW aleqsn11rleu sTJ?rIIeJ,fio1zuu1dxal!!'eJ V 'pal?trpur ,(1reap ârotu êq ol srEaddeuonpnueJâJJrprryDeds seâw urcuâf, ur 1eÀ 'pep8psa,ru1eq ol sul"ruâJ IJqs elueJâJardlsog 'otrynolavlng aary1 etF Jo râtFJe qlJA raça8o1 rn)n ?ftpaoz ptJB q?r"tpt 'H aJârFÀsenrFool lsotu uI 'Errlsnv ur punoJ uaaq 1al aæq vpoloqzg ;o sanads ou esrcJaq lsârelu leuo4der:re yo sJ qrJqn. 'euuarn Jo suoJrÀuaeql ur sr zt,tvnun{'A Jo ef,ueJmlJolsoruuJeqgou eql 'plflI?aoz 'H qll,u' pal?noss? sr vltntaunl u?lrâql eql 1eql pu? urudg ur Jnl)o op BrauaEqloq lzql luepl a sr lr mgl 'uorwunurelâp ârn rrrJuol pFol J araqar 'umasnlq sJæd erp ur sr alduruxa pauoquâtu-lsp1aq; '(larront 'ilol xa) pppzl,q r?eu puores z puz (1aurmq '11o] xa) apraazllr^ w uâ{?l l1pauodar auo ,z1nqvuoz vpo(otqrg p seprueJ qsJuedg oâÀl ol sreJar (196I) zFIC 'perJnuapr lprarror are^Àpuu sedfi eç ol erul âJ? rnog 'plrp?I^t ruory osl? 'a1er;oe aq o1 suaddeq sryt pu? uoqJellor s,lârusnçl ur alduuxe 'paprorartm lpuarudde 'puoras z teaa,rloq 'sr areq; '(plrpBlt reau) seralp^ wrr.raunl'fl paprorar urory e1rzwe! E oq,!À'(ç06I) ærusnq,{q paprrro.rdsBnÀ?lnsuruad uelJeql aç ur snuaEaql âtuâJJnflo ârfi alueplÀâ lluo aql Jo Jo 'eEpalnoul rno ur sdzt luBuodwl Sur,roqs (g '8F) duru aç uo TooI v 'xu|alnwts sanadsgnsEI pu? ptfltrqo .g ue\l uoqnqr4srp pâJeil?ts âJoru ? e^?rJ ol pu? Jef,J?f,srpnur âq o1 'rala,roq 'suaes 11 'sanads 'uaesaazq a,r sy IInJ z s? pezruEoraruoxul lpo aql spa rtutaunt'g etup sql ol dn 6?fi 't/ 'rsY 'ÇlI rilsq 'sJcQrQI^IorNS uoQ^ IdIUH)Scfll 8ZI M. A. LrnrrrNcK: Tbe melectine genas EupauloasÈia Table I. Simultaneous occurrences of cuckoo and host bees of the genera Eupauloushia and Habropoda Eupauloushia f uneraria Spain Madrid Italy Genoa Bologna Castiglioncello (near Livorno) Rome (Lazio) Rome (Acilia, Lazio) Rome (Marino, Lazio) Sicily Hungary Budapest Greece Athens (Mt. Imitos) Athens (Marathon Lake) Olvmpia (Peloponnesus) Zachlorou ( Peloponnesus) Tinos I. + + + Turkey (Asia minor) Bozdogan (Aydin prov.) Marmaris (Mugla prov.) Ula (Mugla prov.) Finike (Antalya prov.) Ispir (near Erzurum) tarsata + + + + + + zonatula I + + + + + + + + +? Rhodos USSR Borshom (near Tiflis) Kazikopora (Armenia) Araxes Valley Habropoda o. simuIatrix + Jugoslavia Istria Dalmatia Treska Valley Katlanovska Banja (nr. Skopie) Albania o. obscura + + + + + -L) l . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + .+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + On the opposite side of the Adriatic coast E. obscura is replaced by o. simularix, its probable host still being H. ,drrard. Friese's old record "Dalmatia, Mann", for the syntype of. E. o, obscura is the only - perhaps even rather doubtful - evidence of its occrrrence in Jugoslavia.The simulatrix - tarsata associationis apparently maintained in many parts of Greece and some of the neighbouring small islands. The much scarcer E. funeraria, on the other hand, has been taken at olympia" a hahitat which it shares with the equally rure H. zonaîula. 'r-r tlgL'ou 'ouno; ',rru11'durolwvq 97 1ooz 'snW 'llog - '31sâdotrJua 'rC aqrrSoloo2ruorsrn)sf,,ç16T ,.g.,rJeqleæ7 Iâp IpoU rp ?JosI.lJâu 'v-l 2çl -tq)slrsz'trrotug 'uJaluJ - 'uâualg âu?Jrâlrpâurâr^ Jâgân .Iz6I ..9 ,puEJ]s 'sEg "dd 'euef - ')tâ 's?dornâlâllr4 prm -prop uaraldouauig '9961 ''O 'lrlæurlâpârurtps 7991 'II^-^I'sld '88I-t9I :(Ç-Z) '1u1q'dru1 'los 'llng - 'pâ ''' ''p?U spapuo?,tatd 'norso;AJ L'râs !