Alabama Music Educators Association 2014 In-Service Conference Teaching Music Using iPad Applications Presented by: Mr. Robert L. Lyda Music Educator Notasulga High School (K-12) Doctoral Candidate Auburn University, Alabama [email protected] Dr. Jane M. Kuehne Associate Professor and Coordinator of Music Education Auburn University, Alabama [email protected] Ranked #2 Nationally by U.S. News and World Report Best Online Graduate Education Programs Music Education Distance Education – M.Ed. and Ed.S. iPad Learning Lab Prices – January 17, 2014 Item Picture Part Number BG713LL/A BH448LL/A Description Apple iPad Learning Lab (with 10 iPad 2 devices) Estimated Shipping: 3 - 5 business days Apple iPad Learning Lab (with 10 iPad 2 devices) with AppleCare+ Estimated Shipping: 3 - 5 business days Unit Price 6,299.00 USD 7,059.00 USD *Raising Student Achievement. Using federal funds for Apple education solutions - Potential Funding Sources ASK for them right up front! Provides lots of resources including information on how to write to receive federal funding This is a good resource for “how to write” for funding and may provide funding opportunities An interesting article on potential funding partners Mockingbird Foundation- A music-specific grant organization (Phish fans), typically $100 - $5000 grants The Heart and Soul Foundation from Muzak also offers grant opportunities LOCAL Parent Support Organization Sometimes asking from parent support for the students you teach can lead to funds for technology or other “wish list” items. LOCAL Businesses Asking local businesses can result in funding. Best Buy has a community grant program specifically tied to technology skills. Instructional Apps for Music Education Bebot Price $1.99 Platform iOS 4.3 or later – iPad, iPhone, iPod touch Possible Student Outcomes Composition, Improvisation, Vocal Warm-‐up, Pitch Games GarageBand Price Free; $4.99 for entire collection Platform iOS 7.0 or later. iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Possible Student Outcomes Composition, Form and Analysis SingingFingers HD Price Free Platform iOS 3.0 or later. -‐ iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Possible Student Outcomes Composition JoyTunes Recorder Master Price $1.99 Platform iOS 4.0 or later-‐ iPad Possible Student Outcomes Performance, Basic Music Theory Morton Subotnik’s Pitch Painter Price $3.99 Platform Requires iOS 5.1 or later -‐ iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Possible Student Outcomes Composition, Exploring Timbres Piano Dust Buster 2 Price Free; In app purchases vary Platform iOS 5.0 or later -‐ iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Possible Student Outcomes Performance, Basic Music Theory Blob Chorus Ear Training Price Free Platform iOS 4.3 or later -‐ iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Possible Student Outcomes Pitch Matching Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra Price Free Platform Requires iOS 6.1 or later – iPad Possible Student Outcomes Instrument identification visual and aural, Form and Analysis Freddie the Frog Pro Price $3.99 Platform iOS 4.2 or later – iPad Possible Student Outcomes Basic Music Theory Beat Wave Price Free; In app purchases vary Platform iOS 3.0 or later -‐ iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Possible Student Outcomes Ostinato Composition StarComposer Price Free; In app purchases vary Platform iOS 6.1 or later -‐ iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Possible Student Outcomes Composition, Singing LoopsequeKids Price Free Platform iOS 3.2 or later – iPad Possible Student Outcomes Composing ostinato; Looping – Early Elementary Loopseque Price Free Lite version; $5.99 for paid Platform iOS 5.1 or