14/56 NHSBT BLOOD AND TRANSPLANT 22 MAY 2014 Title NATIONAL CONTRACT FOR THE SUPPLY AND MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT FOR STERILE CONNECTION OF TUBING BETWEEN BLOOD PACKS Executive Summary This paper sets out the contract recommendations for the supply and maintenance of sterile connection equipment and associated consumables. These are critical systems used by manufacturing to produce key blood components. The recommendations are to award contracts for: 1. Equipment to Terumo BCT 2. Maintenance to Technopath 3. Consumables to Terumo BCT Action requested from Board Strategic Priority, Regulatory Requirement or Corporate Risk that this item relates to Organisational forums where the paper (or equivalent paper) has been considered Consultation and Review Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment The Board is asked to approve award of contracts as recommended. Blood Safety and Compliance Efficiency and effectiveness Executive Team Marnie Watkins (Procurement) John Spence (Finance) Vaughan Sydenham (Finance) Lucy Osmond (Finance) Is a Full assessment required: N Sustainability Impact Assessment Is a Full assessment required: N Author Michelle Ashford AD Manufacturing Development Responsible Director Clive Ronaldson NED Reviewers Shaun Williams and Keith Rigg Page 1 of 9 NHSBT BLOOD AND TRANSPLANT 22 MAY 2014 NATIONAL CONTRACT FOR THE SUPPLY AND MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT FOR STERILE CONNECTION OF TUBING BETWEEN BLOOD PACKS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NHSBT is required, during various manufacturing processes, to connect different blood packs and transfer packs together such that sterility is maintained and bacterial contamination prevented, for example, during platelet production from whole blood and washed red cell production. This connection procedure is carried out using a sterile connection device which hot welds the two ends of tubing together using a disposable copper wafer. The existing contract for this technology, with Terumo BCT, expires at the end of June 2014. A new OJEU tender was initiated by NHSBT on behalf of all the UK Blood Services, and the Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS). Two responses have been received, from Terumo BCT for all three lots included in the tender (equipment, maintenance and consumables), and from Technopath for maintenance only. Fresenius, who do manufacture a sterile connection device (SCD), did not respond to the tender. The Fresenius machines have previously been used by manufacturing departments in NHSBT but were removed and replaced by Terumo systems due to the very high failure rates. Following detailed assessment of the tender responses from both companies the recommendation is to award a four year contract for supply of new machines and consumables to Terumo BCT and the contract for maintenance of existing machines to Technopath. The total contract awards are valued at £7.6M as shown below. It should be noted that there have been no price increases over the four years of the current contract, for any of the tender lots. Although there have been significant price increases in the new tender, the prices in all lots are fixed for the full four year term of the new contract. Capital costs of £1.1M. For new equipment the price increased by £2,200 to £12,940 per machine, an increase of 20.5% over four years. These machines are robust and reliable and through careful maintenance programmes NHSBT has increased life expectancy of these from the recommended seven years to over ten. It is expected on this basis to replace 83 machines over the term of the contract. Page 2 of 9 Consumable costs of £5.8M. The consumable price increases by 6%, from £1.31 per unit to £1.39. On the basis of expected usage over the term of the contract this is an overall increase over the previous contract of £332,000. Maintenance costs of £0.7M. The maintenance price increases by 18% from £1,071 to £1,260 per machine. On the basis that NHSBT has 140 machines that will require ongoing maintenance the impact is £107,000 over four years. The number of machines in routine use is reviewed on an annual basis and again when new processes are introduced to ensure that there is improved utilisation of existing equipment, and that older machines are replaced on a need only basis. RECOMMENDATION The Board is asked to approve the award four year contracts (with no extensions) to the following suppliers: 1. The award of contract for new TSCD machines and consumables to Terumo BCT 2. The award of contract for the maintenance of existing machines to Technopath. Page 3 of 9 1. BACKGROUND Sterile connection devices (SCD) are used to connect blood packs to additional pack systems for secondary manufacture to enable the production of some blood components. They are essential to the manufacture of whole blood derived pooled platelets, cryoprecipitate, and some red cell components (e.g. washed red cells). They are also required for the connection of sampling devices for bacterial testing of finished platelet components. They work by creating a sterile weld between compatible