S*W LONG ISLAND STAR-JOURNAL. TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1953 I WoodsideCenter To View Play Two Queena heroea were UBOOg eight civilian* |ji\<>n award* REWARDED yesterday by t h e Life Saving Hen- \olent Association in Manhattun. h a t t a n . Amon C t h e eight « r r f deft to right) Donald Spelaman or Brooklyn, a u l e a s m n ; Walter B. Meinhoid or tti-M . ' n t h s i r e d , Douifla»ton, a telephone company rmplnyf; ( b a r i c titw or t h e Bronx, • bus driver; Marion O'Neill, IB, or t h e Bronx, w h o , , receiving; h e r award from William » . Winter, preMdent ot t h e association, and Michael Borodkin, super* laor or I'ark Department lifeguards at Koekaway Beach. Borodkin, formerly of Belle H a r b o r and BOW of Brooklyn, received the association* second highest award, a silver medal, and $.-,<> for re.cuin* a m a n and woman off Fort Tilden beach »a»t sept. 9. He w a s cited for a similar rescue H years ago. Meinhold saved a B-year-nld Beechhurst boy rrom drowning off t h e Ra.vside \ acht C'luh last ,!nlv fl. LIFLSAVERS Sea Cadets to Hold Dance Friday Querns Division of the Catholic Sea Cadets will hold its lirst annual dance Friday night at Lost Battalion Hall, E l m h u n t . F r a n k S. Milazzao of St. Leo's Corona, divisional commander, has named Joseph Trotta of Holy Family, Flushing, general chairman. Duracleaninq is recommended nationally by America's leading furniture and dept. stores vAKrcunoj, i n i i i j , ORIENTALS . . . AND F I N E UPHOLSHRY mav now be safely cleaned and revived with consideration for t h e i r life a n d t e x tures * D u r a c l e a n i n g restores resilience to wool fibers * Pile u n m a t s a n d r i s e s • Colors revive * F u r n i s h i n g s are Duracleaned in vour home * No inconvenience in having t h e m done * Also mothproofed if desired * YOU WILL BE MORE THAN PLEASED WITH OUR FAIR PRICES SAFE, CONVENIENT SERVICE— QUEENS DURACLEANERS Esppft—Bui I'nhnl'lfrint. Binilinf BfDaiM and Altrratlori PHONE AS. 4-4841 A World-wide Service Star-Journal Classified Ads Bring Results A play. "The Case of the Missing Handshake," will he presented byj the American T h e a t r e Wing at the Woodside Children's Center RC-J7 Kroadwuy, a t 8..Ill P. M. today, in honor of (Queens l>ay Cure fo: Children Week, The subject of the pla\ helping jehildren to learn manners -will be enlarged upon by Dr. ll.vman SpotniU, a psychiatrist, who is gUMl I speaker for t h e evening,. HefreshImcnts will be served before the I pl«y. "Open Mouse" for the public will be observed by t h e Children's Center from 3 to 5 P. M. daily during Day Care Week March 3 4 , Those 'interested a r e urged to visit the Icrnter and observe its activities in progrMi MIIXY A TOP BASE CABINET 1)1 M KY N A M E * (ilDF.OV ALHANY —Governor Dewey today appointed C. Edward (lidenn of Valley Stream to a seven-year term on the hoard of visitors of the Willow brook State School, Staten Island. The appointment is subject to Senate confirmat ion. Itef. Stain proof porcelain enamel top with cutlery Htnten #uibepogig drawer, 2 storage compartments. Heavy gauge steel with white enamel finish. 20" wide, 16" deep, 86- high. Stove height. Bob, the Lord Leap Together HOI III I o o o f f i|ftf>f- f, .76" high, 24" wide, 20" deep By REV. BOB RH HANDS One nt America's outstanding IglVln| me the edge over the other I your mind a n d you get the blessing fellow lor I never pray for vir- and inspiration from Him." athletes and the terottd mum i*\ tory and I always pray for rn\ op- Independent Charlie just laughed to pole vault higher than ponents as well as myself. again. "I won't have any trouble." ir, feet. What I do mean is that prayer But he did People often ask riir if prayer lis our point of contact with a very * • • "works." Ileal power within, that releases the FACED W I T H his lirst big audI'm not sure Whether they s r t energy necessary for us to turn in ience his mind went blank. From asking me as a pole vaulter or a the highest performance of which nowhere came t h e old minister's Vic are. capable. word.