Bienvenu/Welcome BNN Monitoring for Fruit and Vegetables/shelf-stable products – a comprehensive quality assurance system with a focus on pesticide analysis Kirsten Arp German Association of Organic Processors, Wholesalers and Retailers (BNN) Integrity: Protecting organic products from contaminants and understanding threshold limits Paris, 3rd Organic Processing Conference German Association of Organic Processors, Wholesalers and Retailers (BNN) Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN) e.V. • represents the interests of the specialized organic sector on a political and economical level • 250 members (general assembly) from Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands & Sweden council board BNN-team/office scientific advisory council • • • • German Association of Organic Processors, Wholesalers and Retailers (BNN) Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN) e.V. • BNN respresent the specialised organic market in Germany whose turnover was about 2 billion Euro in 2013 • BNN offers various possibilities for a dialog between member companies and promotes the open exchange of information and views along the value chain • BNN was founded in 1983. A lot of its members are pioneers of the German organic market • Active members of BÖLW (German umbrella organisation including organic famers organisations) History of BNN-Guideline Value • Before 2001 there was no guidance „how to deal with pesticide detections in organic products“ (EU Organic Regulation is process orientated and therefore sets no organic pesticide/contaminant limits) • BNN general assembly established BNN-Guideline Values for Pesticides in 2001 • Practical means to distinguish between pesticide findings resulting from unpredictable, unavoidable circumstances and application of non-permitted substances or technically avoidable contamination • BNN-Guideline Value is not only a value but a concepts, therefore the name was changed in 2011 BNN-Orientation Value for pesticides - A guideline to evaluate pesticide residues in organic products Single Residue BNN-Guideline-Value for each substance is 0.010 mg/kg (expanded measurement uncertainty: 50%). Multiple Residues Exceeding of a total of two pesticide agents is not allowed (levels ≥ 0.01 mg/kg, expanded uncertainty not considered) • Exception for substances allowed in EU Organic Regulation (834/2007; 889/2008) BNN-Guideline Value: processed products • In case of processed products which are diluted or concentrated (e.g. by drying or extraction) during processing, the residue level has to be calculated back to the fresh product • BUT: In case of indications of post-harvest contaminations, contaminations related to storage protection agents, the residue levels must not be calculated back to the fresh product. BNN-Guideline-Value/BNN Approach • BNN- Guideline-Value is not a limit and therefore should not be interpreted as an „organic MRL“, critical level etc. • first „doubt“ according to Art. 91(2) of Reg. 889/2008, it has to be checked whether the provisions of Organic Agriculture are met • Exceeding the BNN-Guideline-Value does not „prove“ conventional origin and residue-free is not the same as organic BNN-Approach: Individual evaluation of each case is necessary! (cultivation, transport, storage, packaging, trade) Public Statements • General rule: individual evaluation • But in the case of environmental contamination, organic products can be affected by unavoidable levels of pesticides, which can affect a variety of producers, processors and traders BNN has introduced the possibility to issue Public Statements Concerning the Use of the BNN Guideline Value for Pesticides ( -> BNN-documents) Sampling Sampling method depends on the aim of sampling/question Formal/representative sampling • Compliance with legal requirements (MRLs) • Importers Informal sampling • Consumer‘s perspective • Risk orientated • In general more suitable for check of compliance with EU organic regulation (drift? Seperation? Conmingling?) BNN-Monitoring of Fruit and Vegetables/shelf stable products • 24 participating companies • 10th anniversary in 2013, about 5000 samples • We understand pesticide analysis as supplemantary to process control (tool to find mistakes or non-compliances in the process of procustion, transport, packaging, storage and processing) • Last but not least: to keep cheating suppliers out of the market • In 2012 BNN-Monitoring of shelf stable products started/ 18 companies • BNN-Monitoring of shelf stable products works without supplier‘s names (at the moment). Corner stones Produktauswahl • Risk orientated choice of products and analitical methods/substances: we try to find pesticides and have a special focus on substances that are not covered by „multimethods“ • Co-ordinated sampling: co-ordinated sampling in order to avoid double checks of the same suppliers and to try aned cover all suppliers • Laboratory approval: participating comapanies have to work with BNN-approved labs. • Common database for transparency: all participants have always access to all results including supplier‘s names and lab reports Results 2003 - 2013 100% 90% über EU-Höchstgehalte 80% oberhalb BNN-Orientierungswert von 0,01 mg/kg 70% 60% Spuren unter oder gleich 0,01 mg/kg 50% 40% im Ökolandbau zugelassene Pflanzenschutzmittel 30% Nicht nachweisbar (n.n.) 20% 10% 0% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 BNN Lab approval • Document check related to analytical methods scope of multimethods: at least 300 analytes (validated or verified) „successful“ (BNN definition) participation in ringtest assessment of laboratories‘ competencies in terms of interpretation of results • the participation in BNN organised laboratory test is obligatory (undercover test samples) related to each module combination the laboratory is approved for (f. ex. pesticides in fruits and vegetables). • After a 3 years-period re-evaluation taking into consideration the analytical performance of the last 3 years including the development of the laboratory Stable isotope analysis (N) • In 2010 we complemented pestice analysis with stable isotope analysis in order to check the nitrogen fertilization • The analysis of stable nitrogen analysis can give evidence of the use of mineral fertilisers (ratio 15N/14N [‰] v.s. Air), but in most cases the results are not 100% sure and have to be checked. • Useful additional tool accompanying pesticide analysis, since the non-use of mineral fertilisers is the second important is the second important principal apart from the non-use of pesticides. Results: several (very) suspicous samples, research a lot of work, especially because we had to explain to everybody involved what stable isotopes are etc. Merci beaucoup/Thank you! Kirsten Arp BNN-Monitoring für Obst und Gemüse im Naturkosthandel BNN-Monitoring Trockensortiment E-Mail: [email protected] – Tel. +49 (0)30 / 847 12 24-36 Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren e.V. - Albrechtstraße 22 - D-10117 Berlin Tel. +49 (0)30 / 847 12 24-44 - Fax +49 (0)30 / 847 12 24-40 – [email protected] -
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