boudd no4, Gr,J€ 0t qaterJ{e) ,oro frmod:0?.05.7.014 f 6o aR'00d: 26-a5-2814 d $roro oQdodd doa36af.B (a;rc.eb.a]€rr) 118 &..a,.)dr. 2013 d deo$$* dn&€nofl dr SddoddOri dsttorr*ndennd. l. dr .a.eraa3o$ er6ed*ndddd t dror0ieee$aa0d Fad[38.f" dsoro "( daar0 ilr3 $da uoe3, oeg daor0 .apdFo$0orT6' ae3e*tr{d:, f0o$ ao$d uoeSiiq;b.'gJAipd dod, a3or{siod:, f.d.*d doedd gfiaaocbdgrl dn&,3nofl ls.enaro da:o*Aw ;toenoddl * freSerdoaso$d clerd eroilaOrl9fi.- a;o[J il&rdd*(.ud9d), dmosd sdsmQrao (1), (.2) martn (j). rodrxh* dodrorSroo oartn odn%os (.$dsd) 6 *- 6 -JeJ.td0-r9{ ic.)i} 3. ds Sdrrdoaso$d di{cb frryad ea.axf.[i.(B)z$ doSo$mfl. vr' 4. * sderdooso$d "a.-ecd9d tpor{d, doeg aarka a$oo6d dn{ Sh-est{91 Endsmnt giabo-o*n GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. FD(Spl)1 18 PEN 2013 Karnataka Govemment Secretariat, M.S- Building, Bangalore, dated.07. 0 5.201 4. Subject: Treatment of Suspension, HPUEL and EOL period for the purpose of NPS deduetions-reg Reference: G.O.No.FD(Spl ) 28 PEN 2009 dated.29.3.2O1O guidelines for operationalisation of ln the Government Order ,"f.r.*" "Oou", Service on or after 1-4-2006 has joining Government NPS to Government Employees "t been issued. ln addition to this Government Order, it is necessary to issue addendum detailing the procedure involved in treating NPS deductions of employees drawing emoluments during the Suspension, HPL/EL and Extra Ordinary Leave period. Hence this order. ADDENDUM.I eerg)/Li:y'i , No: FD(SplX18 PEN 2013 Dated:07-5-2014 .,i.ii l_ ' 1. Treatment of NPS Contributions during Suspension, HPL/EL and EOL period: The treatment of NPS contribution from employees and lhe corresponding government share in the instances of employees under Suspension, or employees availing and granted HPL/EL and Extra Ordinary Leave is detailed below. DDO and TO shall perform the duties accordingly and further follow the process of deduction and transferring funds to Trustee Bank as detailed in the G.O. No: FD(Spl ) 28 PEN 2009 Dated:29.3 .2010. A. Suspension Cases: l. M u,'^ot* Every subscriber shall mandatorily subscribe monthly to the NPS, when on duty in a Government Department or when on Foreign Service. However NPS deductions will not be affected out of the subsistence allowance during the period of suspension and there will also not be any Government contribution towards NPS during this period. ii. il1. After exoneration or othenar'ise, the arnount of subscription shall be 10o/o of Basic Pay and DA of the total emoluments to which he was entitled on the first day after his'return to duty. On exoneration a subscriber, would get full salary for the suspension period as the suspension period would be regularised. ln view of this X ffiI arrears of NPS deductions due from subscriber would be affected along with Government Contribution. B. HPL/EL Cases: The subscription of the employee shall be regular contribution of 10% Basic and DA for leave salary during HPL/EL period. Government contribution will match the employee deductions during this period. c. EOL Cases (including that on medical grounds): Since no salary is drawn during the Extra Ordinary Leave (EOL) period, neither NPS deductions would be affected from employees nor would Government pay any matching share. By order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka. r.t\.- fu" -\ (PADMAVATHT) Special Officer & Ex-Officio Deputy Secretary to Government Finance Department (Pension). K( To, 1. The Chief Secretary to Government, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore. The Accountant General (A&E) / Principal Accountant General (Audit1), Bangalore. 3. The Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore. 4. The Development Commissioner, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore. 5. All Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries to Government. 6. Principal Secretary, State Legislature, Bangalore. 7. Secretary, Karnataka Public Service Commission, Bangalore. B. Registrar, Karnataka Lokayukta, Bangalore. 9 Registrar, High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore. 1 0. Registrar, Karnataka Administrative Tribunal, Bangalore. 