later. iPad Possible Student Outcomes Composition of multiple ostinati artCircles Price Free Platform iOS 5.1 or later. -‐ iPad Possible Student Outcomes Movement exploration; writing prompts; connections to other disciplines artDials Price $1.99 Platform iOS 7.0 or later-‐ iPad Possible Student Outcomes Movement exploration; writing prompts; connections to other disciplines Practice Center Price $5.99 Platform Requires iOS 5.1 or later -‐ iPad Feature “Swiss Army Knife” – Tuning, video or audio record performances; Metronome A.P.S. MusicMaster Pro Price $7.99 Platform iOS 6.1 or later -‐ iPad Features Tuner, PDF viewer, Metronome, Glossaries, and more NotateME Price Free version; $21.99 full version Platform iOS 6.0 or later -‐ iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Possible Student Outcomes Notation; Composition ***There are TONS of apps for music theory, ear training, music history, vocal coaching, etc. Explore and find what works for you and your students. *** Classroom Management, Assessment, General Educational Apps Price Platform Teacher use Price Platform Teacher use Too Noisy Free (There is a Pro version without ads) iOS 7.0 or later -‐ iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Classroom management app. iDoceo $6.99 iOS 5.1 or later -‐ iPad Grade book, Diary, Lesson Planning, Seating Chart, Students randomizer and grouping feature. Price Platform Teacher use Price Platform Teacher Use Price Platform Teacher Use Price Platform Teacher Use Price Platform Teacher Use Price Platform Teacher Use Three Ring Free iOS 5.0 or later -‐ iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Digital portfolio that can be shared with stakeholders. Sketch Pad 3 Free (paid version without ads $9.99) iOS 5.1 or later -‐ iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Whiteboard app. Manuscript background. Keynote $9.99 iOS 7.0 or later -‐ iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Presentation software – have all of your visuals in one place. Skype Free (must have a Skype account) iOS 5.0 or later -‐ iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Collaborate with colleagues, no matter what operating system, across the world. Remind 101 Free iOS 5.0 or later -‐ iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. You can send text messages instantly; no need to give students your number. Set up groups by class or ensemble. Teacher’s Assistant Pro 2 $7.99 iOS 6.0 or later -‐ iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Classroom management. Ability to email anyone a discipline record (with pictures) from within the app. Suggested Equipment Price Price Price Price Apple 30-‐pin to VGA Adapter (iPad 2) $29.00 Apple Lighting to VGA Adapter (All new iPad models) $49.99 Apple TV $99.00 Sound System with external audio input Price Varies $99.00 -‐ $400.00 Helpful Hints Guided Access – This feature restricts students from using anything other than what the teacher selects. It will even restrict using certain features within an app. To enable go to Settings – General -‐ Accessibility – Guided Access. With the app open, press the home key 3 times to activate. Home Screen – Set the home/lock screen to display a number or icon. If you have students working projects that last multiple class periods this ensures that they get the same iPad each time. Assessment – The iPad makes it easy to create quick videos. Your students can evaluate their classroom performances immediately. In my classroom, we collaboratively complete a rubric on iPad after viewing a video or a live performance. I upload a PDF of the completed rubric to my DropBox account and then post a link in EducateAlabama. STANDARD'3A' Improvising+melodies,+variations,+and+accompaniments:+Students(improvise(“answers”(in( the(same(style(to(given(rhythmic(and(melodic(phrases.