th Published 25 March 2014 GB CANOEING OLYMPIC & PARALYMPIC PROGRAMMES Athlete Performance Award Framework 2013-2017 This policy will apply for commencement from 1 April 2014. 1. Background UK sport has defined a limit to the number of athlete places on the GB Canoeing Olympic & Paralympic Programmes. These places are shared between the Olympic disciplines of Canoe Sprint and Canoe Slalom. A Performance Matrix approved by the BCU Performance Director and UK sport in conjunction with published criteria for each discipline is used as a method of assessing athlete performances. Athletes obtaining a matrix performance will be considered for inclusion in the GB Canoeing Olympic Programmes and recommendation to UK Sport. The final number of athletes included in the programmes is dependent upon: a) the limit assigned by UK Sport (23 Olympic Podium, 45 Olympic Podium Potential, 6 Paralympic Podium, 12 Paralympic Podium Potential). b) GB Canoeing Olympic/Paralympic Programme funding. Athlete places are reviewed annually in October/November each year with Podium and Podium Potential awards running from 1st January -31st December each year. There will be mid-term review opportunities in line with key season milestones at the discretion of the Performance Director. 2. Inclusion Process Athlete inclusion will be made by following the process below: Eligibility Criteria Are you eligible? Published Performance Matrix Do you have a matrix result? Athlete Award Banding What level of performance has been achieved or can be achieved in the future? In line with the GB Canoeing Winning Margins Programme, for existing athletes on the programme with an Athlete Development Plan (ADP) there will be reference to progress against the ADP in addition to results. This is essential to reflect the requirements of athletes transitioning between age groups and athletes competing in classes with limited International start line places such as in Sprint. All athlete inclusions are subject to signing an athlete agreement and signing up to the philosophy and vision of GB Canoeing. Any athlete to be included in the programme MUST demonstrate the appropriate full engagement, attitude and commitment to training and the GB Canoeing Olympic/Paralympic Programmes. Athletes must be fully committed to training to the level required and will be assessed in accordance with the GB Canoeing five performance parameters (Physical, Technical, Mental, Competition & Lifestyle) against the philosophies of the GB Canoeing Winning Margins Programme (WMP). Refer to the GB Canoeing athlete agreement for full details which include eligibility criteria. GB Canoeing Athlete Performance Award Framework 2013-2017 GB Canoeing Mission Statement To consistently win medals at significant international competitions. GB Canoeing Vision To be the No1 Olympic and Paralympic Canoeing Nation with quality and depth of excellence in all that we do The Winning Margins Programme (WMP) GB Canoeing has defined a method of working, titled ‘The Winning Margins Programme’. Within this framework, we operate in a high performance environment with the ambition to: Make a significant difference every day The philosophy that we expect our athletes and employees to embrace is based upon 4 CORE values: Commitment Ownership Responsibility Excellence We have a passionate belief and a commitment to the programme, its objectives and its CORE philosophy. We believe that taking ownership is key to our success. We believe in taking responsibility for our own actions and that strong and effective leadership is a cornerstone to our philosophy. We believe that giving your best on the day relative to the circumstances on that day is at the centre of the winning margins programme and that effective communications with colleagues, athletes and key support staff is a hallmark of our philosophy. ‘Challenging Best’ 3. GB Canoeing Athlete Progression Selection to the GB Canoeing Podium Potential Programme, by its very nature, indicates that an athlete still has the ‘Potential’ to deliver, therefore Podium Potential athlete awards will only be awarded for athletes considered on track to progress towards Podium level performances and ultimately potential to achieve World and Olympic/Paralympic medal performance in Olympic/ Paralympic events in the next 2 Olympic/Paralympic Games. 