G L s 0NNuN TY 1U^ &m 6m G I sTR I CT * * v # CITY H EAST ARBOR MISSIONPIERCESOUTHWEST ft VALL TRADE TECHNICAL EYft WEST w » . OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR TO: Members of the Board of Trustees FROM: Dr, Francisco Rodriguez, Chance DATE: October 1,2014, SUBJECT: BOARD LETTER FOR OCTOBER 8,2014 MEETING Board Meeting Location Next week's Board meeting wilt be held at the Los Angeles Trade-Technical College. The meeting times and locations are as follows: Meetings Time Location Budget & Finance Committee Meeting 2:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m. Aspen Hati-Room 120 Break 3:15 p,m.~ 3:30 p.m, Convene for Pubiic Session 3:30 p.m, Aspen Hail-Room 101 mmediately Foitowing Aspen Hali-Room 120 Recess to Closed Session Pubiic Session Reconvene Second Public Session mmediately Following Aspen Half - Room 120 Ciosed Session Parkina Parking for Board Members and Chancellor wi:ii be tocated between the tents In the Peaasus Parking Lot, A campus map has been included for your convenience. Budget & Finance Committee Meeting (Moreno Chair, Ens Vice Chair, Veres Member) The committee wi!i meet from 2:00 p.m, to 3:15 p,m. in Aspen Hall - Room 120. For the committee's agenda refer to Attachment A. Agenda Format Weicoming Remarks: President Laurence Frank will provide welcoming remarks during the Pubiic Session of the Board Meeting, 770 WltSHIRE BOULEVARD, tos ANGELES/CA 90017, (213)891-2201 FAX (213) 891-2304 Board Letter-October 8,2014 Page 2 Confidential Matters The attached correspondence is confidentla! and should not be shared with other persons. . Office of General Counsel o Enclosed for your review is background information pertaining to District-reiated litigation matters. (Refer to Attachment B) o Enclosed for your review is an update pertaining to the status on personnel actions. (Refer to Attachment C) o Enclosed for your review is an update pertaining to compiaints of discrimination/harassment (Refer to Attachment D) o Enclosed for your review is an update pertaining two termination alternatives regarding a permanent employee, (Refer to Attachment E) o Enclosed for^your information is a response to a Board member inquiry regarding law firms serving the District. (Refer to Attachment F) ® Educational Programs and Institutional Effectiveness o Enciosed for your review is information pertaining to two recommended student expulsions. Due to the vo!ume of materials for the personnel matter, this document wi:ll be sent via U,S. mail. » Human Resources o Enclosed for your review is information pertaining to a personnel matter. Due to the volume of materials for the personnel matter, this document will be sent via U,S. mail, o Enclosed for your information is a response to a Board member inquiry regarding a personne matter. (Refer to Attachment G) o Enclosed for your review is an update on the negotiations with Teamsters Local 91 1. (Refer to Attachment H) Other Matters . Educational Programs and Institutional Effectiveness Enclosed for your information is a response to a Board member inquiry regarding Achieving the Dream Efforts Across the LACCD. (Refer to Attachment f) Please let me know should you have any questions regarding the meeting. LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Aspen Hall, Room 120 2215 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90007 ATTACHMENT "A" Wednesday, October 8, 2014 2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. Committee Members Ernest H. Moreno, Chair Mike Eng, Vice Chair Steve Veres, Member Scott J. Svonkin, Alternate Jeanette Gordon, Staff Liaison Marvin Martinez, College President Liaison Agenda (Items may be taken out of order) I. ROLL CALL II. PUBLIC SPEAKERS* III. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS/ACTION A. Update on Underwriter Process B. Enrollment Update C. Report on Cost Per FTES D. Budget & Finance Committee Goals IV. FUTURE DISCUSSION/AGENDA ITEMS V. Update on Cost Savings from Master Agreements (Chancellor’s Directive #142) Retirement Incentives FUTURE BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING DATES November 5, 2014 VI. NEW BUSINESS VII. SUMMARY – NEXT MEETING................................................................................................. Ernest H. Moreno VIII. ADJOURNMENT *Members of the public are allotted five minutes time to address the agenda issues. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternate formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132), and the rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. The agenda shall include information regarding how, for whom, and when a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting. To make such a request, please contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at 213/891-2044 no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on the Tuesday prior to the Board meeting. .I OS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ^^ "-^ -HE CITY / EAST / HARBOR / MISSION / PIERCE / SOUTHWEST /TRADE-TECHNICAL / VALLEY / WEST .'; c f Fc RESPONSE TOBOARD M EIVtBER IBMOUIRY Received From: ^oard Member Moreno Date: 2/26/2014 Item No. #3 Subject: Attached for your information is a brief report on progress made on several student success measures by colleges working on Achieve the Dream project. ATTACHMENT Submitted By: Bobbi Kimble Date: 10/1/2014 Achieving the Dream Efforts Across the LACCD Background 8 AtD in the LACCD is heading into its fourth (or, for Southwest, fifth] year. n i°^!!/s^t,T^ fi!!^SAa^d^a^onl^a!ter^Ians map to th? AtD framework- The majority of colleges report that they are copying their AtD plans directly into other institutional plans. 9 Ihr^e^c5D.-colle?elhave achleved AtD Leader COIlege arbor' East and pierce] status, To become a Leader College, the institution must show gains in at least one of the five Achieving the Dream Student Success measures: See'the Leader College Results table below for a summary of student achievement gains. II LACCD colleges agreed to focus their 2014-15 AtD efforts on the four areas: o Scaling First-year experience o Improving Assessment/Placement o Developmental Education Sequence Redesign o Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning . Duringtl?eDRFAM conference in February, the LACCD team requested changes to the AtD coaching model. Coaches were realigned accordingly. The 2014-15 per-college membership fee of $10,000 each was secured via Board action in April. . Student Achievement Results Across the LACCD & for the Leader Colleges Follow. .Stnilrnl Ar1ii(l\rnn-iH Across tin- I.AfTD Siiifc foininn Am .'*::....: ......:. . laH.IOHCnlnn-l Number and percentage of new students completing r.ill^(U2c:nh«n k 1 f * ^ * ljli^oi:-t0ijn,n ;t yr.irfli.m^t (in'ra'nl.iyfptiinl.sj 72% ^J f \J M English assessment in the first term Number and percentage of new students completing 4°,0 74% 75% 1% 17% 17% 19% 2% l.ill 12-Nprin^ |:t ;1 Vf;ircli;inH(* Math assessment in the first term Percentage of new students successfully completing at least one English and Math class in their first year ['.llllU-SpritiHl I I'.ill II-.SprinK 12 (prm'nLiycpumls) i*rr*.i.sl<*nrc - 1 .ill to Spring i-.ill in-ijil 11 l.lit ll-r.tll 12 r.iil iz-r.iii i;-i ^ooiicoiion I'OU') (.oliorl 2(ll()(:()ln>rt :lVt\irclun^ (jitTt'rnl.tyt* point.sj 59% u**< cohort completing 30 units in 3 years Percentage of new student cohort successfully n : (pfm*nl;iyr points) I'rrsislnn-r- I'.ill to I.ill Percentage of new student . ;.! Vt*;irrli.n]^c / \J 3% 23% 24% 26% 3% "^(»05 folH*rl 2006 Culniil 2W7 Cohoil :ivr;u-ch;in^- completing English 101 and Math 125 (or above) in 3 years (priTcitt.iyfjHtinls} Percentage of new student cohort successfully completing English 101 and Math 125 [or above) in 6 years r .u ATD Measurable Outcomes Measure 1: Completion of remedial or developmental instruction I ELAC's AtD Student Achievement Across the Leader Colleges Since JoininfiAtD Outcomes * I Initiatives FirstYuai Completion 80% to 88.5% in persistence English & Math 21.8% to 34.1% in Curriculum Revisions English developmental Fiercer AID Initiatives Outcomes Harbur's AtD Initiatives Outcomes College wide 46%-50.4% course completion 23.9% to 27.3%. in math developmental course completion Measure 2: Completion of gateway courses Measure 3: Successfully Complete Courses with students a C or Better increasing course success rate in a four-year period Measure 4: Term-to First Year term and year-to-year 4% of entering Completion students are enrolled in a retention "gatekeeper" math and/or English course. Measure 5: Attain a Credential Marketing 8.7% to 9.8% Completion increase in credential attainment Go Days 22%-30% increase in student participation Front Door Success 12.8% Enrollment Program of entering first-year students
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