SOCCER “We Play On Your Half of the Field” ASA HANDBOOK 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Heading Page # Mission 3 Philosophy 3 ASA Founder 3 Coaching Staff 4 Expectations 5 Schedule 7 2 Mission Attacking Soccer Academy was created to promote, develop, and instill a love of the game of soccer amongst Long Island youth soccer players. ASA achieves this by prioritizing player development as its paramount goal. ASA follows the United States Soccer Curriculum developed by former US National player and captain, Claudio Reyna to help players achieve technical and tactical mastery. Through elite professional training, ASA teaches players how to play on their opponents half of the field. Philosophy ASA is insistent upon whole player development by providing player’s an opportunity to join a competitive team to enrich their soccer skills and tacitical abilities, but remain connected to their home club team as a support for their growth and development. Many talented, and committed soccer players throughout Long Island are eventually forced to make a choice between playing with their home club soccer team, or joining a more highly selective team to help players improve their game. ASA understands the importance of remaining connected to the home club to foster a player’s friendships, emotional, and soccer development. ASA also understands that each player is different and that each player must find a competitive environment in order to keep improving. ASA academy has developed a program that allows players to do both. In joining an ASA academy team your child will have the ability to complete their full LIJSL Fall and Spring Seasons with their club team and be able to attend their home club practices. In addition your child will play on an ASA academy team in the winter and in several tournaments throughout the year. The practice schedule will vary, but will not overwhelm the player or overburdon the parents with commitment. ASA Academy Founder Gary Nemeth Gary Nemeth founded ASA with one passionate goal in mind, He wanted to teach kids to love soccer, and be the best they can be. Soccer has changed Gary’s life and he strives to spread soccer’s positive influence to the lives of the children he trains and coaches. Soccer has always been a part of Gary’s life; first as a player, and for the past 27 years as a coach, trainer, academy director, and champion. Gary has many accomplishments and has coached teams at the highest level. He has coached teams in NERPS League, Region 1 premiere league, National league, USL Y league, the Empire State games, Varsity High School, College, Olympic Development programs, and the USSF Academy. Gary’s accomplishments with these teams are many. He has brought teams to the national finals twice. His teams have been Regional 1 champions, Eastern NY 3 champions, Region 1 undefeated premiere league champions, LIJSL division 1 champions, Mid Atlantic Regional Champions, Region 15 college champions, and Empire State Games champions. These accomplishments have led to many accolades including coach of the year for New York State, league IV and leagueVI. Gary is a member of the United States Soccer Federation and National Soccer Coaches Association of America. He holds the NSCAA Director of Coaching and National Diplomas, United Soccer Federation B license and is a New York State certified physical education teacher. His coaching and teaching experiences have allowed for the creation of a premiere soccer academy that focuses on age appropriate player development in a wholesome environment. Gary is proud to have created an environemnt where players can get the experience and competition they need without the pressure of having to leave their club team. Statistics show that 80% of youth soccer players stop playing soccer before they are eligible to play u-12. The reasons are many, but it all comes down to proper age appropriate soccer development. Players must train hard, but they must also be properly developed, and not overtrained. Gary excels in these areas and believes that working with club coaches is the best way to support a soccer players sustainable growth as they progress to be their best. COACHING STAFF ASA’s motto is “We play on your half of the field.” The staff fully embraces these principles through coaching philosophies that focus on basic skills development. ASA training focuses on maximizing touches on the ball and addresses skill mastery by incorporating skills work in all training sessions. ASA believes in using a scaffolding approach so that skills progress from week to week and build on previous training sessions. As players and teams progress the sophistication of training increases to the level that play dictates. ASA believes in teaching an aggressive style of soccer that focuses on attacking the goal, and maintaining the ball in the other teams half. Pressure, cover, and balance strategies are utilized to maximize the amount of time the ball stays on the other teams half. Asa coaches believe this was how soccer was meant to be played, the most creative, and the most fun to watch! ASA coaches believe game analysis is the key to winning games and training development. Coaches enter games with a full game strategy based on their opponents. Throughout games ASA coaches are taught to adjust and change their tactics to create mismatches against the other teams strengths and weaknesses. They also monitor individual player performance and will create training sessions based on individual and team needs for the next week. ASA coaches develop individual and team goals to help players and teams achieve their potential. Coaches are trained to keep it simple for the players and allow them to focus on a few key improvements each week. Helping players understand their short list of individual and team goals is the key to improving their game play. The ASA coaching staff looks forward to growing with you and your child throughout the process. 