Mediainfo 2012 Read more about our various other magazines at dgmedia .dk Scanorama Asia ス カノ ラマ 日 scano rama scan 本 語版 SAS機内 誌 ご自 由にお 持ち帰 りくださ い ww w.flysas.c o.j 5 SAS N p ö Q 全 景北 欧 中文 版 ewSro om スカンジ ナビア航 空の 新CEO にインタ ビュー 由にお持ち帰りください ö 全景北欧 中文版 デ 9 Hit L デンマー ザイナーズホテ iSt ル ク、ノル ウェー、 、自転車、スキ スウェー ー デンの最 など 新情報 16 琥珀色 世界有 の魔法 数のビー まだ見ぬ ル大国デンマ ーク 銘柄と造 り手に出 で 会う 地ビール 20 ストッ 巡りの旅 クホルム のカフェ コーヒー 好きのス 事 情 「フィー ウェー カ」を楽 しむため デン人の習慣 の保存 版ガイド ö ama scanorama Q 北欧航空机上杂志 5 SAS NewSroom Q 4 SAS NewSroom スカンジナビア航空の 北欧航空公司的新任CEO 新CEOにインタビュー 8 Hit LiSt 9 Hit LiSt 究竟北欧现正流行甚么? ザイナーズホテル、自転車、スキーなど ノルウェー、スウェーデンの最新情報 18 Perfect StockHoLm 完美的咖啡指南, 介绍传统与现代的瑞典咖啡。 16 琥珀色の魔法 世界有数のビール大国デンマークで まだ見ぬ銘柄と造り手に出会う 地ビール巡りの旅 28 Amber mAgic 丹麦的小型啤酒厂与大型品牌平分春色, 一起来一趟小型酿酒厂之旅吧! ストックホルムのカフェ事情 コーヒー好きのスウェーデン人の習慣 ィーカ」を楽しむための保存版ガイド ンマーク、ユトランド半島北方の西海岸、レンストルップの断崖の に建つルビャオ・クヌード灯台。海風で運ばれる飛砂で建物が埋 れつつあり、砂を除去する作業が絶え間なく続けられている。 no. 01 / 20 p01_Ch i-Jpn_ Cover_0 11 404.ind d 1 ö デンマー ク、ユト ランド半 上に建つ 島北方の ルビャオ 西海岸、 ・クヌー レンスト もれつつ ド灯台。 ルップの あり、砂を 海風で運 断崖の 除去する ばれる飛 作業が絶 砂で建物 え間なく が埋 続けられ ている。 no. 01 / 20 11 no. 01/2011 ö 一群帆船正驶过斯德哥尔摩的大会堂 ── 一个自1923 年起,每年 12月都会举行诺贝尔奖庆祝活动的地方。 11/04/04 16:39 Copenhagen · Stockholm · Oslo T Pr All bil sta of pa mo th ap Co DG in th re wi ex SCANORAMA Passenger profile Reach Chinese and Japanese business travellers in their The estimated number of Japanese passengers on Scandi- own language navian Airlines’ flights to Tokyo in 2012 is 180,000 and the estimated number of Chinese passengers on Scandinavian The Chinese and Japanese issue of the SAS inflight magazine Scano- Airlines’ flights to Beijing in 2012 is 230,000 including the new rama offers advertisers a unique channel for direct communication with route to Shanghai operating from 1st of March 2012. business travelers flying between Asia and Scandinavia/Europe. The magazine is a "two-in-one" edition. The readers are comfortably seated The readers for the Japanese issue spend 26 minutes reading 10 000 meters above the ground where they can relax. They spend 22-26 the magazine and 73% think the magazine is good or very minutes reading the magazine and have an overall positive view of the good. The readers of the Chinese issue spend 22 minutes magazine. It’s pretty much an ideal situation for you as an advertiser. reading the magazine and 72% think the magazine is good or very good. Scanorama is a magazine with a Scandinavian image Domicile - Chinese issue The Chinese and Japanese edition opens the door to the best of Scandinavia with interesting personalities, fashion and design, food and pictorials. In our city guides the readers get inspiring tips on what to do in Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm. The magazine is produced at the Scanorama editorial office in Stockholm with the help of a team of Japanese Chinese 62% Other 38% Japanese 67% Other 33 % Japanese 67% Other 33 % and Chinese specialists. Domicile - Japanese issue りくださ お持ち帰 机上杂志 い 北欧航空 rama scano SAS 機内誌 日本語 2010 年 版 6 月−201 ご自由に 1年 5月 1 ama 2010/201 LisT 9 ット ット・スポ 北欧のホ Ter 20 Win Lago archipe キペラゴ 冬のアー h WiT ging 28 han BUTchers The 惑 Ven D hea て 秘を 訪ね HIT LIsT 介绍北 22 THE 欧的关 English Japanese Pleasure/private 40% , 飞瀑垂空 伦格峡湾 西挪威盖 水雾湿衣 独木舟手 は、多くの 0 20:02 10/05/1 011 2010/2 0.indd indd 1 er_0510. 010_cov SCAJAP2 情 冬季风 n EnH aGE 30 coP丹麦肉类加工中心 sT WaY coa 观止 38 nor 峡湾奇景叹为 リー。ヴァクスホ 巡るツ た観光フェ の 島 々を ムを出航し キ ペラゴ アーの船旅 Business/work 60% 维亚的 堪的纳 品 设计精 斯德哥 ー まない。 トックホル 由して、ア ö スルム 魅了してや 島を経 観光客を 011 2010/2 注热点 s DETaIL 现代斯 TEr 24 WIn Go ELa arcHIP 尔摩外岛的 Bepler 说道。 