4. Athlete Performance Awards (APA) Athlete Awards are provided with the express purpose of ensuring suitable engagement with the programme and enabling the purchase of suitable equipment by reducing the need to work dependent upon the level of the Banding. Podium Programme Athletes included on the Podium programme will already be performing at a minimum of top 18 at the World Championships (top 8 Paralympic Programme) and considered to be capable of a medal winning performance in 2016. Podium funding contains three bands (A-C). GB Canoeing Athlete Performance Award Framework 2013-2017 Podium Potential Programme Athletes included on the Podium Potential programme will be considered to be profiled for 2016/2020 Medal performances. Principally under the age of 23 (excluding the Paralympic Programme), the rate of progression to transition from junior to senior team will vary, but athletes are expected to have completed their transition to podium standard by the age of 23. 5 funding bands are available to podium potential athletes (D-H) The podium potential/ Olympic Development programme is split into four recognisable athlete groupings: Transition Podium (2016 profile in 2016 Olympic events) Typically a senior team athlete who is on an upward progression curve, has achieved Podium standards or is expecting to achieve Podium standards within the next year Emerging senior (2016/2020 profile in respective Olympic events) Performing U23 who has been operating at a final level at U23 Championships. Athletes typically remain in this zone for no longer than 2 years) Transition/Developing senior (2020 profile in 2020 Olympic events) U20 athlete following a successful junior career, has moved into senior ranks. May still be in secondary education. Will typically need to become an emerging senior within 2 years and moving into transition podium within an additional 2 years. Alternatively they may have come into the sport through a Fast Track Programme, having achieved all of the agreed progression check points. Performing Junior athlete (2020/2024 profile in 2020 Olympic events) has made a final at JEC or JWC. The profile of a senior athlete supported by the Podium Potential Programmes is typically 5-6 years. This is a major factor that will be considered when discussing inclusion in the programme, irrespective of any performance achieved. Clarity on Canoe Slalom C1W and C2M Programme Support 2014-2017 The ICF Board proposal that C2M will be replaced on the Olympic Programme after the 2016 Rio Olympic Games with C1W entering the Olympic Programme for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games means some changes in funding priorities. Appendix 2 of the Canoe Slalom Inclusion policy gives clarity to athletes on programme status during this transition period. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Andy Maddock, GB Canoeing Programmes Director (Operations), GB Canoeing, National Watersports Centre, Holme Pierrepont, Nottingham, NG12 2LU. 0115 9822094 ext 5 or [email protected] GB Canoeing Athlete Performance Award Framework 2013-2017 5. Olympic Inclusion Criteria & Results Matrix for 2014/15 Below is the matrix which will be used to determine the level of award to athletes from 1 Jan 2015 (or mid-term review) based upon their performances: British Canoe Union World Class Olympic & Paralympic Podium Programme Athlete Performance Award Recommendations & Eligibility Criteria for Consideration – 2014/15 Subsistence Level Olympic Standard A Medallist Top 3 B Top 8 Placing Top 18 Placing C Top 18 Placing Medallist Top 3 Finalist Qualification Criteria Canoe Slalom and Sprint Racing Senior World Championships Canoe Slalom and Sprint Racing Senior World Championships Canoe Slalom & Sprint Racing Senior World Championships Canoe Slalom and Sprint Racing Senior European Championships Canoe Slalom and Sprint Racing Under 23 World & European Championships Canoe Slalom Lee Valley World Cup #1 Canoe Sprint World Cup GB Canoeing Athlete Performance Award Framework 2013-2017 Paralympic Standard Qualification Criteria Gold Medallist Paracanoe World Championships Medallist Paracanoe World Championships Top 8 Placing Paracanoe World Championships Comments (Olympic/ Paralympic Events only) Continuity of support guarantee 2 years (Olympic / Paralympic Events only) Top 6 Placing European Championships (Paracanoe) British Canoe Union World Class Olympic & Paralympic Podium Potential Programme Athlete Performance Award Recommendations & Eligibility Criteria for Consideration – 2014/15 Subsistence Level D (£12k) E (£10k) F (£8k) Olympic Standard Medallist (Must be based at agreed HPC) Finalist G (£6k) H (£3.5k) Qualification Criteria Senior Hitting the Podium Matrix with clearly identified 2016 Medal Profile Slalom Finalist / Senior World Cup* Sprint A Finalist Under 23 World & European Top 6 Placing Championships Slalom Senior World Top 30 Placing Championships* Slalom Top 20 Placing / Senior World Cup* Sprint B Finalist Under 23 World & European Finalist Championships Senior European Top 30 Placing* Championships/World Cup (Slalom Only) Junior World and European Championships Junior World and European Championships Athletes who have not achieved a matrix result, are