BNN Monitoring for Fruit and
Vegetables/shelf-stable products – a
comprehensive quality assurance system with
a focus on pesticide analysis
Kirsten Arp
German Association of Organic Processors,
Wholesalers and Retailers (BNN)
Integrity: Protecting organic products from contaminants and
understanding threshold limits
Paris, 3rd Organic Processing Conference
German Association of Organic Processors,
Wholesalers and Retailers (BNN)
Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN) e.V.
represents the interests of
the specialized organic
sector on a political and
economical level
250 members (general
assembly) from Germany,
Austria, France, the
Netherlands & Sweden
scientific advisory council
German Association of Organic Processors,
Wholesalers and Retailers (BNN)
Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN) e.V.
• BNN respresent the specialised organic market in Germany
whose turnover was about 2 billion Euro in 2013
• BNN offers various possibilities for a dialog between
member companies and promotes the open exchange of
information and views along the value chain
• BNN was founded in 1983. A lot of its members are pioneers
of the German organic market
• Active members of BÖLW (German umbrella organisation
including organic famers organisations)
History of BNN-Guideline Value
• Before 2001 there was no guidance „how to deal with pesticide
detections in organic products“ (EU Organic Regulation is process
orientated and therefore sets no organic pesticide/contaminant
• BNN general assembly established BNN-Guideline Values for
Pesticides in 2001
• Practical means to distinguish between pesticide findings resulting
from unpredictable, unavoidable circumstances and application of
non-permitted substances or technically avoidable contamination
• BNN-Guideline Value is not only a value but a concepts, therefore
the name was changed in 2011
BNN-Orientation Value for pesticides - A guideline to
evaluate pesticide residues in organic products
Single Residue
BNN-Guideline-Value for each substance is 0.010 mg/kg (expanded
measurement uncertainty: 50%).
Multiple Residues
Exceeding of a total of two pesticide agents is not allowed (levels ≥ 0.01
mg/kg, expanded uncertainty not considered)
• Exception for substances allowed in EU Organic Regulation
(834/2007; 889/2008)
BNN-Guideline Value: processed products
• In case of processed products which are diluted or
concentrated (e.g. by drying or extraction) during
processing, the residue level has to be calculated back
to the fresh product
• BUT: In case of indications of post-harvest
contaminations, contaminations related to storage
protection agents, the residue levels must not be
calculated back to the fresh product.
BNN-Guideline-Value/BNN Approach
• BNN- Guideline-Value is not a limit and therefore should
not be interpreted as an „organic MRL“, critical level etc.
• first „doubt“ according to Art. 91(2) of Reg. 889/2008, it
has to be checked whether the provisions of Organic
Agriculture are met
• Exceeding the BNN-Guideline-Value does not „prove“
conventional origin and residue-free is not the same as
BNN-Approach: Individual evaluation of each case is
necessary! (cultivation, transport, storage, packaging, trade)
Public Statements
• General rule: individual evaluation
• But in the case of environmental contamination, organic
products can be affected by unavoidable levels of pesticides,
which can affect a variety of producers, processors and
BNN has introduced the possibility to issue Public
Statements Concerning the Use of the BNN
Guideline Value for Pesticides ( ->
Sampling method depends on the aim of sampling/question
Formal/representative sampling
• Compliance with legal requirements (MRLs)
• Importers
Informal sampling
• Consumer‘s perspective
• Risk orientated
• In general more suitable for check of compliance with EU organic
regulation (drift? Seperation? Conmingling?)
BNN-Monitoring of Fruit and Vegetables/shelf
stable products
• 24 participating companies
• 10th anniversary in 2013, about 5000 samples
• We understand pesticide analysis as supplemantary to
process control (tool to find mistakes or non-compliances
in the process of procustion, transport, packaging, storage
and processing)
• Last but not least: to keep cheating suppliers out of the
• In 2012 BNN-Monitoring of shelf stable products started/
18 companies
• BNN-Monitoring of shelf stable products works without
supplier‘s names (at the moment).
Risk orientated choice of products and analitical
methods/substances: we try to find pesticides and have a special
focus on substances that are not covered by „multimethods“
Co-ordinated sampling: co-ordinated sampling in order to avoid
double checks of the same suppliers and to try aned cover all
Laboratory approval: participating comapanies have to work with
BNN-approved labs.
Common database for transparency: all participants have always
access to all results including supplier‘s names and lab reports
Results 2003 - 2013
über EU-Höchstgehalte
oberhalb BNN-Orientierungswert
von 0,01 mg/kg
Spuren unter oder gleich 0,01
im Ökolandbau zugelassene
Nicht nachweisbar (n.n.)
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
BNN Lab approval
Document check related to
analytical methods
scope of multimethods: at least 300 analytes (validated or verified)
„successful“ (BNN definition) participation in ringtest
assessment of laboratories‘ competencies in terms of
interpretation of results
• the participation in BNN organised laboratory test is obligatory
(undercover test samples) related to each module combination the
laboratory is approved for (f. ex. pesticides in fruits and vegetables).
• After a 3 years-period re-evaluation taking into consideration the
analytical performance of the last 3 years including the development
of the laboratory
Stable isotope analysis (N)
• In 2010 we complemented pestice analysis with stable isotope
analysis in order to check the nitrogen fertilization
• The analysis of stable nitrogen analysis can give evidence of
the use of mineral fertilisers (ratio 15N/14N [‰] v.s. Air), but
in most cases the results are not 100% sure and have to be
• Useful additional tool accompanying pesticide analysis, since
the non-use of mineral fertilisers is the second important is
the second important principal apart from the non-use of
Results: several (very) suspicous samples, research a lot of work,
especially because we had to explain to everybody involved what
stable isotopes are etc.
Merci beaucoup/Thank you!
Kirsten Arp
BNN-Monitoring für Obst und Gemüse im Naturkosthandel
BNN-Monitoring Trockensortiment
E-Mail: [email protected] – Tel. +49 (0)30 / 847 12 24-36
Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren e.V. - Albrechtstraße 22 - D-10117 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 / 847 12 24-44 - Fax +49 (0)30 / 847 12 24-40 – [email protected] -