ASH Scotland SMOKING & TOBACCO STATISTICS FACT SHEET June 2014 (next update December 2014) Topic P R E V A L E N C E Notes: This document is a non-exhaustive summary of referenced statistics for Scotland (with selected UK/Worldwide figures). As smoking is a widely documented and researched area, it is recognised there may be alternative sources from those presented here. The figures here have been selected based on their robustness, frequency and availability of updates, and relevancy to Scotland. This document will be updated on a six-monthly basis, with new versions accessible on the ASH Scotland website. Year(s) of data Statistic Scottish national adult (16+) prevalence Scotland estimated number of adult smokers Scottish regional adult prevalence Reference (URLs accessed 03 June 2014) 2012 22.9% (Men: 24%, Women 21%) Scottish Government. 2013. Scotland’s People Annual Report: Results from 2012 Scottish Household Survey. Available from: 2005/6 1,048,000 Taulbut M, Gordon D, McKenzie K. 2008. Tobacco smoking in Scotland: an epidemiology briefing. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland and Scottish Public Health Observatory. Available from: 2003/04 (constituency) 2009/10 (L.Authority) For constituency see: Reference web sources for constituency/local authority data as appropriate. b_tobaccoatlas.asp For local authority see: *Great Britain adult (16+) prevalence 2012 20% (Men: 22%, Women: 19%) * Worldwide - adult (15+)smoking prevalence 2011 Men: 32%, Women: 7% Scottish national adult prevalence - time trends 1999-2012 The percentage of adults who smoke has declined consistently, from 30.7% in 1999 to 22.9% in 2012. Scottish Government. 2013. Scotland’s People Annual Report: Results from 2012 Scottish Household Survey. Available from: Scottish national adult prevalence age/gender trends 2012 Men are more likely to smoke more than women, with the gap widest between the ages of 35 and 44. Young people more commonly smoke and there is a large drop in smoking prevalence in those over 60 years, then again in those over 75. Scottish Government. 2013. Scotland’s People Annual Report: Results from 2012 Scottish Household Survey. Available from: Scottish national adult prevalence deprivation trends 2012 39% of adults in the most deprived 10% of areas smoke Scottish Government. 2013. Scotland’s People Annual Report: Results from 2012 compared to 10% of adults in the least deprived areas. This gap Scottish Household Survey. Available from: has remained relatively constant in recent years. Office for National Statistics. 2013. Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, Smoking Habits Amongst Adults, 2012. Newport: Office for National Statistics. Available from: World Health Organisation. 2014. World Health Statistics 2014. Available from: * and purple text denotes an update since previous version Action on Smoking & Health (Scotland) (ASH Scotland) is a registered Scottish charity (SC 010412) and a company limited by guarantee (Scottish company no 141711). 1 Topic Year(s) of data Statistic 2011-2034 Reduce adult (16+) smoking prevalence from 23% in 2011 to 5% by 2034. (Intermediary targets: 17% by 2016, 12% by 2021, 9% by 2026, 6% by 2031). Scotland smoking attributable deaths and hospital admissions 2009 Approximately 13,000 deaths attributable to smoking (13,044) Scotland - years of healthy life lost in middle age (35-69) for deaths attributable to smoking 2004 22 years life lost on average among men and women who die in Health Scotland, ISD Scotland and ASH Scotland. 2007. An atlas of tobacco smoking in middle age (35-69) as a result of smoking. Scotland: A report presenting estimated smoking prevalence and smoking-attributable deaths within Scotland. NHS Scotland/Scottish Public Health Observatory. Available from: Scotland - mortality trends by age 2004 Among middle age (35-69) men, smoking related mortality is decreasing (it rose from 37% in 1950 to 50% in 1965, dropping to 28% in 2004). Among middle age (35-69) women it is decreasing (it rose from 9% in 1950 to 31% in 1985, but has only decreased slightly since, to 28% of all deaths in 2004). For both men and women aged 70+, the proportion of deaths attributable to smoking has been rising since 1950. (1950: 5% Male, 2% of Female deaths, 2004: 24% Male, 23% of Female deaths). Health Scotland, ISD Scotland and ASH Scotland. 