minutes of the meeting of the board of directors

AUGUST 23, 2014
The meeting of the officers and directors of the Beverly Hills Council of the Navy
League was held on Saturday, August 23, 2014 at the home of Dr. Seymour Ulansey in
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. President Sherre Lovick extended warm
thanks to Ron, Jonathan, Gwen, Marilyn and Rochelle and to all who participated in
making the beach party a success.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
The Treasurer's report was given by Marilyn Allaire who presented the Board with a
detailed income/expense report including results of the beach party.
Webmaster, Michael Poles, reported on the Council's website and proposed changes.
He noted how pleased he is that our site is listed just below that of the Navy League's
site after which the Board thanked him for all his continuing hard work.
Ron Dutton reported on our sponsored commands. The Lane Victory, the video of Dr.
Freddy Gonzales and his accomplishments taken by Michael and it was decided that
Michael and Ron meet to edit same. Ron reported that our Cadet unit is doing well.
The Coast Guard is trying to include us on an outing in the future. There is no activity in
re UCLA until next Spring.
There was an extremely lengthy discussion among board members regarding the silent
how future ones could be
improved.-- . - auction and among
. . _- -- - - - ---'-' ---- - - - -- - - - - - ;
- · ,, -Sherre provided Rochelle with the following expansive in-detail events discussed and
requested -that they be incorporated into these minutes:
Under new business, five new events were considered. Sherre mentioned that new
members want something to do to participate in the BHC. With only one fundraising
event each year, the beach party, we have nothing else to offer these valuable people.
The BHC needs to have more events.
Each event was discussed. Key points were resolved by the board for each event: the point of
contact; what actions were authorized by the board; and what maximum financiahisk was
approved by the board to use in preparing an event plan for the board to review, that is, the
most the board was willing to pay from the treasury to hold-the event. Ideally, each event will
pay for itself and even raise funds; that is why the term 'budget risk' is used.
Sherre proposed that a total of $1 ,000 be assigned by the board to developing new events as
budget risk. Each of the four plans could include a potential expense or loss of $250 if approved
by the board.
Four events were on the agenda. A fifth was raised by Michael Poles and discussed first. Event
E) Helping military families, concentrating first on our sponsored commands. Michael Poles is
the POC. He was authorized to ask for help from BHC members to collect more information to
create a plan, and solicit donations in BHC's name to give to the military families, and the risk
budget is $0.
Event A) Mailer and internet fundraising: POC is Raphael Magana, he is authorized to prepare a
detailed plan for the board's review. Marilyn expressed concern that snail mailers can be an
irritant which could harm BHC, and Ron was concerned about the president's photo being on
the snail mail letter. Sherre noted that CA Attorney General requires registered publicists and
consultants be used. BHC must file forms with CA AG if these pros are used, and Sherre would
file BHC forms.Risk budget is $0.
Event 8) year end BHC party for members and their guests. Probably a brunch or lunch.
Rochelle collected information about Maggiano's in The Grove to consider as a new location for
year end BHC party for members. POC: Rochelle will be traveling a lot, no volunteers from
board, so for now Sherre Lovick until it can be reassigned. Authorized to put detailed plan
together and communicate it by email and phone call to board for approval to make reservations
in time. Risk budget is $250.
Event C) Fundraisers and Membership drives offered to BHC to be hosted for free at American
Legion Post 43. POC: Sherre Lovick. Sherre attended a Post 43 meeting Monday Aug 18 as
guest of the Bertiks. Mid-Nov to March is season for events there. Board authorized trying
casual presence there raising new members for BHC and researching what activities young
families want from BHC, putting plants together, budget risk $250. Sherre is not a veteran which
restricts her Legion involvement, but will join auxilliary.
Event D) Outing Events. POC: Sherre Lovick until it is reassigned. Board authorized
researching van rentals, trip ideas, plan development. Risk budget: $250.
A plan for gift certificates for Ralph's and other markets as donations to be made to the
families of our cadets was considered. A motion was made and carried whereby the
Board approved appointing a sub-committee to explore supporting members of urban
families within our sponsor's command. The President appointed Michael and Ron to
head said sub-committee.
It was suggested that included in the agenda of our next meeting that Directors Stephen
Price and Roland Neill be dropped as members of the Board and that we send thank
you letters to them for all their past help and contributions to our Board.
The matter of year end celebration was tabled for our next meeting.
It was moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn and that the next Board meeting
would be on September 27 at the home of Sey Ulansey starting at 10:00 a.mThe
meeting adjourned at 1 :15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Sloane, Executive Secretary