antrag für programm-studenten auf zulassung zum studium an der

International Office
Information Sheet for International Exchange Students
Academic Year 2014 /2015
Dear student,
We will be pleased to welcome you at TH Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences. We
prepared the following information for you:
Application: Please send us the following forms
Application for Admission THM 2014 / 2015
Application for Housing Studentenwerk
Transcript of Records (in English)
If applicable: ERASMUS ECTS learning agreement
Application Deadlines
For the winter semester starting October:
At the latest by July 1, 2014
For the summer semester starting mid March: At the latest by December 15, 2014
Application address for both THM and accommodation
THM Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
Phone: +49 – (0)641-309-1326
Auslandsreferat – International Office
Fax: +49 – (0)641-309-2910
Wiesenstrasse 14
Email: [email protected]
D – 35390 Giessen, Germany
Semester dates 2014/15
Winter semester: October 06, 2014 – February 20, 2015
Summer semester: March 30, 2015 – August 8, 2015
Orientation Days / Arrival Dates
At the beginning of the semester Orientation days are organized for the new incoming students,
taking place the first week of the semester. Students are asked to arrive in time to participate in
the orientation days, which are especially organized for them.
Late arrival can cause serious problems. Enrolment will only be possible during the
orientation days.
International Semester Business Administration
Students wishing to do Business Administration in English are welcome at THM. Please find
details on
International Summer Course - German language intensive course
For studying at THM you need not less than truly good basic German language knowledge (B1
in CEFR Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), as all courses are held
in German, except international programs (i.e. International Semesters Business Administration
BA, M.Sc. Information and Communications Engineering). We highly recommend participating
in the preparatory German language intensive course that will take place August 28 September 26. The course is organized by our partner Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen and
helps to familiarize you with German as everyday language, with Germany and Gießen. If you
book as a student coming from a partner institution for spending 1-2 semesters in Gießen you
will get a grant of 200 € from THM. Please find further information and applications for the
International Buddy Program
The International Buddy Program offers an exciting opportunity to meet with different people,
get an “insider’s view” into the THM and the city and to facilitate integration. Every international
student applying for our ”International Buddy Program” will be introduced to interested local
students for finding his/her individual buddy partner for the whole semester. At best they study
the same subject, however a buddy can also be found regarding language knowledge or
common interests. The local student will help you to settle, answer questions and share leisure
time. Vice versa, you are welcome to give an understanding of your home country and culture.
Get more information on
Students applying for accommodation (within application deadline) are guaranteed to get a
room in one of the student dorms which are spread out over the city (max 3 km from campus,
good and free public transport). Room rates depend on the duration of your stay (4 months =
261€ monthly, 9 months = 234€ monthly, as of July 2013). Students will be contacted by the
Studentenwerk (accommodation office) concerning their leases.
There are various possibilities to find private shared students flats (Wohngemeinschaft) via
internet (,, >
wohnen + leben > Wohnen: Biete Gießen). Shared students flats are very common in Gießen,
as we have about 30.000 students in town. Living in a shared flat may be more expensive but it
is much more sociable, makes it easier to make friends and to improve your German. If you are
interested, “WG International” can help you with this issue. Please contact [email protected].
General information on the THM in the internet:
International office:
Where you find “Guide for incoming students / Wegweiser für Gaststudierende” (bilingual
German and English) at “downloads.
Shila Monasterios
International Student Advisor, International Office
[email protected]