の神 フィヨルド 9 THE 廊老板 Cecilie の誘 食肉市場 38 FJor rama scano 欧 全景北 类加工区画 开。”哥本哈根肉 让肉贩们离 的错误就是 “纽约所犯 The hiT scanor マ スカノラ 0 22:33 10/05/1 1 er_10051 010_cov SCACHN2 Chinese Reasons for traveling for both readers of the Japanese and Chinese issue Business/work 60% Pleasure/private 40% Publisher Business/work 60% Pleasure/private 40% DG Communications AB Sergels Torg 12 SE-111 57 Stockholm Tel. +46 8 797 03 10 Have read The reader Fax +46 8 21 31 71 the magazine 71% [email protected] Advertising sales Denmark DG Media a•s Norway DG Media a•s Sweden DG Media Sales a•b Tel. +45 70 27 11 55 Tel. +47 21 60 81 90 Tel. +46 8 797 04 00 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 73% Have not readof the Readers 27% the magazine 29% 71% Readers of the They spend 22 minutes reading the magazine Chinese issue 72% think the magazine is good or very good 29% Japanese issue Have read 73% Have not the readmagazine the magazine Have read the magazine Have not read Source DG Research 2009, on board survey. W W W. D G M E D I A . D K the magazine 27% Have read the magazine 73% They spend 26 minutes reading the magazine not 73% think the magazineHave is good orread very good the magazine 27% Deadlines and publication 2012 Advertising rates No . Half page: SEK 22,200 W: 210 x H: 140 mm Bleed + 5 mm n new Half page: SEK 22,200 W: 105 x H: 280 mm Bleed + 5 mm Full page: SEK 28,500 W: 210 x H: 280 mm Bleed + 5 mm ding y Double-page spread: SEK 54,100 W: 420 x H: 280 mm Bleed + 5 mm d or Order Material Publication 1 February 17 March 23 April 15 2 October 25 November 2 December 1 Inserts We accept certain bound inserts in Scanorama Chinese and Scanorama Japanese. Inserts must be printed and delivered by customer. Inserts must be in English; inserts in other languages are not accepted. Colour Inserts will be bound into the spine of the magazine or glued Colour is included in all rates above. on an advertisement as a tip-on inserts. Other rates 62% Other specified position + 10% Minimum trimmed size: 60 x 90 mm 38% Maximum trimmed size: 210 x 210 mm Discounts Bound inserts Maximum trim size: 210 x 280 mm Frequency discounts 67% 33 % 67% 33 % Minimum trim size: 105 x 148 mm 2 advertisements 7.5% discounts 3 advertisements 10% discounts Inserts should always be delivered with allowance for 4 mm 4 advertisements 15% discounts trim in spine and 8 mm trim at head, this must be added to above trim sizes. No text within 1 cm of trim. Max weight (g) Max paper grade (g) 2 8 140 An agency commission (to recognized agencies) of 15% of the 4 16 140 net billing is granted for display advertising (excluding supple- 8 23 100 Agency commission ments and insert). 60% 40% 60% Tip-on inserts glued on the customers's ad No . of pages 12 31 90 16 41 90 Advertising material For additional pages please contact us. Inserts printed on Requirements for advertising material: Print ready PDF, images before production if you plan to print on a paper grade less 300 dpi resolution and images saved as CMYK. than 65 g/m2. Please note that bleed format is +5 mm. Type format: no text Deadlines closer than 10 mm from crop marks. All advertisements must The insert must be approved by publisher at least 30 days be in English or in simplified Chinese/Japanese. prior to publication date and the insert has to be delivered heavier stock are subject to surcharges at cost. Check with us to the printing house and ready for binding at least 15 days 40% Please note that double-page spread must be delivered as two prior to publication date. separate pages. Quantity? 