-. He had said, "until God niinisir,-. it doesn't really matter a s a kid in Champaign, 111., I ran stabilizes your mind and you get as the answer is the same, Through around with a gang t h a t I suppose Mie inspiration and blessing from pro) e»- I h a v e was tougher than mo t. We fought Him.' From those words Charlie done t h i n g s daily, swore a lot, stole fruit now drew his strength, Be got bis help. t h a t ot herw ise and then, 1 don'l think we aver Ami that thought began to help me. W 0 u I d h a v t stopped to wonder where ail this Maybe m> mistake, too, was being been impossible. might l'-ad. too sure of myself, too proud of '!' W n of t h ' S Then, because some giil m high my self sufficiency. b e s t jumps of school made a crack about Wanting That was the beginning of rnj my l i f e h a v e a "Christian boy friend" it sudden- Understanding, an understanding come as a direct ly occurred to me that I hadn't 'which gave me the earnest desire result of prayer, been to church In 10 years. That to become a minister myself; with* Once In Kin- high school girl, believe me, was 'Hit that. I'd probably have gone land s e v e r s ] • true worker for Christ. | r i g h t on f o l l o w i n g ray o w n w i l l . years age, I was Each on.- ut us has t'> catch up sent, to the hos- I DIDN'T V\SH off at once . . . 'some day with the wisdom of Paul p i t a 1 wit h a not by a lone; shot. F.ut. one Sun- the Apostle, w h'o admitted |Yankl> strep throat two day morning weeks later, when I thai the good he want, <i to do he days before the was listening to t h e radio. I had could not, while the ev ij he didn't «••• B o h « i, h..r.l» 1 •- m e e t . \ i | a Midden overwnelmlng desire to w ish to do, that he did . . . until Thursday and F n d a j i a v i d on a which strength(iirl <if penicillin and nothing e l s e : 1 didn't stop to ask myself why. through Christ Saturday morning my arms were I didn't r\m stop to put on m.\ ened me.' * *» • so tired I could hardly do a push tie and socks. I just went Straight up. Nevertheless, I had been asked to t h e Church of the B r e t h r e n thai THK ANSWER doesn't lie in an;, to make an appearance and attempt f remembered passing in the neigh- change outside t h e individual. Xh< borhood. to compete. lirst change has to corns within tin Here the minister, t h e Rev. Met-; heait of men , , . his concept of • • « lin Garlier, began telling me about I T ' TO TDK TIMK they put t h e t h i s Other path, t h e o n e of discip-; himself, h,s concept of Cod a n d ' prayer. Whore man has failed God cross bar into position, I was pray- line, faith, prayer. H e told me; has provided an answer. Where we ing for s t r e n g t h . I cleared t h e b a r w h e r e it led. It sounded good. Five are weak H e is strong. a t just under 15 feet, t h e highest of the fellows in our crowd later] The history of the greatest cham-' jump of mj life to t h a t very min- went, to jail for holding up a gas! pion w h o ever lived, Jesus, h a s ' ute. station. It wasn't h a r d to figure: proven t h a t , once and for all. Again in VKit I found myself which was t h e b e t t e r way. Many of J e s u s ' victories were ma-i worn out, depleted mentally and That, I suppose, w a s my conver- jor ones. Certainly He dared to do physically }us1 before the Chicago sion. Ru* u n d e r s t a n d i n g didn't fol- the "impossible. ' Relays, W a s it wise for me to fly low immediately. Certainly He came through when Hast to a meet in which I didn't • • • the pressure was on. Instantly and think I could offer my best? With THERE*? NO telling how long I before m u l t i t u d e s He healed the the question came my immediate might have flounder'.i ah t if a sick, fed five thousand, raised the answer . . . t h e expense mon-y and friend of mine, a young preacher, 1 dead. T h e n ' He instructed those! tickets. So I went. hadn"' told me a story about his who followed Him to contact that The plane left Los A n d i e s at first sermon. same power. 8:30 in t h e morning and arrived in Charlie was a young m a n who; He told us that the Kingdom ofi Chicago St 7 Oft that night . . . was pretty sure of himself, proud Heaven w a s Within us, thfft the! just time lor me to make t h e event. of his Self-SUfficiency. When an power of a champion was there, Instead of sleeping on the flight, I older preacher warned him that his available to us all. spent t h e time in prayer. first sermon might be tough, Char* • • That. ni:*ht I barely missed the lie just laughed, TOMORROWThe Trm Road world's record My j u m p went "But, Charlie," said the older In Gieutiif xs." thi stoff "I Ariurt) T down as IS feet, 4 « inches. man, "it might. Words just might Toseanim and the qualities which • • » .not come. If that h a p p e n s try tak-j make, him one of the. greatest tn?<TO M E . T H O S E are answered ing i Bible phrase a n d hold fast! steians of all time, as told by prayers. And I don't mean Clod to it. Repeat it until God stabilizes' Chase Walker. 