_____________________________________________________________ Anderson County Board of Commissioners _____________________________________________________________ Regular Agenda Monday, March 17, 2014 @ 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order / Roll Call 2. Prayer by Sheriffs Department Chaplain, Clyde Drummond Pledge of Allegiance 3. Appearance of Citizens 4. Approval and Correction of Agendas Consent Agenda Regular Agenda • • 5. Elections • Nominating Committee Report by Chairman McKamey (Civil Service Board, Beer Board, Board of Zoning Appeals) 6. A. Director of Schools Any questions from Commissioners • B. County Mayor Budget Committee Appointment’s – Steve Mead & Dusty Irwin Any questions from Commissioners • • C. Law Director • Centurion Development – Request for write-off of $27,808.25 in Clerk & Master fees and Title Search fees • Carl Clifford Smith, Jr. v. Anderson County Sheriff and Civil Service Board – Decision against Anderson • Any questions from Commissioners related to delinquent taxes. County by Chancery Court. Request Permission to appeal. D. Departments a. Purchasing Agent Report by Purchasing Agent, Pamela Cotham E. Reports from Committees a. Budget Committee Report by Budget Director Connie Aytes b. Operations Committee Report by Chairman Hitchcock 7. New Business 8. Adjourn Respectfully Submitted, Chuck Fritts, Chairman ANonnsoN Couxrv GovnnxMENT TpnnvFnam< CouNry Mevon. March 12,2014 To: Anderson County Board of Commissioners From: Anderson County Mayor Terry Frank Re: Budget Committee appointments to appoint Commissioner Dusty lrwin and Commissioner Steve Mead to Budget Committee. One vacancy will exist with expectation of requesting a CPA to fill the remaining vacancy. I wish 100 NoRrH Cr-rNron, TTNNESsEE . 377 16 Etrrer: [email protected] Men Stneer, Surrs 208 PuoNe: (865) 457 -6200 . . OFFICE OF THE COUNTY LAW DIRECTOR ANDERSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE 101 South Main Street, Suite 310 CLINTON, TENNESSEE 37716 N. JAY YEAGER Law Director TELEPHONE: (865) 457-6290 FACSIMILE: (865) 457-3775 Email: [email protected] MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Mary Murphy CC: County Commission FROM: N. Jay Yeager DATE: March 12, 2014 RE: Law Director’s Report – March 17, 2014 - County Commission Meeting Please add the following items to the County Commission Agenda under the Law Director’s Report: A. Contract Approvals: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Jonathan Hodge – Schools Michael Adam Poole – Training Promissory Note – Sheriff’s Dept. Robert Justin Collins – Training Promissory Note – Sheriff’s Dept. Morrow & Morrow – (E-Rate Consulting) - Schools Dept. of Energy – Sampling License – Mayor Health Care Services Agreement-Trans. Services – EMS Knoxville Harley-Davidson Motorcycle (three leases) – Sheriff’s Dept. Roane State Community College Dual Studies Contract - Schools B. Bankruptcy: 1) USEC (Claim filed on payments in lieu of tax and personal property tax) C. Centurion Development – Request for write-off of $27,808.25 in Clerk and Master fees and Title Search Fees related to delinquent taxes. (Needs County Commission Approval) D. Beer Permit Issued – Jeanette Collins (My Place Sports Bar) E. Lawsuit Updates: 1) Carl Clifford Smith, Jr. v. Anderson County Sheriff and Civil Service Board – Decision against Anderson County by Chancery Court. (Request Permission to Appeal – Needs County Commission Approval) 2) Foster, Durrell v. Anderson County Sheriff and Civil Service Board – Dismissed by Plaintiff. No liability assessed against Anderson County. 