2007. An atlas of tobacco smoking in Scotland: A report presenting estimated smoking prevalence and smoking-attributable deaths within Scotland. NHS Scotland/Scottish Public Health Observatory. Available from: 15% of deaths in the least deprived SIMD quintile were from smoking-attributable causes, compared with 32% in the most deprived SIMD quintile. Taulbut M, Gordon D, McKenzie K. 2008. Tobacco smoking in Scotland: an epidemiology briefing. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland and Scottish Public Health Observatory. Available from: Scottish national adult prevalence - targets D I S E A S E Reference (URLs accessed 03 June 2014) Scotland - mortality trends by deprivation Approximately 56,000 hospital admissions (56,153) 2000 - 2004 *England - smoking attributable deaths and hospital admissions 2011/12 Great Britain – years of life lost in deaths attributable to smoking (all ages) 2000 Scottish Government. 2013. Creating a Tobacco-Free Generation: A Tobacco Control Strategy for Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. Available from: Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO). 2012. ScotPHO Smoking Ready Reckoner - 2011 Edition. Available from: koner.pdf Approximately 80,000 deaths attributable to smoking (18% of all NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care. 2013. Statistics on Smoking: deaths of adults aged 35 and over) England, 2013. Available from: Approximately 462,900 hospital admissions attributable to smoking. On average, life-long smokers (who start early in adult life and never stop) die about 10 years sooner than non-smokers. Peto R, Watt J, Boreham J. Deaths from smoking. Clinical Trial Service Unit & Epidemiological Studies Unit (CTSU), University of Oxford. Available from: * and purple text denotes an update since previous version Action on Smoking & Health (Scotland) (ASH Scotland) is a registered Scottish charity (SC 010412) and a company limited by guarantee (Scottish company no 141711). 2 Topic Year(s) of data Statistic Reference (URLs accessed 03 June 2014) Worldwide - smoking attributable deaths 2011 “Almost 6 million people” - nearly 80% of deaths from low- and middle-income countries. Over the last decade the global number of deaths has nearly tripled. Smoking has caused around 100 million deaths worldwide during the twentieth century, and if current trends continue approximately 1 billion people will die in the twenty-first century due to smoking C Scotland - cost to the O healthcare system S T Scotland - cost to 2009 £323 million (Estimated potential reduction in NHS expenditure if smoking prevalence were reduced by 1 percentage point: £13.4m) 2006 - 2010 society Y O U N G Scotland - smoking prevalence among 13 & 15 year olds Scotland - smoking prevalence amongst P young adults (16 - 24) E Scotland - initiation O (number) P L E Great Britain - age of 2010 Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO). 2012. ScotPHO Smoking Ready Reckoner - 2011 Edition. Available from: koner.pdf Approximately £1.1 billion annually ASH Scotland. 2010. Up in smoke: The economic cost of tobacco in Scotland. (£271m in healthcare costs, £692m in productivity losses due to Edinburgh: ASH Scotland. Available from: smoking, £60m in productivity losses due to passive do/campaign/policy-reports/up-in-smoke-tobacco-economics.aspx smoking, £34m in clearing smoking-related litter, £12m in fires caused by smoking in commercial properties) At 13 years old 3% are regular smokers (Boys: 3%, Girls: 3%). At 15 years old 13% are regular smokers (Boys: 11%, Girls: 14%). These are the lowest levels of prevalence since current surveys began in 1982. Black C, Eunson J, Sewel K, Murray L. Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS) National Report: Smoking, drinking and drug use among 13 and 15 year olds in Scotland in 2010. 2011. NHS National Services Scotland. Available from: 2012 23% of men and 20% of women aged 16-24 were current smokers. Scottish Government. 2013. Scotland’s People Annual Report: Results from 2012 Scottish Household Survey. Available from: 2005/06 15,000 young people (13-24) start smoking each year Taulbut M, Gordon D, McKenzie K. 2008. Tobacco smoking in Scotland: an epidemiology briefing. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland and Scottish Public Health Observatory. Available from: 2011 Around two thirds (66%) of smokers said they started smoking regularly before the age of 18, and 40% under the age of 16 Office for National Statistics. 2013. General Lifestyle Survey Overview - a report on the 2011 General Lifestyle Survey. Newport: Office for National Statistics. Available from: 2010 46% of 13 year-old regular smokers buy cigarettes from shops. 54% of 15 year-old regular smokers buy cigarettes from shops. 6% of both 13 year-old and 15 year-old smokers buy cigarettes from vending machines. 54% of 13 year-old, and 55% of 15 year-old smokers get somebody else to buy them cigarettes. (More sources of cigarettes are reported in the reference.) Black C, Eunson J, Sewel K, Murray L. Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS) National Report: Smoking, drinking and drug use among 13 and 15 year olds in Scotland in 2010. 2011. NHS National Services Scotland. Available from: smoking initiation Scotland - availability and sources of tobacco American Cancer Society & World Lung Foundation. 2012. The Tobacco Atlas: Fourth Edition. Available from: * and purple text denotes an update since previous version Action on Smoking & Health (Scotland) (ASH Scotland) is a registered Scottish charity (SC 010412) and a company limited by guarantee (Scottish company no 141711). 3 Topic P R E G N A N C Y Year(s) of data Statistic Scotland - enforcement of underage sales 2008/9 - 2010/11 England - trading standards and tobacco sales 2010/11 Reference (URLs accessed 03 June 2014) During the 3 years of the Enhanced Tobacco Sales Society of Chief Officers of Trading Standards in Scotland (SCOTSS). 13 February Enforcement programme in Scotland (08/09 – 10/11) over 5,000 2012. The Enhanced Tobacco Sales Enforcement Programme 2008 - 11 Summary. test purchases visits were made. This resulted in 792 written warnings and 149 reports submitted to the Procurator Fiscal. There have also been 41 joint operations with HMRC resulting in the seizure of 1,677 pouches of tobacco, 797,800 packets of cigarettes and 160 cigars. In the most recent (10/11) year, 24 of 32 local authorities carried out test purchases, resulting in 12.4% failure (underage sale) on first visit. Illegal sale of cigarettes occurred in 12% of tobacco test purchases at premises. Trading Standards Institute. [2013]. Tobacco Control Survey, England 2012-2013: A report of council trading standards service activity. Available from: Scotland - targets for 13 year old smoking prevalence 2006 - 2014 Reduce the prevalence of regular smoking among 13 year-old girls from 5% (2006 baseline) to 3% in 2014, and among 13 year-old boys from 3% to 2%. Scottish Government. 2008. Scotland’s future is smoke-free: a smoking prevention action plan. Edinburgh: The Stationary Office. Available from: Scotland - targets for 15 year old smoking prevalence 2006 - 2014 Reduce the prevalence of regular smoking among 15 year-old girls from 18% in 2006 to 14% in 2014, and among 15 year-old boys from 12% to 9%. Scottish Government. 2008. Scotland’s future is smoke-free: a smoking prevention action plan. Edinburgh: The Stationary Office. Available from: Scotland - target for 16 to 24 year old smoking prevalence 2006 - 2012 Reduce the prevalence of smoking among 16 to 24 year olds (both sexes) from 26.5% (2006 baseline) to 22.9% in 2012. Scottish Government. 