" Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd RECEIPTS Claim No. 14962 14962/84 Received From Steve Nolan Constr. P/ L 14962/84 Boral DMG Metropolis Traffic Control P/L 14962/84 A GON/Metropolis Traffic Control P/L --- . - Payment date Amount - - -Payment Type Bank Clearance Date Payee Date Paic !Jpman pty ltd 14962/84 Boral DMG 5/02/201 4 CBUS 20/02/2014 s 77.416.31 Auq to Dec 13 87 Chq Presented 27/2/14 6/02/2014 $ 20,000.00 EFT 6/02/2014 ACIRT 20/02/2014 s 52,583.69 9 various mths 12/13 104 Chq Presented 25/2/1 4 s Boral DMG Boral DMG CBUS 7/03/2014 s 23,721.98 Auq to Dec 13 87 loartial p'mt Jui-Dec2013 4/03/20 14 $ 11,487.00 CHQ 7/03/2014 ACIRT 7/03/2014 s 16.112.74 9 various mths 12/13 104 partial o'mt Jui-Dec2013 s 39,834.72 7/03/2014 CBUS 14/03/2014 s 17.865.30 Aug to Dec 13 87 ACIRT 14/03/2014 s 12.134.70 9 various mths 12/13 104 s 30,000.00 20/03/2014 $ 46,804.45 EFT 20/03/2014 CBUS 24/03/2014 s 27,872.52 Auq to Dec 13 87 ACIRT 24/0312014 s 18 931-93 9 various mths 12/13 104 s 46,804.45 16/05/2014 $ 55,876.43 EFT s 26,513.63 A uq to Dec 13 s 26.513.63 s 32,213.43 Jan-14 s 32.213.43 16/05/2014 CBUS 11/06/2014 CBUS& ACIRT 30/05/2)14 11 /0612014 $ 18,953.01 EFT 11 /06/2')14 $ 18 953.01 15087/15086 Steve Nolan Const 15087 Not yet rece1ved Subtotal 130.000.00 25/02/2014 $ 55 876.43 15086 Chq Dishonoured 25/01/14 25/02/2014 $ 28,347.72 EFT 7/03/2014 $ 30,000.00 EFT 19/08/20 14 $ 74,250.00 ? Sub T otal $ 74,250.00 $54,00000 19/08/2014 ? $ 395,718.61 cross x $ 395,718.61 87 85 Cbus 16/09/20 14 s 72.475.95 Feb -June 2014 85 ACIRT 16/09/2014 s 16.800.00 Feb - June 2014 85 : $ 74 250.00 I Comments 5/02/2014 $ 11 0,000.00 EFT $ 46,804.45 15080 No. Workers CHEQUE DISHONOURED $ 30,000.00 14984 E'ee Payment PeriOd - Bounced $ 39,834.72 Metropolis Traffic Control P/L Amount - 23/01/2014 $ 275,000.00 CHQ s 130 000.00 14984 - EXPENDJTURE 590.352.38 Total Paid to workers $ Balance Held Total paid to date: $ $ 395,718.61 395,718.61 W :\CALCS\2014\Contra spreadsheets\Metropolis Traffic Control pty Ltd amended for T URC 14962 14984 15074 15080 15086 FULL RECONCILIATION (2) SPARE TEST CCMetropolis Traffic Control pty ltd amended for TURC 14962 14984 15074 15080 15086 FULL RECONCILIATION .. CBUSOWEO Claim No. Cbus PAID TO DATE Owed to Amount Payee Date Paid 14962 CBUS August to December 13 $ 173,389.74 CBUS 20/02/2014 15086 CBUS January 2014 $ 28,013.43 CBUS 7/03/2014 15086 CBUS February to June 2014 $ 123,901.80 $ 325,304.97 CBUS 14/03/2014 CBUS 24/03/2014 CBUS 30/05/2014 CBUS 12/06/2014 CBUS 16/09/2014 Cbus Paid Cbusowed $ 325,304.97 Amount s s s s s s s Claim No. No. Wori\ers Comments 77.416.31 Aug to Dec 13 87 CFMEU Chq Presented 27/2/14 23.721 .98 Aua to Dec 13 87 CFMEU Chq Presented 17/3/14 17,865.30 Aug to Dec 13 87 CFMEU Chq Presented 18/3/14 27.872.52 Aug to Dec 13 87 CFMEU Chq Presented 26/3/14 26.513.63 Aug to Dec 13 87 CFMEU Chq Presented 4/6/14 28.013.43 Jan-14 85 CFMEU Chq Presented 18/6/14 72.475.95 Feb-May 2014 85 CFMEU Chq Presented 19/9/14 $ 273,879.12 Sal Cbus owir>;~ S 51,425.85 ACIRTOWED I E'ee Payment Period ' PAID TO DATE Owed to Amount Payee Date Paid Amount E'ee Payment Period No. Workers Comments 14962 ACIRT- December 12, March, May, July - December 13 $ 117,772.00 ACIRT 20/02/2014 s 52.583.69 9 various mths 12/13 87 CFMEU Chq Presented 25/2/14 15086 ACIRT January 2014 ($6,000.00 paid direct to ACIRD $ 10,200.00 ACIRT 7/03/2014 s 16,112.74 9 various mths 12/13 87 CFMEU Chq Presented 14/3/14 15086 ACIRT- February to June 2014 ACIRT 14/03/2014 12.134.70 9 various mths 12/13 87 CFMEU Chq Presented 1713/14 ACIRT 24/03/2014 s s 18,931 .93 9 various mths 12/13 87 CFMEU Chq Presented 25/3/14 ACIRT 12/06/2014 $ 85 CFMEU Chq Presented 19/6/14 ACIRT 16/09/2014 $ 85 CFMEU Chq Presented 24/9/14 $ 58,083.00 4,200.00 Jan-14 Remainder of Jan 2014 15086 ACIRTOwed $ 186,055.00 s TOTAL UNPAID ENTITLEMENT $ L~ e,!:;JBI g~i!l slia:&l ~ I 51 1,359.97 2~ QQe 2!1 186,055.00 16,800.00 plus all of 2014 $ 120,763.06 Sal ACIRT owing $ 65,291.94 ACIRT Paid Total UNPAID CBUS/ACIRT $ LESS Total recovered by CFMEl~ 395,718.61 487,351.03 $ 115 641 .36 Less RECOVERED BY CFMEU $ 395,718.61 Less ACIRT paid directly by Metropoli:o $ 24,008.94 91.632.42 BALANCE OWING $ 91,632.42 OWING CBUS s 103,963.06 511,359.971 $ $ I $ crossx Feb-14 $25.460.77 Mar-14 $25,965.08 W:\CALCS\2014\Contra spreadsheets\Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd amended for TURC 14962 149841507415080 15086 FULL RECONCILIATION (2) SPARE TEST CCMetropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd amended forTURC 14962 14984 15074 15080 15086 FULL RECONCILIATION Apr-14 $19,351.37 Mav-14 Jun-14 Total ACIRT Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 $25,114.90 $28,009.68 $123,901.80 $10,890.00 $10,215.00 $10,215.00 May-14 $9,963.00 Jun-14 Total $16,800.00 $58,083.00 TOTAL OWING Less PAID sept 201 $181,984.80 $90,352.38 $91,632.42 Balance Owed W:\CALCS\2014\Contra spreadsheets\Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd amended for TURC 14962 14984 15074 15080 15086 FULL RECONCILIATION (2) SPARE TEST CCMetropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd amended for TURC 14962 14984 15074 15080 15086 FULL RECONCILIATION *********~*******************************************************************~ Con struction Forestry Mining & Energy Union Construction & General Division New South Wales Branch *****************************************************************************~ CLAIMS RECEIPT CONTR:CFMEU Wage Claims Contra Receipt Number: Date W4610 5/02/2014 Received From BORAL DE MARTIN GASPARINI The Sum of *110000DOLLARS00CENTS Be i ng For Partial Settlement - W/C (W/C# 0::.4962) $ 1 ::. 0000 . 00 014962 BRIAN PARKER Per: GR *****************************************************************************~ TAX INVOICE ABN: 17 524 350 156 12 Railway Street, Lidcombe , NSW 2141 Phone: (02) 97 49 0400 Fax : ( 02) 9649 71C Email : [email protected] . asn . au Web: www.cfmeunsw.asn.c *****************************************************************************~ Page 1 of2 · View Transaction History ConlaclUs PririP~o Service 10: 100070308 Home I Accounts Accounts I Payables I Recolva bles I File Transrer I Functions I Admin Site Map He" l ogout Usar 10: 101497990 User Name: Jenny Mulhall Semce Name: CFMEU (NSW Branch) Construet.lon & Go nora I View Transaction History Balances Search Accounls SHOW Transaction Hi story View Transaction History Full T ransactlon Detail Account Nall)a Business CFMEU Wage Clelms Transaction Contra Account Account Money Market Account Number Arrangement 10 Account Balance ·Available Balance View Statement G 219410385560 4 8R ~ Search more criteria . dates, desctiption and amounts Interest And Earnings Notice History Account Type Transaction s Section Account Changes 1 tltlm B~atl!ll~tsansoctic ns found, displaying Dale Account Information 1·30 transactions Description . . .D•e•b•it.;/ Credit Balanc9 $110,000.00 $130,649.00 CR Online Statements 41021201 4 ******************************************************************************' Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Union Construction & General Division New Sout h Wales Branch ********* * ********* * ************************************** *** *** *** ***********' CLAIMS RECEIPT CONTR:CFMEU Wage Claims Contra Receipt Number: Date W4611 7/02/2014 Received From METROPOLIS TRAFFIC CONTRO The Sum of **20000DOLLARS00CENTS Being For Part i al Settlement - W/C (W /C # 0:496 2) 014962 .. $ 20000 . 