3) Anderson County v. Daugherty, Ludy – (Codes Violation) Default Motion granted for County. PURCHASING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES March 10, 2014 Committee Members: Terry Frank – Present Jerry White – Present Zach Bates – Present Jerry Creasey – Absent Scott Daugherty - Present Pamela Cotham, Purchasing Agent – Present Knoxville Harley Davidson – One year contract for four motorcycles for the Sheriff’s Department for the period of April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014. Commissioner White made a motion to approve and to forward to County Commission with a recommendation for approval. Commissioner Bates seconded the motion and the motion passed. Commissioner Bates made a motion to approve and to forward to County Commission with a recommendation for approval. Scott Daugherty seconded the motion and the motion passed. Contract Policy & Procedures (Note) Items highlighted in yellow indicate additional edits made since the purchasing committee review. The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. 1 OFrIcn Or THE Cour\"ry LAw trRf,croR ANDTRSON COUI\.TY, TENI{ESSf, f, tol South Main Str€et, Suite 310 CLINTON, TENNESSEE 3?? N. JAY YEACER 16 TEI,EPIIONE: (85r.1 457.6190 I'ACSIMILET (865t,!J7.J77J Lar oircclor Ernarl jycsgerGaclrrdirccbr.qrm March 4, 20i4 Chief Deputy Mark Lucas Anderson County Sherilf s Depadment l0l S. Main Srreet. Suite 400 Clinton, Teruressex 377 l6 RE: 1 Harley Davidson Motorcycle Lease - YIN #'s I HDI FMMI 38y706646: Y? 08 I 9 3 : I HD I FMM I 68Y67 685 I : I H D t F M M t 98y67 7 4 3 0" HD I FMM 1 28 Dear Mark: Pursuant to a request daled March 4,2014, I have reviewed the above-referenced contracts lbr legal form. Aftcr review, I am satisfied these documents rneet or exceed all requirements for contracl formation under Tenneslee lbrm. law Therefore, I have approved these con1|ects as to legal Plesse nore that these con*scr rerrns extend beyond rhefiscal yeur and therefore must be subrnitrcd to County Coumbsionfor approval. lhis approval is to legal form only- I assume, since you submitted these contracls to my oflice lbr approval that you have read this agreement, and the terms and condirions set forth aie desirable to you-and the departnent involved. I have not been involved in the negotiations of these contr&€ts; however, ifyou would like additional guidance "nrr advice regariing a specific provision ofthe contracts, please fe€l free ro conkct me. Furthermore, for ttre purpJse orte approval process, it is assumed that these colrracts have been pmperly bid. if requircd, and budgeted according to state law. Pleax call, ilyou have additional questions or cone€ms, z With kin, N.Iayfi Enclosure: 4 pages cc: Pamela Cotham LEASOR SCHSOULP ofPAYMSNTS PAYMENT (S) OF Knoxvlll. fbrl?y-I!.vldron, Irc. 6l{aoo 5800 Clintoo Hwy. KnoxYillq TN. 37912 Phonc 865.689,2454 Fax 865,689.4794 YE RLY qUARTELY LESSEE MONTHLY OTHgR lr Monti &.{rltv D.Do.it V€}IICLE DBSCRIPTION N.wruld Yc.r M*. Modd U 2OO8 T'ARI,!)Y.DAVIDSON FLIITP EA VIN I Mth{. 1HDlFMMl98Y677430 i! *ir htra. i€'r. r E! t . t ttfl,t d..drd k arr tL-. dp Or.bI r ry$db6 n tLrr.ldtL W.06ti.rdt 1.oU,i, t Ot BbrH i.dba., t!hr, Tn! |o 6, Wg uS d (xn, dr 'u, & nb lr.r tr{|.d tdor. Daa. !a.a.a: ltt! !.w irffc| Lroaduly rlrL |||l 1...c. B J ..' t ,/' lcqulritton poo t-. ool.t YtuE!.t optlor &$.$ Prrdl! a prlc. of 3_ cr-rNToN, TN.3?7r6 !.fy6f _L_ NUMBIR of PAYMEITnI PAYASLE AT StCN$rC OF t ANDHRSON COT-TN]'Y SHBRIFF'S DEP| l0l s. MAIN sT. ROOM 400 tlrlL.. rtd &d l; LE,ISS ACnEEMEI{T: Yd {rs.otcc tc! - -d !! inr b tc b!,r,6. il}*.|. ttaa'E a- q rdClletodLls. Yar.ll*tH.adord-,{ff.bdrl}..d}!a.d&!dar.r-.bL-]dt rnrrd lodr|[ldr oflhL k .. .tr.dnrl ftn .qo {t{y b rV 3oN.dr.- Ya,.o|nL b !. 5 t!*noadl oftE ri.|| lndlrC.ba!'c n o rr rdd.r rtrd tln a !..|c*a.C tfi{ii*|a !r. Cof tAns d-.. L !F ''trrrrr|d h.rd.d.t n @d d nr.... ed of o. d rt rcLiu. ff. rd Ci6 t-,nid (10'lt) Aor &rc c c ryi*tlc | !.d d; d.aa pti6. *dl h! nL.d s lol!'ld. h . Fqo.ib:. d.rl!. c }o .g!a ,E rdl ,.:,!d !t |? Ir b fr. tl| Gl|cr. laludi'U. It Ttlical+ l rldrn 0o.!, TIF tdj srrl !d of d. ,.Itl6L b trlra fr d .a!i.t , .ld ts lltlE irl L ic..r..y. 2: ORDERTNG VEBICL& Y- rqr( or n r!-|' d.tlr6tro leo t Fe .e6. tr *..rsr 8.t tn l|.". hd 6.r*Lb, y .t r.t||ar.,u&..I!e.or.o*rs | -c.ttjL st{ lfFtr n trdald h .!ddr& ooolrq fordt ro!i.L. Fr, r3rE 5 rtr I ao ra..tlnli ilra s F h tL Eiicr.. Jr NO W^nRANTIES; Wc rl lcrrng*{r whicb ao tru "AS 1g1. WE MAKe NO wAT.RANTY. t !ut&4.rdr6.