Àâu 'le'I ?papw 'm[ ontot2 :sarua8 sap salgur sâp satnlepdot sâJnruJ?sâp en^âU 'ç6il '-'II'I'ççç-ççç,:zr ''ssou'lu!t']oS e?roH -'(âlFS) ârssng ?J ap enbrSolorgldouaur,{q âuneJ âun ? Jr^râs.rnod xnzr.rgte;4J 'O9-çç:ç ''ssog 'lû![ ']oS e€roH -'raaawflA arua8 np sargdsasanblanb ap le epapao?narà n?e^nou eruaS rm,p uo4dp:s9q '999I ''O 'pn,rolzsopuA '(uurssna 's8lt 'Vçç-IZç :IZ 'USS1 'pETV '1su1'1oo2,(pnr; q) Tr"N '(azpuoqdoqlry ''ruIH) 'çç6I ''^ '1 'rodo4 JulllâlâIAJrJllrpal"d ,o uo4?)rJrss?ll lrrâuâg '(ueuzEung 'uIg'w)) 'ou'11 "irou'res''3un11 uù'vy-ç\,:(pf Vz 'lug ErJod- 'rte-I prtto"t) ptlr- apapry ,xtoqiloquy urauaSaç .8ç6I ;o anEoJelerFûn?d 'stI;J 'ur,(H'6I e?Ir?8unH?rm?Cur'â?prdv 'Lç6I .!\'tgzsoyq zz'9L-T t(çt) ç 's311 'tgr-ztl :60r ''lult ',r 'rqrsp[r; - '("ap z6 'seaq '996f ,.y .yq .ryuJlplI -1ody) ppotrç pIO âqt uror; ,{1urcur auuoqdoqtuy auros uo saloN 'sElt "dd zoI oLz'psarnrng '6 ?pesuJ ''g'4'y eunzg ur 'aeurroqdoqluv .ur€rqns .gç6f "C .^ .?8nI 'uroy 'do4 'dag 'pery - 'ç]z-uzt(rç6r)L 'zu8o1og 'rzr8y 'dn5 'lsl 'tug 'q"'I 'llog - 'ueprdy erlrsruarpll aSpra raqe61'çç6T .l/,'aæJpag '8zv-88ç. t(ç) çz 'l?lJ 'ulolufi ']oS '11ng- 'êlnr)souof,erE enads armrp urdos ruorzu^Jesso pa rlrrolu? ualou 'JI .(.raC -C .opoqlr5 -eurl artads arronu a r^reue8 r^onN aqrsrSolorellou3urr eloN lç) Ip 96gl 'ç9I-6Vt :'lpu 'lsJH 'dsa'rog I?âU'log 'nloailg [. autol2 'opalaw soreuâC '1 'egzdsg ep soprdy so1 'ç06I ''y 'f 'osuoly L pursnq 'OZ-I igge'ou 'ErquJro]'^run 'looz 'snw soPnlsfl 'ruâh[ 'ne'I ?lra?W 'II 'Tg6l 'ou5unssy ep 'I 'zr.u1q I?EnUod âp soJeldguerrrlH eJgos suloN [ 'ur.nouo;1 ç LT-ZLT :9t 'rnf prtro.t) uaSunlleSuaualg Jâ,p EunplaqJsrelun ffLz 'Lç,6T ''q 't 'ueTJIV Pun :If,g1gS 'papeâu ,(pua8m aru qllq^ù. 'plelJ eql uI suon?Àrâsqolq palquasw sloug ,u,âJerp pu? slueruâæls aÀoq? eqi T)arp ol pêll^ur adorng rrJarnnosul queprqs 'ls?e ol nror; lgurrqdeÉoa8 paErntn Eupq sanqurol aq1 lsarÀ 'I aIqBI ur pe$ll âJ? seJueJJnf,f,o snoauz;pruls asegl 'r(ep eurus aç raq1a6o1À,âlJ uâÀâ ro 'potred eru?s eql tulmp pamgder araal muaS JeqlJe Jo se,rqu;uasarderâroru Jo âuo aJar?s,uÂlou>l JBJ os suorlzllryrt il? prolâJ uo 8up1nd ,tq 'l1a,uæ1ual passerdxaeq u?l uorldumssB srrll rIJJ?aseJJaWJnJJoJ srs?g e sV 'yînt?ttoz 'H Io aur1mbur luanbar; 1soul 'g ay.rqx 'vgrswg vpolotqvg tp!rû, pei?llosse lgourou ?n ?,tnJrqo 'a etll sr ?tfiburl srerpess?U aql Jo seeq ooæn eqr æW tuâes plnoit lJ 'eÂoq? aç Eqzrreurumg 'flsnoeuzlpunrs pqJellol alerÀ saâq moJ gu rrdsl p lpo (x1t7r1na1s'o'A Âq lllprol euo lnq qu ur peluzduroJ)eêrv r(eç's,roqs 'l1pro1 uounuor ,(1pnba Surreaddz 'sareld I€Falutu pâlprll âgl s? ru; sy çoq l?reÀes ur eprs ,(q app trcno opoy'otq?H orr,4ârF ls?â eql spJ?^ÀolrârpmJ puu laryna u1 'PunoJ ueâg s?q ?t?ît?l 'H areqr$, eql osp nJro] 'tc!.tlqînw!î sI Pu?Isr 'o 'g p uaurnadsz l1a1J1 eq 1ou ppol lsow sr ll :NoI uaaq llqeqord seq pue pareÀof,eJ gels raqla8unzrq uaurnadssrql '..nJro) uo^ uar,r1 'snIAJtur qlrs ppurJ Suuwqag JâssrenÀ lpr rzlduraxg I sâilo^lrp@rdsaralla,u.ur[,, :sâluls Joq]ru eql 'dztu aqr urory pepJtuo uaag $stq'wntaun!'A Jo l1lprol ? s? (ç68I) asapg lq uaa16 'npo3 Jo prrelsl egl 6961 'V 'rdv 'ZTT rilflc 'srsorol^lorNil uool ldruH)sqfrJ ZZT
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