00 BRIF~r.J PP.. . RKER Per: GR ************************************* ****** *********** ****** ****************** ' TAX INVOICE ABN: 1 7 524 350 156 12 Ra ilway Street , Li dcombe, NSW 2141 Phon e : (02) 9749 0400 Fax: (02) 9649 710( Email: enquiries@nsw . cfme u . asn . au Web : www . cfmeuns w. asn . a1 ********************************************************************** ********' Page 1 of2 View Transaction History Print Page Service ID: 100070308 Home I Accounts Accounts Payables I Receivables I File Transfer I Functions I Admin Contact Us Site Map Help Logout User ID: 101497998 User Name: Jenny Mulhall Service Name: CFMEU (NSW Branch) Construction & Genera I View Transaction History Balances SHOW Search Accounts Transaction History View Transaction History Full Transaction Detail Account Name Business CFMEU Wage Claims Transaction Contra Account Account Money Market lnteres1 And Earnings Notice History Account Changes Account Type Account Number Arrangement ID Account Balance Available Balance View Statement ••••,R 219410385560 View Hide more criteria - dates, description and amounts Transaction search 0 All Oates 0 Exact Balance History ® From 124112/2013 To \07/0212014 Up to 15 months Account Information Description Online Statements Amount From SHOW $ •'-_ _ _ _ __, Transactions Section 15 transactions found, displaying 1-15 transactions Date Descri ption 6/02/2014 Direct Credit 301500 Metropolis Traff Metropolis Traffic Debit \.AJ 46 II Cr edit $20,000.00 I Balance CFMEUNSW 12 Railway St, Lldcomb e NSW 2041 Locked Bag 1 Udcombe 1 825 10th February 2014 Ph 02 9 7 49 0400 Fax o2 9649 7 100 Ph 02 9 74 9 0 400 Fax 02 9 268 0687 cfmeunsw.asn.au [email protected]:au ABN: 17 524 350 15( Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd PO Box 6700 Silverwater NSW 2127 Dear Sir/Madam, RE: WAGE CLAIM FOR CBUS & ACIRT We write wit h reference to the above and enclose a receipt in t he sum of $20,000.00. Please do not hesitate to contact the un ion should you require any further information. Yours faithfully Jenny Mulhall Wage Claims Assistant Enc ) CFMEUNSW 12 Rail w ay St, lldcoinbe NSW 2041 Locked Bag 1 Lld combe 18 25 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9649 7100 241h February 2014 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9268 0687 cfmeunsw.asn.au [email protected] ABN: 17 524 350 15( Vicki Fieg Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd PO Box6700 SILVERWATER NSW 2128 Dear Vicki, Re: CBUS & ACIRT Payments We write with regard to the allocation of payments received by the CFMEU on behalf of Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd. We have received to date $130,000.00 to be allocated to CBUS & ACIRT for Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd employees. Based on the information you have provided we have created a calculation sheet for your reference showing details of the amount applied against each employee's entitlement. Please see attached documents. Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact the union office. Yours faithfully !~~~~ Wage Claims Assistant Att. 2 -i: * ~ *'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Union Construction & General Division New South Wales Branch *********** * ***** * *** *** ***** ***** ****************** ****** ******************** CLAIMS RECEIPT CONTR:CFMEU Wage Claims Contra Receipt Number: W4618 Date 28/02/2014 Received From AGON/METROPOLIS TRAFFIC The Sum of **28347DOLLARS72CENTS Being For Partial Settlement (W/C# 014962) $ 283 <17 . 72 W/C 014962 BRIAN PARKER Per: GR *************************** * ****************************** **** **************** TAX INVOICE ABN: 1 7 524 350 156 12 Rai lwa y Street, Lidcombe, NSW 2141 Phone: (02) 97 4 9 0400 Fax: (02) 9649 710 E:mail: enquir ies@n sw.cfmeu .asn.au Web: www .cfmeunsw.as n.a ****************************************************************************** VIew Transaction History Page 1 of2 Print Page Service 10: 100070308 Home I Accounts Account s Payables I Receivabl es I File Transfer I Functions I Admin Site Map Contact Us Logout Help User 10: 101497998 User Name: Jenny Mulhall Service Name: CFMEU (NSW Branch) Construction & Genera I View Transaction History Balances • Account £F.~EU Wage ~l!lims Co!ltra Account 1~194}g3~~~~~ SHOW Search Accou nts Transaction H istory View Transaction History Full Transaction Detail Money Markel Interest And Earnings Notice History Account Nama Account Type CFMEU Wage Claims ~usines~ Con tra Account Account 1ransacuon Account Number 2"iil4•f0365560 Arrangement 10 Account Balance Available Balance View Statement :;ill- -- Search more criteria- dales, description and amounts Transactions Section Account Changes 20 transactions found, displaying 1-20 transactions Balance History Account Information - .'?.!!.!!. 2510212014 nnline st,tement!" .1?!.!!£0>..!!£!!.. ··" Direct Credit 333732 AGON Metropolis Traffic ___ ,_,_____ ._....Q!!.!?lL _ __ _ ..,C::. r~ed,_,i~t_ ___ _ __ .:,B:.:: a"' la"'n"'c"-e_ _ = b CFMEUNSW 12 Railway St, Lidcombe NSW 2041 locked Bag 1 lldcombe 1825 6th March 2014 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9649 7100 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9268 0687 cfmeunsw.asn.au [email protected] ABN: 17 524 350 15( Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd PO Box 6700 Silverwater NSW 2127 Dear Sir/Madam, RE: WAGE ClAIM FOR CBUS & ACIRT We write with reference to the above and enclose a receipt in the sum of $28347.72 . Please do not hesitate to contact the union should you require any further information. Yours faithfully }v v1 uA)};1 Jenny Mulhall Wage Claims Assistant Enc ****** ** ********************* ********** ********* *********************** **** **' Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Union Construction & General Division New South Wales Branc h *****************************************************************************1 CLAIMS RECEIPT WAGEC : CFMEU (NSW Branch ) Receipt Number: W4619 4/03/2014 Date Received Fr om LIPMAN PTY LTD The Sum of **11487DOLLARSOOCENTS Being For Pa rti al Settlement - W/C (W/C# 014984) $ 1148'.00 014984 BRIAN PARKER Per : GR *****************************************************************************i TAX INVOICE ABN: 17 524 350 156 12 Railway Street , Lidcombe, NSW 2141 Phone: (02) 9749 0400 Fax: (02) 9649 7 1 ( Email: [email protected] . au Web : www . cfme u nsw . as n .c ******************************************************** **** *****************1 CFMEUNSW 12 Ra II way St, Lidcombe NSW 2041 locked Bag 1 lidcombe 1825 7th March 2014 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9 649 7100 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9268 0687 cfmeunsw.asn.au [email protected] ABN: 17 524 350 15( Lipman Pty Ltd Level 6, 66 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 Dear Sir/Madam, RE:· METROPOLIS TRAFFIC COr~TROt PT'f LTD - ~AY!\~Er;JT FOR CBUS & ACIRT We write with reference to the above and enclose a receipt in the sum of $11,487 .00. Please do not hesitate to contact the union should you require any further information. Yours faithfully Jenny Mulhall Wage Claims Assistant Enc ,. ~ · LIPMAN Westpac Banking Corporation 388 OU!:iEN STREET, BRISBANE, OLD ,(t::m .ffb ABN·ea .. bo'1 s4s 831J ·' :' : -~AY-,tHe s'OMoF Eleven Thousand Four-Hund(ed and Eighty Seven Dollars:Only 2?/02114 CFMEU NSW BRAI\1CH CONSJ~UCTION LQGKED.BAG 1 $ ,~JDCOMB~ !