*n|c *r EXPRE6SED OR IMPLI€D. INCLUDIN(I WARRANNES OF NON.IN?RICBMSNT. MERCHANTABILTY. OR FTN,TSSS POR A PAflCULAR PURFOSE OR ONDNANY USE IN CONNSCnON \f4n TH18 LBASE ftrraI }a.! !t k &A.t t.aetr, oatia L.. iinr6*r rrdr lo l|' !y tnG ldu! n.l,pdk Yfl rmtsnd f|d {l!. tia dc Vad.q, tr.F ,l|d cntkt!,r r.( .B olo34 r{xr {'.r.r6ri:d b {,*,! 6ct{..ry L'| o. dfr,i.l. oalr YOU ACIEE THAT, REOARDLESS OF CLAUSS YOU WILL NOT ASSSRT ANY CLAIM WHATSOEVER AGAINST TAi roR LoSs oR PloFns vqj l}rpecTsD To M Ks oi Al.Iy oTHSR otREft, CONSSQUENTIAI4 SPECIALOI INDIRECT D MAGBE. rF h'.. ald ldorrrht.]cs!-d rirl u rl[ tlQcc to li. !.lLbtdtr Erdrd !-t t .6|trsd b to !.do!{. tt t . r. Fft.of |: tr, 6tdL tI'& .M! &t rr nd i,'r !r( &F|r !r *.r, -irr &h lrs *d l' fi.pai|&t &r $. |..vb., rit io. lqr ndnta|!!r! o{li. |(lrki.l ll|t r{dr r.$!. L|ldrFry b.r |lFl fti'raftc |trEr'{ ti !!,.o ityo! l'Y!. cst n ..dh{ 8ri*rE a !a dl !di.,! t r&.n cr rit8 dl,61id..h..rr.. tArdr ar.rra.. *b le 'rrh. .Dd .{ dr.l!|r to hl. 1c... 4; NON.CANCBLABI,& tJgAStr you o*|n0d c.olol lhir l.$a t i t*lrb!!r rt s- *. l*- lDDmo aLTtt rD Axo conpmo|{| tvt|rcx Ar! ?^rl orTnr8 LEA58 actttT^tct l,t8s,, x"m ArrE- 4 S;EulF Adrlnsc lD/ </t4,,i*9. 96 @ ra"r n*"; t\\Ar Lo.E< TH L PGRSON {6) SICNtNG TXrS L&lS8 CDATrry ?n&Y ARg Tfi& LECAL RApf,,tEAt{TtV& TO DO SO ATD AGR9i NO M{N'FEATIO!{5 MAY 83 MAOE TO THIS LEASS UI{LISS SOTII PARTIf,S TO St CH ITOO|rICATTON FORT,I Lrw Dlnctot t't Wnnmc. laAigB f,cHsDULg ofPAYUSNTE PAYMENT (S) OF Krorvllls ll.rl.,y-Drvldror, Inc, r l!lDo'= 5800 Clinlon Hwy. Knoxvillc TN. 37912 Phone 865.689.2454 Fax 865.689.4794 YEARLY OUARTBLY - T,ESSEE '-----7-- -/ MONTHLY oTHeN_z__ N UMBER of PAYMEI.fTS -L_rlgao:l '.EA8E S&urllvoaroail S ,a eoqufddoflio. s--7- PAYASLE AT SIONII{G OF A}iDFRSON CO1JNTY SHERIFF'S DEPI l0l s. MAIN sT- RooM 400 l'Mordr LLrr\ r vN, iN, i7716 oo'i' h[ct|!t. qFloi sT Pscl..o prlc. of rffir on tho d.liv.ry &b of ___jlgBll.Ll0l{nd oodr oll -A4AB-jj-;0jj_ t.r&.t&3rlorrru!..Lr.|lbL.l.6,rflca...t?r.Fo.r{I0t{)ofFrd-.qicr!.drLt(|ICfiticl|t, Thi. l.{rc u||ll$.,ltitn !}udri!qL.ltdc.?br.nF.d(10r0tf,!f-!.8rrA.icnrind,rlrr.roar.iEhi.Jchqrd... veHtc|"g DmcrumoN Ncvru&, Yc|l tr 2m8 M!&6 VlN, Modd MlL.ae IhRLEY-DAVIDSON FLHTP lHDl }}r4M138Y706646 Oc|r Lraaa: W! lfrr t'lsr dt L* it rF l||u{r h* r.!d ror i. tl|t n&Ar, b |lr, tt . |rdt* .o?,of !|Sr h.3!&llJl|y r||' td 0t rortEryNrdcrts rry bti |tdr t" w. & tr rda. YOJ d YOUI h ra. rho Lr!. h,&en t.l5r. TL *ort wE, lJtt .a our. nrr i. ir L-id hdlo&, !.t6r, l : LEASE AGRESI'iSNT: Ycl |rrall. tn . rd - llr b L- o Fr. 6. r.liC. ||C &r. ra q |.tFdrbbt .L..,Vor3!.&4aar,.Fld.q*dLtdtl.ard|lldaddcla!r+rr.lr&rdA.a6ra arialCs!.dflh| l€t. rri.nrr Adl *o Ttly hrv rdshl., Yfl t (nb. opry r t -m ofdl oadr rrC mnq{a idi!|rd *d{. a o||.y..!rit{q r!l, rrct *.a tt raatttt 6..dr of tq,rr., d- l. tnr.t d .4c-rl.!or! r.. rt |.l.lrta! Tbdof..Crd tq rlErr a.r r o rt.ad. i EGs i*rl da dortu l,tli.t tuldiu, if rrlir6L, tdida. odr lh. rtd{ partsr L[ i! nld or laE d, h a Fooo.liraa! tt*n r, ItU! $ll|tldt of *.d{d. lrtr!& rr6d.dhq rd t! rdrdt ! b rdd rb rdd Frnrty?bbrr', !..1 ( lo!t, itt L rwt ttt atrlradivlry5Fsdtrrq.d L &..!i|{ h till0 bd., *n fi ta trf. a.ro. .. rd{r!- | rc4aiL b }4, llr4 hna *ta l|o I Fnrlx.. r.r|lr|ct fcr !t! rdtc&. Fr {tr to .4r I b 4 .tBdr!. rbr E I.} Ia l!. rdrrtl 3r NO WAR*ANTTES: W. !.r lc.rit ilb tdltL b ttn "AS |s.. WE MAKE NO W RMNIY. 2: ORDERINC . pull..oadi d Vgfllc|,p, *de Yn l!$.dnr &. |lr valriC., ,ar EXPRESSED OR IMPLIAO, NCLUDINO WARR,INNES OF I'ION'INFRI68MSNT, MSRCHAM^AILTY, OR PIT}'IEsS FOi A PAT1CULAR PURPOSS OR ORDINARY USE N tl L d.fd t|l&.y !.*of abL., r,.|'r.fr Elc CONNECTION \f4TH THIS l..8^SE. to lra. wa.rrntb rud. l! ur t, lhe .r}|{||d$ o. r!9rlb.Y6, li.l,r||d rr! rya or $. Vr&q ta ryd. .rd .rtb!. t! rc rae$ olcrr d .'. s., |||l0ititld !o irh! d drt. rU k[ r.6,llw 3f tt lo. YOU AGRSB THAT' REO^RDLESS OF CLAUSB. VOi, Wlll. ltloT ASSERT ANY CL IM wH AGATNST US fOR LOSS OR PROFTTS YOU EXPSCTED TO MAKE OR ANY OTHBR OIRSCT, 'SOEVSR rro. .. rdr CoNSEQUBNTIAL SPeCIAL OR INURECT DAI{AGSS, Itya Fr-!a tRrdd llridft ..aaCr,6*nptFaIblrfddor..U.tn!,d.t 'r&Eo..arn rli.arofrr!.!rofd. |ct fm rlj|or|'ca !d r'!dr b iAar r. -br &il br allll m| t r6gaarlLfa$.ani...,lFf$ioa trri.Fftc. o{t}. v.