60% 40% For further information please contact our sales support Check with publisher for the actual quantity to be delivered +46 8 797 04 00 or [email protected]. for binding into magazine. Delivery instructions 71% f the ssue 29% fazine the sue good 73% zine 27% 73% azine good 27% Circulation The Chinese and Japanese issue of Scanorama is distributed on SAS flights Tokyo–Copenhagen and on SAS flights BeijingCopenhagen. Total circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 .000 Please contact our sales representatives for infomation about delivery. 中文 Scandinavia’s largest media house – more than 110 magazines Effective advertizing • Strong media combinations Low contact prices • Documented effect anor ama 版 北欧航 空机上 4 SAS ö Q NewSr oom 空公司 北欧航 18 Per 杂志 的新任 CEO 8 Hit L iSt 究竟北 欧现 正流行 甚么? fect S tock H oLm 介 绍传 完美的 咖啡 指 统与现 南, 代的瑞 典 咖啡 。 28 A m b 丹麦的 er m A 小型啤 gic 酒厂与大 型品 一起来 一趟小 型 牌平分 春色, 酿酒厂 之旅吧! Terms and conditions Prices and terms of payment ö 一群帆船正驶过斯 are excl. tax. Every advertisement is All prices mentioned 德哥尔摩 12月都会举 的大会堂 行诺贝尔 ── 一个 奖庆 billed right after the date campaign 自19 23 祝活动的 of publishing/the 年起,每年 地方。 start. The deadline for payment is 10 days after the date of publishing/the campaign start. In case the deadline for payment is exceeded, an additional cost of 2% pr. started 11/04/ 04 16 :39 month will occur. In certain cases, DG Media can demand that the advertisement is prepaid. Discounts are not applicable for extra charges. Complaints DG Media and the publisher are not accountable for errors in advertisements that are booked in agreement with the advertisers conditions. This is also valid for material received from other media, material not in agreement with the technical data, or if the deadline for material is exceeded In case of misprint, wrong sizes, dates etc. for which the advertiser or bureau is not responsible, there will be a reduction estimated by DG Media, which can not exceed the cost of the advertisement and insertion in the media. Complaints due to misprint, wrong colours etc. must be received by DG Media no later than 5 days after the insertion of the advertisement. Should an advertisement be inserted more than once with the same error without DG Media receiving a complaint, only the first insert is subject to a possible discount. In case of incorrect, delayed or missing inserts, DG Media/ the publisher cannot be held responsible for compensation claims. Cancellation Cancellation of an order must happen by writing to DG Media no later than 5 working days prior to the deadline for ordering. Advertisements, for which special placements are ordered, cannot be cancelled without prior agreement with DG Media. Other terms DG Media reserves the right to reject advertisements that go against the publisher’s interests or current rules and regulations. Advertisement orders which contain conditions of referrals through text will be rejected. Any advertisement which can be mistaken for editorial content must, at the advertiser’s expense, be supplied with the word ”advertisement” directly above a line marking the full width of the advertisement. Contact us by telephone, and receive suggestions on how to eff ectively contact your target market . Denmark +45 70 27 11 55 • Norway +47 216 08 190 • Sweden +46 8 797 04 00
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