Buckeye • 2014 Competitions • Show Schedule • Directions • Membership • Entry Forms www.buckeyehorsepark.org 2014 Buckeye Horse Park P.O. Box 861 Canfield, OH 44406 To stop receiveing any future mailing from Buckeye Horse Park, email us @ [email protected] www.buckeyehorsepark.org PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID WARREN, OH Permit No. 300 Show Booklet Horse Park Show Schedule 2014 H O R S E P A R K may Cl ev ela nd Exit 215 Lordstown I-8 (from turnpike) 0 Exit 218 Youngstown/Niles 24 - 25............... Horse Sports at Buckeye Horse Park* 31....................... BHP Hunter Show* Rt. 45 Bailey Rd. 7 - 8.................... Tri-State Pony Club Regional Dressage & Show Jump Rally 14....................... MCSHC Combined Pt. Show 21 - 22............... Up & Over Double Pt Show* 28....................... BHP Pleasure Series 29....................... MCSHC Combined Pt Show & PAS Grading august 2 - 3.................... Judge’s Choice Tough Enough To Wear Pink - Canter For The Cure 9......................... BHP Hunter Show* 16....................... BHP Pleasure Series 17....................... Tri-State Pony Club Regional Games Rally september 7......................... BHP Hunter Pace 13....................... BHP Hunter Show* 21....................... BHP Can’t Miss Ride 27 - 28............... Up & Over Hunter Show* october 11 - 12............... Distance Ride?? Dates are tentative & are subject to change *End of the Year Series Awards. All Hunter & Jumper Shows qualify for Up & Over points All dates are tentative & subject to change. www.buckeyehorsepark.org -2- I-7 Kirk Rd. Pal myr aR d. BHP Canfield Rt. 224 Rt. 46 To Akron Austintown 6 Ellsworth 12 - 13............... BHP Open Shows I & II 26....................... BHP Pleasure Series Mahoning Ave./18 North Jackson june 680 (from turnpike) Bailey Rd. exit 57 I-76 july 0 I-8 Rt. 11 B U C K E Y E To To PA Western Reserve Rd. N map not to scale From Ohio Turnpike (East):Take turnpike to exit 215 Lordstown. Turn right (Bailey Rd.) after paying toll, you’ll follow Bailey Rd. to Mahoning Ave/Rt. 18, turn left. Go to next light (Rt. 45) turn right. To the next light (Rt. 224) turn left. Horse Park is around 3 miles on left side. From Ohio Turnpike (West): Take turnpike to Exit 218 Youngstown/Niles. Follow signs to Mahoning Ave. after you pay toll, then signs to Mahoning Ave. West. You’ll merge onto Mahoning Ave., go to next light and turn left (Rt. 46) Then to the next light and turn left again (Rt. 224) Horse Park is around 3 miles on left side. From Rt. 76: Take Bailey Rd. exit 57 and go South to light (Mahoning Ave/Rt, 18) and turn left. Then to next light (Rt. 45) and turn right to again the next light and turn left (Rt. 224) Horse Park is around 3 miles on left side. From Rt. 224: Take the Rt. 224 exit and go west into Canfield, past “The Green” (downtown) out the other side. The Horse Park will be around 5 miles on the right side. We are located within the Mill Creek Metro Parks Vickers Nature Preserve www.buckeyehorsepark.org - 31 - Buckeye Horse Park Property Map Welcome to the theBuckeye Buckeye Horse Park. Welcome to Horse Park. For stablingovernight, overnight, please For those those stabling please feel to use useunloading unloading zones. feel free free to zones. AllAll trailers mustbebeparked parked near trailers must upup near the the road in the appropriate designated road in the appropriate designated areas. West Ring areas. There is NO parking by the stables. There is NO parking by stables. Buckeye Horse Park Buckeye Horse Park 9260 Akron-Canfield Rd. 9260 Akron-Canfield Canfield, OH 44406 Rd Warm up Ring BHP would like to thank our show booklet sponsors and hope that you will recognize them for their community support of our organization by utilizing them for your needs throughout the year. No Driving No Driving Canfield, OH 44406 PJ Barn B Main Ring Exit Unloading Zone No Parking Manure Pit No Parking PJ Exit Barn A No Parking Exit Unloading Zone Office G. Dennison Building Barn C Pavilion A Few Horse Park Rules Grass Parking for Haul-in (Day) Competitors Driveway Driveway Grass Parking for Overnight Competitors (Trailers) Rt. 224 Entrance Tan House Grass Parking for Haul-in (Day) Competitors Water Grass Parking for Haul-in (Day) Competitors Red Barn Entrance/Exit Exit Unloading Zone Automobile Parking • No parking by the barns. • Please park in designated areas. • No camper hook-ups. • Jr. riders must wear approved helmets when mounted. • Please keep dogs leashed. • No alcoholic beverages. - 30 - milliner concepts LLC dressage rings cavaletti ends schooling jumps stadium jumps xc jumps jump access. signs horse benches Jennifer & William Milliner • 3670 Rosemont Rd. North Jackson, OH 44451 330.538.0523 • www.millinerconcepts.com • [email protected] Healing Hands Laura Gentile, CEMT Equine Performance Massage Therapy 330-283-7750 Providing relief for your equine athlete LISBON VETERINARY CLINIC, INC. PJ Exit THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Doug Wiley D.V.M. Fred Bennett D.V.M. Gordon Schmucker D.V.M. Steve Miletta D.V.M. Susan Narbey D.V.M. Cindy Wanee D.V.M. 8100 Race Rd. • Lisbon, OH 44432 Phone: (330)424-3512 • Fax: (330)424-1808 Online Pharmacy www.lisbonvetclinic.com -3- West Ring - 8:00am Hunter Show Series May 31st Aug 9th Sept 13th Double Pt. 1. Hunter in Hand 2. Warm-up over fences 2’9” 3. Children’s/Adult Amateur over fences 2’9” - 3’ 4. Children’s/Adult Amateur over fences 2’9” - 3’ 5. Children’s/Adult Amateur hunter under