*lc. dd r(|c| rhr- ! d. tittod rdr n*& FarEir(.da*ltturt v.rdLflF r{rlltN r*FrF d..r||€ Fr !i o.drr Srarb.rrc!-{F..ilr*drd{kFtqr.Hra1a0.lrdr IL-. xld .||t i.rlrrL o t[h Lr. |lrf,16h.!...|od$tr0 ,!-., 4, NON-CANCSLABLI LLASgi Yo! ..t{rol ?Enae o.nool ltir b|Ea $D colrptTtoif mtrca ACCTTT CI oifllu L&lE3 raaT L€S8UA w*, ala aRC Atna, &.f&;rV Tirl.: Clit6t.'lElp ar 4,,1d/' (uoqc n'r*urn: llAp: THg prRsoN (q EroNrNc Tgts L$AES ctRTtrv T{EY AngTt|f, t[c TO DO SO AND AcRtS t{O MOr|lrCATtOfiS MAY BE MAD! TO TflTS BOTH PANTIEI/€NEE SUCH MODIFICATION IN WRIIING. 'O .t// ./ ,a ^ryq/^r/roLsc*rovt ,/ ,/. r-24' A/r&--' l;Wt{-'-.*** L nl'rusAr{TtvE LlrSt Ul{La$ LEASOR SCHSBULa of PAYMSNT: PAYMENT (S) OF K||orYlllc l{.rl.t-D.vldrcrt lnc. t lqro". 5800 Clinton Hwy. Knoxvillc TN, 37912 Phone 865.689.24J4 F.x 865.589.4794 YEARLY QUAnTBLY LESSEE _-_--r_ MONTHLY /,2 onten -- | *:__ txr,Se r'Mo.dr tlgt-l: S.drity D.Dalt Aoauhlth,tlPer t .,'' od# s7-.ffiPudrrrooptlo hrdlarsp.lclof t_ NUMSER of PAYMBNTS PAYASLs AT SIGNTNC Of ANDBRSON COI.'NTY SHTNFF'S DEP'I' l0l s. MArN sT. RoOM 400 CLINTON. fN. 37716 klt t APRII I- tO l,a.d.!idr o0 MAR ll l0l5 ofl tl|. dcllv..y d.t of d{r..rt r.ia.|..t od otL.. |rr| d te .!tF.-t *} ofFrdD erb n6diy ( |r o,r..t ro$) qrlll ucn d,ft ! F drt atrlon FL. ?l$ rfl F ctr (t0 t4) |flriart &r t|l. ld},atin lyldorn otrdr rdrld.I ditt ra Thir r,|$. rt r.. .t .tr ro ( 10 v8l{G: Nr*/ur!d Y..r Descf,tPfloN Mod.l Mrt! U VlN, Milc.to 2OO8 TIARI,EY.DAVIDSON FLTITP I HDIFMM t28Y708I93 D6.r La|.ca: Wc hrvr rrtr.. t i td. i Fait tnara. be. |E rl't to b llt rrd.dra b q|s. tt .. rj td rdgt orUB h.c 6|rn|||t .!tt hd ftlo b d. r rV t .ab.. Fr ,|y hv! .toot t W! r. |}'. |!rt yOU .|a y(xn b ,'trr fi. Lln . trdhSd bd.r, T||. {ro.d. WE t S r{ OUn. lte b d$ L..r.r idht d tdot., l: LgASt ACnBBMS T: Yqrit*&t*ts ||.!dri|tr*bL-bFq 6.vab.tt d*6rcry rdtdi. bd r k e Yo|l $!ah,no[t{eQnt*fcdd. bdt t .i!b.ltt .d.&ht.|r!rd.tori fat6rrr|d d|!|iricr of fnb L.r tr.o!c{ rLlt .hd ett b .rry *t€dlr Yo Fo.iL to !.y . tb. ri ofil of * r*t prnr* i|l.rd.. .l(/yr .. - -t r.b.H., ,biC rF c- t .-rt&a t dlbttt rb ctdr oatarar hr t t!,na Er I'dL..d $r'. s 6 ry.c.td., rl. d.d d r.iEr jor tovr r or :ry-drartr I h.d; ir -t r.d -d !r.rdlon.-.lt ld.l d of 6r !rild.l||l.b&!ri ItdhaLr rGt trrnqr AI t ntr.drtoxra,LrFn?o.tldra n !n . if rh€ dr.I aat of !h rrrtld. ir Srd.r r||er qr 3.{h$, .rd F, rfidb.. b {irr t dpfirtt||'bErF. sr (lOa) illt lr !...ro.)'. 2: Of DSnINC VE IICLA: Ynt tt r tr|r|l rdn rl b rr r}r.qr6 b |r..!at t B Lr! |rld '!qs . Ffdi{. ora- d rdE.cr t! tu $oLld Fr ltr na * ra{Cfa ardr o. s r! b !rart*16 b t .. ItFr,l|.Y. ca Ho I Frdl|tc ro.ilri.l tn {|b vrfirtr, ttrl }l! b..dtr I b |I,:{tCn ! r*cr !n e a. fr* llrida 3: NO wARRt TIES: W! 1t! k dn8 thb v6lcL !o )r{.AS lS", WE MAK8 NO IVARRAN??, EXPRESSSD OR IMPL|ED, |NCLUDING W RnANTTES OF NON-rNnrcFI{EN?, MERCHANTABILTY, OR FITNEJS FOR A PATICI,LAR PUR,POSg OR OI'DINARY USE TX * CONNSCTnN WffH TH'E LBAgg 60 h.f - td F ior b rLld !V !.nt otr& b4 !sh$ $r ry irrmkr ir* lo la Q ri. |n-o|'.d'. c rtdh, Yo. nd.a,! ttaa Aa yadoa. tr{S n '. tr|0ioy€ |!ad 'lrLr'.i ryrB of r.t ra llt , r{tqi!.d b rd$6tr|! rt ||r 6!.rdlh oaofi t -.. YOIJ AORSB TfiAT, REOAT.DLESS OrCLAUSE, YOU WLL NOTASSERT AtJy CL IM WHATSOEVER ACAIXST US lt, *6*[email protected] FOR LOS8 OR PROTMS YOU EXPECTSD MAKE OR ANY OTHSR DIRECT. CONSEQUBNTIAI. SPECIAL OR INDTRECT D MAG8S. rrrl rrv.-rftc ddr - b L tdd 8r.tbtri. artatioi of{t |.n offrb t6 rirn r..t-tro h r*ld. ofrrd 'td*..d 16r.., h{t }oo.*||ii{.d|. lh.l l|:roir to i{|.fi rf, 8bn *l lo!h.[.at !r ?! ton {r! ftr tErarfkG, rodr. ior rto.'rrbq* r'ftd fid a|.ia.af$6did.,0tir!r*!dtE NiCtp.f$lo rdriai.tt3|.n .|.r*E{,!d.r* |rt!.ln!.O$r3 tlt!{hatdi.nF6lwk ,rsnl.qtu r'.tbdr||ltE.{n nd .& .cidrb iJ. L.a l rd r.ha!rn€. 16 {: IiON€ANCBITBLE LrAS0; Yo.r .rtnoa oal.cl ttnxS aND ACCUTT tTidt do.id..Altd dti! lc.!r, cofilrT|o|l8 w'trc|| Aa;l| NCI rr of l||rl LlA f LEASS n',* Attxo-d"3g'a7r A&i!.. DilE ?