April 30, 2014 - Thea Bowman Leadership Academy

Thea Bowman Leadership Academy
Board Meeting Minutes
April 30, 2014
Meeting called to order: 6:01pm by Jori L. Moore, President
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Board Members in Attendance
Jori Moore
Dale Cudjoe
Karyn Price Boswell
Marcus Martin
Lucille Upshaw
Jean Wilkinson
Attorney Thomas V Barnes
Keisha White
Board Members Absent
Paul LaReau*
*Denotes Excused Absences
Thea Bowman Officials in Attendance
Dr. Gwendolyn Adell
Althea Fontleroy
Rubye James
AQS Officials in Attendance
Josh Samuelson
Introduction of New Board Member Karyn Price-Boswell by Mrs. Thompson
-Dr. Banks has relinquished her position on the Drexel Board
-Karyn Price- Boswell will be her replacement
I.Reading of February and March Minutes
Motion to accept February Board Minutes
-Motion was moved and properly seconded
-Motion carried
Motion to Approve March Meeting Minutes with Corrections
-Correction-Correctly spell the name of Board Member Paul LaReau
-Motion was moved and properly seconded
-Motion carried
II. Board Reports
Drexel Report
*Dr. Rose Banks has relinquished her position as of March 20, 2014 after serving the Drexel
Foundation for Educational Excellence since 2004
* Attorney Karyn Price-Boswell was appointed on April 17, 2014 at the Drexel Meeting to complete
Dr. Banks term to June 2014 and will serve in her own right July 2014-June 2017.
*Keisha White whose 1st term will end as of June 2014 has been requested to serve a second term,
July 2014- June 2017
* The terms for both Marcus Martin and Jori Moore end as of June 30, 2014. Due to the building of
the Secondary Building their 1st terms were 2 years and both are eligible to seek 3rd terms for July
2014-July 2017
*On Saturday April 26, 2014, the Drexel Foundation held their 5th session in a series of retreats to
build unity and cohesion within the TBLA organization. They included Drexel, school board
members, administrators and faculy. Future sessions will include parents, students, community, all
stakeholders and the media.
* For the 4th consecutive year will sponsor a scholarship essay contest for seniors. This years theme
will be “ Twenty First Century Skills.”
-19 Seniors entered the competition
-1st $1,000.00 and 2nd $500.00 place winners will be announced at the Senior Luncheon on May 27,
AQS Reports
Chief Administrative Officer Report-Dr. Gwendolyn Adell
*Site Visit from the Indiana Department of Education regarding Education Outreach Plan
-They met with Administrators, Teachers, visited classrooms and held a debriefing session at the end
of the day
- Most of the day was spent at the Elementery School. However, they did visit the Jr./Sr. High
School as well. During the visits they conducted evaluative walk throughs. The rating system was
lowest 1-highest 4. We received mostly 3 and 4. There were some 2’s given which meant room for
improvement. Deficient areas will be addressed.
*Improvement Grant- This grant was applied for without prior approval due to them not including
Charter Schools and the impending due date ( received packet one day prior to do date).
* Calendar for the upcoming 2014-2015 school year was submitted for approval
*Facility Issues- At the Elementery School the Bathroom Stall Doors, Handrails, Wheel Casters and
Abestos Study and Testing are in progress. Time Clocks are being installed for hourly staff, Storage,
air conditioners for cafeteria and classrooms, runners for the hallways, gym floor refinishing. At the
Jr./Sr. High School the roofing repairs have been deferred until the Spring. Repairs to conference
chairs, researching areas that can be converted to storage area, gym floor refinishing, flag
replacement and inspections of fire suppression, fire alarm, fire extinguishers and elevators are all in
progress. The irrigation system has been turned on.
*Keisha White moved to accept the CAO Report
-Attorney Thomas Barnes Second the motion
-Discussed what the color codes represented and explanation of beginning Spring Break on Holy
-Motion Passed
Dr. Adell would like to explore the idea of fund raising in order to purchase a “Mini Bus” for the
school instead of renting. Rationale: Transporting small groups of children to events instead of
renting a large bus.