>,JSW 182'$' .. .,.., ( / ~ *** 11 ,487.00 . .Co/1 rREMH1rlAINJCIE ADVOCIE LI PMAN ln•MAN PTV LTO ABN 84 001 548 830 Level 6, 66 Berry Street, North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia Locked Bag 21 06, North Sydney NSW 2060 Aostralia Telephone +61 2 9955 7000 Facsimile +61 2 9955 3166 DATE: CFMEU NSW BRANCH CONSTRUCTION 28102114 CHEQUE No.: LOCKED BAG 1 A/C No.: 66879 PAGE No.: CFMEU LIDCOMBE NSW 1825 INVOICE DATE 27/02/14 I= INVOICE TYPE I INVOICE No. METTRAFFI DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 11 ,487.0( INV'S 2808 2862 & 2869 TOTAL C = CREDIT . AMOUNT PA ID 11 ,48'7.00 11,487.00 *!****~*********************************************************************** Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Union Construction & General Division New South Wales Branch ****************************************************************************** CLAIMS RECEIPT CONTR :CFMEU Wage Claims Contra Receipt Number: W4622 Date 10/03/2014 Received From METROPOLIS TRA FFIC CONf.. :S(0)~r The Sum of **30000DOLLARSOOCENTS Being For Partial Settlement - W/C (W/C# 014962) $ 30000.00 014962 BRIAN PARKER Per: GR ********** * *************************************** * ******* ******** ************ TAX INVOICE ABN~ 17 524 350 156 12 Railway Street, Lidcombe, NSW 2141 Phone: (02) 9749 0400 Fax: (02) 9649 7 1 0 Email: [email protected] Web: www.cfmeunsw.asn . a **************************************************** *************** *********** Page 1 of 1 View Transaction History Print Page Silo Map Contact Us Help Logout User ID: 101497998 User Name: Jenny Mulhall Service ID: 100070308 Service Name: CFMEU (NSW Branch) Construction & Genera Home I Accounts Accounts Balances I Payables I Receivables I File Transfer Functions I Admin I View Transaction History • Account £!'~-~!!Walle Claims ~o_n_tra A~~u_nt_ j21 ~~~8~~6.Q_ SHOW Search Accounts Transaction History View Transaction History Account Name Account Type Account Number ArrangementiD Account Balance Available Balance View Statement ~ ~ ___ Full Transaction Detail . .. . Cl . Business L;f va:::...; ,.;age aim~ Transaction Contra Account Account Money Market Interest And Earnings Notice History 219410385560 Search more criteria -dales, description and amounts Transactions Section Account Changes 17 transactions found, displaying 1-17 transactions Balance History Date Description 7/03/2014 Direct Credil301500 Metropolis Trail Metropolis Traffic Account Information Online Statements Debit Credit S3C vUv 00 Balance CFMEU NSW 12 Railway St, Lldcombe NSW 2041 Locked Bag 1 Lldcombe 1825 15th March 2014 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9 6 49 7100 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9268 0687 cfmeunsw.asn.au [email protected] meu.asn.au ABN; 17 524 350 1St Metropolis Traffic Cont rol Pty Ltd PO Box 6700 Silverwater NSW 2127 Dear Sir/ Madam, RE: WAGE CLAIM FOR CBUS & ACIRT We write with reference to the above and enclose receipts in the sum of $30,000.00 and $28,347.72. Please do not hesitate to contact the union should you require any further information. Yours fait hfully Jenny Mulhall Wage Claims Assistant Enc Page 1 of2 View Transaction History Pl1nt Pa"" Service 10: 100070308 Homa J Accounts Accounts Payable& I I Receivables File Transfer Functions I Ad min contatt Us Siii!Mep Holp Logout Usor 10: 101497098 User N&me: Jenny Mulhall SeMoll Name: CFMEU (NSW Branch) Construction & Genera I View Transaction History Balances SHOW Search Accounts Transaction History View Transaction History Full Transaction De tail Aceount Name Account Type CFMEU(NSW Brandl) Const & General Dlv wago Clai ms Society Cheque 219410134286 Account Accounl Number ArrangementiD Account Balance Available Balance View Staloment Money Market Interest And Earnings Hide more criteria- dates, descliplloo and amounts Notice History Transaction search Aoc:oonl Changes Dates 0 All Balance History 0 Exact lddfmm/yyyy Account Information ® From 104102/2014 Online Statements To Doscrfption !E.g. cheque numberorBPAY Amount From $ ._1_ _ __ _, ToS IL_ 1211031201 4 Up to 15 nmllls _ SHOW _ __J Transactions Section ~~ More than 30 transactions f()t(ld. displaying 1-30 transactionS Date 2010312014 Debit Credit Balance ********** ***** * *********************** * ********* ** ******** **** * *** ** ******** * Cons truction Forest ry Mi ning & En ergy Union Co nstruction & General Divi s io n New South Wal es Branch ****************************************************************************** CLAIMS RECEIPT WAGEC:CFMEU (NSW Branch) Receipt Number : W4625 Da te 21/03/2014 Received Fr om DE MARTIN & GAS PARIN I The Sum of **46804DOLLARS 45 CENTS Being For Partial Settlement - W/C (W/C# 01498q $ .., r onA 11c ""1 UUU"-! ."'1 J 014984 BR IAN PARKER Pe r: GR * *** ************* ** ** ** ********************************* * ********* ** ********** TAX INVOICE ABN: 17 524 350 156 12 Railway Street , Lidcombe , NSW 2141 Phone: (02) 9749 0400 Fa x : ( 0 2) 9649 710 Email : e n q u i ri es @nsw.cfmeu . asn.au Web: www . cfmeuns w. asn . a ****************************************************************************** Page 1 of2 View Transaction History Conlacl ua PriniPoge SeiVIce 10: 100070308 Homo I Account• Accounts Balances Paynbl es I Receivables I File Transfer I Slit Mop fielp I Logout User 10 : 101497998 User Name: Jenny Mulhall SefVICO Namo: CFMEU (NSW Bnonoh) ConoiNotion & Go nora I I Functions Admin View Transaction History • Account I§FMEU (NSW Btanc:h) Cons! & G-ral Dlv wage ClaimS I 21941011 SHOW Transaction History ViewTransaclion History Full Transaction Detail Account Name Ac<:ount Type Ac~:otM>t Number CFMEU(NSW Branch) Cons! & Society Cheque 2194 10134286 Gonaral Dlv Wage Account AlrlngementiD Account Balance Available Balance View Statement a t ~~ lllm Cleins MoneyMar1<et Interest And Earnings Hldo more criteria - dales, description and amounts Notice Hislofy Transaction search Account Changes Oates ®From Account Information OnHne Statements OAII 0 Exact ldd/mm!yYYY Balance History !?6/002014 Dnscriplion !e.g. tMque numberorBPAY Amount From $._I_ __ __, To ToSLI- J2110512014 - ----' Up to 15 months SHOW Transactions Section Dolo Debit Credit Balance -I G.OS/2014 $55B75 43 c De Martin 4 & Gasparini REMITTANCE ADVICE For Electronic Funds Transfer EFT NO: CFMEU Construction & General 001521 DATE 16/05/14 CODE CFMEU 12 Railway Street LIDCOMBE BSB NSW 2141 Attention: ACCOUNT 062194 10134286 Kristen FAX/EMAIL [email protected] -c:G@ 1) PAGE DATE 16/05/1 4 1/C I INVOICE NO DESCRI PTION METTRA16 05 PAY ON BEHALF OF MET AMOUNT 55,876.43 .~ TOTAL DMEFTEM AMOUNT PAID 55,876 43 55,876.43 .-... Construction Forestry Mining _& Energy Unio n Construction & Ge ne-ral Division New South Wa le s Branch . .. *** ******** ****** ******* **** ************************ *************************' CLAIMS RECEIPT WAGEC : CFMEU (NSW Branch) -.... .."( . ~_::, .• "Jj-' M '., .lj_,,_ Receipt Number : W4648 Date 11/06/2014 Received Fr om DE MAR TIN & GASPARINI The Sum of **18953DOLLARS01CENTS Being For Partial Settlement - W/C (W/C# 015086 ) $ 18953 . 01 DOCU D r.':' !'l. :l~t.!u.~;. D '&!l'' 0 15 086 BRIAN PARKER Per: K~1 ********************************************** * ******************************' TAX I NVOICE ABN : 17 524 350 156 12 Railway Street , Lidcombe, NSW 214 1 hone: (02) 9749 0400 Fax: ( 02) 9649 710( mail: enquiries@nsw . cfmeu . asn . au Web: www . cfmeunsw . asn . al *****************************************************************************' .J. . ., ~ ~ompany Steve Nolan Constructions we 15087 Value for Value au-..... orised I Gordon General . p .:. noted to be pa1d Value foi Value requested b y company leonards p .:. Donation 10% .