- ?- /1 CityAt t lzl, ay Prht THE PE*SON (sl AIG nnr!: zto &),o,.N t )t /kth-!*- lv{,roo-Lr,.- INC THl6 LEIAS CSRTIFT T,{EY ARg ?Hf LISAL RDtRES/tNTlVg MAy 8E MADA m m|stf,Asg ut{LlSE 80TH PART|Es4tgg TTSUCH ifODtnCATlOt{ tN WRtllt{C. lo Do 80 Ar{o AGRrr o MOO$tcJmr!6 foir tr* Ohcror LEASOR SCHEDULS o'PAYMSNTS PAYMENT(S) OF Knorvllb l{.rlcy"trvid$n, hc. 5800 Clkrton Hwy" Knoxvillc TN. 37912 Phonc 865.689.2454 Fax 865,589.4794 YEARLY I QUARTELY ,' LgSSEE MONTHLY .,2 otltg} 7- NUMAER.f, yUBilTS _j_ PAYAATT AT SICNI O OF LAA6E ANDSI'SON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT l0l s. MAII\i sT. RooM 4@ CLINTON. TN. 377t6 r'Mood| scqdty 3 t'{\J-: D.torh t-. A.cuLfilonf.o S .'/' orr.. s7- odon @PulbrcFlc.ot t_ ?rrdr.s! cn tl|r ddiv!.y d$e ol 4pRll.1,.?QJiaodcdron MARll.-?015 !! 6tqr../a vdi.{. r ad of hr. om a !q b p d tto !a}.r,rd,o. a.to.@iF *t!ffi.r rdso|tnnria.'r|rt.t tir..ot(ioi.);r.t i' rtr. njirdt d;;rdt'roiuo L*rorc" Tlir l.!& $rdr L..r.c .r,a $ril||drrt VEI{ICT,E DESCRIPTIOX Mt}! MdGl vtN t Mil€t U 2OO8 HARLEY.DAVIDSON I-],IITP II{DIFMM168Y67685I Ircrt.[.*ca: \v.t.lt ffi!* ai ts irrt ir bt"{. !.o.. r. rrr t{ to tut, t &rnt b h1||cr5Fr 0.?t o{rii! la o|r&ilt rd ad !r. .. || rt qo-b Fr !q bt -o!a k W. .. $. !!t yol, rd yotn b E lla L..t r hdlc.ed !dbl.. fb d lfq US.{ OtJl. nf !Oat-f hahg faos, tl€li/n r.d ao E-t{T; ya iE.o t .r idr r !'d i IrB b t* b rqr L.}4t& thCaac 6o q ? ^C.!EEM --.,1 ,!!4s, yd .F. rL, r or$d6, r.|mE i0 allcri. i!' r.|.iL b|s le *d !..qddrld r r.16. hra rd t rfl; 6.i|ar or ol|. r{. rliEffi ra. {. ?ptt F ryd. yd,mt b,qrt rd oar| of b d F,r|t. y,:a1?9!rs -{q.q9..tnarl-Ldat .arrra*oraLEa-oarr-r.Lr?:d .dts.!9n a !! 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Foa lrt qltctor ANDERSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO. 14‐XX‐XXX RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH A POLICY PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTING CONTRACTS THROUGH A CONTRACT REQUEST FORM FOR THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT OF ANDERSON COUNTY WHEREAS, Anderson County has adopted and operates under the County Purchasing Law of 1957; and WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated (T.C.A.) Section 5-14-105 (1), provides the county purchasing agent with exclusive power and it is the purchasing agent's duty to: Contract for and purchase all supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services required by each and every official, agency, office, department or employee of the county government, or that is supported by, or under control of, the county government and that expends or encumbers any of the county's funds; and WHEREAS, T.C.A. Section 5-14-105 (1), further provides that: No other official, employee or agent of the county or of any of its departments or agencies shall be authorized to contract for or purchase any such materials, supplies, equipment or contractual services; and WHEREAS, T.C.A. Section 5-14-107, provides that the county purchasing agent, with the assistance of the county purchasing commission, shall adopt, promulgate, and may from time to time amend, rules and regulations for the purchase of supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services and specifically for the following purposes: (1) Authorizing in writing any department, official or agency of the county government to make purchases in the open market for immediate delivery in emergencies, defining such emergencies, describing the manner in which such emergency purchases shall be made and promptly afterward reported to the county purchasing agent; (2) Prescribing the manner in which supplies, materials and equipment shall be requisitioned, purchased, delivered, stored and distributed, and providing that such shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this part; and WHEREAS, the Anderson County Commission realizes the need, especially in today’s current environment of fewer available resources, for increased transparency and accountability of public funds, and that the County Commission