2008. Scotland’s future is smoke-free: a smoking prevention action plan. Edinburgh: The Stationary Office. Available from: Scotland - pregnancy, smoking at booking 2012 (provisional) 19.3% of women smoked at booking (12.6% ex-smoker, 62.7% never smoker, 5.3% smoking status not known). NHS Information Services Division Scotland. Maternity & Births: Publications. Available from: Scotland - pregnancy, associations with deprivation 2012 31.3% of pregnant women in the most deprived SIMD quintile are current smokers at booking, compared to 6.6% in the least deprived SIMD quintile. NHS Information Services Division Scotland. Maternity & Births: Publications. Available from: Scotland - pregnancy, targets 1995 - 2010 Reduce the percentage of women who smoke during pregnancy Scottish Executive. 2004. A breath of fresh air for Scotland - Improving Scotland’s from 29% (1995 baseline) to 20% by 2010 (target achieved). health: the challenge, tobacco control action plan. Edinburgh: The Stationary Office. Available from * and purple text denotes an update since previous version Action on Smoking & Health (Scotland) (ASH Scotland) is a registered Scottish charity (SC 010412) and a company limited by guarantee (Scottish company no 141711). 4 Topic C E S S A T I O N Year(s) of data Statistic Reference (URLs accessed 03 June 2014) Scotland - cessation, who wants to give up 2012 73% of Scottish smokers report they would like to stop smoking. Rutherford L, Hinchliffe S & Sharp C (eds). 2013. Scottish Health Survey 2012 - Volume 21% of smokers had made no attempts to quit smoking, 40% 1: Main report. Scottish Government. Available from: had made one or two attempts, and 39% had made three or more attempts to quit *Scotland - cessation, service performance 2013 103,431p quit attempts were set with smoking cessation services in 2013 (a decrease on 119,428 in 2012), with 38% being quit at one month. p Provisional figure. Will likely increase as ISD continues to receive late data submissions. Scotland - cessation targets (HEAT) 2011/12 - 2013/14 S Scotland - exposure to H second-hand smoke in S home Lawder R, Hecht G and Simmons S. 27 May 2014. NHS Smoking Cessation Service Statistics (Scotland) 1st January to 31st December 2013. Scottish Public Health Observatory/ISD Scotland. Available from: NHSScotland to deliver universal smoking cessation services to achieve at least 80,000 successful quits (at one month post quit) including 48,000 in the 40% most-deprived within-Board SIMD areas over the three years ending March 2014. Scottish Government. NHSScotland Performance Targets - Health Improvement. Available from: dperformance/smokingcessation 2012 Non-smokers’ (aged 16-74) regular exposure to second-hand smoke in the home has fallen from 33% in 1998 to 18% in 2012. Most of this decline occurred between 1998 and 2008, with figures relatively stable since then. Rutherford L, Hinchliffe S & Sharp C (eds). 2013. Scottish Health Survey 2012 - Volume 1: Main report. Scottish Government. Available from: Scotland – exposure to second-hand smoke in vehicles 2012 2% of non-smoking adults (aged 16 +) reported exposure to second-hand smoke in cars/vans. Rutherford L, Hinchliffe S & Sharp C (eds). 2013. Scottish Health Survey 2012 - Volume 1: Main report. Scottish Government. Available from: Scotland – exposure to second-hand smoke outside buildings (e.g. pubs, shops, hospitals) 2012 11% of non-smoking adults (aged 16 +) reported exposure to second-hand smoke outside buildings (e.g. pubs, shops, hospitals). Rutherford L, Hinchliffe S & Sharp C (eds). 2013. Scottish Health Survey 2012 - Volume 1: Main report. Scottish Government. Available from: * and purple text denotes an update since previous version Action on Smoking & Health (Scotland) (ASH Scotland) is a registered Scottish charity (SC 010412) and a company limited by guarantee (Scottish company no 141711). 