\t:tiv.e ·~abowr ~ire . ~-~,, $1,100,000.00 $135,000.00 $120,000.00 $255,000.00 -- ---- - . - $229,500.00 - ~ - • 4 __ , .--~ "* "" ~ - nm~ ~ ·_- - .? ..- -~· ... I ·- ~ ;.;., - :c: J ~ .)-f ::;;: ~-i ~ ~ it!' (! J -- - ;-..- 0 - c) ~ . __ ....... ·I n -~ --- - - ~ I - ~ -- - t"'t' - ====: . ~ - \¥1·etropoliS Traffic " ~ --.£. - -~ - - " -- - . ,. · w u! ~ -~ n n $57,ooo.oo $506,363.00 r-, -:;:::;. !!!!i··-·········!!!!!!l!ll!!ll!fli!!!!!!!!l···· OJ lfii!~ni~li_ ! _.:; --~ ~ r- ~ ~~--------~--------+-------------- -l--------------+-----------t--------t----------- $25,5bo.oo $82,soo.oo $8,250.00 ,. • - ... - - 'l "'!.'":; ~,;,c-.A:C~~~IC~::;..r- - - • I -~ ~~.....---~--~·-e-7•.,..-- . f:•.~-~~:· lf·~·....: - ~- -- ""' - -~ .- ......-.- - • ---- ·-·· .... - - t" .. ,_.,. ~~ - • ·- ·- - -- ~ - ._ I $74,250.00 I I I -1---------------+---------t--------t-----------I r - _ . _ . _ ~- I ~ =I I -~ · - .... 1- - - - - ·- _ $5,287,902.27 ,..- ;. ~-- ~-.-.v- ,~ s~e~fc>tals~ ~-~:-- &"""· 11 --· - ~--- .~ _ __ ..... & -:;• ~--.5: ...:;; - .., - ~-~ ~ rr....,... =-~L - ~ --~"-- ,.::: "!; ._._~' - £L:t .;o~~~ ~~ §gl_9~SJ!Q..q<r ~,~~~~9~oo $24,~og!~~Jitl ( ~- »~~~Q~~~ 1_.~~~o~~~ _~?!~~~ ~;--~~~!A~~~O!i .-r _ro _ -~ ·. --::-,_ J~talf _~ _ 'i .. ._. ~ , ~_, -~~~~ Q..u.. . !h.---~~ __-: ~ ~ • :. -"' ,._ ,~_, ~ $1,180,0QChQO _ ~ """' - • - \)\ C) - · - • - - - - . I . "" i' - _ . , ,£... ;p- ;..;.. --------------------~-------------+------------~----------~---~ ~~ ~~~ - ~ ~~ ~ 0~ ~~~ ~---- ~ llliiiiliiiiiii I -~ ·:. $25,500.00 Cj. - ,.,._ oompanv - - r-= value to Dues ro.~ ro.~ ~~~ - --~~~--~>~ ~~-~"~ - :~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ -+--------------~~~~----~~~~-----+---------~ Final payment Union ;--. ~ NE:t•'FQR 'AIJ; '•'t·v=-:rN ~ -.- _~-~ .~ ~ ·.-..~--:"' ___,__ ..:..EXGEP-J" MITC:I!Itll,;;.:;; ~ - ~ . . ."7 • - ;.. "'~""""';. ·~ · ·,::.:-:.--"':,....~~... _. -· · ~ --. · .:·-: ~hlAQj9c2.PtQ9 w~4~ ' · ,..,......... ·- _ ~- ~ _,... ~ ..-.-~ ~ / I ~ ~ we CFMEUI 12 Railw< Lidcombe NSW : Locked 8 Lldcombe Secretary: Brian P: President: Rita 1\ Ph 0 29749( Fax029649 : cfmeunsw.asr [email protected] ORIGINA L DOCUMENT 11th August 2014 Mr Phuong Tran SX Projects Pty Limited ABN: 17 524 ! SUBPOENAED i3Y .8 UJLD!NG JNDUSTR'l ROYJ.\L COM I\,.1JSSlON 2002 2 -c:>/ L/ Leve! 3, Build B 33-35 Saunders Street Pyrmont NSW 2009 Dear Sir RE: WAGE CLAIM STEVE NOLAN CONSTRUCTIONS PTY LIMITED We write with reference to the above and enclose three receipts totaling $1,180,000.00 being partial payments of this claim . Please do not hesitate to contact the union should you require any further information. Yours faithfully Christine Marshall Wage Claims Assistant Encs. 3 I p 7 *************************************************************************** Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Union Construction & General Division New South Wales Branch ****************************************************************************** CLAIMS RECEIPT CONTR:CFMEU Wage Claims Contra Receipt Number: W4652 Date 27/06/2014 Received From SX The Sum of *390000DOLLARSOOCENTS Being For Partial Settlement - W/C (W/C# 0 15087) $ 3900 0 0 .00 • PROJECTS PT Y LTD 015087 BRIAN PARKER Per: GR ' ***************************************************************************** TAX INVOICE ABN: 17 524 350 156 12 Railway Street , Lidcombe, NSW 2141 >hone: (02) 9749 0400 Fax: (02) 9649 710 :mail: [email protected] Web: www.cfmeunsw.asn.a •*** £************************************************************************* .~X. :~roj~~·ts. Ptv Liid ABN ll'l-<1:~0 44!} p~ . PAY)HE S\.:)M.0F . . Three Hundred ai1CI Nln~ly Thol!Si;!hd Qo.!l~r.s. OnlY · · ~--------~------~------~--~----~~----------~----~ PAY T.Q THE ORDEBOF $ '*** 390,000.00 SX Projects Pt-y l td ABN 24 160 440 11 1 8 U t. [i i I~ G M A D I! !:: A S V REM~T'TANCE . CFMEU CONSTRUCTION & GENERAL P 0 BOXQ2.3 5 QUEEN VICTORIA BUILDING SYDNEY NSW 1230 INVO!CE DATE INVOICE No. TYPE I 25/06/14 ft.DViCE Web: www.sxprojects.net 250614 DESCRIPTION PATE: 25/06/2014 CHEQUE 1\!o.: 19610 ACCOUNT NUMBER: CFMEUSYD PAGE No.: 1 of 1 AMOUNT 390,000.00 AMOUNT PP.ID 390,000.00 I I I I 1. TYPE I = IN\I.OlCE C ==CREDIT TOTAL 390,000.00 ~**~***~~~~~~:~:~;::~::~ ~ ;::::~;;x~::::~~~~;:::~;x~~::~~~~x~~~ xx~ xx~~~~~~ Construction & General Di vision New South Wales Branch '**~************************************************************************** ' CLAIMS RECEIPT CONTR : CFMEU Wage Claims Con t ra Re ce ipt Number: W4659 Date 25/07/2014 Received From SX The Sum of *390 0 00DOLLARS00CENTS Being For Partial Settlement - W/C (W/C# 015087) $ 39 000 0 . 00 P~ 00 GCTS PTY LTD 015087 BRIAN PARKER Per : GR ORIGH·~AL DOC UMt:iff ,., . SUf-jPOENA ED ! j Y BUfLD! IG INDUSTRY ROYAL COMMISSION ~2-o/V ***************************************************************************** ' TAX INVOICE ABN : 17 524 350 156 12 Railway Street , Lid combe, NSW 2141 hone: ( 02) 9749 0 400 Fa x : (02) 9649 710( ma i l: [email protected] Web : www . cfmeunsw.asn.at *********************************************************** ******************' *****************************************************************************' Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Union Construction & General Division New South Wales Branch ..• *****************************************************************************' CLAIMS RECEIPT CONTR : CFMEU Wage Claims Contra Receipt Number: W4644 Date 28/05/2014 Received From SX ?ROJECTS PTY LTD The Sum of *400000DOLLARSOOCENTS Being For Partial Settlement - W/C (W/C# 015087) $ 400000 . 00 \ 015087 BRIAN PARKER Per : GR **************************** * ************************************************* TAX INVOICE ABN : 17 524 350 156 12 Rail way Street, Lidcombe, NSW 2141 Phone: (02) 9749 0400 Fax: (02) 9649 710 Email: [email protected] Web: www.cfmeunsw . asn.a ****************************************************************************** .. ·:t:l.lf~st.pat. w~s'ttia~ s~r~<:rn.ti.~prt,iari\thn SX. PrQJ~ic.i$ PtY ..~d pc;}t:iE:I'L::~:sAv ,,~3-3es ~i:w soym HE,AQJ~6Ap~ NS.w· Aii~·~·160.44o i.11· . f?AY1H~ Sli11J!.9F. . Four Hundred Thousancl. . . . Dollars Only PAY TO' THE hRDEROF $ *** 400,000.00 CFMf:U CONSTRl,ICTION & GENERAL SN 24 160 440 1·11 REMITTAN CE ADVlCE B U l l D1N G \Iii A 0 E E A S Y Web: www.sxprojects.net CFMEU CONSTRUCTION & GENERAL P 0 BOX 0235 QUEEN VICTORIA BUILDING SYDNEY NSW 1230 INVOICE DATE TYPE 27/05/14 I INVOICE No. DESCRIPTION DATE: 27/05/2014 CHEQUE No.: 19599 ACCOUNT NUMBER: CFMEUSYD PAGE No,; 1 of 1 AMOUNT TYPE I = INVOICE C"' CREDIT AMOUNT PAID 400,000.0 400,000.00 TOTAl ' 400,000.0· I REMITIANCE ADVICE I CONSTRUCTION FORESTRY MINING and EN ERGY UNION NEW SOUTH WALES BRANCH CONSTRUCTION & GENERAL DIVISION Locked Bag 1 Lldcombe NSW 1825 Phone: (02) 9749 0400 Fax: (02) 9749 3677 CF'MEU CONSTRUCTION AND GENERAL 1 CRUS ~ . Leve l 5 477 Pi tl SLr eet SYDNE Y NSW 20 00 Foil owing co mpl ai nls fr om emp loy ees or ME'fROPO L J S 'f RAFF' I C CO NTRO. l h e CFMEU was succe s s ful in recover i ng un pa id SUPERANNUA TION from the principal co n tractor Al l a c h e d i s a I i s t o i me mb e r n a me s A n d ~ mo u n Ls L o l fl 1 I i e ncl os e d c he qu e no 401916 fo r I Please note lhe attac h ed paymen~.