is ultimately responsible for ensuring that management is meeting its internal control and contracting responsibilities; and WHEREAS, the County Commission finds it to be in the best interests of Anderson County to establish a procedure for requesting and putting in place contracts that complies with County Purchasing Law of 1957 and ensures this procedure is adhered to through a Contract Request Form; NOW THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the County Commission of Anderson County, meeting this _____ day of _______________, 2014, that: Anderson County establish the Purchasing Department’s Contract Request Form and Procedure for Requesting Contracts. RESOLVED DULY PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of March 2014. ________________________ Chuck Fritts, Chair, AC Commission _________________________ Terry Frank, Anderson County Mayor ATTEST: ________________________ Jeff Cole, Anderson County Clerk ANDERSON COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT CONTRACT REQUEST FORM Requesting Department: ___________________________________________________ Requestor: ________________________ _________________________ (Print) (Signature) Vendor Name: ___________________________________________________________ Explanation of Contract: (attach memo if additional explanation needed) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Contract Start Date: ___________________ Contract End Date: ____________________ Renewal Options: ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Contract Received by: ____________ Received - Date: _____________ Time: ____________ (Initials) ______________________________________________________________________ APPROVAL TO FORM Sent to Law Director - Date: ________________ Time: ________________ Approved by Law Director - Date: ________________ Time: ________________ Contract Received from County Attorney’s Office- Date: _____________ Time: _____________ ______________________________________________________________________ PURCHASING COMMITTEE (If Required) Action: ___________________________________________Date: ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________ COUNTY COMMISSION (If Required) Action: ____________________________________________Date: ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________ CONTRACT FULLY EXECUTED Purchasing Agent: Date: ________________ County Mayor: Date: ________________ Executed Contract mailed to Vendor and Department: _____________________________(Date) Notice to Proceed Issued: __________________________________________________ (Date) ANDERSON COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTING CONTRACTS This procedure is established to ensure that Anderson County complies with all aspects of the County Purchasing Law of 1957; and in particular the request and tracking and/or approval of contracts. Clearly the County Purchasing Law of 1957 grants sole authority and responsibility for this task to the county purchasing agent. No contract will be signed by the Purchasing Agent or the County Mayor that does not originate out of the Purchasing Department through this procedure. 1) The requesting department will submit a Contract Request Form to the Purchasing Department, along with a short memo if needed that briefly states the purpose for the contract and any other relevant information that the Purchasing Agent will need to fully understand the purpose of the contract. The Contract Request Form will identify the person making the request by printing and signing their name to the form and including the department for whom they work. The name of the company with whom the contract is with will also be included on the Contract Request Form as well as the type of contract (e.g. professional services) and the date the contract begins and expires. 2) Upon receipt of the Contract Request Form in Purchasing Department the request form will be time and date stamped and initialed by the person receiving the form. 3) The Purchasing Agent bears sole responsibility for having the contract approved as to legal form. The Purchasing Agent will, on a regular basis, submit a request in writing to the law director listing the contracts to be approved as to form and providing a copy of each contract to the Law Director. 