based at an agreed HPC and have a previous track record of matrix performance and remain identified with a 2016/20 profile using the published profiling tool U21 athletes who have not achieved a matrix result identified with a 2020 profile using the published profiling tool Paralympic Standard Qualification Criteria Top 12 Placing Paracanoe World Championships Top 8 Placing European Championships 105% GMT Official Competition Top 16 Placing Top 10 Placing 108% GMT plus Top 2 Boat Paracanoe World Championships European Championships (Paracanoe) (101-112% GMT) New athletes Only Top 18 Placing Paracanoe World Championships Top 12 Placing European Championships (Paracanoe) Medallist (113-120% GMT) 108% GMT plus Top 3 Boat 112% GMT Top 8 Placing Comments Official Competition (Olympic/ Paralympic Events only) Paracanoe World Championships Non-Paralympic Event New athletes Only Official Competition Under 25 Official Competition Paracanoe World Championships Non-Paralympic Event New athletes identified with a 2016 medal profile Slalom Athletes in Bands E-H achieving the matrix in more than one Olympic event can at the discretion of the Performance Director be moved up a banding to reflect the increased equipment and race entry costs. All performances particularly those maked * are subject to assessment of start line - must achieve minimum performance percentage / % Gold Medal Time (GMT). Athletes included on UK Sport/GB Canoeing official accelerated development programmes can be included on Athlete Performance Awards at levels E-H subject to robust UK Sport/GB Canoeing profiling and full commitment to the programme. GB Canoeing Athlete Performance Award Framework 2013-2017 Provision of Athlete Services: CANOE SLALOM & CANOE SPRINT & PARACANOE Podium Prog Band A B C Podium Potential D £12k E £10k F £8k G £6k H HN/ England APA £3.5k Location Coaching Based at the Podium HPC Slalom -Lee Valley Sprint -Bisham/ Dorney, HPP) Para – HPP Priority support from identified podium coach Olympic - Based at Lee Valley/Bisham Dorney Paralympic/TID Based at HPP HPC* Based at Defined GB Canoeing HPC (Slalom – HPP, Sprint & Para GB Canoeing HPC) Based at Identified GB Canoeing HPC or Home Nation Identified Podium Coach (Slalom Max ratio 1:4 boats) Priority support from identified podium coach Identified Podium Potential Coach (Slalom Max ratio 1:6 boats) Facility Access Full Access to All HPC Water, Gym and facilities Full Access to All HPC Water, Gym and facilities Identified Programme access to Podium Potential Coach (Slalom Max ratio 1:6 boats) Training Camps Core Programme plus bespoke PIC camps Core Podium Programme Core Podium Potential Programme Full access to core services delivered at designated HPC* Identified training opportunities subsidised by GB Canoeing (contribution may be required) Core Programme, requests through ADP/Coach Self funded Access to HPC where available Eng Perf Service Provider Full Access plus bespoke according to individual need Full access to core services delivered at designated HPC Physio/Me dical AMS & Pro Active Support AMS & Pro Active Support* AMS & Reactive support No Physio/ Medical Provision, AMS the responsibili ty of individual athletes WMP Nutrition Product ADP & APM Unlimited product based on individual needs ADP & APM ADP Special projects Kit Priority Consider ation Limited product based on individual needs. Unlimited additional product through online discount code. Access to product Nat ADP Talent through Squad an online (Slalom Max ratio 1:8 boats at a time) code *Note: For athletes transitioning into Podium, Support provision will be defined through the Athlete Performance Meetings based on perceived individual need. Engla nd No APA Based at HPC or Home Club Identified Programme led by Home Nation Coach Self funded Access to HPC Exclusive Water, Identified training opportunities subsidised by England (contribution may be required) GB Canoeing Athlete Performance Award Framework 2013-2017 n/a Additional Information - ‘The Small Print’ NOTES The Programme retains the right to modify any band level or finish position, subject to the strength of class. Special circumstances may be considered. For example, where a talented athlete sustains an injury and has undergone major rehabilitation that significantly affects their competition programme, or where GB Canoeing highlight a particular class as ‘development’. This award is subject to means testing in the event of annual income exceeding £65,163pa (more detail on request). As the strength of start line from class to class and event to event does vary, we reserve the right to modify the banding accordingly; in such circumstances percentage performance is the likely tool to indicate performance. From time to time WCP may make a case for the