- was no L mad e by l he i r you c a nnot allocate any pa rl of lh i s sell! emenl . p i Union's Wage Claims Assi stanl on (02)9749 0400 before ng l h e v a I u e o f o 1 employer lherefo ease conlac:l lhe proceed in g wi lh a refund Thank you f or your co nli nue d assis t anc e lo lh e CFMEU a nd SUP ERANNUATION fu nd rnembers Yours faithfully . BRI AN PAR I<ER Se c retary CFMEUNSW 12 Railway St, Lldcombe NSW 2041 Locked Bag 1 Lldcombe 1825 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9649 7 100 Ph 02 9749 0400 1 20 h February 2014 Fax 02 9 268 0687 cfmeunsw.asn.au [email protected] ABN: 17 524 150 15( CBUS Locked Bag 200 CARLTON SOUTH VIC 3053 Dear Sir/Madam, RE: \NORKERS EMPLOYED BY MFTROPOLIS TRAFFIC CONTROL PTY LTD 1276750) ACN: 41-122-777-762 CONTACT: VICKI FIEG 02 9749 7650 Following a dispute with the above employer, the CFMEU was successful in recovering $77,416.31 in unpaid superannuation from the company. Please refer to attached spreadsheet for breakdown of payment. Please note, that only 15% of the attached payment was made by the employer, however it may have been made from monies owed to Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd. Therefore if any part of this settlement cannot be allocated, please contact the CFMEU before proceeding with any refund of unallocated monies. You can contact me directly on (02) 9749 0408 or the union's Wage Claims Department on (02) 9740 0400 if you require any further information or if we can be of any further assistance . Jenny Mulhall Wage Claims Assistant Enc: flO t:• ..... ~::!! SENDEfil T0 I<EEP 1'2 4770668 090 I REMITIANCE ADVICE I CONSTRUCTION FORESTRY MINING and ENERGY UNION NEW SOUTH WA LlES BRANCH CONSTRUCTIOI\J & GENERAL DIVISION Locked Bag 1 Lidcombe NSW 1825 Phone: (02) 9749 0400 Fax: (02) 9749 3677 CFMEU CONSTRUCTION AND GENERAL 'I I t I Austral ian Construction I Bui I ding A. Gro und Floor . 1 Ho RHODES NSW 2138 F o I I o wi n g c o mp I a i li t s f r o m e mp I o y e e s o I METR0P0L I S TRAF' Fl C C0 NT R0 . lhe CF' MEU was successful in reco ve r ing u npaid REDUNDA NC Y rrom Lhe principal contraclor Al l a c h e d i s a I i s l o f me rnb e r n a me s l1 n rl (I mo u n l s l o t a I I i n g l h e v a I u e o f o r e n c I o s e d c h e q u e n o 4 0 19 15 f o r r. .' ·' 1 1 "' P I e a s e 11 o l e . t h e a t t a c h e d p a y me 11 t wa s n o l ma d e b y t h e e mp ! o y e r . l h e r e f o 1 ~~ i f y o 1J c ann o l a l I o c a l e. a 11 y p a t' l of l hi s s e l t I e me n l pI e as e con l a c l l he Union ' s Wage Cl atms Assista nt on (02)9?49 0400 before proceeding with aJ _I' refund Thank yo u f o r you r continued assi st a nce to the CF' MEU and REDUNDANCY f und members Yours faithfully BRIAN PARKE R Se cretary CFMEUNSW 12 Railway St, Lidcombe NSW 2041 Locked Bag 1 Lldcombe 1825 Ph 02 9749 0400 Faxo2 9649 7100 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9268 0687 cfmeunsw.asn.au [email protected] 201h February 2014 ASN: 17 524 350 lSI ACIRT Australian Administration Services Locked Bag 5040 PARRAMATTA NSW 2124 Dear Sir/Madam, RE: WORKERS EMPLOYED BY METROPOLIS TRAFFIC CONTROL PTY LTD (37561156) ACN: 41-122-717-762 CONTACT: VICKi FiEG 02 9749 7650 Following a dispute with the above employer, the CFMEU was successfu l in recovering $52,583.69 in unpaid redundancy from the company. Please refer to the attached spreadsheet for breakdown of payment. Please note, that only 15% of the attached payment was made by the employer, however it may have been made from monies owed to Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd. Therefore if any part of this settlement cannot be allocated, please contact the CFMEU before proceeding w ith any refund of unallocated monies. You can contact me directly on (02.) 9749 0408 or the union's Wage Cla ims Department on (02) 9740 0400 if you require any further information or if we can be of any further assistance. Yours faithfully Jtvl~#{ Jenny Mulhall Wage Claims Assistant Enc: ~~~ l!l SENDER TO I<EEP 12 4770667 093 Construction Forestry Mlning Energy Union Commonwealth Bank oi Australia Bank LIDCOMBE, CNR JOHN & CHURCH STS, N&W • DATE Twenty-Three lhausand Seven Hundred Twenty One 7/03/14 Dol iars and Ninety - Eigh t Ce nts ~ TOTHE :g ORDER .OF <( ~ 1;0 g ~ For and on behalf of CONSTRUCTION FORESTRY MINING and ENERGY UNION (NSW BRANCH) THE CONSTRUCTION & - WAGE vLI,IIVI<:>....t\'' -''-''JUI'I CFMEUNSW 12 Railway St, Lidcombe NSW 2041 Locked Bag 1 Lidcombe 1825 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9649 7100 Ph 02 9749 0 4 00 Fax 02 9268 0687 cfmeunsw.asn .au [email protected] 11th March 2014 ABN: 17 524 350 151 CBUS Locked Bag 200 CARLTON SOUTH VIC 305~ Dear Sir/Madam, RE: WORKERS EMPLOYED BY METROPOLIS TRAFFIC CONTROL PTY LTD (276750) ABN: 41-122-7?7-762 CONTACT: VICKI FJEG 02 9?49 7650 Following a dispute with the above employer, the CFMEU was successful in recovering $23,721.98 in unpaid superannuation from the company. Metropolis·Traffic Control Pty Ltd owes an amount of $173,389.73 in outstanding Superannuation for August to December 2013. An amount of $77,416.31 was forwarded to CBUS on the 20th of February 2014 as a part payment against the outstanding amount. The attached cheque for $23,721.98 (CN401111) is a further payment against the outstanding amount. Please refer to the attached spreadsheet for breakdown of payment. The amount is to be applied against the employees oldest outstanding month. Please note, that only 70% of the attached payment was made by the employer, however it may have been made from monies owed to Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd. Therefore if any part of this settlement cannot be allocated, please contact the CFMEU before proceeding with any refund of unallocated monies. You can contact me directly on (02) 9749 0408 or the union' s Wage Claims Department on (02) 9740 0400 if you re·q uire any further information or if we can be of any further assistance. Please refer to attached spreadsheet for breakdown of payment. Yours faithfully Jenny Mulhall W~ge Claims Assistant Enc: ~ SENDER TO I<EEP ~~§ 12 4 770669 097 Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union ea h Bank Commonwealth Banko! Austrafia UDCOMBE, CNR JOHN & CHURCH STS, I'ISW S1 xleen Th ousa nd One Hl:in dred 'l'wel ve • Dol l ars and DATE 7/03/14 Seve nl y- Four Cents 411" 1 r a l ' t• n '\r v ~-\- For and on behalf ot CONSTRUCTION FORESTRY MINING and ENERGY UNION (NSW BRANCH) THE CONSTRUCTION & - WAGE CLAIMS 1'\VC~LII'I CFMEUNSW 12 Railway St, lidcombe NSW 2041 Locked Bag 1 Lidcombe 1825 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9649 7100 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9268 0687 11TH March 2014 cfmeunsw.asn.au [email protected] ABN: 17 524 350 15( ACIRT Australian Administration Services Locked Bag 5040 PARRAMATTA NSW 2124 Dear Sir/Madam, RE: 'NORKERS EMPLOYED BY METROPOLIS TRA.FF!C CO!•JTROL PTY lTD {37551156} ABN: 41-122-777-762 CONTACT: VICKI FIEG 02 9749 7650 Following a dispute with the above employer, the CFMEU was successful in recovering $16,112 .74 in unpaid redundancy from the company. Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd owes a total amount of $117,782.00 in outstanding ACIRT for 9 various months over the period December 2012 to December 2013. An amount of $52,583.69 was forwarded to ACIRT on the 201h of February 2014 as a part payment against the outstanding amount. The attached cheque for $16,112.74 (CN401111) is a further payment against the outstanding amount. \ Please refer to the attached spreadsheet for breakdown of payment. The amount is to be applied against the employees oldest outstanding month. Please note, that only 70% of the attached payment was made by the employer, however it may have been made from monies owed to Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd. Therefore if any part of this settlement cannot be allocated, please contact the CFMEU before proceeding with any refund of unallocated monies. You can contact me directly on (02) 9749 0408 or the union's Wage Claims Department on (02) 9740 0400 if you require any further information or if we can be of any further assistance. Yours faithfully Jenny Mulhall Wage Claims Assistant Enc: llo c ~i!l:r, fJJ SENDER TO KEEP 12 4 770670 0 CONSTRUCTION FbRESTRY MINING and ENERGY UNION I 1 1 1 ',_, ' " ' u ' , - ,_ ' , .., ' '-' '-_1 NEW SOUTH WAL ES BRANCH CONSTRUCTION & GENERAL DIVISION Locked Bag 1 Phone: {02) 9749 0400 ~: (02) 9749 3677 Lldcomba NSW 1825 CfMEU CONSffiUCTION ANDGENERAL t CBltC: t' ltpC • t..e vel 5 477 Pil l Sl r eel SYDNEY NS W 2000 Ref wr F o I I o wi ng c o mp I a i n l s f r o m e t'np I o y e e s o f METR0 P0 I. I S TRAFFl C C0 NTR0 . lhe CFMEU wa s successful i n recove ri ng unpai d SUPE RANNUA TION from t. h e pr i oc i pal c onlraclor Al l a c h e d i s a I i s t o f me mb e ,. n a me s a n d a mo u n l s l o l a 1 I i l'l g l h e v a I u e o f o e n c I o s e d c h e q u e n o 4 0 I 9 2 2 f o r • 1~ (),/) ~ .., " PI ea se not e. lhe at tached paymenl wa.s not made by lhe e mpl oyer t her e f or i f y o u c a n n o t a I l o c a l e a n y p a r l o f l h i s s e l t I e me n l p I e a s e c o n t a c l l he Un1o n sWage Cla i ms Assistant on (02)9749 0400 be f or e p r oceeding with an refu n d Than k you f or your continued assista nce lo lh e CFMEU 11nd SUPERANNLIATI ON fund members Yours fa i th f ully BR ! AN PA RKER Sec r etary Construction ForestrY Mining ~nergy Unioo CommQljwealth Bank oi Australla· CFMEU UDQOMB~; CN~ JOHN & CHUR:CI-J STS, NSW ~Wtf~~~~R~ PAY THE SUM.OF . . ~~ - DAT-E 1' h o u.~ a n-d Ei g hJ~~~ d Si x l y- Fi v e D·o·1 l a r s a nd T h 1 r l y C~S,\}J -. se v e ri l ee n ...,<(\. \'.,.. CBUS Super ·,~ l- 4/03/14 $ Por aoo·Pfi b"e~olf o(CONSTRl,JCIION ana ENE"f1GV. UNION {NSW BRP,I\ICI-1\ TI-IF.':(~Ol\I;ST~1tJC·noN & GENERAL O'IVISION -VI/AGE CFMEUNSW 12 Railway St, Lidcombe NSW 2041 Locked Bag 1 Lldcombe 1825 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 0 2 9649 7100 Ph 02 9 749 0400 Fax 02 9268 0687 14th March 2014 cfmeunsw.asn.au [email protected] ABN: 17 524 350 15( • CBUS Locked Bag 200 CARLTON SOUTH VIC 3053 Dear Sir/Madam, RE: WORKERS EMPLOYED BY METROPOLIS TRAFFIC CONTROL PTY LTD {276750) AB!\!: 41-122-777-762 CONTACT: VIC!<! !=lEG 02 9749 7650 Following a dispute with the above employer, the CFMEU was successful in recovering $17,865.30 in unpaid superannuation from the company. Metropoli~ Traffic Control Pty Ltd owes an amount of $173,389.73 in outstanding Superannuation for August to December 2013 . The attached cheque for $17,865.30 (CN401922} is a further payment against the outstanding amount. Please refer to the attached spreadsheet for breakdown of payment. The amount is to be applied against the employees oldest outstanding month. If any part of this settlement cannot be allocated, please contact the CFMEU before proceeding with any refund of unallocated monies. You can contact me directly on (02} 9749 0408 or the union's Wage Claims Department on (02) 9740 0400 if you require any further information or if we can be of any further assistance. Please refer to attached spreadsheet for breakdown of payment. Yours faithfully J ~A11JJ(ij~ .f :;, I YJ I I I . 'V ' I Jenny Mulhall Wage Claims Assistant Enc: "2 §; Sender to l<eep ~ ~ ~ 606 03796712 090 lREMITIANCE_ADVICE I CONSTRUCTION FORESTRY MINING and ENERGY UNION NEW SOUTH WA LES BRANCH CONSTRUCTION & GENERA L DIVISION Locked Bag 1 Lidcombe NSW 1825 Phone: (02) 9749 0400 Fax: (02} 9749 3677 CFMEU CONSTflUCTION AND GENERAL ., ,. ! R~ Aus t ra l ian Constructio n I Bu i J ding A. Ground Floor. 1 Ho RHO DES NSW 2138 Fo i l ow1 ng compl a1 nts from emp l oyees of METROPOLIS TRAFFIC CONTRO . t he CF'MEU was success i ul 1 n recovering unpa1 d REDUNDANCY f rom th e pn nci pa l c ont ra ct or At t a c h e d i s a ! i s l o f me mb e r n a me s " ') ' " u n l s l o t a I I i n g l he v a I u e o f o ·r e n c I o s e d c h e q ue n o 4 0 1 9 2 1 f o r J ou"i , u Ple ase no t e. t he attached pay men t was not ma de by t he e mploye r th ere{ oJ if you canno t alloca t e any part of lhis settlement ple a se contact t he Unions Wage Claims Asststa n t on (02)9749 0400 be f ore proceed i ng with a1v r e fu nd Thank you ror your contin ued assistance lo the CFMEU and RED UNDA NC Y f un d member s Yo urs fai t hf ull y BRIAN PARKER Secreta r y Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union eaD~iBI Bank CFM EU CONSTRUCTION AND GENERAL PAYJHE SUM' OF 'CqmmonwM ith l'lilnk qf Aufi!ralla • IJ.RPOMBE, CliJR .)QHN & CHURCH STS, N~W, ~ CFMEUNSW 12 Railway St , Lldcombe NSW 2041 locked Bag 1 Lldcombe 1825 Ph 02 9749 0 400 Fax 02 9 649 7100 Ph 02 974 9 0400 14TH March 2014 Fax 02 926 8 0687 cfmeunsw.asn.au [email protected] ABN: 17 524 350 15! .. ACIRT Australian Administration Services Locked Bag 5040 PARRAMATTA NSW 2124 Dear Sir/Madam, RE: WORKERS EMPLOYED BY METROPOLIS TRAFFIC CONTROL PTY LTD (37561156) ABN : 41-122-777-762 CONTACT: VICKI FIEG 02 9749 7650 Following a dispute with the above employer, the CFMEU was successful in recovering $12,134.70 in unpaid redundancy from the company. Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd owes a total amount of $117,782.00 in outstanding ACIRT for 9 various months over the period December 2012 to December 2013 . The attached cheque for $12,134.70 (CN401921) is a further payment against the outstanding amount. Please refer to the attached spreadsheet for breakdown of payment. The amount is to be applied against the employees oldest outstanding month. If any part of this settlement cannot be allocated, please contact the CFMEU before proceeding with any refund of unallocated monies. You can contact me directly on (02) 9749 0408 or the union's Wage Claims Department on (02) 9740 0400 if you require any further information or if we can be of any further assistance. Yours faithfully JM wVIYI jenny Mulhall Wage Claims Assistant Enc: .... c:: Sender to l<eep i- ~ ;:ll 606 03796711 093 l l<tMII IANLt ALJVILt I CONSTRUCTION FORESTRY 1\/IINING and ENERGY UNION NEW SOUTH VVALES BRANCH CONSTRUCTION & GENERAL DIVISION Locked Bag 1 Lidcombe NSW 1825 Phone: (02) 9749 0400 Fax: (02) 9749 3677 CFMEU CONSTRUCnON AND GENERAl t CBU S Le vel 5 477 Pi ll Str e et SYD NEY NS W 2000 Ref Fo l lowin g c omplaints from employees of METROPOLIS TRAFFIC CO Ni RO the CFMEU was s uccessf ul i n recovering unp a id SUPERANNUATION from lhe pr i nci pal con t ractor I I I Al t a c h e d i s a 1 i s l o f me mb e r n a me s a..!l ~ 11 mo u n t s l o l a l I i n g t h e v a l u e o f o u 1 enclo sed cheq ue no 4·0 1927 f or · ~ PI e a se not e. lh e a tta c hed payment wa s not ma de by the employ e r . theref or e· if you ca nno t a l l oc a l e any pari of th is se l l I ement p i eas e c ont a ct t he Union ' s Wag e Cl aims Assi stan t on ( 02)97 49 0400 bef ore pro c e ed ing w1 th am re f und i. j J ih an k yo u f o r yo ur c o nti n ue d assistan c e t o t he Ct' ME U and SU PE RANNUATION f upd membe r s Yo urs f a it hfully BRl AN PARI<ER Se c retary Construction Forestry Mining Energy Unio n Co.mmol\w~llh Bank ol AustfaJ!a CFMEU Bank UDGOMB~, ·CNR' JOHN $-·C HURCH S'fS, i'{SW CONSTRUCTION ,AND GENERAL DATE PAYTHI;. SUM Of7 'P WeDtY -se -v e- n Th·o .u~ a.;trd Ei· g h t Hun ct r e d s:e v e .n t y - Two Do I I a r s a. n c,i Fi ·j t ·y -·T·w. o ee n l s TO THE :c. B· Q,~ ORPER OF sup e.r. 2.4/03-/14 $ F.or ardon behalf of CONSTRUCTION and ENERGY'UNIPN (Nsw·nr>A . ""''~'·-r~~.