saddle 6. Warm-up over fences 2’6” 7. Low Hunter over fences 2’6” 8. Low Hunter over fences 2’6” 9. Low Hunter under Saddle 10. Intermediate Rider over Fences 2’6” 11. Intermediate Rider over Fences 2’6” 12. Intermediate Rider under Saddle 13. Low Children’s & Adult Rider 2’6” 14. Low Children’s & Adult Rider 2’6” 15. Low Children’s & Adult Rider under Saddle 16. Open Equitation over Fences 2’6” 17. Up & Over Challenge Medal 2’6” ** -------------------------------------------BREAK------------------------------------------18. Equitation over fences 2’ - 2’3” 19. Up & Over Challenge Medal 2’ - 2’3”** 20. Hunter Pleasure 21. Hunter Hack - to jump two 2’ fences 22. Open Hunter under saddle 23. Hunt Seat Equitation 17 & under 24. Adult Hunt Seat Equitation 25. Warm-up over Fences 2’ 26. Adult Rider over fences 2’ 27. Adult Rider over fences 2’ 28. Adult Rider under Saddle 29. Baby Green Horse over fences 2’ 30. Baby Green Horse over fences 2’ 31. Baby Green Horse under Saddle 32. Beginner Rider over Fences 2’ 33. Beginner Rider over Fences 2’ 34. Beginner Rider under Saddle 35. Beginner Rider Equitation Entry Fee: $10.00 Pre Entry (pre-paid, mailed & received before day of show) $12.00 Post Entry (Saturday) $10 scratch fee. Stabling: $25.00/per day, $40.00 overnight. No tack stalls unless available day of show. Check in office. NO REFUNDS. Bedding available $7.00/bag. Opening date for stall reservations for shows is 3 weeks before show. Reserved stalls must be paid in advance. To reserve stalls: Mail check payable to Buckeye Horse Park c/o Connie Korner, 4200 West Middletown Rd. Canfield, OH 44406. (330)716-1487 If stalls are overbooked, preference will be given to BHP members. -4- BUCKEYE HORSE PARK HUNTER PACE Sunday, September 7, 2014 Division I : Ideal time over fences Entry Fees JUMPING HUNTER PACE Jumping: Division II : Ideal time on the flat NON-JUMPING HUNTER PACE Division III : Leisurely pace TRAIL RIDER HUNTER PACE Info: Connie Korner 330-716-1487 or [email protected] or www.minitrialseries.org/hunterpace Mail pre-entries to: 4200 W. Middletown Rd., Canfield, OH 44406 or enter day of event •Post entries close 11am •Approx. start time noon Hilltoppers: •Post entries close noon $ (Ideal on the flat) •Approx. start time 1pm $ Trail Riders: •Post entries close 1pm (Leisurely pace) •Approx. start time 1:30pm *Where offered $ Stabling Fee: *Where offered $25 TOTAL ENCLOSED $ $ $25 per horse per class. One entry form per team •Stabling $25 •Good food & refreshments available •Trail Riders Division 1 2 3 Rider_____________________________________ Horse____________________________________________ Address___________________________________ City______________________ State______ Zip__________ Home Phone______________________________ Cell Phone________________________________________ E-Mail_____________________________________________________________________________________ Adult Rider or Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________________________________________ Rider_____________________________________ Horse____________________________________________ Address___________________________________ City______________________ State______ Zip__________ Home Phone______________________________ Cell Phone________________________________________ E-Mail_____________________________________________________________________________________ Adult Rider or Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________________________________________ Rider_____________________________________ Horse____________________________________________ Address___________________________________ City______________________ State______ Zip__________ Home Phone______________________________ Cell Phone________________________________________ E-Mail_____________________________________________________________________________________ Adult Rider or Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________________________________________ I hereby enter the above class/classes at my own risk and agree to be responsible for any loss, injury or damage that may occur to me or my animal exhibited by me. I understand that the organizer or its volunteers shall not be held responsible or held liable for any loss or damage or injury to me, my animal or personal property. Your signature on the entry form indicates your acceptance and compliance with the above statement. www.minitrialseries.org/hunterpaces for more information - 29 - Main Ring - 8:30am Hunter Show Series 2014 Mini Trials Stone Gate Farm • OH • June 29 Jackie Smith (330)222-2089 [email protected] Hackamore Farm • OH • July 13 Jennifer Milliner (330)538-0523 [email protected] South Farm • OH • July 20 Sarah Greer (440)632-5501 [email protected] Stone Gate Farm • OH • August 3 Jackie Smith (330)222-2089 [email protected] NEOMTA MEMBERSHIP JOIN THE FUN!! •Members eligible for year end awards in mini trials & dressage only •Members eligible for championships •Discounts on educational activities and much more! See www.minitrialseries.org or www.minitrialassoc.org for complete details Rolling Rock Hunt PC • PA • Aug. 10 Lynne Donnelly (724)610-1925 [email protected] Bath Pony Club • OH • Aug. 24 Terry Mansky (330)671-2393 [email protected] South Farm • OH • Sept. 7 Aug 9th Sept 13th Double Pt. Leadline 8 & Under, H/P* W/T Not to Jump under Saddle* W/T Not to Jump Equitation* W/T Not to Jump Pleasure* Warm-up over crossrails Walk-Trot Crossrails Horse Walk-Trot Crossrails Horse Walk-Trot Crossrails Horse under Saddle