19.94 history All Savinqt Intu/td Up ft, tlO.OOO R»seure»5 0»«f $17,500,000 \ M 3 I I M M OITIIOOll II1IYER Hep. I2.9H " W h p r p TJioitxniirf* Save Million**' WHITESTOrVE SAVINGS & Loan A s s o c i a t i o n Main Office: 12-45 150th St., Whitestone FL 3-6©f0 Branch O f f i c i i 4 G r t « t Nick Raad, 6rm* Muck GR. 3 9300 DE SOTO With is as &$sy &3S VAX IT Y TABLE A M I IIEXCH ftVff. I2..W Heady to paint in your favorite color . . . also stain, wax or oil. Turned legs, 2 drawers, nosag swinging skirt arms. Dress it up with pretty vanity skirt. Vanity 18x36. Complete with bench. demonitreHsn § • • r « « r fecal Q u i E N S B a fedoyf D l SOTO-PiYMOUTH P I A i l l Mirror to Fit Top 5.50 Triple Mirror -J..50 Furniture (leaning! By Btll'('K W. M I N N Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.. V. S.I , , , r, . , , ,. , . , , . . ,. ichar^es w a s interpreted by observ # Delegate to t h e United Nations, j • Prs a s said today to he p l a n n i n g a f u l l | • preliminary to a full <\< scale reply to Soviet Foreign Min-!r,uneintion of Vishinsky's speech Ir ister Andrei Y. Vishinsky's charges'he made later. that the United S t a t e s w a s a "gov-' • • * The U. S, Ambassador 1n the U.N. ernment bent on w a r . " t. i v u l , »v.-i>i indicated the tenor of his answer k it c hi n o r Viatain a hrief denunciation of Russia hr 1HK A X . l t l exchange yesterd,i\ Russiansession statement ti roeim, 1 oiii (yesterday in ^vhich he said it Wi was since the t h efustcurrent of the Shelves, 22 ' t h e Soviets not I h e Americans madeNations on theGeneral Korean Assembh conflict F or United hi>fh, .'." dei p. n resumed a week ago. i fodder." Vishinsky said "it is clear there Lodge listened to V'ishinsk blast can be no question of a peaceful ! Americans as "death merchants' program in such circumstances and fef 31 minutes vesterdav, then took conditions.' I t h e floor in Ihe V.N. Political Com-! -Thp u n o l r v v o t l ( i he said, jmtttet! of the General Assembly im- watching t h e implementation of the brief but ;mediately 1o issue plan to build armies in Asia in scalding rebuttal. Japan, Formosa, Burma. Pakistan Lodges prompt replv to the Red I T h a i l a n d and South Korea a plan to use Asian soldiers as i o • trnn fodder." Lodge picked the "cannon-fodder charge nut of the Russian's s p e r m and hurled it hack with the woids "ft is Russia, not we, who humused Asians as cannon-fodder.'' -LhlS •• 160' Plastic Kordite Line, J0.6.9 ^ v ^ Lodge Plans Big Blast At Vishinsky's Speech aWX*t*9 m Enough room to hang a complete family wash. 160 ft. of line. Eyelet holes prevent line from fraying. Steel rivets, steel center post. Complete with ground box and cap. Easy storage. floiif light . Mirror Door Slocl CrfoVir/.n L Sale! Housewares ^Maile by Cal-Hak «fl csrrtc% up to .'loo ihi WASHINGTON «JP)—TJ»1 trial of Dr. Joseph W. Weinberg en tered its final phase today with the defense seeking riismir.sal of the perjury charges against the socalled "Scientist X " The .*aS - y e a r -old ph)ft\\ ist. is ehRrged with h i n t ; to t h e V n - A n v r n a n Activities f'ommittef. j n 1t41 w h r n h e festtH(.d he Was never I C o m m u n i s t a n d had not knowingly attended Communist meetings. The committee duhhed him "Scientist X" a n d accused him of passing atomic nerrets to Communist agents while employed a t t h e radiation laboratory at the University of California early in World W a r II. As t h e trial went Into Hi sixth day, t h e prosecution was ready to present r e b u t t a l s l t l U H I I to testimony offered hy the defense, Weinberg's lawyers then planned to ask t.Tudee Alexander HoJt?off to dismiss ,the two charges against Weinberg The d e f e n d abruptly rested its irase yesterday after calling or;• one principal wifnesi and t w o character witness** to attest Weinberg - * (reputation for veracity. • ; • ' . : home* :' • U t i l i t y Tnhir- w i t h Electric Outlet * | * i S • • • 4 •'» Ri'u. C M utility taiile with hardwood casters. 1 ('."x •J I ' p o r c e I a i ft l'»p. enamel finish. ftVcj. 7.».» Sofa anil Cftnirx Sola 1535 1 'iro tlvauvd Heg. 8 2 0 mid Tiro* 27.JI.1 Choirs Rp-Mrbhfd Special! Srat ht.ttcirtus rciuiiit. Springs retied. New Steel Hand Truck On Wheels W e i n b e r g Defense Rests Case ' in t|«!ir otrti S4M Housewares, heavy webbing. New dustproof rovers. lleluxe Pearltone Toilet Seat Itiiwleil wood, Fll.ick, blue, green, rose or white. 7.»r» Basement tarpel* in ponr Cleaned Reg. He Home! ttf**q. ft. Call Miss Bell, our Personal Shopper VLushing 9-5700, who will give you an estimate—no obligation. y^^t^jsss m from >O1P: TTp6m ^ this »— tf ™ »oU/th « im P m fat to 39th EST 3 flours Free Pur king Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com ni %hromMmr» • Ma in nt ,17 ih • I wMthing 9-37011
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