tubing of separate blood pack systems which can be carried out by the machines in the open workspace in manufacturing without the risk of environmental contamination to blood components. These systems and processes have been extensively validated as safe, the components produced, therefore, have a full shelf life. Prior to availability of sterile connection systems secondary blood components were produced using open systems that carried a high risk of contamination reduced the shelf life of blood components produced to 24 hours only. Without these sterile connection systems blood services would not be able to produce many secondary blood components such as pooled platelets. There are currently two manufacturers of these systems, Terumo and Fresenius. NHSBT and most other blood services have used the Terumo devices successfully for over 20 years. The Fresenius machines have been used by manufacturing departments in NHSBT but were removed and replaced by Terumo systems due to the very high failure rate of the welds leading to loss of product and concerns over the bacterial safety of the system. The Blood Supply Manufacturing Development team are actively working with other manufacturers on the development of alternative solutions for sterile connection systems, however, to date none have been produced that are safe, effective and reliable. No other solution has been introduced to the market. The tender for a new contract was initiated as three separate lots: Equipment Maintenance Consumables Terumo BCT responded for all three lots, and Technopath responded for the maintenance contract only. Fresenius did not respond to the tender. Technopath has operated as a third party supplier of the Terumo SCD (TSCD) equipment and consumables for other UK Blood Services, however, this arrangement with Terumo has ceased, but they are able to offer a robust maintenance programme for this equipment. Page 4 of 9 2. PROCUREMENT Contract Strategy In line with the UK Government initiative on collaborative procurement all UK Blood Services have been consulted and included as contract parties to this agreement. In addition, it was agreed with other UK blood services i.e. Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS), and Welsh Blood Service (WBS), and in addition the Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS), that NHSBT would lead the tender process and they would accept our technical and commercial decision. The Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service (NIBTS) declined to join the tender process and may decide to join as beneficiary at a later date. Procurement reviewed available procedures under the EU Procurement Directives and considered the open procedure as the most appropriate for the time available. Under the European Procurement Directives it is generally accepted that four years is the term to contract with suppliers. As a result of discussions with the tender evaluation panel, it was decided that in order to encourage competition the tender be divided into three lots, i.e. Lot 1 - Supply and Maintenance of New SCDs, Lot 2 - Maintenance of Existing SCDs and Lot 3 - Supply of Consumables for New and Existing SCDs. Supplier Selection As part of the tender response there were only two suppliers to respond i.e. Technopath and Terumo BCT. Evaluation Criteria and supplier assessments are shown in the table below. Table one: Evaluation criteria and supplier assessments Lot Criteria Weighting Technical General Cost (pass/fail) (pass/fail) Supplier Score Terumo Technopath Lot one 30 20 50 72 Lot two 30 20 50 68 Lot three 12 25 55 70 82 Terumo and Technopath scored well on all sections with the exception of cost where there are significant increases in costs from the previous contract. Page 5 of 9 Of note regarding the maintenance element Technopath has committed to service and repair all machines on site, and that they will continue to maintain and service machines over ten years of age at the same price of £1,260 per machine per annum. Terumo has increased their maintenance costs for machines over seven years and require all machines for repair to be returned to Belgium. External Validations and Quality Audits Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Business Continuity audits were carried out at Terumo BCT by Head of Business Continuity Management and NHSBT s Quality Project Specialist. Terumo BCT has demonstrated that their processes are controlled under a well established quality management plan. As a sole provider of TSCD wafers and equipment to NHSBT, the supplier has presented evidence of a corporate risk management programme, and a full assessment has been carried out on the risks to the activities provided. Full operational validations will occur upon installation of new equipment utilising validation protocols fully approved by NHSBT Quality. 