Walk-Trot Crossrails Horse Pleasure Walk-Trot Crossrails Rider Walk-Trot Crossrails Rider Walk-Trot Rider Pleasure Walk-Trot Rider Equitation Sarah Greer (440)632-5501 [email protected] ----------------BREAK------------------------------------------------------- Lutherlyn Stables • PA • Sept. 14 14B. 15B. 16B. 17B. 18B. Carla Babcock (724)496-5535 [email protected] www.minitrialassoc.org NORTH JACKSON DRIVE THRU SUNDAY BEER & WINE SALES CIGARETTES STATE MIN. In the Dino’s Plaza 330-538-2200 Convenience Store & More! OPEN DAILY • GROCERIES • LOTTERY USSLER M MC C HIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS James D. Mussler, D.C. Chiropractic Physician Office: 330.758.9567 Fax: 330.758.9569 Visit us on facebook! - 28 - Warm-up over Crossrails Walk-Trot-Canter Rider Crossrails Walk-Trot-Canter Rider Crossrails Walk-Trot-Canter Rider Pleasure Walk-Trot-Canter Rider Equitation ----------------BREAK----------------- 10899 MAHONING AVE. NORTH JACKSON, OHIO 44451 755 Boardman-Canfield Rd. Suite C-2 Boardman, Ohio 44512 May 31st 1B. 2B. 3B. 4B. 5B. 6B. 7B. 8B. 9B. 10B. 11B. 12B. 13B. AMERICAN AUTO SALES, L.L.C. Complete Auto Service 24 Hour Wrecker & Flatbed Service Tony Delmont 89 Maple Avenue Austintown, OH 44515 3004 S. Salem Warren Rd. North Jackson, OH 44451 (330) 538-3566 (330) 270-5869 Fax (330) 547-6311 19B. 20B. 21B. 22B. 23B. 24B. 25B. 26B. 27B. Warm-up over Fences 18” Ex. Green Horse over Fences 18” Ex. Green Horse over Fences 18” Ex. Green Horse under Saddle Ex. Green Horse Pleasure Ex. Green Rider over Fences 18” Ex. Green Rider over Fences 18” Ex. Green Rider under Saddle Ex. Green Rider Equitation Thank you to Big Dee’s for supporting BHP thru the “Bonus Bucks Program”. These “Bucks” are used to provide awards at many of our shows. No refunds on stalls. All dogs must be leashed. All weather sand rings All hunter shows at BHP carry Up & Over Points. Good food on grounds For more information: Judy Davisson (330)799-0330 or Susan DePerro (330)402-1415 Office will be open 5pm - 7pm Friday before show *Must be BHP member & compete in at least 2 BHP shows to get Hunter Series points One $1,000.00 Big Dee’s gift card award for most points accumulated by rider at the end of the series. -5- IF Y BEAUT R U O Y BA AR CKY D! CAN’T MISS RIDE Specializing in Inground Pool Construction & Service Sunday, September 21, 2014 www.CanfieldPools.com 8217 COLUMBIANA CANFIELD RD. CANFIELD,OH 44406 330.540.7665 O 330.286.5097 F PAUL JACKANICH, Jr.,D.D.S. Dentistry 841 Southwestern Run, Ste. 1 Youngstown, OH 44514-3671 Trail Ride (self judged obstacles), Scavenger Hunt, and Poker Run all combined •Registration 8:30 AM, Ride meeting 9:00 AM •First team goes out at 9:30 AM •Easy to moderate trails •Good food, plenty of easy parking, water and porta-johns •Stalls for rent $10.00 •Awards for division winners, raffle items and free prizes. •Improved trails Divisions: Junior, Senior, Individual and Mixed Individual, Two, Three, and Four person teams No three or four person junior teams $15.00 Senior pre-entry before Sept. 16, $20.00 day of the ride per rider $10.00 Junior pre-entry before Sept, 16, $15.00 day of ride per rider Phone: (330) 629-2270 Fax: (330) 629-2271 Me & My Needle Judy Davisson 330-799-0330 Tack and Blanket repair Buckeye Horse Park Located on Route 224 Approx. three miles west of Canfield. It is also approx. two miles east of Route 45 and 224 Embroidery Engraved Halter plates -6- Buckeye Horse Park is a non-profit universal equine facility focused on our key principles of providing education, as well as, environmental and community development. We operate through the support of our community. If you would like to advertise in this booklet next year, please contact Buckeye Horse Park at info@ buckeyehorsepark.org Send entries to: Candy Kekic 9015 N Palmyra Rd. Canfield, Ohio 44406 LIMIT 60 HORSES Questions ?? call: cell (330) 502-5743 (330) 533-5743 CIRCLE DIVISION ENTERING, FILL IN TEAM MEMBERS NAMES Individual Junior 18 & under Senior 19 & over Mixed both age groups 1. ___________ 2.____________ 3. __________ 4. ____________ Juniors are 18 years old and under, and must wear helmets Buckeye Horse Park is not responsible for accidents - 27 - 2014 Entry Form Hunter Show Series B U C K E Y E H O R S E P A R K May 31 August 9 September 13 Exhibitors can reserve one show at a time. Please print Horse Name_______________________________________________________ Rider_____________________________________ Ph: ( )________________ Owner____________________________________ Ph: ( )________________ Trainer/Stable_____________________________ Ph: ( )________________ Classes: Write in class # for each class to be entered. Exhibitor is responsible for providing documents to confirm age of rider and/or horse. CLASS NUMBERS ENTERED: Stalls: Day stall ($25.00) Night stall ($40.00) Buckeye Horse Park, The Horse Park Association and Mill Creek Metropolitan Park District will not be responsible for any accident or loss, which may occur to anyone, any animal or equipment at the show. Tack stall ($50.00) Pre-show entry ($10.00) $ Show day entry ($12.00) $ Bedding ($7.00/bag) $ Stall/Day ($25.00) $ Stall/Night ($40.00) $ Tack stall ($50.00) $ Member office fee ($5.00) $ Non-member office fee ($10.00) $ Non-showing horse fee ($20.00) $ Total: $ Payment must be received within 5 business days. Make checks payable to Buckeye Horse park and mail to: Annette Burnham, 212 W. Main St., Canfield, OH 44406 If preregistered, rider will need to sign form before showing