Alumnae Association B. G. H. School of Nursing Newsletter – 2014 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Happy New Year for 2014. We had a very successful 90th Anniversary of the BGH Alumnae at Reunion in June 2013. It was a lot of work to organize, and I would like to thank all those who helped in any way. The Alumnae remains active with the help and participation of the members. We are always looking for people to fill some executive positions to keep the Alumnae active. Again we have lost several members and express sympathy to their families. I would like to thank all members of the executive for their help in the last year. Looking forward to seeing you at Reunion June 7th & 8th 2014. Diane Besley (Frizell ’67) President . 2014 EXECUTIVE Back row (L to R): Recording Secretary: Linda (Todd 71A) Poole, Quiet Room: Shirley (Dunham 60) Powers, Membership: Patricia (Larocque 66) Young, Past President, Nomination & Remembrance: Shirley (White 57) Jones. Front row (L to R) Treasurer: Marian (York 61) Turnham, Archives Historian: Ruth (Maud 50) Jones, President: Diane (Frizell 67) Besley, Corresponding Secretary: Jean White (67). Absent: First Vice President: Sharon (Irwin 66) Mackie. Social and Publicity:Donalda (Bates 52) Lockhart. All graduates celebrating a 40th to 75th reunion year will be recognized at reunion, with those celebrating their 60th and 50th given special honour. Many graduates return every year to celebrate with them, renewing friendships, memories, and nursing experiences. Front L to R: Jacqueline (Findlay) Hill, Faye (White) Bell*, R. (Carbery) Webster*—Teacher, G.E. Gibson*-Director Nursing Ed., V.J. Preston*—Director of Nursing, R.G. Murray*—Ass’t Director Nursing Service, Lois (Porter) Thomas, Marion (Ferrier) Galna Centre L to R: Ann Louise (Purvis) O’Callaghan, Jessie (Byers) Findlay, Joan Freeman, Madaline (Babcock) Pettifor, Marilyn (Burton) Empey, Glenna (Hutchinson) Laforty*, Gwenyth (McLean) Warner*, Doris (Hutton) Nelson, Anne (Goodison) Ciccarelli, Joan (Hinton) Behr Back L to R: Fay (Smith) Amyotte*, Barbara (Smyth) Simpson*, Wilma (Johnston) Simpson, Bernice (Brownlee) Anderson, Frances (Neuman) Fraser, Hazel (Griffin) Reynolds, Margery (Sutherland) Trillo*, Mary (McBratney) Henderson, Helen Arbuckle* Absent: Benita (Atkinson) Stewart *Deceased Class of 1954 Top Row L to R Magdalena (Berkelaar) Wiersma, Nancy (Bracken) Watson, Barbara (Bradley) Hooper, Velma (Brash) Hellmuth, Eleanor (Casement) Shier, Lorraine Chatsick, Joyce (Cooke) Jacques, Mary (Cross) Cuddeback, Marilyn Dickinson Second Row L to R Sharon (Easter) Gagne, Beverley (Evans) Campbell, Carolyn (Foan) Koles, Elaine (Hall) Mason, Mary Ellen (Halpenny) Code, Marilyn (Hawes) Latimer, Connie (Hedges) Miller, Evelyn Hough, Sharon (Ingram) Cayen Third Row L to R Mary (James) Wilson, Lois (Kirkland) Bourboun, Joanne (Lemke) Cross, Maureen Lumsden*, Mary McCrimmon*, Yvonne (McManus) McCann Fourth Row L to R Linda (Parks) Moore, Marjorie (Paterson) Weir, Cheryl (Prosser) Miller, Wanda (Raison) Hayes, Janet (Trayner) Moran, Caroline (Robertson) Haukaas, Bottom Row L to R Judy (Schlievert) Walsh, Trijntje (Streekstra) Marshall, Donna (Tapley) Mitchell, Norma (Wallace) McIntyre Beverley (Young) Pitts, Alma (Thompson) Morris Absent Bonita Rogers * Deceased Class of 1964 MEMBERSHIP 2013 membership was 300 including 2 Honorary, 9 Life, and 14 Associate. Annual membership fee is $10.00, which allows members to attend meetings, social functions, and receive the annual newsletter and update our records. Associate membership is encouraged and graduates living in nursing homes are exempt from annual fees. Inquiries re membership can be directed to Pat Young at 27 Vanier Drive Brockville Ontario K6V 3J6, email [email protected], or 613 342 2414. DECEASED MEMBERS It is with the deepest regret we report the deaths of 8 members in 2013. Mary Ellen Burke (Cable) (‘69) Joe Ann Cullen (Waugh) (‘62) Ella Nicholson (Broderick) (‘41) Marjorie Kearney (Mustard) (‘56) Doris Wilson (Ireland) (‘57) Margaret Blanchard (Henderson) (‘42) Elizabeth Rahmer (Webster) (‘34) Verna Hunter (Smiley) (‘50) These names have been added to the In Memoriam Book displayed near the quiet room at BGH. DONATIONS Donations for 2013 were $5343.00, enabling the Alumnae to donate $500.00 to Brockville Palliative Care in memory of deceased members, and $5000.00 to BGH for the purchase of 2 Bariatric and 4 regular wheelchairs