(! ! ! Objective(s)! • Students!will!improvise!eight! beat!“answers”!to!teacher! created!“questions”!using!body! percussion.! ! • Students!will!improvise!eight! beat!melodic!“questions”!and! eight!beat!melodic!“answers”! using!technology.!! ! Target'Grade'Level:'2!–!4!!! ' Materials'' • iPad!connected!to!powered! speaker(s).!If!multiple!iPads,! headphone!splitter!and! headphones.! ' • Bebot!App!($1.99!iTunes!App! Store)!! ' • Orff!arrangement!of!I(have(a( little(robot.' ' Prior'Knowledge'and' Experiences' • Students!have!learned!the!vocal! and!Orff!instrument!part!to!I( have(a(little(Robot(in!previous! class!periods.( ! • Students!have!experienced! “question”!and!“answer”! through!a!variety!of!media! (speech,!movement,!singing,!and! playing!instruments).!! ' ' ' ' ! ' Procedures' 1. Have!student!practice!“question”!and!“answer”!using!body! percussion.!The!teacher!will!provide!the!“questions”.! ! 2. Review!I(have(a(little(Robot.!! ! 3. During!the!B!section!of!I(have(a(little(robot,(have!selected! students!provide!“answers!“!to!teacher!provided!“questions”! using!body!percussion.!! ! 4. Ask!the!students!if!they!think!their!body!percussion! “questions”!and!“answers”!are!an!adequate!song!for!the!robot! to!sing.! ! 5. Introduce!the!Bebot!App!to!the!students.!Demonstrate!how! the!robot!can!“sing”.!! ! 6. Choose!one!student!to!create!a!melodic!“answer”!to!a!teacher! created!“question”!using!Bebot.!Have!the!students!notice!the! Yellow!line!on!the!app!that!represents!do.!Instruct!the! students!that!their!“answers”!must!end!on!do!(yellow!line).! ! 7. Have!students!work!in!pairs!to!create!melodic!“questions”! and!“answers”.!!If!there!is!only!one!iPad,!have!the!students! rotate!using!the!iPad!at!the!front!of!the!room.!! ! 8. After!sufficient!time,!have!the!students!rotate!playing!their! “questions”!and!“answers”!using!the!teacher’s!iPad!at!the! front!of!the!classroom!while!other!students!play!I(have(a(little( robot.! ! Indicators'of'Success' • Students!improvise!melodic!“questions”!and!“answers”!over! Orff!arrangement.!' ' FollowIup' • Transfer!“questions”!and!“answers”!to!barred!instruments.! • This!activity!could!be!used!as!an!“informance”!piece!to! demonstrate!what!students!have!been!learning!in!the!music! classroom.!! I Have a Little Robot Score Rob Lyda [email protected] Intro - play as many times as needed. Creative Movement - Move like Robots. 4 &4 ∑ AG 4 &4 ∑ BX 4 &4 œ Œ œ Œ SG/V ã 44 Ratchet SG/V have a lit - tle ro - bot AG & BX & 5 Tb. 5 Rat. ∑ œ ã œ ã Œ œ Œ Œ Ó ∑ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ Œ .. Œ Œ œœ œ œ Œ Ó J J Lightly Ó ∑ ˙ j œ œ œœ œ ‰œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœœœœ œ Œ Œ Œ œ Œ Œ Ó Tre - vor is his name. He likes to make up songs to ∑ œ Œ Œ Œ œ œ Œ œœ œ œ J J ∑ ‰ œj I ∑ Œ œ Œ .. Œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ ∑ & œ œœ œ œ œ .. Œ Œ Œ ∑ ∑ 4 ã 4 ( œ) Œ Ó Tubano 5 ∑ A œ ∑ .. Œ Œ œ œ œ J J .. ˙ Ó œ Œ œ œ share with friends. ∑ œ Œ œ œ Œ Œ ∑ ©2013 Permission is granted to use these materials in the classroom setting only. Any unauthorized use of these materials in a workshop or public setting with adults is prohibited. œœ œ J J My Robot Can Sing 2 9 SG/V & ˙ Tre - vor & BX & œ Œ œ Œ 9 Tb. 9 Rat. ã œ Œ Ó ã AG BX & ∑ & ∑ & œ ã Œ 14 Tb. 14 Rat. ã Œ œ œ œ Œ œ Œ œ ∑ ∑ Tr - e - vor Œ Œ œœ œ œ Œ Ó J J ∑ 14 SG/V ∑ œœœœ Œ œœ Œ Œ sing for me. ∑ AG œ œ ˙ œ œ ˙ ˙ Œ œ Œ œ œ J ∑ Œ œ œ œ J œ œœœœ œœ œ œ œ œ˙ sing your mel - o dy. ∑ œ Œ Œ œ Œ Œ Ó ∑ ∑ .. ∑ Œ ( œ œ œ ) .. œ Œ Ó J J .. ∑ Œ .. œ (œ ) .. œ Œ œ Œ Œ ∑ Œ B œ Œ Suggested Form Intro A - voice and instruments B (repeat as many times as needed) A - instruments only B (repeat as many times as needed) A- voice and instruments ∑ ∑ .. ∑ .. Œ œ Œ œ œ J ∑ œ .. œ .. J .. ! Instructional,Apps,for,Elementary,Music, Bebot, Price, $1.99!! Platform,, iOS!4.3!or!later!