Principal Reports
Junior/ Senior High School -Mrs. Rubye James
Mrs. Rubye James presented the Junior/ Senior High School Principal Report:
*Official Graduation Rate for 2013 is 95.6%- newspaper articles included in Board Packet
* Part 2 of ISTEP+ testing began Monday April 28, 2014
*The Student Achievement Plan and continuing students’ intervention programs have been
continuing in preparation for the upcoming ECA Exam -small group instruction, after school
tutoring by Sylvan Learning, students recovering credits with Plato Learning Courseware
And Test Prep. Parents of nongraduating senior have been notified. Out of 111 Seniors, 98 have
been accepted into College or University. ( 33 have received 1 acceptance letter, 11 received 2
acceptence, 50 have received 3 or more acceptance letters and 4 have received acceptance letters and
been accepted into the military.) Parents are meeting with counselors for asstance with Acceptence
letters and next steps to take.
As of April 30, 2014 Total Enrollment is 686 students
Middle School: 227
7th Grade 115
8th Grade 112
High School: 459
9th Grade 132
10th Grade 124
11th Grade 92
12th Grade 111
19 Students participating in the Drexel Board and AQS writing contest. Winner has not been
announced yet.
April 15th- Oprahs Tea to aid Bowman- article published in the Post Tribune-attached in packet
April 26th – The Interact Club/Rotary participated in community service program, The Adopt a
Highway Annual Trash Bash by cleaning along 5th Avenue
April 28th- Pathway Students attended GCSC Scholarship dinner featuring Magic Johnson
April 29th-Mrs. Johnson and 6 Pathway Students participated in Starbucks advertisement and
promotion of Oprah’s Tea.
April 30-Ms. Mis and 15 students from her dual credit government class attended the Lake County
Government Center to observe the Indiana Court of Appeals preside over an oral argument.
Elementary School Principal Report- Mrs. Althea Fontleroy
Mrs. Fontleroy presented the Elementary School Principal Report:
* Teachers have been preparing for the second part of ISTEP (April 28, 2014) by reviewing test
strategies such as reading the question through, proofreading, time management.
*Students who did not pass IREAD 3 are receiving tutoring after school.
-115 3rd grade students tested
-94 Students Passed the test (81.7%)
-21 Students did not pass the test (18.3%)
- of the 21 who did not pass the test (3) Students with 504 plans
(4) students with Individualized Education Plans
(14) General Education Students
- 20 out of the 21 students are enrolled in the after school tutoring for IREAD 3
-Next Test date will be June 6, 2014
*Enrollment Total as of April 30, 2014 was 748 students
112- Kindergartens
120-1st Grade
110- 2nd Grade
114-3rd Grade
104-4th Grade
88-5th Grade
100-6th Grade
April 3-4, 2014 Music Trip to Holy Angels
April 30, 2014 Kindergarten Trip to Bella Boo’s
April 30, 2014 Health Fair at the school was well attended. There were vendors Methodist
who participate as well as the Hammond Times Newspaper was there to
cover the Fair
*President Jori Moore asked for the Motion to accept the CAO and Principal Reports
Moved by Keisha White
Seconded by Bishop Dale Cudjoe
Motion to accept reports were unanimously passed
Financial Report
Presented by Josh Samuelson
*Financial Reports Submitted in packet
*Year To Date…..We are in good standing
President Jori Moore ask for the motion to approve the financial report.
Mr. Martin so moved to accept the financial report
Dr. Cudjoe 2nd the motion…..reluctantly
Motion was carried and report was approved
III. Old Business
IV. New Business
Presentation was made by Mrs
dinner with Magic Johnson
gave a photo presentation of the students enjoying the GCSC
V. Correspondence/ Announcements
* May 16, 2014 Stepping in the Name of Music
VI. Members Concerns
VII. Special Item for Next Month’s Agenda
*Add the budget
No Report
IX. Comments from the Public
President Jori Moore asked for the motion to adjourn.
So Moved by Keisha White
Second by Marcus Martin
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.