- ;.-..,_,.,.,..,.,..,, & GENE~~L DIVISION CFMEUNSW 12 Railway St, Lidcombe NSW 2041 Locked Bag 1 Lid combe 182 5 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9 649 7100 Ph 02 9 749 0 400 Fax 0 2 9 2 68 0 687 cfmeunsw.asn .au [email protected] 24th March 2014 ABN: 17 5 24 350 151 CBUS Locked Bag 200 CARLTON SOUTH VIC 3053 Dear Sir/Madam, RE: WORKERS EMPLOYED BY METROPOLIS TRAFFIC CONTROL PTY LTD (276750) ABi'J: 41-122-777-762 CONTACT: VICKI FI EG 02 9749 7650 Following a dispute with the above employer, the CFMEU was successful in recovering $27,872.52 in unpaid superannuation from the company. Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd owes an amount of $173,389.73 in outstanding Superannuat ion for August to December 2013 . The attached cheque for $27,872.52 (CN401927) is a further pay·ment against the outstanding amount. Please refer to the attached spreadsheet for breakdown of payment. The amount is to be applied against the employees oldest outstanding month. If any part ofthis settlement cannot be allocated, please contact the CFMEU before proceeding with any refund of unallocated monies. You can contact me directly on (02} 9749 0408 or the union's Wage Claims Department on (02} 9740 0400 if you require any further information or if we can be of any further assistance. Please refer to attached spreadsheet for breakdown of payment. Yours faithfully )'~ ~( Jenny Mulhall Wage Claims Assistant Enc: C ~ijl;:l! sender to l<eep m_ga. 606 03796716 098 l KtMI I IAI'\l\....t AUV ILt I I NSTRlJCTION FOREST RY 11111NIN~ a nd ENERGY UNION cD,/1( soUTH WALES BRANCH CONSTRUCTION & GENERAL DIVISION / NE:v• 1 Phone: (02) 9749 0400 Fax: (02) 9749 3677 Loekedb~~sw 1825 LidCOrTl CFMEU CAONNSTRUCTION 0 GENERAL I I t;· al ian Conslruct i on I ~us)ding A. Gro und Floor . 1 Ho RHODES NSW 2138 r0 y w n g c o mp 1 a 1 n t s f r o m. e mp l o e e s . o f MET R0 P0 L l S TRAF PI C C0 NT R0 . 0 1 he1 C'FMEU w~s ~ucc essful 1 n recover t ng unp ai cl REDUNDANCY 1 r rom 1 h e pr1 ncJ pal contractor At 1 c h e d i s a I i s l o I me mb e r n a pe s fl n d a mo u n t s t o t a 1 J i n g t h e v a l u e o f o u I· 8 e nclosed c heque no 401926 for ' I '1 p ea se nole the atlached p aymt. nt wa s no l made by the employer lherefon i r you cannot allocate any part of lhis settlement please ·contact the 1 ni on s Wage Cl aims Assi slant on ( 02}9 749 0400 before proceeding wlth an\ refund 'l'ha n l< you for your conti nued assi sta nce t o lhe CFMEU an d REDU NDANCY fu n d memb e r s Yo u J' s f a i l h I u I l y . BR I AN PA RKER Secretary ,t Constructiot'). Forestry· Mining Energy Union aD h Bank Commonwealth Bank ol Auslralia UDCOMBE, CNR JOHN & CHURCH STS, N!jlW CFMIEU CONSTRUCTION AND GENE~A~ DATE PAY THE SUM OF Ei ghleen 'J'·h ousatrd Ni 'he HuJ1dred 'flJj rt v- On<e Dol l'an~· and Ni, nety-T'l)r.ee- Ce.n.ts 24./(}3/14 . f Auslra l i·a.n: Co ns .trucL~. on j·nd""~"'"\ \.r'-1~+ (\ ~ CFMEUNSW 12 Railway St, Lid com be NSW 2041 Locked Bag 1 lidco mbe 1825 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9649 1100 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9268 0687 24TH March 2014 cfmeunsw.asn .au [email protected] ABN: 17 524 350 15( .,• ACIRT Australian Administration Services Locked Bag 5040 PARRAMATTA NSW 2124 Dear Sir/Madam, RE: WORKERS EMPLOYED BY METROPOLIS TRAFFIC CONTROL PTY LTD (37561156) ABN: 41-122-777-762 CONTACT: VICKI FIEG 02 9749 7650 Following a dispute with the above employer, the CFMEU was successful in recovering $18,931 .93 in unpaid redundancy from the company. Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd owes a total amount of $117,782.00 in outstanding ACIRT for 9 various months over the period December 2012 to December 2013 . The attached cheque for $18,931.93 {CN401926) is a further payment against the outstanding amount. ftl Please refer to the attached spreadsheet for breakdown of payment. The amount is to be applied against the employees oldest outstanding month. If any part of this settlement cannot be allocated, please contact the CFMEU before proceeding with any refund of unallocated monies. You can contact me directly on {02} 9749 0408 or the union's Wage Claims Department on {02} 9740 0400 if you require any further information or if we can be of any further assistance. Yours faithfully JM~ Jenny Mulhall Wage Claims Assistant Enc: u rl1 c s end er to l<eep ~ 10 ~g_ 606 03796717 095 I 1'\. 11-1 VI \1 I II I I \I . " ·' - ' L.. ,...,.,~ v ·' ~ ... I CONSTRUCTION FORESTRY MINING and ENERGY UNION NEW SOUTH WALES BRANCH COI\lS'rRUCTION & GENERAL DIVISION Locked Bag 1 Lidcombe NSW 1825 Phone: (02) 9749 0400 Fax: (02) 9749 3677 Cfl\lnEU CONSTRUCTION ANDGENERAL *CBUS ·t;. . [..' • t Leve l 5. ~ t ' _.. 47 7 Pill Street 2000 SYDNEY NSW Fol 1 owing comp l ai nls from employees of METROPOLJ S TRAFF'I C CONT ROL PTY LIMiTE D the CFMEU was successfu l in re cover ing unpa i <1 SUPERA NNUATION from CFMEU W/C CONTRA Attached is a li sl of memb er n ~ mf" Find amoun t s totalling the value oi ou en c I o sed cheque no 4 0 I 9 6 8 f or " .:. ty),. ~ J " 1 PLease note. the attached payment may not hav e been made by lhe employer therefore if you cannot allocate any parl of this settlemen t . please contacl the CFMEU \'/age Claims Assistant on (02)9749 0400 BEFORE proceeding wi lh any refund Thank you for your continued assistance to lhe CFMEU and SUPERANNUAT I 0 N f u n d me mb e r s . Your s f aith fully . BR IA N PARK ER Secretary Cons!ructFon Forestly Mrning Energy Union Bank CFMEU CONSTRUCTION AI\ID .GENERAl- PAY THE SUM QF TQTHE'· ORPER' a·F CommollWealih Banl: of Australia U DCOMBE, CNR JOHN & CHURCH STS, NSW (} CFMEUNSW 12 Railway St, Lidcombe NSW 2041 locked Bag 1 lldcombe 1825 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9649 1100 Ph 02 9749 0400 Fax 02 9268 0687 cfmeunsw.asn.au [email protected] ABN: 17 524 350 151 CBUS Locked Bag 200 CARLTON SOUTH VIC 3053 Dear Sir/Madam, RE: WORKERS EMPLOYED BY METROPOLIS TRAFFIC CONTROL PTY LTD (276750) ACN: 41-122-777-762 CONTACT: VICKI FIEG 02 9749 7650 Following a dispute with the above employer, the CFMEU was successful in recovering $26,513.63 in unpaid superannuation from the company. Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd owed an amount of $173,389.73 in outstanding Superannuation for August to December 2013. The attached cheque for $26,513.63 (CN401968) is the fifth and final payment against the outstanding amount. Please refer to the attached spreadsheet for breakdown of payment. If any part of this settlement cannot be allocated, please contact the CFMEU before proceeding with any refund of unallocated monies. You can contact me directly on (02) 9749 0408 or the union's Wage Claims Department on (02) 9740 0400 if you require any further information or if we can be of any further assistance. Yours faithfully JMJAit .. -~ Jenny Mulhall Wage Claims Assistant Enc: ~ sender to l<eep ~ l ~ ·sos 03796718 092 •' I KCJV\H IP\1 ~'-'- 1""\IJ v ' '-''- I CONSTRUCTION FORESTRY MINING -and ENERGY UNION NEW SOUTH WALES BRANCH COI\ISTRUCTION 8: GENERAL DIVISION Locked Bag r Lidcombe NSW 1825 Phone: (02) 9749 0400 Fax: {02) 9749 3677 * CBUS CBUS Super Level 5 477 Pi tl Stree l SYDNEY NSW 2000 Followi ng c ompl a i nl s f ro m employees of METROPOLIS TRAFF J C CONTROL PTY LIMITED lhe CFMEU was successfu l in recovering from DE MARTIN & GASPARI Nl . / paid SUPERANNUATION Altached i s a Jisl of member name s and amounts t otal ling the v al ue of ou e nclosed chequ e no 40 1970 for 0 13 43 Pl ease nole. l h e attached pay nl may nol have been mad e by lhe employer the r efore if you ca n not alia ale any parl of lhis settleme nt please con l a ct. l he CFME U Wage Cl '. ms Ass i s t an l on ( 0 2) 9 7 4 9. 