Assessment, Teacher Evaluation, and Teacher Effectiveness

Assessment, Teacher Evaluation, and Teacher
Navigating Changing Landscapes
Presented by:
Members of the NAfME Council of Music Program Leaders
Chair- Mark Propst
Session Moderator- Dru Davison
Contributors- Johanna Siebert, Shawn Chastain, Dave Weatherred
Music Education
Orchestrating Success
Webinar GoalsAttendees will hear diverse perspectives regarding how music teachers can
successfully navigate local, state, and national teacher evaluation policy changes.
Specific topics will examine multiple aspects of teacher evaluation, including
strategies and best practices for teacher observation and student growth.
Music Education
Orchestrating Success
StructureBackground and Overview: Differentiating Multiple Measures (Teacher
Observation vs Student Growth Accountability)
State Perspectives- How is the Observation Portion approached? The
Student Growth Portion? What has been the impact on legislative policy,
local school board policy, and/or Human Resource decisions?
• Tennessee
• North Carolina
• New York
• Washington State
• Kansas
Music Education
Orchestrating Success
Changes to National Policy
Race to the Top (RTTT) and NCLB Waivers
• Over $4 billion in incentives to states
• Requires a rated teacher evaluation system
• “… unprecedented momentum towards
developing and implementing teacher
evaluation systems that factor student
achievement into teacher ratings….”
Music Education
Orchestrating Success
“State of the States”
“All but 13 states have requested NCLB Waivers
or Received RTTT Funding”
The majority of states are in some phase of
implementing multiple measures systems to
include student growth/achievement.
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Orchestrating Success
A Multiple Measures Example
Observation of
Student Growth
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Methods for the Observation Portion•
Charlotte Danielson Framework
Robert Marzano Framework
TEAM (TN Education Acceleration Model)
TAP Teacher and Student Advancement
TEM (Teacher Effectiveness Measurement)
TIGER (Teacher Instructional Growth for
Effectiveness and Results)
Music Education
Orchestrating Success
Standard Methods for Growth Measures•
Standardized Assessments
Other Assessments
Student Learning Objectives
Measures of Collective Performance
Student Growth Portfolio with Peer Review
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Orchestrating Success
 Notes from Tennessee
 The observation models account for about 50% – TEAM, TAP, TEM, TIGER
 The Student Growth portion account for 35-50%– School Wide TVAAS or
TN Growth Measures System (portfolio with blind peer review, more info
on the following slides).
 Any impact on legislative policy, local school board policy, and/or Human
Resource decisions
 -Those Using School Wide Measures- Compensation Reform, Tenure,
the “non-tested” teachers more subservient to the “tested” which has
many implications, fewer jobs for arts teachers, career pathways
increased, etc.
 Those using the Arts Growth Measures System- Viewed on par with
“tested” subjects, additional career pathways, control over their own
destiny, more attention to standards and planning.
Music Education
Orchestrating Success
How Does the Student Growth Portfolio Work?
 Multiple teacher-constructed evidence collections of authentic
work samples
 Each collection should contain evidence of student growth (pre
and post lesson/unit/year), and any supplementary materials
 Collections demonstrate standards-based instruction (Perform,
Create, Respond Connect)
 Evidence of purposeful sampling
 Self-rated, then evaluated by content specific peers
 Flexible but Rigorous (comparable data to Value Added Systems)
Music Education
Orchestrating Success
North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process
1 2 3 4 5
to Academic
3 Rating Categories
5 Rating Categories
Not Demonstrated
Music Education
Reflect on
Does Not Meet Expected Growth
Meets Expected Growth
Exceeds Expected Growth
Orchestrating Success
North Carolina Analysis of Student Work Process
In the proposed ASW
process, NC teachers:
2 Work
•Describe teaching context
and choose five Objectives
2 Work
•Compile a Timelapse Artifact
for each Objective
•Complete and upload an
Evidence Collection
•Submit the Evidence
Collection for “blind” review
•Receive a category rating for
Standard 6
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Orchestrating Success
2 Work
2 Work
2 Work
NC Policy Implications/Best Practice Out of
•Continued development and piloting in 2013-2014 of the
Analysis of Student Work (ASW) process.
•ASW process reflects classroom practice.
•ASW process honors the performance-based nature of our
•One huge positive is that teachers are now talking about
the value of conceptualizing student growth across multiple
content areas through the proposed ASW process.