with O2 and IV attachments. BURSARIES The four local high schools were offered $250 bursaries for graduates pursuing nursing. Last year we had three eligible candidates: Rachel Doyle BCI, Alaina White TISS, and Kasey Mooibroek St Mary’s HS Our New Year Babies The alumnae set up “Our New Year Babies”, to mark 100 years of maternity service in 2012, and was unveiled in 2013 on the 90th anniversary of our organization, and 120 years since our first graduate. Pictures are framed by the Alumnae, and displayed on the maternity unit. REMEMBRANCE A wreath was placed on Remembrance Day to honour members who served in the armed forces. Contact is maintained with those members unable to attend alumnae functions, through occasion cards sent out during the year. Donations of $203.95 for the Food Bank, and $187.00 for Interval House to support their work, came from a collection in lieu of gift exchange at our Christmas Dinner NEW DISPLAY WALL As part of marking 90 years of service, to BGH and the community, by the BGH School of Nursing Alumnae Association, the hospital redesigned the alumnae historical display at the Charles Street site. This was welcomed by the association. Pictures below show the new design. A “Past Presidents” plaque donated by Ruth (Maud) Jones - Class of 1950 - was added to the display Our Comstock residence plaque above a case of memorabilia Highlights of 2013 Class of 1953 enjoy their 60th reunion Betty (Francis) Beach & Anne (Crowe) Trussell Grads of ‘48 celebrate 65th Shirley (White ‘57) Jones receives an Honorary membership Class of 1963 enjoy their 50th reunion Highlights of 2013 Reunion dinner “Smile” Graduates enjoy reception after Church service Associates join in Reunion activities Luncheon after Church Service Bell Ringers entertain at the Christmas dinner Christmas dinner at the Brockville Country Club ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY June 7, 1954 Louis St. Laurent Vincent Massey Little Things Mean a Lot, Secret Love, Hey There, Sh-Boom Bread 17¢, Milk 92¢/gallon, Eggs 77¢, Automobile $1950, Gas 29¢/gallon (7¢/litre) Minimum wage 75¢ Movie On the Waterfront TV Ed Sullivan Show Book Lord of the Flies June 7, 1964 Prime Minister Lester B Pearson Governor General George Vanier Songs Oh Pretty Woman, House of the Rising Sun, Can’t Buy Me Love Prices Bread 21¢, Milk $1.06/gallon, Eggs 98¢, Automobile $2350, Gas 30¢/gallon (8¢/litre) Minimum wage $1.25 Movie My Fair Lady, Mary Poppins TV Beverly Hillbillies, Gilligan’s Island Best Toy Easy Bake Oven Prime Minister Governor General Songs Prices Excerpts from a Brockville School of Nursing acceptance letter circa 1947 Dear Miss: Your application has been accepted… Requirements: ...It will be necessary to have four uniforms: Long and well fitted, finished at the neck with a collar band and buttoned through the plait down the front…. ...Hem in skirt five inches … Length of skirt-12 inches from the floor. Pocket on skirt and also on waist for watch. ...6 white collars (R.V.H.). Procured from Leverette’s or Canadian Departmental Store. ...14 aprons - white double-width, smooth quality sheeting. Same length as uniforms. …N.B. Shrink material and apron material well before making. ...Adequate supply of plain underclothing. ...2 laundry bags - made of dark blue duck, 3/4 yd wide, plainly marked with name. ...2 pairs white oxfords - well fitted with rubber heels. No strap shoes allowed. ...N.B. Before applicants incur expense of above outfit, it will be well for them to realize that only young women of unblemished character and healthy minds and bodies are desired in this training school. Sincerely, M. Geneva Purcell Superintendant of Nurses SOCIAL EVENTS FOR 2014 Meetings are held the January 13, 2014 March 10, 2014 May 12, 2014 June 7, 2014 June 7, 2014 June 8, 2014 September 8, 2014 November 10, 2014 December 1, 2014 second Monday, alternating months. Bethel Christian Reform Church 1:30 Bethel Christian Reform Church 12:00 Bethel Christian Reform Church 1:30 Brockville Country Club 10:00 Brockville Country Club 6:00 St John Bosco Parish 10:00 Bethel Christian Reform Church 12:00 Bethel Christian Reform Church 1:30 Brockville Country Club 12:00 Annual—General Meeting Pot Luck and Meeting Meeting Coffee Party Dinner Church Service Pot Luck and Meeting Meeting Christmas Dinner To access alumnae newsletter and events on line, connect to this address:
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