0 4 0 0 BE F 0 RE proceeding w\lh ar1y re;y ,d Th an k you f or your c nli nued assi s tance to t he CF MEU and SUPERANNU ATl ON f tt l members Yours faitl;J/IIy BR I AN 28 01 5• 4 3 + 4 200• 0 0 + ~ER 002 Secre - ry o • • o o o • Construction .For~stry _Mining E:nergy U1:1~011 ~~WI"""n~eamih Bani~ vomrQPnwe.ellh Sanl(:0i Australia CIFMEU 't:JDCOM~itNR·j61'fill ~--p~(if.lcli ~T.~i.NS\lJl. CONSTRUCTIOj~ AND ~ENERA . CBUS Super $ e o o c o • CONSTRUCTION FORESTRY MINING· and ENERGY UNION I.REMITTANCE ADVIC~ I NEW SOUTH WALES B RANCH CONSTRUCTION & GENERAL DIVISION Locked Bag 1 Lidcombe NSW 1825 Phone: (02) 9749 0400 Fax: (02) 9749 3677 Austiallan Co nstr uct i on Industry Redundancy Trus t Bu i I d i ng A. Gr o u n d F I o o r 1 Ho me b u s h Ba y Dr i ve RHODES NSW 2138 Fo l J owing compl ai nls from e mpl oyees of METROPOLIS TRAFFIC CONTROL PTY Ll MI TED l he CFMEU was success fu l in recov eri ng unpaid RED UNDANCY from DE MART I N & GASPARI NI Attached is a I i st of member names and amounts tolal I i ng the value of o r encl ose d che que no 401969 for ' ~-v-"' P l e a s e n o l e I. h e a t l a c h e d p a y me n t ""'met y 11o t h a v e b e e n ma c1 e b y t h e e mpl o y e t herefore if you ca nno t al l ocate an y pa rt of th i s sel l lemen t . please conl a cl lhe CFMEU Wage Cl aims Assisl a nl on (02) 9749 0400 BEFOR E proc ee ding wi lh any refund Tha nk you for your c ont in ued ass ist ance lo the CFM EU an d REDUNDANCY fund me mb ers You r s f ai th fully BRIAN PARKER SeCl'elary -==·- · c. C on_s truction F.orestry. 1\/fining Energy Vnrori Co . ..crrow~~~ftfh Bank. CFMEU CONST GRUCTION A('JD ~NE.RA~ PA~}'~ ~ SUM§.V Tb"f.HE: QRqER OF- :CO(i:ir'lfO!}w~~l!li~ ~~rali/1 liEiQOM~e;· Qt\lR ~(!.l'l}.f .. ,. .& "CH4RChl,SJS. N&W. <) 12/06/14 J f~- L r n ,:;.~ . ~ l' CFMEUNSW 12 Railway St, Udco m b e NSW 2041 "' f" Jl • f • ..,.,I!. :;,.. Locked Bag 1 Lld combe 1825 Ph 0 2 9749 0 4 0 0 Fax 02 9649 7 100 Ph 02 9749 0 400 Fax 02 9268 0 687 cfmeunsw.asn.au [email protected] 12thJune 2014 ABN; 17 524 350 15( CBUS Locked Bag 200 CARLTON SOUTH VIC 3053 Dear Sir/Madam, RE: \.AJORKERS EMPLOYED BY !V!ETROPOl!S TRAFFIC CONTROL PTY LTD (276750) ACN: 41-122-777-762 CONTACT: VICKI FIEG 02 9749 7650 Following a dispute with the above employer, the CFMEU was successful in recovering $28,013.43 in unpaid superannuation from the company. The attached cheque for $28,013.43 (CN401970) is a payment against the January 2014 outstanding amount. Please refer to the attached spreadsheet for breakdown of payment. If any part of this settlement cannot be allocated, please contact the CFMEU before proceeding w ith any refund of unallocated monies. You can contact me directly on (02) 9749 0408 or the union's Wage Claims Department on (02) 9740 0400 if you require any further information or if we can be of any further assistance. Yours faithfully Jenny Mulhall Wage Claims Assistant Enc: ,, CFMEUNSW 12 Railway St, Lidcombe NSW 2041 Locked Bag 1 Lidcombe 1825 Ph 0 2. 9749 0400 Fax02 96491100 Ph 0 2. 9749 0400 Fax 02 9268 0687 cfmeunsw.asn.au [email protected] 121 H June 2014 ABN: 17 524 350 15( ACIRT Australian Administration Services Locked Bag 5040 PARRAMATTA NSW 2124 Dear Sir/Madam, RE: WORI<J:RS EMPlOYED BY METROPOliS TRAFFIC CONTROl PTY lTD (37561156} ABN: 41-122-777-762 CONTACT: VICKI FIEG 02 9749 7650 Following a dispute with the above employer, the CFMEU was successful in recovering $4,200.00 in unpaid redundancy from the company. The attached cheque for $4,200.00 (CN401969) is a payment against the outstanding Ja nuary 2014 balance of $10,200.00. ACIRT are holding an amount of $6,000.00 to apply against the January 2014 remittance provided by Metropolis Traffic Control Pty Ltd. Please refer to Dennis Matthews. If any part of this settlement cannot be allocated, please contact the CFMEU before proceeding with any refund of unallocated monies. You can contact me directly on (02) 9749 0408 or the union's Wage Claims Department on (02) 9740 0400 if you require any further information or if we can be of any further assistance. Yours faithfully Jenny Mulhall Wage Claims Assistant Enc: CONSTRUCTION FORESTRY M!NJNG and ENERGY UNION NEW SOUTH WALES BRANCH CONSTRUCTION & G~NERAL DIVISION Locked Bag 1 · Lidcombe NSW 1825 Phone: (02) 9749 0400 Fax: (02) 9749 3677 fiLE CIFMIEU CONSTRUCTION ANO GENERAL '- uU.) Super ~ ·~ . - ... ..... ~ ... -;.; Level 5. 477 Pitl Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 I" o I I o w1 n g c o mp I a i n l s f r o m e mp 1 o y e e s o f METROPOLIS TRAFF I C CONTROL PT Y 11Ml TED l he CFMEU was success I ul in recovering unpaid SUPERANN UATION from CFMEU WCConl ra/Mel ropol is At t a c h e d 1 s a I 1 s l o f me mb e r n a me s a n d a mo u n l s l o l a I I i n g l h e v a i u e o f o u enclosed cheque no 402152 for $72 475 95 P I e a s e n o l e l h e a l l a c h e d p a y me n l rna y n o t h a v e b e e n rna d e b y t h e e mp I o y e r :. therefore if you cannot allocate any part of l h1s setllemenl please conlacl lhe CFMEU Wage Claims Ass1slanl on (02)9749 0400 BEfORE proceeding WI l h any refund Thank you f or your conli nued ass1slance lo lhe CFMEU and SGPERANNUATI ON fund me mbers Yours f allhfu l ly BRIAN PARKER ~ sondor to l<atlp Secretary ~l§. 605 10953144 OG3 Construct ion Forestry Mining Energy Union CFMEU CONSTRUCTION ~NO GE!'JERAL DAT-E PAYTI:lE SUM OF 5 ~j T.OTt-J~ I 0FlDEi=(OJ:= ! Seventy-Two ... ·9ot l ·aTs a 1rd C·BUS Supe..r Seve nty-Five 16/09)14 $ Foc.and~9fl .be~lt orC.CJNSJR~CT!ON FQRE$;TRY M.tNJN.c;3 ahc!'EN~R~Y l;!i\!(QN (~~vV ~8Aiilc;l-!)' :fBE <?..O.N$JRUctrON &G~,N.~~~-DIVJSION -.WAG.e ClAIMS AG9Ql!Nl' [ REMITIAN'CE ADVICE I CONSTRUCTION FORESTRY MINING and ENERGY UNION NEW SOUTH WALES BRANCH CON STRUCTION & GENERAL DIVISION CfMEU CONSmUCTION Locked Bag 1 Lldrombe NSW 1825 Phone: (02) 9749 0400 FS' (02)9749 asn r;: L G! AND GENERAL ~ •• • f •• rE)) . 0 tP )f' ~~ • •· . . .!. .- . .-... .,._ - Australian Construction l ndustt· y Redun dancy Trusl Building A. Ground Floor. 1 Homebush Bay Dr i ve RH ODES NSW 2138 Ref ..;... . Fo I 1 o wi n g c o mp I a 1. n l s f r o m e mp I o y e e s o f METROPOLIS 'fRAFFJ C CONTROL P'fY Ll Ml TED the CF'MEU was succ ess fu l in recove ri ng unpaid REDUNDANCY f r o m CFMEU WCContra / Melropol is Allached 1s a l i s·l of member n :'t...llles and amoun t s lo l a l li ng th e va l ue of ou enclose d chequ e no 402 !5! for ; Please note. t.h e attached pavmenl may not have been made by the employer therefore if yo}.] c annot a l locate any part of thi s sel.Lleme n l. pleas e contacl lhe CFMEU Ylag e C! aims As s i st ant on (02)9749 0400 BEFO RE p roceeding wi l h any r efund Than k you fo r your con l i nued assi slance lo the CFMEU and REDUNDA NCY fund members Yo u r s f a i t h f uI· I y . ., ~ sender to keep .. ~g a. BRIAN PARK ER 605 109531.43 096 Se cr elary DATE a.nd Ze-ro 16/0~/14 F.or:~~d·urr.:~9.~'l~.!'J(C'<?N$TRIJCi.l'tQN<:F.o'~E$t~Y-Ml,NI~ie. and ENEf.{G:'f·l::J,r;l!bN' {N.SW BAAJ\JC!illT:HE eQNSTf<UCTION & GENEAAl QIViS!ON- WAGE Ci.AirviS·ACGQUiiiT
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