3. TERMS AND CONDITIONS NHS Terms and Conditions, including termination, will govern the contract. The monitoring of the overall performance of the suppliers will be managed by a nominated manufacturing manager, and all details of servicing, breakdown and repair will be recorded in the NHSBT Quality System (Q-Pulse). This allows the lead customer to check for related faults, poor delivery or servicing. If the lead customer is not satisfied with the performance of the equipment, the delivery of the maintenance or the consumables the contract allows NHSBT six monthly contract review meetings. These will be facilitated by the procurement lead for this contract. Page 6 of 9 4. FINANCIAL INFORMATION There are three separate financial elements: Cost of Consumables Cost of Annual Maintenance Cost of New TSCD Machines Cost of consumables (Terumo) NHSBT s expected usage volumes of TSCD wafers over the period of the contract is 4.15M. Table Two: Expected Volumes by Contract Year. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total 898,042 997,214 1,123,969 1,132,386 4,151,612 These consumable volumes would result in a unit cost (per wafer) of £1.39, an increase of £0.08 (6.1%) on the previous contract; this would be an additional cost of £332,000 over the four year period of the contract. Table Three: Consumable Costs per Financial Year (£ 000s) Volume New Contract Price (£1.39/unit) Old Contract Price (£1.31/ unit) Additional Cost 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 Total £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 659,127 955,660 1,121,878 1,130,244 284,703 4,151,612 916 1,328 1,559 1,571 396 5,771 863 1,252 1,470 1,481 373 5,439 53 76 90 90 23 332 Notes: Volumes in 2014/2015 and 2018/2019 reflect part year effect Increases in volumes due to implementation of platelet additive solution (PAS) from October 2015, and increasing number of whole blood derived platelets year on year. Reduction in use due to implementation of new bacterial screening sampling system from June 2014 Volumes based on latest demand planning forecast, including divestment of North Wales Page 7 of 9 Cost of goods by inflation has increased by 12.4% since the award of the previous contract (2010). Increase in tender price of 6% is on the basis of a fixed cost over the four year period of the contract. Cost of Annual Maintenance (Technopath) NHSBT currently has 141 Terumo Sterile Connecting Devices (TSCD) that require annual maintenance. Under the new contract the annual price of maintenance per machine would be £1,260 an increase of £189 or 18%. The total additional cost to NHSBT would be £107,000 over the life of the contract. Table Four: Maintenance Costs Per Financial Year (£ 000s) 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 Total £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 No. of Machines 141 141 141 141 141 141 New Contract (£1,260/unit) 133 178 178 178 44 711 Old Contract (£1,071/unit) 113 151 151 151 38 604 20 27 27 27 6 107 Additional cost Cost of New TSCD Machines (Terumo) Under the proposed contract the capital cost to purchase a new TSCD II machine has increased by £2,200 to £12,940, an increase of 20.5%. The potential total cost to the NHSBT is dependant on how many machines are replaced in the contract period. The machines are under warranty for two years, and would not attract maintenance charges in the warranty period. These machines have proven to be very robust and from operational experience they are expected to have a usable life for at least ten years. On this basis it would be expected to replace approximately 83 machines over the life of the contract. The estimated capital requirement is £1.1M. In addition the number of machines in use is reviewed annually, during capital planning, to ensure that all machines are fully and appropriately utilised. Page 8 of 9 5. IMPLEMENTATION There are no implementation issues with these machines as they are currently in use throughout NHSBT. All new machines and those that have been serviced or repaired would be subject to appropriate re-validation prior to re-introduction into routine use. 6. RISK MANAGEMENT No specific risks have been identified as a result of this contract. 7. EXPERIENCE AND TRACK RECORD Terumo Terumo BCT, a global leader in blood component and cellular technologies, is the only company with the unique combination of apheresis collections, manual and automated whole blood processing, and pathogen reduction coupled with leading technologies in therapeutic apheresis and cell processing. Terumo BCT has been a supplier to NHSBT since 2001, with a good record of performance against agreed KPIs. Technopath Technopath initially focused on the clinical diagnostic and food technology markets, the company has grown exponentially to become a market leading supplier across the Healthcare and Biotechnology sectors. As part of this development they have transitioned from a third party supplier to one which, develops and manufactures market driven and solution led technologies in their customers. Technopath have not been a supplier to the NHSBT previously but are currently sole suppliers of TSCDs and consumables to the Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS), with a good record of performance. Clive Ronaldson Director of Blood Supply Michelle E. Ashford Assistant Director Manufacturing Development May 2014 Page 9 of 9
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