–!iPad,!iPhone,!iPod!touch! Possible,Student,Outcomes, Composition,!Improvisation,!Vocal!WarmAup,!Pitch! Games! GarageBand, Price, Free;!$4.99!for!entire!collection!! Platform,, iOS!7.0!or!later.!iPhone,!iPad,!and!iPod!touch! Possible,Student,Outcomes, Composition,!Form!and!Analysis! SingingFingers,HD, Price, Free! Platform,, iOS!3.0!or!later.!!A!iPhone,!iPad,!and!iPod!touch! Possible,Student,Outcomes, Composition!! JoyTunes,Recorder,Master, Price, $1.99!! Platform,, iOS!4.0!or!laterA!!iPad! Possible,Student,Outcomes, Performance,!Basic!Music!Theory! Morton,Subotnik’s,Pitch,Painter, Price, $3.99! Platform,, Requires!iOS!5.1!or!later!A!!iPhone,!iPad,!and!iPod! touch! Possible,Student,Outcomes, Composition,!Exploring!Timbres! Piano,Dust,Buster,2, Price, Free;!In!app!purchases!vary!! Platform,, iOS!5.0!or!later!!A!iPhone,!iPad,!and!iPod!touch! Possible,Student,Outcomes, Performance,!Basic!Music!Theory!! Blob,Chorus,Ear,Training, Price, Free!! Platform,, iOS!4.3!or!later!A!iPhone,!iPad,!and!iPod!touch! Possible,Student,Outcomes, Pitch!Matching! Young,Person’s,Guide,to,the,Orchestra, Price, Free! Platform,, Requires!iOS!6.1!or!later!–!iPad! Possible,Student,Outcomes, Instrument!identification!visual!and!aural,!Form!and! Analysis! Freddie,the,Frog,Pro, Price, $3.99!! Platform,, iOS!4.2!or!later!–!iPad! Possible,Student,Outcomes, Basic!Music!Theory! Beat,Wave,, Price, Free;!In!app!purchases!vary! Platform,, iOS!3.0!or!later!A!!iPhone,!iPad,!and!iPod!touch! Possible,Student,Outcomes, Ostinato!Composition!! StarComposer, Price, Free;!In!app!purchases!vary! Platform,, iOS!6.1!or!later!A!!iPhone,!iPad,!and!iPod!touch! Possible,Student,Outcomes, Composition,!Singing! ! Classroom,Management,,Assessment,,General,Educational, Apps, Price, Platform,, Teacher,use, Price, Platform,, Teacher,use, Price, Platform,, Teacher,use,, Price, Platform,, Teacher,Use, Price, Platform,, Teacher,Use, Price, Platform,, Teacher,Use, ! Too,Noisy,, Free!(There!is!a!Pro!version!without!ads)! iOS!7.0!or!later!A!iPhone,!iPad,!and!iPod!touch! Classroom!management!app.! iDoceo,, $6.99!! iOS!5.1!or!later!A!!iPad! Grade!book,!Diary,!Lesson!Planning,!Seating!Chart,!Students! randomizer!and!grouping!feature.!! Three,Ring,, Free!! iOS!5.0!or!later!A!iPhone,!iPad,!and!iPod!touch.! Digital!portfolio!that!can!be!shared!with!stakeholders.! Sketch,Pad,3, Free!(paid!version!without!ads!$9.99)! iOS!5.1!or!later!A!!iPhone,!iPad,!and!iPod!touch.! Whiteboard!app.!Manuscript!background.!! Keynote,, $9.99!! iOS!7.0!or!later!A!!iPhone,!iPad,!and!iPod!touch.! Presentation!software!–!have!all!of!your!visuals!in!one!place.! Skype, Free!(must!have!a!Skype!account)! iOS!5.0!or!later!A!!iPhone,!iPad,!and!iPod!touch.! Collaborate!with!colleagues,!no!matter!what!operating!system,! across!the!world.! ! Suggested,Equipment, , Apple,30Rpin,to,VGA,Adapter,(iPad,2),, Price, Price, Price, Price, ! $29.00! Apple,Lighting,to,VGA,Adapter,(All,new,iPad,models), $49.99!! Apple,TV,, $99.00! Sound,System,with,external,audio,input,, Price!Varies!$99.00!A!$400.00! Helpful,Hints, ! Guided,Access!–!this!feature!restricts!the!student!to!use!only!the!app!that!is!open.! To!enable!go!to!Settings!–!General!A!Accessibility!–!Guided!Access.!!With!the!app! open,!press!the!home!key!3!times!to!activate.! ! !Home,Screen!