Queen Victoria Bldg (York St) Route 270 Route L70 Route 271 Route 274 Bus Stop Number: 200044 City to Terrey Hills via Austlink Business Park, Frenchs Forest and Forestville. City to Terrey Hills Limited stops. City to Austlink via Belrose, Frenchs Forest and Forestville. City to Davidson via Frenchs Forest and Forestville. Monday to Friday Route Departs Number Destination Morning 270 7.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 270 7.15 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 270 7.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 270 7.45 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 8.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 270 270 8.15 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 270 8.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 270 8.45 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 270 9.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 2719.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 9.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 9.45 270 10.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 10.15 270 10.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 27110.45 270 11.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 27111.15 270 11.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 27111.45 Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Route Departs Number Destination Afternoon 270 12.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 12.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 12.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 12.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 1.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 2711.15 270 1.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 2711.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 2.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 2712.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 2.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 2712.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 3.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 3.15 270 3.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 3.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 4.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 4.15 270 4.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 4.40 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 4.50 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 2714.55 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 274 5.00 Jam, FF, Glen, Dav, Bel 5.05 Limited Stops to T/Hills L70 271 5.10 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 274 5.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Dav, Bel 270K 5.20 Jam, Killarney Heights 270 5.20 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 2715.25 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 274 5.30 Jam, FF, Glen, Dav, Bel L70 5.35 Limited Stops to T/Hills 271 5.40 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270K 5.45 Jam, Killarney Heights 270 5.45 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 274 5.50 Jam, FF, Glen, Dav, Bel L70 5.55 Limited Stops to T/Hills 271 6.00 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 6.05 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Route Departs Number Destination Afternoon (cont...) 274 6.10 Jam, FF, Glen, Dav, Bel Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 6.15 L70 6.20 Limited Stops to T/Hills 274 6.30 Jam, FF, Glen, Dav, Bel 270 6.40 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 6.50 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 7.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 274 7.10 Jam, FF, Glen, Dav, Bel 2717.20 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 7.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 7.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 8.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 8.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 8.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 2718.45 271 9.00 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills 9.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills 271 271 9.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills 10.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills 271 271 10.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills 271 11.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills 271 11.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills 271 F12.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills 271 F12.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills F1.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills 271 Explanations L70 Jam F FF East Roseville Shops, Crown of the Hill, Jamieson Square, Forestway Shops, Prince Charles Rd, Hews Pde and Terrey Hills. Jamieson Square Fridays Only Forestway Shops DavDavidson Bel Wyatt Ave, Belrose Glen Glenrose Shopping Centre Austlink Austlink Business Park T/HillsTerrey Hills Wheelchair accessible service If you would like a copy of this timetable visit our website www.forestcoachlines.com.au and select bus stop timetable: FC200044-1 As at 30 June 2014 Queen Victoria Bldg (York St) Bus Stop Number: 200044 Route 270 City to Terrey Hills via Austlink Business Park, Frenchs Forest and Forestville. Route 271 City to Austlink via Belrose, Frenchs Forest and Forestville. Saturday Route Departs Number Destination Morning 270 8.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 8.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 270 271 8.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 9.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 9.15 270 9.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 9.45 270 10.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 10.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 10.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 10.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 11.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 11.15 270 11.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 11.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink Afternoon 270 12.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 12.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 12.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 12.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 1.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 1.15 270 1.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 1.45 270 2.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 2.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 2.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 2.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 3.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 3.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 3.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 3.45 270 4.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 4.15 270 4.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 4.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 5.