4 Expectations Players Players will be selected at the ASA tryouts. The ASA staff will solely make the decisions on which players are selected for the team. ASA promises to give each player a fair and impartial tryout and will strive to make the best placement decisions for each and every player. ASA will not condone favortism of any sort and will strive to produce the best academy team possible. Players making the team will be required to attend at least 80% of all ASA tournaments, practices, summer camp, etc., as listed in the ASA yearly schedule. Players not able to keep their commitment without a reasonable excuse may be asked to leave the team. ASA academy will make the sole determination towards reasonable excuses which may include sickness, injury, and or family vacations. Playing time will be determined by the sole discretion of the ASA coach/ trainer. Players being selected for an ASA Academy team are not entitled to play in games, but must earn it. They will earn playing time through hard work, determination, commitment, and achieving a high level of play that gives their team the best chance to win games. Players are required to look sharp and be in appropriate uniform while representing ASA academy. Players must wear appropriate soccer practice uniforms including black soccer socks and shorts, and an ASA academy practice t-shirt. During games players must wear their designated team uniforms. Failure to dress appropriately may cause the player to miss playing time during practices and games. Players are required to be at all practices and games at least 10 minutes prior to the designated practice and game times. This will ensure playesr have ample time to mentally and physically prepare for all practices and games. Perpetual lateness may lead to disciplinary action. Players are required to maintain a level of class, respect, and good sportsmanship while representing ASA teams. They must display good manners, and remain positive on and off the field when speaking to fellow teammates, opponents, adults, and referees. Most importantly players should look to develop a relationship with their coach where the player feels comfortable discussing their development. Players should address the coach with questions and concerns. This will help the coach understand the needs of the individual players throughout their time together. Parents Parents are required to be supportive of their child during all ASA Academy activities. Being supportive requires parents to take a less active role than many parents are accustomed to at intramural and some club teams. 5 During games parents are required to stay on the spectator sidelines. Under no circumstances including injury should a parent come to the team sideline unless instructed by the coach. Parents must refrain from coaching their child or other children during the game. Cheering is encouraged, but it should not be a constant barragement of encouragement that distracts players from their enjoyment of playing the game. Parents should also keep sideline conversations with other parents positive and refrain from discussing coaching decisions with other parents. Parents should never speak to the referee or coach during the game, and should wait a period of at least 24 hours to speak to coaches after the game. During practices, parents should keep a distance from the practice area that prevents them from distracting the players during training. This includes conversations with other parents that can be heard on the practice field while the players are practicing. Parents should refrain from talking with the trainer/ coach before and during practice sesssions so that trainer/ coach can focus on training the team. Coaches The ASA coach is responsible for all on field decisions for players. Parents with questions and concerns will always be given an audience with the coach to answer questions about their child’s experiences and development. Please initate questions and concerns through email. If you would like to request a meeting with staff please do so in your email. ASA believes that an open line of communication between players and the coach is the best way to ensure a successful experience for all ASA players. Team Manager Each team will have a parent adminator (PA) that will manage the affairs of the team off the field. The duties of the parent adminastor include: registering the team and collecting paperwork and fees for all tournaments, collecting fees and completing paperwork for uniform orders, enrolling the team and collecting fees for winter training and the winter league. It is important to note the player of the team manager does not receive any priviledges or favors for accepting this role. The team manager does not make any on field decisions, and does not have any influence towards the coaching philosophies of the team. Matters concerning practices and field play should be directed to the coach. 6 SCHEDULE Tryouts: May 9th & 10th Terryville Road Elementary School Girls – Friday, May 9, 2014 • U7 & U8 @ 4:45pm – 5:45pm • U9 & U10 @ 5:45pm – 6:45pm • U11 & U12 @ 6:45pm – 7:45pm Boys – Saturday, May 10, 2014 • U7 & U8 @ 4:45pm – 5:45pm • U9 & U10 @ 5:45pm – 6:45pm • U11 & U12 @ 6:45pm – 7:45pm SUMMER SEASON Mini Camp: June 23, 24th, 25th Summer Training Schedule: Wednesday Time: 5-8 Place: TBA Time: TBA Place: TBA June 4th, 11th, 18, July 2nd ,9th, 16, 23,30 August 6th, 13 Summer Tournaments: Touranaments can be changed if a team has a conflict. (4 Tournaments) Plainview Cup Beach Blast (optional) Fort Dix Maps Classic L.I. Shootout June 28th and 29th July 19th July 26th and 27th August 16th and 17th FALL Fall Training Schedule: Sunday Time: TBA Place: TBA September 14th October 20th November 17th 7 Plainview, NY Wantagh, NY Fort Dix, NJ Stony Brook, NY WINTER SEASON Winter Training Schedule: December: January February Wednesday Time: TBA Place: TBA 3rd, 10th, 17th, 22 , 14th, 21st, 28th 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th Winter Tournaments: Tournaments: Touranaments can be changed if a team has a conflict. (4 Tournaments) Bubble Rough Riders Smithtown Manhattan Cup TBA Winter Recess Winter Recess February 28th Lindenhurst, NY Wantagh, NY Smithtown, NY New York, NY Winter League: 8- Week Season from January to March Spring Training Schedule: Sunday March 22n April 20th May 18th 8 Time: TBA Place: TBA
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