Music Education
Orchestrating Success
In New York State
Annual Professional Performance Review
APPR – A 100 – Point System
Inspired by Race to the Top Legislation
• New APPR a condition of the award
• Some portions of evaluation process negotiated between the
district and its teacher union
• Some portions state-mandated
• Evaluation process results in teacher “HEDI” score
– Highly Effective,
– Effective,
– Developing,
– Ineffective
• Can lead to expedited 3020-A process for teacher termination
Music Education
Orchestrating Success
Multiple Measures of Effectiveness
60 Points
20 Points:
Student Growth
20 Points: Local
• NYS, National, and/or District Teaching Standards
• Multiple Supervision Models, including performance rubrics
• Observations, surveys, evidence of Student Learning
• Growth on State Assessments – State provided score for grades 4-8 ELA,
• Growth Using Comparable Measures - Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
• Student Achievement – locally determined measures cross grade-levels,
teams, building
• Can use third party State-approved assessments – can measure growth,
• District, BOCES developed assessment (rigorous, comparable)
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Orchestrating Success
District-Wide Decision Making
NY – districts can make individual decisions
– Specific supervision model to be used
Danielson’s Framework for Teaching
Marzano’s Causal Teacher Evaluation Model
NYSTCE Framework for the Observation of Effective Teaching
NYSUT Teacher Practice Rubric
– Priorities and academic need
– Which subjects/teachers will use state-provided
ELA/Math scores and which will have SLOs
– In-house processes for SLO assessing, scoring,
Music Education
Orchestrating Success
Who evaluates whom?
“The governing body of each school district and
BOCES is responsible for ensuring that evaluators
have appropriate training—including training on
the application and use of the rubrics—
before conducting an evaluation. The governing
body is also responsible for certifying a lead
evaluator as qualified before that lead evaluator
conducts or completes a teacher’s or principal’s
evaluation. ”
NYS Commissioner’s Regulations
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Orchestrating Success
Washington State- Marzano-Based Method for the Observation Portion.
Teacher Growth Based
4 Domains
Classroom Strategies, Planning, Reflecting, and Collegiality
41 elements describing teacher effectiveness in the classroom
Student growth evaluated – but standardized testing is not emphasized
The Observation/Evaluation Process
Pre- and Post- meetings between teacher and administrator
Observations focus on specific areas for improvement
It is expected that only a few components will be observed during a lesson
Several formal and informal observations and meetings are required
The Evaluation Rubrics
Only experienced/master teachers should regularly receive a “4” on the scale
4 – Innovating; adapts or creates based on unique student needs
3 – Applying; Uses proper strategies and monitors effectiveness
2 – Developing; Uses the strategies in a somewhat mechanistic way
1 – Beginning; Uses the strategies incorrectly
Music Education
Orchestrating Success
Challenges for the Music Educator
Music Educators often struggle to show evidence of individual student progress
Music Educators sometimes do not challenge their students to “deepen”
understanding during rehearsals
Music Educators often ignore or hide “low achieving” students
Advantages of this system for the Music Educator
Effective Music Educators have consistent classroom routines and procedures
Effective Music Educators consistently adjust strategies for unique circumstances
Effective Music Educators consistently engage all students in the classroom
Music Educators regularly celebrate student success
Music Education
Orchestrating Success
The observation model – Right now we are in the midst of potentially selecting a
new model.
How your model addresses student growth/teacher effectiveness – For now, we
still use the Charlotte Danielson Framework Rubrics.
Any impact on legislative policy, local school board policy, and/or Human
Resource decisions - Right now, there is no student growth component. Our
state received a waiver to implement this in the 14-15 school year.
Include one tip, strategy, best practice or positive item that has come out of this
reform - No Strategy to share or impact on Policy at this time.
Music Education
Orchestrating Success
NAfME’s Role
"For today's students to succeed tomorrow, they
need a comprehensive education that includes
music taught by exemplary music educators."
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Orchestrating Success
NAfME’s Support
Task Force on Teacher Evaluation, 2011
• Based documents on NEA’s recommendations,
“multiple measures” as central ideal
NAfME Recommendations for Music Teacher Evaluation
Position Statement
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Orchestrating Success
NAfME Teacher Evaluation Workbook
NAfME Task Force re-formed, activated in 2013
Current Task Force
• Music teacher
• Music administrator
• Current principal (NASSP)
• Collegiate representatives
• Research advisor
Researched models:
• Marzano's Causal Teacher Evaluation Model
• Danielson's Frameworks for Teaching
Music Education
Orchestrating Success