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Saturday Route Departs Number Destination Afternoon (cont...) Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 5.15 270 5.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 5.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 6.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 6.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 6.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 6.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 7.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 7.15 270 7.30 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 7.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 270 8.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills 271 8.15 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink 271 8.30 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills 271 8.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills 9.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills 271 271 10.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills 271 11.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills 271 12.45 Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills Sunday & Public Holidays Route Departs Number Destination Morning 270 8.15 271 8.45 270 9.15 271 9.45 270 10.15 271 10.45 270 11.15 271 11.45 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink Afternoon 270 12.15 271 12.45 270 1.15 271 1.45 270 2.15 271 2.45 270 3.15 3.45 271 270 4.15 4.45 271 270 5.15 271 5.45 270 6.15 271 7.00 8.00 271 271 9.00 Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, Austlink Jam, FF, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills Jam, FF, Glen, Bel, T/Hills The Sunday City timetable operates on all Public Holidays. Explanations Jam Jamieson Square FF Forestway Shops Bel Wyatt Ave, Belrose Glen Glenrose Shopping Centre Austlink Austlink Business Park T/HillsTerrey Hills Wheelchair accessible service If you would like a copy of this timetable visit our website www.forestcoachlines.com.au and select bus stop timetable: FC200044-2 As at 30 June 2014 Queen Victoria Bldg (York St) Route 270 Route L70 Route 271 Route 274 Bus Stop Number: 200044 City to Terrey Hills via Austlink Business Park, Frenchs Forest and Forestville. City to Terrey Hills Limited stops. City to Austlink via Belrose, Frenchs Forest and Forestville. City to Davidson via Frenchs Forest and Forestville. Route Map e Rd orali Bo Terrey Terrey Hills Hills Street Legend Legend N Express Route Occasional Journey Railway Line Rd 1. Blackbutts Rd 2. Lockwood Ave 3. Hakea Ave 4. Prahran Ave 5. Haigh Ave 6. Cotentin Rd 270 L70 271 Early morning/ late night 271 trips only Railway Station Mo 270 Bus Route Number Educational Institution Austlink Business Park d le R Va a n Forest Way Shopping Centre Belrose (Wyatt Ave) 271 274 270 L70 271Belrose e 274 PM peak terminus Joins A Continues to Terrey Hills via Warringah Fwy Av Wyatt PM Peak 274 trips only o ra Wynyard Martin Pl Barrack St East Killara Rd Pitt St George St t ry S nda Bou d hR 270 L70 271 274 Jamieson Square 270 L70 271 274 City Bus Stops Outward Journeys York St (outside QVB) Stand D Wynyard (83 Clarence St) East Roseville s tern Ave oria Vict st Rd East Warringah Rd Forestway Centre Inward Journeys Wynyard Park (York St) Queen Victoria Building Castle Cove e Way Vall y 270 271 L70 274 Frenchs Fore Forestville Ea Park St Bathurst St Town Hall (QVB, York St) East Roseville Shops Wearde n Rd The E splanade 1. 274 4. 274 AM peak departure bage Bab York St Clarence St Kent St Sussex St Sydney Market St Town Hall Railway Station 2. Davidson (Blackbutts Rd) 274 King St Druitt St Glen St 3. Av Wa rrin ga Carrington St Hunter St Wynyard Railway Station King St Ka Davidson Margaret St Erskine St s Mitch ma Tho George St We ste rn D istr ibu tor Jamison St 271 274 5. e Bridge St AM Peak 274 trips only b m Grosvenor St ell Dr Forest Way Esse x St Sir Kent St 270 L70 6. Glenrose Shops 270 L70 271 274 You Are Here 270 271 L70 My oo ra Bus Route Terrey Hills (Myoora Rd) Continues to QVB, City via Warringah Fwy Joins A If you would like a copy of this timetable visit our website www.forestcoachlines.com.au and select bus stop timetable: FC200044-3 As at 30 June 2014 Bus Stop Number: This Stop: Queen Victoria Bldg (York St) Route Map Route 194 North Turramurra M u Rd Hospital Shopping Centre St. Ives Chase Brigidine College Va le Yarrabun g Rd Rd Acron Rd Rd Collins Douglas St Explanations 194 594 Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays St Ives High Hunter Ave nA rteria l Rd Gordon 194 594 Bridge St wo od Carrington St Margaret St Erskine St Hunter St Wynyard Railway Station Wynyard Barrack St Martin Place King St Sydney East Lindfield Killara e Rd hop Stan Lindfield 194 594 Rd on St Try en Ow Rd Market St Pitt St Town Hall Railway Station Bathurst St East Roseville 1. George St Druitt St d sR nd a l od Wo old hb Arc York St Clarence St You Are Here King St Ch urc hill Rd e Av d ry R ebe Ros We ste rn D istr ibu tor Jamison St George St Grosvenor St Ko ola Av e Esse x St There are no 194/594 services on weekends or Public Holidays. Alternative services are available to and from Lindfield, Killara, Gordon, Pymble and East Turramurra Stations. Killara Rd Memorial A ve Killeaton S na t Li nk Mo Redfie ld ve Toolang R d o A rrim o Mudies R Woodbur d y Rd Carbeen Ave Wa St Ives 194 (Woodbury Rd & Mona Vale Rd) 194 Horace St Miowera R d Dalton Rd St Ives Chase Shops St. Ives Kent St Destination Burns Rd Sussex St Departs Morning 7.25 To Hornsby Station 7.50 To Hornsby Station 8.30 To Hornsby Station 8.50 To Hornsby Station Afternoon 5.00 To Hornsby Station 5.20 To North Turramurra 5.45 To Hornsby Station 6.00 To North Turramurra 6.40 To Hornsby Station 7.00 To Hornsby Station Educational Institution d Bir Monday to Friday 194 Bus Route Number r ste Ea To: City, East Roseville, East Lindfield, Killara, St Ives, North Turramurra, Hornsby N Railway Station Curagul R d Rd 594/594H Express Route Railway Line North Turramurra 594 Kent St Route Bus Route Lady Davidson Hospital Bo bbin H ea d Monday to Friday Departs Destination Morning 8.00To St Ives Chase 9.00To St Ives Chase 10.00 To St Ives Chase 11.00 To St Ives Chase Afternoon 12.00To St Ives Chase 1.00To St Ives Chase 2.00 To St Ives Chase 3.00To St Ives Chase 4.00 To St Ives Chase 4.30To St Ives Chase 4.50 To St Ives Chase 5.05 To St Ives Chase 5.15 To St Ives Chase 5.25To St Ives Chase 5.40To St Ives Chase 5.55 To St Ives Chase 6.15To St Ives Chase 6.35To St Ives Chase 6.55To St Ives Chase 7.15 To St Ives Chase 7.45 To St Ives Chase Legend 594 Kuring-gai Creative Arts High T d aR rru To: City, East Roseville, East Lindfield, Killara, St Ives, St Ives Chase 200044 Park St Town Hall (QVB, York St) 194 594 Express to City Routes 194 and 594 operates express to Wynyard via Harbour Bridge. Buses do not stop to pick up or set down passengers when operating express. 2. 3. Street Legend: 1. Earl St 2. Moore St 3. Addison Ave If you would like a copy of this timetable visit our website www.forestcoachlines.com.au and select bus stop timetable: FC200044-4 As at 30 June 2014
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