July 4, 1933. H. l. ROMNES I 1,917,064 ' VACUUM TUBE CIRCUITS ' Filed March 16, 1931 ARG/NL [I 5 I BET-l8 i 915M']?5'—?'= 5. ~ BE)I 41,? INVENTOR H. l . ROMNES Arrows/5v 2 1,917,064 operating winding of relay 12 causing it to momentarily until the second filament is cut operate. The upper armature closes a circuit in. During the cessation of filament current through ?lament 6’ actuating it and thereby ?ow, plate current would cease to flow through tube <1 and this would cause the re continuing the operation of the tub-e 2. lease of relay 22 and the substitution of ?la 70 The lower armature of relay 12 upon oper ation closes a holding circuit which may be ment 8’ for filament 8 in tube 4:. y, 1 traced from ground through battery 14:, lower ' By making relay 23 sl0w~acting ‘its con relay, winding, contact and contact arm 15, tacts are kept from closing long enough to conductor 16, key 17 to ground. permit other relays such as 12 to operate and ' tery 18, conductor 19, conductor 20 indicating ciated tube 4-. A second circuit is also closed by this op-v establish ?lament current ?ow again".i Relayw 75 eration to indicate which tube has failed. 23, therefore, does not cause the closure of its This circuit may be traced from ground, bat~ contacts, except upon the failure of itsa‘sso ' When defective tube 4 is replaced, key 17 15 conductor 16, key 17 to ground. ' is operated to establish again the current 80 The holding and indicating circuits are ?ow through the main ?lament 8 of the new maintained closed until key 17 is operated tube and to open the circuit of the indicat-5 which opens both circuits. However, key 17 ing lamp and the holding circuit of relay 23. Having described the invention in one‘of is not operated until tube 2 (the defective tube) has been replaced. If key 17 should its embodiments it is to be understood that be accidently operated and immediately re the invention is not to belimited to such an leased before the defective tube is replaced, embodiment but only as de?ned in the ap-. the action which occurred when the ?lament, burned out is repeated. After replacement of What is claimed is: . 25, ‘the defective tube, key 17 is operated to re 1. In combination, a plurality ofspace dis?‘ a “ store relay 12 to its unoperated condition and charge devices each of said‘ devices equipped the circuit through ?lament 6 is established. with a main ?lament and an auxiliary- ?la Another scheme for accomplishing the ment, a relay associated with each of said de same purpose,‘ but which has application vices having a- winding shunted around “a 30. mainly in tubes where there is no necessity portion of the ?lament current circuitof said ti. for shunting the plate current away from the devices, and adapted to operate upon change ‘ ?lament, is shown in connection with tube 4:. of current ?ow in said winding, and contacts ‘ lamp 21, lower armature and contact arm 15 7 pended claims. = . ' . ' In this case a relay 22 is inserted in the plate actuated by the operation of said relay adapt current supply circuit of the tub-e. This relay ed to close the. circuit of said auxiliary ,?lai 35 ‘. is normally energized or operatedvand upon 'deenergization causes the energization of a ment. I _ ; . a.“ v 2. In combination, a plurality of. multi slow-acting relay 23. . ?lament space discharge devices, a relay _con_-‘ Upon failure of ?lament 8 of tube 4, plate nected in shunt to one ?lament of, each of said current from +B through relay 22 Will cease devices, circuit control contacts associated 40, to ?ow. Armature 241 in falling back closes with said relay, and means causing said ‘re “ a circuit from ground, battery 25, winding of‘ lay to operate upon failure of one of said relay 23, armature 2ll'to ground. ?laments whereby said circuit control con Relay 23 is thereby operated but is slow tacts close the circuit for said second ?la-V 45. acting for reasons which will appear later. ment. ' In operating, relay 23 closes the circuit for 3. In combination, a multi-?lament space up ' ?lament 8’ through its upper armature. By discharge device, a relay having va winding the action of its lower armature it closes a thereof connected in shunt to one of said ?laé holding and an indicating circuit as pointed 1nents,said relay being energized by the ?ow out in connection with tube 2. These cir! of ?lament current through its winding when cuits, therefore, need not be traced again. said ?lament fails and circuit controlling con 1111.5 As soon as ?lament 8’ is heated to the prop tacts operated-upon the e'nergizationof said. er temperature plate current again flows relay to close the circuit of another ?lament‘ through relay 22 causing it to operate there of said device. ' by breaking the circuit which caused relay 23v 4. In combination, "a multi-?lainent space to operate and close its holding circuit. Re? discharge device, a multi-winding relay as? lay 23, however, remains operated ‘over its sociated therewith,~circuit controlling con-. holding circuit through conductorl? and key tacts controlled by the operation of_'said relay, 17, and maintains the circuit of ?lament'S’ means causing said relay to operate upon‘ closed. . " Y en, Relay 23 is made slow-acting to avoid the “ interruption of the operation ofv tube 4 in the event of a failure of any othertube in the series. For example, in the case of the failure of tube 2 as described above, ?lament cur as. rent of all tubes in the series ceases to ?ow 120 the failure of one of said ?laments whereby certain of said contacts close the circuit for another of said ?laments, certain others of said contacts close a holding circuit through a second winding of said relay and still other contacts close a signal circuit. 7 - 5. An electrical system containing multi-J 130 njeléctrical-lsystem jaccordiingvytoéchimp ~ ~ ' ‘and inclil'ded, in thel'circpit‘of a second; ‘_?1_a"-., ' ment, and means to cause the energlzatlorjivrof '' s'aid relay upon thé-faih'iré of the ?rst?f ‘said? myxnayme', I11" " itngs‘sfwhéreof," this; 6th ‘d'ayhf I hei'élln‘tds'ilbsériber March 1931;.1- f I 7': ‘ "actuated; . - ‘ ~15. _, ".65 Y‘ - HAAKEN-LROMNES ‘
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