inclusion of an athlete who has not made the Podium matrix on the basis of performance/potential to medal at senior level. Based on this we reserve the right to include additional athlete(s) but will only guarantee the Band G or H award in this instance. If an athlete achieves a matrix result in more than 1 class in an event, the highest scoring result will count. All APA amounts are subject to UK Sport ability to pay and therefore GB Canoeing & UK Sport reserve the right to adjust awards accordingly whilst retaining the principles laid out in this framework. Podium athletes coming off the Podium programme on 31 Dec 2014 will only receive a podium award until 31 December 2014. In the event of an athlete becoming pregnant, GB Canoeing will follow the policy outlined in UK Sports APA Pregnancy policy 2011. Athletes may be included on the programme during the 2014 season but in such circumstances would be included until 31 Dec 2014 and reviewed at the end of the 2104 season. 6. Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for the GB Canoeing Olympic/Paralympic programme each athlete must: Meet GB Canoeing selection criteria and those of the IOC, the IPC, the BOA or BPA and UK Sport (as appropriate) to represent the British Team at the Games; Meet The International Canoe Federation eligibility code with respect to their ability to represent the British Team; Be a member of the British Canoe Union and must remain so during the Membership Period. Not be serving a ban from participation in the sport for any reason (such as a result of being found guilty of a doping offence or being found guilty of an offence relating to betting, manipulation of results, corrupt conduct, inside information etc.); meet the criteria as set out in UK Sport’s Eligibility, Conduct and Consequences Policy for Athlete’s in receipt of public funding and/or publicly funded benefits as amended from time to time; 7. Appeals Procedure In the event of a member being unhappy with the outcome of a decision under this policy, they may appeal in accordance with the process and timescales laid out in the ‘BCU dispute resolution and disciplinary procedures for disciplinary and other non-doping matters’ policy. The first route of appeal would be to the BCU World Class Management Group. All athlete inclusion will be made by direct reference to the 16 Olympic and 6 Paralympic medal events. For this reason, athletes may be leapfrogged by another athlete with a lower result in a different class as it is essential for GB Canoeing to develop strength across all Olympic and Paralympic events. This may also occur when referencing changes to the Olympic events after the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. GB Canoeing Athlete Performance Award Framework 2013-2017 APA Payment details. Payments of all GB Canoeing Olympic and Paralympic awards are made directly by UK Sport th monthly in arrears, normally on the 25 of the month (or the nearest working day prior to this th where the 25 falls on a weekend or bank holiday) and will be credited directly to your bank account by BACS. You will receive your remittance advice electronically to your email address provided to us on your Income Assessment Form. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC – formerly the Inland Revenue) is aware of the Athlete Performance Award and has accepted that the majority of athletes do not have to pay income tax on their award where it is their sole source of income. However, personal taxation and National Insurance contributions are your responsibility and you are strongly advised to seek expert advice. Detailed information can be found for each discipline in separate documents: Canoe Slalom – Published March 2014 Canoe Sprint – To Be Published by 1 May 2014 Paracanoe (below): GB Canoeing Paralympic Podium Potential Programme Matrix Priority There are 12 UK Sport nominated places on the Paralympic Potential Programme. These will be prioritised in the following order for inclusion. Priority 1 Athletes selected to the GB Team to compete at Paracanoe World and European Championships in Paralympic Events. Priority 2 2nd Boats in Paralympic events achieving 108% GMT Priority 3 Talent Confirmation Athletes in order of %GMT Priority 4 Athletes under the age of 25 achieving 112% GMT Priority 5 Medalists in Non-Paralympic Events at World Championships Priority 6 3rd Boats in Paralympic Events achieving 108% GMT Priority 7 Top 8 Placings in Non-Paralympic Events at World Championships *%GMT will be calculated on environment corrected competition performances only except in the case of Talent Confirmation athletes whose official training times may be used. GB Canoeing Athlete Performance Award Framework 2013-2017
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