4) The Law Director will date and sign each contract as Approved to Form and return the contract and any written instructions he so desires to the Purchasing Department. 5) The Purchasing Agent will stamp the returned contract from the Law Director and date and time the receipt of the contract on the Contract Request Form. 6) Any contract received after the Purchasing Agenda deadline which is noon of the first Wednesday of each month will be included on the following month’s Purchasing Agenda. 7) Once the contract has been through the Purchasing Committee the Purchasing Agent will record the action taken by the Committee on the Contract Request Form. 8) Once the contract has been through the County Commission the Purchasing Agent will record the action taken by the Commission on the Contract Request Form. 9) Not until this procedure has been properly followed and the contract passed for approval by the County Commission will the Purchasing Agent present the contract along with the completed Contract Request Form to the County Mayor for signature. Andersonville Volunteer Fire Department Board of Directors 1957 Mountain Road Andersonville, TN 37705 Anderson County Board of Commissioners 100 North Main Street Room 118 Clinton, TN 37716 Dear Anderson County Commissioners, Feb. 24, 2014 In our ongoing effort to cooperate with the Anderson County Government in fulfilling our mutual mission of serving the residents of Anderson County, we wanted to address some of the questions and concerns that commissioners have voiced during the past few County Commission and County Commission committee meetings. As an informational overview of where the department is now and what we are doing in the community: • The Andersonville Volunteer Fire Department provides EMS, rescue, fire and other emergency services to approximately 9000 people in 4500 households as well as to the businesses and other properties in our service area. • Our service area covers approximately 68 square miles, nearly 20 percent of Anderson County, which includes county commission district three as well as parts of districts one and two. We also render mutual aid assistance for fires in the surrounding communities whenever requested. • We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit Fire Protection Agency consisting of 31 volunteer emergency responders, one paid emergency responder and one paid office manager. • Our volunteer emergency responders represent a value to the community of about $652,800 annually. The number of full time equivalent positions covered by volunteers is 19.2 (2 shifts, 2 responders, 3 stations, 5 days a week; 3 shifts on weekends). Using a cost of $34,000, which includes salary, payroll taxes and health insurance: (19.2)(34,000) = 652,800 • With Station 3 in operation, our response times in the Belmont area have been reduced eight minutes and now are 4-12 minutes. Additionally, our IOS rating can potentially be upgraded to 5, which will lower insurance rates (depending on the insurer) for everyone in our service area. • In 2013 we responded to 701 calls with the following breakdown: Type of Call Number Rescue and EMS 506 Fire 50 Hazardous Conditions 7 Service Calls 21 Good Intent 87 False Calls 26 Severe Weather 3 Special Incident 1 Regarding older tax funding language: The language describing the fire department as not receiving tax funds was initially used to explain one of the reasons why the change to a membership service was necessary and was aimed at indicating that our equipment and infrastructure costs were not covered primarily by property taxes in the same way that, for example, the highway department is funded. This was easily misconstrued to mean that we claimed we received no funds of any kind from the County, which was never our intent. Regardless, due to the ambiguity of the statement, as of the 2014 