Owner Signature______________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ Rider Signature ______________________________________________________ Parent or guardian if under 18 Address_____________________________________________________________ - 26 - -7- Benefit Open Shows BHP 2014 Multi-Stall Reservation Hunter Show Series B U C K E Y E May 31 H O R S E August 9 P A R K September 13 Please check the show date you are reserving stall Exhibitors can only reserve one show at a time. Opening date for stall reservation for shows is 3 weeks before show. ***NO REFUNDS*** Stalls: Day stall ($25.00) Night stall ($40.00) Tack stall ($50.00) Overnight stalls available after 1pm on Friday before each show. Please print Horse Stall Reservations & Class Sponsorship Form Amount _______ Bedding ($7.00/per bag) $ Rider $ $ $ $ $ $ July 12, 2014 July 13, 2014 I would like to sponsor the following classes @ $10.00 per class. My name or business will be announced as the class sponsor and I may present the ribbons for the class if I so desire. Please check box on this form if you wish to present the ribbons. Name of Class & #: Name of Sponsor: Ribbons? 1.___________________________ 1.__________________________________ 2.___________________________ 2.__________________________________ 3.___________________________ 3.__________________________________ 4.___________________________ 4.__________________________________ ( ) Classes at $10.00 per class = $___________ Please Print Rider Name: ___________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Horse Name: __________________________________ Breed: ________________________ Owner Name: __________________________________ Reg. #: ________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________ Phone:________________________ Day stall for Sat. only ($15.00) Overnite stall for Sat & Sun only ($30.00) Day stall for Sun. only ($15.00) Weekend stall for Fri nite thru Sun only ($40.00) *Preference given to 2 & 3 day rentals and BHP members, if space is tight. Absolutely no stalls reserved without payment. Classes: Write in class # for each class. 1st line day one. 2nd line day two. $ $ $ $ $ $ Total: $ Stabling: No Tack stalls unless available day of show. Check in office. Reserved stalls must be paid in advance To reserve stalls: Mail check payable to Buckeye Horse Park, c/o Connie Korner, 4200 West Middletown Rd. Canfield, OH 44406. If stalls are overbooked, preference will be given to BHP members. All Hunter Shows at BHP are Up & Over points. -8- Class Fees ($5.00) $ Make checks payable to Buckeye Horse park and mail to: Barb Wright 4100 W. Middletown Rd. Canfield, OH 44406 330-549-2636 [email protected] *Payment must be received within 5 business days. Class Fees ($8.00) $ Class Fees ($10.00) $ Bedding ($7.00/bag) $ Stall $ Member office fee ($5.00) $ Non-member office fee ($10.00) $ * Total: $ Buckeye Horse Park, The Horse Park Association and Mill Creek Park will not be responsible for any accident or loss, which may occur to anyone, any animal or equipment at this show. Exhibitor is responsible for providing documents to confirm breed registration. If preregeistered, Rider will need to sign form before showing. Rider’s Signature_____________________________________________________________ Parent or guardian if under 18 - 25 - Buckeye Pleasure Series Open Shows at Buckeye Horse Park Award Sponsor: Big Dees Registration starts at 7:30AM Show starts at 9:00AM June 28, 2014 July 26, 2014 (Double points) August 16, 2014 Tammy Denlinger Lickliter Lisa Matthews Jesse Jerik Leadline & EWD receive gift bag following August show Awards presented following August show $100 Payback Halter Halter W/T 18 & Under* Halter W/T 19 & Over* Halter 13 & Under * Halter 14 – 18* Halter 19 & Over* Halter Jr. Horse 5 & Under * Halter Sr. Horse 6 & Over* $100 Payback Showmanship Showmanship W/T 18 & Under* Showmanship W/T 19 & Over* Showmanship 13 & Under* Showmanship 14 – 18* Showmanship 19 & Over* Showmanship Jr. Horse 5 & Under* Showmanship Sr. Horse 6 & Over* INTERMISSION – 20 min Leadline E/W Youth #EWD Equitation W/T, E/W Open $100 Payback Ranch Pleasure Ranch Pleasure 18 & Under* Ranch Pleasure 19 & Over* Ranch Pleasure 13 & Under* Ranch Pleasure 14 – 18* Ranch Pleasure 19 & Over* Ranch Pleasure 5 & Under* Ranch Pleasure 6 & Over* E/W Schooling W/T/C Open $100 Payback Pleasure E/W W/T 18 & Under $100 Payback Western. Horsemanship Western Horsemanship W/T 18 & Under* MAIN RING 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Western Horsemanship W/T 19 & Over* Western Horsemanship 13 & Under* Western Horsemanship 14 – 18* Western Horsemanship 19 & Over* Western Horsemanship Jr. Horse 5 & Under* Western Horsemanship Sr. Horse 6 & Over* $100 Payback Western Pleasure Western Pleasure W/T 18 & Under* Western Pleasure W/T 19 & Over Western Pleasure 13 & Under* Western Pleasure 14 – 18* Western Pleasure 19 & Over Western Pleasure Jr. Horse 5 & Under* Western Pleasure Sr. Horse 6 & Over* INTERMISSION – 20 min $100 Payback Hunt Seat Equitation Hunt Seat Equitation W/T 18 & Under* Hunt Seat Equitation W/T 19 & Over* Hunt Seat Equitation 13 & Under* Hunt Seat Equitation 14 – 18* Hunt Seat Equitation 19 & Over Hunt Seat Equitation Jr. Horse 5 & Under* Hunt Seat Equitation Sr. Horse 6 & Over* $100 Payback Hunter Under Saddle Hunter Under Saddle W/T 18 & Under* Hunter Under Saddle W/T 19 & Over* Hunter Under Saddle 13 & Under* Hunter Under Saddle 14 – 18* Hunter Under Saddle 19 & Over* Hunter Under Saddle Jr. Horse 5 & Under* Hunter