5 Topic Year(s) of data Statistic P *Scotland - public O support for tobacco L control measures L S 2014 Reference (URLs accessed 03 June 2014) 64% of Scottish adults (28% of smokers) support requiring tobacco to be sold in plain standardised packaging with the product name in standard lettering. 11% (35% of smokers) oppose. All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 1064 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 5th to 14th March 2014 . The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all Scotland adults (aged 18+). 85% of Scottish adults (55% of smokers) support the law that made enclosed public places and work places smoke-free, 8% (30% of smokers) oppose. 75% of Scottish adults (61% of smokers) agree that smoking should be banned in cars that are carrying children younger than 18 years old, 11% (18% of smokers) disagree. 74% of Scottish adults (48% of smokers) agree smoking should be banned in outdoor children’s play areas, 11% (37% of smokers) disagree. 73% of Scottish adults (32% of smokers) agree smoking should be banned in hospital grounds, 15% (48% of smokers) disagree. T *UK - market value O B A *UK - top cigarette brands C C O I N D U S T R Y 2012 2013 Estimated £15.1 billion (85% of this on cigarettes) Tobacco Manufacturers Association. UK tobacco market summary. Available from: 1. Mayfair, (sales: £1,456.2 million, % change: 0.2%), Japan Nielsen Scantrack service, MAT 12 October 2013. In: The Grocer. Top Products Survey Tobacco International 2013. 21 December 2013. p179. 2. Sterling, (sales: £1,437.0 million, % change: 9.6%), Japan Tobacco International 3. Lambert & Butler, (sales: £1,357.1 million, % change: -7.1%, Imperial Tobacco 4. Richmond, (sales: £1,132.2 million, % change: -7.7), Imperial Tobacco 5. John Player Special Silver, (£931.2 million, % change: 3.2%), Imperial Tobacco 6. Marlboro, (£847.3 million, % change -0.1%), Philip Morris 7. Windsor Blue, (809.1 million, % change -1.0%), Imperial Tobacco 8. Silk Cut, (581.0 million, % change: -1.2%), Japan Tobacco International 9. B&H Gold, (549.3 million, % change: -1.8%), Japan Tobacco International 10. Pall Mall, (487.2 million, % change: 12.4%), British American Tobacco Data is MAT till 12 October 2013. Overall in this period the total volume change was -5.9%, and the total value of the cigarette category £12, 389.1 million (% value change: 1.5%) * and purple text denotes an update since previous version Action on Smoking & Health (Scotland) (ASH Scotland) is a registered Scottish charity (SC 010412) and a company limited by guarantee (Scottish company no 141711). 6 Topic Year(s) of data Statistic UK - illicit trade 2011/12 Reference (URLs accessed 03 June 2014) Cigarettes (mid point estimates) – the estimated UK illicit market HM Revenue & Customs. Measuring Tax Gaps 2013. 11 October 2013. Available from: share in 2011/12 is 7% (estimated revenue loss £900 million), declining from 12% in 2007/8. 31010_Measuring_Tax_Gaps_ACCESS_2013.pdf Hand rolled tobacco (mid point estimates) - the estimated UK illicit market share in 2011/12 is 35% (estimated revenue loss £700 million), declining from 49% in 2007/8. World - revenue and profit 2010 Total revenue for top 6 companies: $346.2 billion Total profit for top 6 companies: $35.1 billion (equal to the combined profits of Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and McDonalds in 2010) American Cancer Society & World Lung Foundation. 2012. The Tobacco Atlas: Fourth Edition. Available from: World - market share 2008 1. China National Tobacco Corporation - 37.1% 2. Philip Morris International - 17.4% 3. Altria/Philip Morris USA - 2.8% 4. British American Tobacco - 12.0% 5. Japan Tobacco International - 9.6% 6. Imperial Tobacco - 4.9% 7. Others - 19.0% American Cancer Society & World Lung Foundation. 2012. The Tobacco Atlas: Fourth Edition. Available from: * and purple text denotes an update since previous version Action on Smoking & Health (Scotland) (ASH Scotland) is a registered Scottish charity (SC 010412) and a company limited by guarantee (Scottish company no 141711). 7
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