membership letter that went out in October of 2013, that sentence was removed. Feb. 24, 2014 AVFD 2 Regarding our funding structure: We are working to serve the people of our service area in the most economically efficient way possible balanced with the best quality of service that we can provide. A flat rate system, as has been advocated, has the benefit of being easier to bill, but the inequity of fires being easier, on average, to put out on smaller structures. If we were to switch to a flat rate, some people’s rates would go up and some people’s would go down. We will always be looking for the best way to equitably fund the department and our current course is to bill based on square footage (exceptions include low income waivers and negotiated contracts). However, as our membership base grows, we will be able to reduce rates accordingly, thus the more people that join as service members, the less it costs for everyone individually. Regarding perceived membership rate inconsistencies: No property owner who joined as a service member of the Andersonville Volunteer Fire Department in 2013 should have seen an increase in their 2014 invoice. Initially we had an incomplete/inaccurate data set from the assessor’s office, which resulted in some inaccurate invoices being issued in 2013. We maintained those invoice amounts for 2014, if they were lower than they should have been, for people who had already joined in 2013. There is no obvious justification for maintaining such errors for property owners who are just joining now and the 2014 invoices were corrected to reflect the accurate amount based on up-to-date square footage. There may still be errors out there and we need our members to let us know if the square footage on their membership form is incorrect. We hope that anyone who notices a discrepancy that they don’t understand will contact us so that we can verify the amount and correct it, if it is wrong. Please ask those who contact you with issues to contact us so that we can all be on the same page, which is a functioning fire department for the community. Feb. 24, 2014 AVFD 3 Regarding the Andersonville Elementary School call and bill. As the alarm company’s record shows, they put a call into Anderson County Dispatch for the fire department to be dispatched to Andersonville Elementary in response to a FIRE PULLSTATION (not SENSOR TROUBLE) alarm. The fire department was dispatched by Anderson County Dispatch and they responded in all possible haste to what was presumed to be a genuine fire situation at the school. As there was no fire or other emergency that precipitated the FIRE PULLSTATION alarm being transmitted to the alarm company the call was a FIRE ALARM ACTIVATION- NO FIRE call. Because neither Anderson County nor Andersonville Elementary have engaged in a contract with, or joined the AVFD as regular members, the rate for the bill reflects the default, non-contributing member status that has been chosen by the County as how they wish to be served by the AVFD. We would very much like to formalize our relationship with the county as soon as possible so as to avoid these types of misunderstandings in the future. Respectfully, Andersonville Volunteer Fire Department Board of Directors Feb. 24, 2014 AVFD 4 Andersonville Volunteer Fire Department Board of Directors Contact Information (partial list of board members) Please feel free to contact any of us with any questions you may have about the department. Eddie Campbell (Chair) Home: (865) 494-9436 Cell: (865) 603-2025 Email: [email protected] David Allen (Vice Chair) Cell: (865) 242-2286 Email: [email protected] Daniel Miller (Fire Fighter) Cell: (423) 273-0487 Email: [email protected] Gina Ridenour (Treasurer) Cell: (865) 323-8799 Email: [email protected] Becky Doane (Secretary) Cell: (865) 964-5531 Email: [email protected] Robert Seiber (Service Membership Representative) Cell: (865) 438-0299 Julia Nelson (Service Membership Representative) Email: [email protected] Cell: 865-742-5245 Feb. 24, 2014 AVFD 5
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