1 1. All Heads of Departments &DDOs. 12.All Deputy Commissioners of Districts. 13.All Chief Executive Officers of Zilla Panchayats. l4.Director of Treasuries, Bangalore &.District Treasury Officers & SubTreasury Officers. 2. dn GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. FD(Spt)118 pEN 2013 Karnataka Government Secretariat, M.S. Buitding, Bangalore, dated:07. 0 5.201 4. subject: Maintenance of singre permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN) for the entire service period of if," R"r"," n "" lclb: IIIFBI $f,tl?m N 2 00e da ted : 2 e 3 20 1 0 ln the Government order ut ,"r"r*""loou", guidelines ror operitionalisation NPS to Government Employees joining Governmenis"ric" on or after 1-4-2006 of has been issued' ln addition to irris covernment order, it is necessary to issue addendum for maintenance of a single Permanent Retirement'Account Number (pRAN). for the . entire service period of the Government Emproyee. Hence this order. ADDENDUM-II No: FD(SptX 1B pEN 2013 Dated:07-S -2014 l. ' Maintenance of singre. permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN) for the entire service period of the r"rling different sectors: PRAN is portabre across the sectors "rprovu" within'the.ountrv i.e., emproyee can operate hisiher PRAN account from anywhere in the country even if the employee changes prace of resioencb, .poruiou or pension Fund Managers. Therefore of by one sector .1r "rbrJvur'issueo (Private/Government) can 'RAN be shifted t; ;i;";sector through the prescribed rntersector shifting (rss) proceorr" oy the.Treasury officer in the foilowing instances, providLd tn"t ftre secioi nls'impremented Nps as per PFRDA architecture: a) shifting Employee PRAN allotted by Private.sector to Government sector on the employee joining State Government Service. b) shifting. Employee PRAN allotted by central Government to -" on employee joining State Governm-ent Service.- c) state sector Shifting PRAN atotted by Autonomous Bodies, Boards, corporations, societies and universities of state and centrar cbveinme.t joining State Government Service. ""';;";"" d) lf the emproyee working for state Government resigns from and joins the state Government itseri, in a new capacity not foiloiming Rure 244rzs2 (b) of KCSR and in between the period, of resignation and the new -' appointment if there are days not spent on duty (unemployed), even such PRANs shall also be shifted in HRMS from the DDO under whom employee was working prior to resignation to the DDO where he is newly appointed. There shall obviously be no credits for the period not spent on duty. e) ln case where the employee has resigned from Central GovernmenUPrivate Sector and subsequently joined State Government, his individual PRAN shall be shifted to the State Sector even if the period in between the two appointments is treated as period not spent on duty, provided however that the subscriber has not exited from the NPS itself. There shall be no arrears payable during this period, though. By order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka. (PADMAVATHI) Special Officer & Ex-Officio Deputy Secretary to Government Finance Department (Pension). To, 1. The Chief Secretary to Government, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore. 2. The Accountant General (A&E) / Principal Accountant General (Audit1), Bangalore. 3. The Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore. 4. The Development Commissioner, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore. 5. All Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries to Government6. Principal Secretary, State Legislaturq, Bangalore. 7. Secretary, Karnataka Public Service Commission, Bangalore. B. Registrar, Karnataka 9 Lokayukta, Bangalore' Registrar, High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore. 1 0. Registrar, Karnataka Administrative Tribunal, Bangalore11.All Heads of Departments &DDOs. 12.All Deputy Conrmissioners of Districts13.All Chief Executive Officers of Zilla Panchayats. 14. Directof of Treasuries, Bangalore & District Treasury Offlcers & SubTreasury Officers.
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