Under Saddle Sr. Horse 6 & Over* ****NO REFUNDS ON CLASS FEES, UNLESS VALID VET NOTE OR CLASS IS CANCELLED**** *Highpoint Series award for each age division. Ribbons 1st – 7th place Class Fees: $5 per class Payback classes: $10 per class Schooling classes: $1 per class Per Stall Fee: $20 day Member office fee $5 Non-member office fee $10 11 OR MORE FOR GUARANTEED $100 PAYBACK $35, $30, $20, $10, $5 10 OR LESS 80% PAYBACK $Payback classes are open to all ages W/T/C. No Ribbons. Payback classes are not eligible for Series highpoint. Limited stalls on first come basis. Pre-Stall/Registration form @ www.buckeyehorsepark.org/showsched.htm HIGHPOINT SERIES AWARDS: 1 horse/1 rider combination must show at two of three shows to be eligible for highpoint awards. Leadline, EWD and PeeWee W/T Riders forfeit acquired points, if they cross into W/T/C classes at any time. Two minute gate call will be strictly enforced. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 For more information contact Annette Burnham at 330-702-0243 or Julie Majernik @ 330-503-2662 If your association requires helmets, youth 18 & under must wear approved equestrian safety helmets. Judge’s decisions are FINAL. Unsportsmanlike conduct is grounds for dismissal and forfeiture of all fees and entries paid. Buckeye Horse Park and Mill Creek Park are not responsible for damages or injury to exhibitors, animals, spectators or personal property. A portion of show proceeds will go towards capital improvements to the Horse Park. -9- 24 - Memorialize Your Loved Ones Walkway The walkway is installed and we are ready for your orders. The walkway is located between the pavilion & the all-purpose building. $50 per brick Name _______________________________________________________ Big Dee’s is offering a Address ______________________________________________________ When you shop at Big Dee’s, tell them you are with the Buckeye Horse Park at checkout. Phone Number _________________ E-mail __________________________ 5% back to Buckeye Horse Park Horse Lamps Sally Kish 4370 West Middletown Road Canfield, OH 44406 330-549-2897 [email protected] Thank you Big Dee’s For supporting Buckeye Horse Park thru the “Bonus Bucks Program”. All members of BHP automatically donate a portion of their purchase price when shopping at Big Dee’s. These “Bucks” are used to provide awards at many of our shows. Number of bricks desired: ____________ Please fill out the order form below exactly as instructed. As an acknowledgement of my gift I wish to have a brick paver engraved with the following message: •Each 4” x 8” brick can have 14 characters per line and 3 lines per brick. • All characters including numbers, spaces & punctuation should be counted as a block. •Please print clearly to ensure that your message is distinct & correct when permanently engraved. 4” x 8” fill in blocks below: John M. Kish 413 McClurg Rd. Boardman, Ohio 44512 ph: 330.506.8375 fax:330.549.2897 [email protected] - 10 - Send with FULL payment payable to BHP to: Buckeye Horse Park P.O. Box 861 Canfield, OH 44406 - 23 - We offer Full Care Boarding Indoor/Outdoor Arena Trails • Turnout Lay-Over-Boarding Up-to-date Facility VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Well it’s that time of year again.... Buckeye Horse Park is looking for volunteers for the 2014 season, May thru October. We are completely dependent on the funds produced by the shows at the Horse Park. If the Horse Park doesn’t put on shows, we would not be able to keep the Park open. In order to maintain and make improvements to the Horse Park, we need committed and energetic volunteers. We welcome both youth and adult volunteers. No matter what your interest is or what your skill level, we can match you with a position and YOU can be a part of our dedicated group of volunteers. 330-692-2406 www.fiorinofarms.com • • • • • 4-H Pet Food & Supplies Equine Companion Animals Lawn & Garden Eldon Falb, Owner 13788 Columbiana-Canfield Rd. • Columbiana, Ohio 44406 Phone: 330-482-9840 • Fax: 330-482-9841 Family Owned & Operated There are many benefits to volunteering at Buckeye: YOU will ensure that 4-H equine clubs, Pony Club, Pony Breeders, Up & Over, and the Hunter circuit continue to have a park for events and YOUR time enables us to give 4-H equine clubs and Pony Club free riding meetings at the Park. Please consider volunteering for any of the many positions: food booth, registration, announcer, scoring/ribbons, setup crew, paddock crew, jump crew, cleanup crew, etc..... Some of the volunteer opportunities are listed below. Please contact me, if you are interested in any position or have some time before or after the competition and would like to help setup or take down. 2014 BHP Shows May 31...........................BHP Hunter Show June 28...........................BHP Pleasure Series July 12 & 13...................BHP Open Show I & II July 26............................BHP Pleasure Series Aug 9..............................BHP Hunter Show Aug 16............................BHP Pleasure Series Sept 7.............................BHP Hunter Pace Sept. 13..........................BHP Hunter Show Sept. 21..........................BHP Can’t Miss Ride Oct. 11-12......................BHP Distance Ride Please contact Annette Burnham 330-702-0243 or 330-502-4920 or [email protected] Custom Saddle Fitting and Flocking Sharon Clark Manager 585 W. Main Street, PO Box 629 Canfield, Ohio 44406 330-533-8151 SADDLES 101 135 Hunt Road Portersville, PA 16051 - 22 - Heather Soones-Booher SMS Qualified Saddle Fitter [email protected] www.saddles101.com 240-431-1318 “You make a living Remember as Winston Churchill said: by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.” - 11 - LANE LifeTRANS Ambulance Service Emergency and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Patients don’t have labels that say e: fragil h care e wit handl but we treat each one as if they do. Since 1955, LANE LifeTRANS has maintained the highest standards of patient care and public safety. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL UPHOLSTERY CLEANING MICHAEL’S CARPET CLEANING WHEN QUALITY COUNTS FREE ESTIMATES 330-318-0453 Cindy Ries Owner [email protected] Cindy’s Equestrian Shoppe Western, English & Saddleseat Show Clothing & Supplies You get one chance to make a first impression cindyseqshop.com 2369 S.R. 183 Atwater, OH 44203 - 12 - 330-815-8953 LANE 330-652-0066 330-797-9911 LifeTRANS Proud to be part of the Lane Family of Businesses - 21 - Pleasure Series BHP Featuring Daily Specials: Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner Daily Specials: June 28, 2014 Monday - Meat Loaf - Pork Chops Pizza (2nd 1/2 price) Tuesday - Swiss Steak All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dino’s Family Restaurant & Pizza 10941 Mahoning Avenue North Jackson, OH 44451 (330) 538-2263 HOURS: Mon. - Sat. 7am - 9pm, Sun. 7am - 2pm Wednesday - Fish - Beef Tips Baked Ziti - $1.00 Beer - Wings Thursday - All You Can Eat Pasta - Cream Chicken- Fried Chicken Friday - Haddock - Shrimp Seafood Platters Saturday - Home Made Lasagna - Prime Beef - BBQ Ribs Aug. 16, 2014 Exhibitors check the date of the show(s) you are reserving a stall. Exhibitors can reserve one show at a time or for the series Please Print Rider Name: ___________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Horse Name: _________________________________________________________________ Rider Age: _____________________________________ Horse Age: ____________________ Owner Name: __________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________ Stalls: Specializing in Homemade Foods July 26, 2014 Series Stalls: Day stall for Sat. only ($20.00) Overnite stall for Fri & Sat only ($30.00) Day stall for 3 Saturdays only ($50.00) Overnight stall for 3 Fri & Sat only ($75.00) Overnight stalls available after 2pm on Friday before each show. JAB’s PIZZA, INC. Classes: Write in class # for each class to be entered. Exhibitor is responsible for providing documents to confirm age of rider and/or horse. 11768 Mahoning Ave. • North Jackson, OH Ph: 330-538-2271 and JAB’S STORAGE, INC. John & Judy Blaskis 13484 Mahoning Ave. North Jackson, OH 44451 (330) 538-2815 carterlumber.com THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! SPONSORS! - 20 - Buckeye Horse Park, The Horse Park Association and Mill Creek Park will not be responsible for any accident or loss, which may occur to anyone, any animal or equipment at this show. Class fees ($5.00) $ Jackpot class fees ($10.00) $ Schooling class fees ($1.00) $ Bedding ($7.00/bag) $ Stall $ Member office fee ($5.00) $ Non-member office fee ($15.00) $ Total: $ Payment must be received within 5 business days. Make checks payable to Buckeye Horse park and mail to: Annette Burnham, 212 W. Main St., Canfield, OH 44406 If preregeistered, Rider will need to sign form before showing. Rider’s Signature_____________________________________________________________ Parent or guardian if under 18 - 13 - Good Luck Exhibitors! Buckeye Horse Park 2014 Membership Name _____________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State _______ Zip ________ Phone ( _____ ) __________________ Email _____________________________ Type of Membership: ( ) Single membership......................................................... $25.00 ( ) Family membership........................................................ $30.00 ( ) Individual Lifetime membership (per person)............... $150.00 ( ) Club membership........................................................... $175.00 9585 Columbiana-Canfield Rd. (St Rt. 46) Canfield, OH 44406 (330)533-6937 toll free (866)295-4785 email: [email protected] Please return form & payment to: Buckeye Horse Park P.O. Box 861 Canfield, OH 44406 *Meetings held every third Thursday, 7:30pm at the Buckeye Horse Park - 9260 Rt. 224 For office use only: Date Received: _______ ( ) Cash ( ) Check#________ www.buckeyehorsepark.org - 14 - -19 - 18 -15 - Judge: Johnathan Enz,Venitia,PA / Steward: Janie Ruffner Organist: Amy Braden / Farrier: Dan Moucha TENTATIVE SHOW BILL - Go to www.buckeyehorsepark.org or www.coscaonline.com for finalized show bill 32. Open Pleasure Driving H/P, S/M/G 33. Reg. Morgan Hunter Pleasure Open 34. Reg. Arabian & Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure - Open - S/M/G 35. English Road Hack Horses - S/M/G 36. National Show Horse Hunter Pleasure - Open 37. Reg. American Saddlebred Hunter Country Pleasure 38. Reg. Paint/Pinto English Pleasure Horse all types (No Solids) S/M/G 39. Reg. Arabian/Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian English Pleasure S/M/G (COSCA non-point class) 40. Open Easy Gaited Pleasure (no Canter) - S/M/G 41. Reg. American Saddlebred English Country Pleasure 42. Walk-Trot Equitation 11 yrs & over, H/P, E/W, M/G 43. YA English Equitation 18 yrs. & under, H/P, SS/HS, M/G 44. Ladies Sidesaddle E/W - S/M/G (non-pt. COSCA) ---------------Break - length to be announced 45. Reg. Arabian & Half -Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Mounted Native Costume S/M/G 46. $100 Western Pleasure Horse - Open - all ages - S/M/G 47. Reg. TWH Trail Pleasure Western (no canter) S/M/G (non-pt. COSCA) 48. Open Easy Gaited Equitation/Horsemanship (No Canter) S/M/G 49. Ladies Sudesaddle Equitation - E/W, S/M/G, H/P (non-pt COSCA) 50. Open Jr. Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure- Horses 5 yrs. & under S/M/G 51. Walk-Trot Pleasure - 11 & over - M/G, H/P, E/W 52. Men’s Western Pleasure Horses - 18 & Over, S/M/G 53. Reg. American Saddlebred Amateur Western Pleasure 54. Adult 19 & over Open Western Pleasure Horse - S/M/G, H/P 55. YA Western Horsemanship 18 yrs & under - H/P, M/G 56. Reg. Paint/Pinto Western Pleasure Horse - all types (No Solids) S/M/G 57. Reg. Arabian & Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure S/M/G 58. Adult 19 & over Western Horsemanship-S/M/G, H/P 59. Reg. Quarter Horse Western Pleasure-all ages-S/M/G 60. National Show Horse Western Pleasure S/M/G 61. EZ Gaited Pleasure (no canter) 17 & under E/W - M/G 62. YA Western Pleasure-18 yrs & under H/P, M/G 63. Ladies’ Western Pleasure Horses - 18 & Over, S/M/G 64. EZ Gaited Equitation/Horsemanship 17 & under - M/G www.buckeyehorsepark.org or www.coscaonline.com or Barb Wright 330-549-2636 [email protected] For More Information or Class Sponsors Contact: Affiliations: COSCA, POHA, ICHA, ISHSA, OASPHA, ASHAO, 2014 ASHA High Pt. Awards and (2015 Kentucky State Fair Championship Qualifier for Saddlebreds), OCAP YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A COSCA MEMBER TO SHOW AT THIS SHOW!!!!! Exhibitor Social Will Be Held Saturday After Show - Exact Time, etc TBA 1. $100 Open Halter - H/P, E/W, S/M/G (non pt. COSCA) 2. Open Halter Horse - 2 yrs. & under - E/W, C/F, S/M/G 3. Open Halter Horse - 3 yrs. & over - E/W, S/M/G 4. Adult 19 & over Open Halter Horse S/M/G, H/P 5. Reg. Arabian Breeding & Geldings In-Hand - S/M/G 6. Reg. Quarter Horse Halter - all ages -S/M/G 7. YA Open Halter 18 Yrs & Under - H/P, E/W, M/G 8. Reg. Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Breeding Mares & Geldings In-Hand 9. Reg. American Saddlebred In-Hand - S/M/G 10. National Show Horse Halter - S/M/G 11. Reg. Paint/Pinto Halter Horse - all ages (No Solids) -S/M/G 12. Reg. Welsh Pony Halter - S/M/G 13. Adult 19 & Over Showmanship - S/P - S/H,S/M/G, H/P -------------Break - 15 min drag ring----------------------14. Reg. Welsh Pony Driving Open 15. $100 English Pleasure Horse Open S/M/G - (Saddleseat only) 16. Walk-Trot Equitation, 10 yrs. & under - H/P, E/W (pinned sep.), M/G 17. English Bridle Path Horses - S/M/G 18. Walk-Trot Pleasure-10 & Under-H/P, E/W (pinned sep.), M/G 19. Reg. Welsh Pony Ladies Single Pleasure Harness 20. National Show Horse Country Pleasure 21. Adult 19 & over Open English Pleasure Horse H/P - S/M/G 22. Reg. American Saddlebred English Show Pleasure 23. YA English Pleasure - 18 & under H/P, M/G ,SS/HS 24. Reg. Welsh Pony Gentlemen’s Single Pleasure Harness 25. Adult 19 & Over English Equitation - S/M/G - H/P 26. Reg. Arabian/Half- Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Country English Pleasure (Saddle Seat) S/M/G 27. $100 Open English Pleasure Horses - S/M/G(hunt seat only) 28. Reg. Quarter Horse Hunter Under Saddle - all ages -S/M/G 29. Jack Benny Pleasure - 39 & over, H/P, E/W, S/M/G 30. Reg. TWH English Trail Pleasure (no Canter), S/M/G (non-pt COSCA class) ---------------Break - length to be announced -----------------------------CAKE WALK DURING BREAK (donation at the gate) RING DRAG 31. Horse Lead-In Equitation, 6 yrs & under E/W (pinned sep.), M/G *The Show Committee reserves the right to jackpot 50% of the entry fees for the first (3) three place winners in all classes with (7) seven or fewer entries (excluding $100 classes). **No refunds on class fees except with vet excuse**Please close out all checks by end of show today** Registration papers must be presented at the entry booth. Entries will be closed as the preceeding class enters the ring. Exhibitors are to notify the Show Secretary or Announcer of tack changes at least (2) classes prior to the tack change. The Horse Park Association & Mill Creek Park are not reponsible for accidents or injuries to horses, exhibitors or spectators nor the damage or loss of equipment whatsoever! OFFICE FEE $10 per horse (BHP MEMBERS office fee $5 per horse.) Box stalls $15/day. No stalls held without payment, call Barb (330-549-2636) No camper hook-ups. Spectators admitted free. All dogs must be on a leash. Food available on grounds. CLASSES ENTRY FEES AND REFUNDS PAYBACK Equitation & showmanship $5.00 5 ribbons Halter & Performance payback to 3rd* $8.00 5 ribbons & $12, $10, $8 $100 Classes ** $10.00 5 ribbons & $40, $25, $15, $10 **If less than 11 entries in $100 classes only 50% of entry fee will be jackpotted Saturday, July 12, 2014 at Buckeye Horse Park Route 224 - 3 miles West of Canfield Starts at 8:30am - Rain or shine Award sponsor: Big Dee’s BHP Benefit Open Show #1 -16 - 17 - Judge: Duane Stutzman, Fresno, OH / Steward: Janie Ruffner Organist: Amy Braden / Farrier: Dan Moucha TENTATIVE SHOW BILL - Go to www.buckeyehorsepark.org or www.coscaonline.com for finalized show bill 33. Reg. Morgan Hunter Pleasure Open 34. Reg. Arabian & Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure - Open - S/M/G 35. English Road Hack Horses - S/M/G 36. National Show Horse Hunter Pleasure 37. Reg. American Saddlebred Hunter Country Pleasure 38. Reg. Paint/Pinto English Pleasure Horse all types (No Solids) S/M/G 