–!Use!an!icon!or!number!for!your!home!screen!wallpaper.!If!you!have! students!working!projects!that!last!multiple!class!periods!this!ensures!that!they!get! the!same!iPad!each!time.!! ! Lesson Subject/Title: iPad GarageBand Improvising and Composition Grade(s): Multiple NAfME Standard(s) • • 3 – Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments 4 – Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines Objectives of this lesson: • • • Students will improvise melodies and rhythms. Students will compose and record original 3-6 part (or more) arrangements using rhythms/melodies they select to make permanent because of their improvisation. Students will demonstrate knowledge of harmony and melody (difference between) Knowledge/Skills students should have prior to this lesson: • • • Steady Beat using 2, 3, and 4 beats per measure (4/4), and if older students 6/8 time signature (2 big beats and/or 6 little beats) Guitar strings (EBGDAE) Harmony/Melody Materials Needed for this lesson: • • • iPad(s) with Pre-set Chord Structures (orders) – o Teacher will set up the iPads to have a specific set of chords and time signature for students to use. Once students gain experience, the students can set up their own chords and change the time signatures. GarageBand App Paper and Pencil (to write chord order) – depending on level of student, you can provide pre-done paper showing measures and number of beats per measure, or you can have students write this on their papers. Introduction/Preparation for Lesson: • • Practice steady beat using 4/4, 3/4, 2/4, 6/8 (as needed) Practice beat and subdivision of beat Lesson Activities: • • • • • • Put students in groups of 2-4 depending on the number of iPads available. Have them open GarageBand on their iPads (you open it on yours too). Use the “+” sign (top left) to “Create a New Song” HARMONY – Scroll through to the Smart Guitar – depending on the level of students, you may want them to turn the auto play knob to 1, 2, 3, or 4 (or have them not use the auto play). o Review Harmony versus Melody. Ask which this instrument would be good for in their compositions. o Have students improvise to determine what the harmonic structure will be for their piece – they should write their chosen chord order and when to change (what beats) on their paper – give them enough time to do this (try not to shortchange if at all possible). o Students should record their harmony background using the smart guitar. Then, have them choose one additional instrument (strings or piano) to create an additional harmony that will play along with the “smart guitar.” They will record this in a new track. o Students may also want to add a rhythm track (this is your choice) to enhance the harmonic “background.” Depending on your preference, you could begin with this step. MELODY – Add a new track and choose piano (or guitar for older students). Students can tap the picture of the instrument and choose different variations of the instrument. o Each student in the group should have the opportunity to create his/her OWN melody. Students should record each group member’s melodies with the harmonic background they created. After each recording, they should listen and constructively and politely evaluate the music for “creative” elements. Then they can vote on the melody that they want to choose. o Alternately, students can collectively create a melody for their composition by having each improvise several times and having the others indicate the parts of the melodies they “really like.” o OPTION: Students could “mix” harmony and melody concepts by creating an alternate harmony to the melody line. Record the final product and save in the appropriate place Evaluation (informal and formal) Your informal evaluation will happen as you travel from group to group and help students when they are struggling. Your formal evaluation can be done in a variety of ways: (1) you assess each group or (2) the whole class assesses each group using an appropriate rubric
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