39. Reg. Arabian/Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian English Pleasure S/M/G (COSCA non-point class) 40. Open Easy Gaited Pleasure (no Canter) - S/M/G 41. Reg. American Saddlebred English Country Pleasure 42. Walk-Trot Equitation 11 yrs & over, H/P, E/W, M/G (has not cantered at a COSCA show - except Novice) 43. YA English Equitation 18 yrs. & under, H/P, SS/HS, M/G 44. Ladies Sidesaddle E/W - S/M/G (non-pt. COSCA) ---------------Break - length to be announced 45. Reg. Arabian & Half -Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Mounted Native Costume S/M/G 46. $100 Western Pleasure Horse - Open - all ages - S/M/G 47. YA Western Horsemanship 18 yrs & under - H/P, M/G 48. Open Easy Gaited Equitation/Horsemanship (No Canter) S/M/G 49. Ladies Sidesaddle Equitation - E/W, S/M/G (non-pt COSCA) 50. Open Jr. Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure- Horses 5 yrs. & under S/M/G 51. Walk-Trot Pleasure - 11 & over - M/G, H/P, E/W 52. Men’s Western Pleasure Horse - 18 & Over, S/M/G 53. Reg. American Saddlebred Western Pleasure 54. Adult 19 & Over Open Western Pleasure Horse - S/M/G, H/P 55. Reg. TWH Trail Pleasure Western (no canter) S/M/G (non-pt. COSCA class) 56. Reg. Paint/Pinto Western Pleasure Horse - all types (No Solids) S/M/G 57. Reg. Arabian & Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure S/M/G 58. Adult 19 & over Western Horsemanship-S/M/G, H/P 59. Reg. Quarter Horse Western Pleasure-all ages-S/M/G 60. EZ Gaited Pleasure (no canter) 17 & under E/W - M/G 61. National Show Horse Western Pleasure S/M/G 62. YA Western Pleasure-18 yrs & under H/P, M/G 63. Ladies’ Western Pleasure Horse - 18 & Over, S/M/G 64. EZ Gaited Equitation/Horsemanship 17 & under - S/M/G www.buckeyehorsepark.org or www.coscaonline.com or Barb Wright 330-549-2636 [email protected] For More Information or Class Sponsors Contact: Affiliations: COSCA, POHA, ICHA, ISHSA, OASPHA, ASHAO, 2014 ASHA High Pt. Awards and (2015 Kentucky State Fair Championship Qualifier for Saddlebreds), OCAP YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A COSCA MEMBER TO SHOW AT THIS SHOW!!!!! 1. $100 Open Halter - H/P, E/W, S/M/G (non pt. COSCA) 2. Open Halter Horse - 2 yrs. & under - E/W, S/M/G 3. Open Halter Horse - 3 yrs. & over - E/W, S/M/G 4. Adult 19 & over Open Halter Horse S/M/G 5. Reg. Arabian Breeding & Geldings In-Hand - S/M/G 6. Reg. Quarter Horse Halter - all ages -S/M/G 7. YA Open Halter 18 Yrs & Under - H/P, E/W, M/G 8. Reg. Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Breeding Mares & Geldings In-Hand S/M/G 9. Reg. American Saddlebred In-Hand - S/M/G 10. National Show Horse Halter - S/M/G 11. Reg. Paint/Pinto Halter Horse - all ages (No Solids) -S/M/G 12. Reg. Welsh Pony Halter - S/M/G 13. Adult 19 & Over Showmanship - E/W, S/M/G, H/P -------------Break - 15 min drag ring----------------------14. Reg. Welsh Pony Driving Open 15. $100 English Pleasure Horse Open S/M/G - (Saddleseat only) 16. Walk-Trot Equitation, 10 yrs. & under - H/P, E/W (pinned sep.), M/G 17. English Bridle Path Horses - S/M/G 18. Walk-Trot Pleasure - 10 & Under - H/P, E/W (pinned sep.), M/G 19. Reg. Welsh Pony Ladies Single Pleasure Harness 20. National Show Horse Country Pleasure 21. Adult 19 & over Open English Pleasure Horse H/P - S/M/G 22. Reg. American Saddlebred English Show Pleasure 23. YA English Pleasure - 18 & under H/P, M/G ,SS/HS 24. Reg. Welsh Pony Gentlemen’s Single Pleasure Harness 25. Adult 19 & Over English Equitation - S/M/G - H/P 26. Reg. Arabian/Half- Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Country English Pleasure (Saddle Seat) S/M/G 27. $100 Open English Pleasure Horses - S/M/G(hunt seat only) 28. Reg. Quarter Horse Hunter Under Saddle - all ages -S/M/G 29. Jack Benny Pleasure - 39 & over, H/P, E/W, S/M/G 30. Reg. TWH English Trail Pleasure (no Canter), S/M/G (non-pt COSCA class) ---------------Break - length to be announced -----------------------------CAKE WALK DURING BREAK (donation at the gate) RING DRAG 31. Lead-In Equitation, 6 yrs & under E/W (pinned sep.), M/G 32. Open Pleasure Driving H/P, S/M/G *The Show Committee reserves the right to jackpot 50% of the entry fees for the first (3) three place winners in all classes with (7) seven or fewer entries (excluding $100 classes). **No refunds on class fees except with vet excuse**Please close out all checks by end of show today** Registration papers must be presented at the entry booth. Entries will be closed as the preceeding class enters the ring. Exhibitors are to notify the Show Secretary or Announcer of tack changes at least (2) classes prior to the tack change. The Horse Park Association & Mill Creek Park are not reponsible for accidents or injuries to horses, exhibitors or spectators nor the damage or loss of equipment whatsoever! OFFICE FEE $10 per horse (BHP MEMBERS office fee $5 per horse.) Box stalls $15/day. No stalls held without payment, call Barb (330-549-2636) No camper hook-ups. Spectators admitted free. All dogs must be on a leash. Food available on grounds. CLASSES ENTRY FEES AND REFUNDS PAYBACK Equitation & showmanship $5.00 5 ribbons Halter & Performance payback to 3rd* $8.00 5 ribbons & $12, $10, $8 $100 Classes ** $10.00 5 ribbons & $40, $25, $15, $10 **If less than 11 entries in $100 classes only 50% of entry fee will be jackpotted Sunday, July 13, 2014 at Buckeye Horse Park Route 224 - 3 miles West of Canfield Starts at 8:30am - Rain or shine Award sponsor: Big Dee’s BHP Benefit Open Show #2
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