8703 FHDC Using Your Bin A5 Lflt

Useful information
• An assisted refuse and recycling collection service can be provided to residents
who, through illness or infirmity, are unable to put their bins out for collection
and who do not have anyone else to assist them. For further information or to
make an application for this service please contact us.
• If you have additional blue bin waste you can buy blue sacks from council offices
or take paper, tins and cans to your local mini recycling site or the nearest
Household Waste Recycling Centre. Visit our website or call us for more details.
• We offer a bulky waste collection service for certain household items that do not
fit in your bin. This service is available on request and a collection charge applies.
Any good quality unwanted items can be donated to charity or advertised
online at www.freecycle.org. St Nicholas Hospice Care (01284 747610), the
Gatehouse Project (01284 754967) and Newmarket Open Door (01638
660900) are able to collect good quality items for reuse.
• We can arrange for the collect hazardous waste such as liquid
paint.This service is available on request and a collection charge applies.
Using your bins
• Please ensure your bins are at the kerbside by 06:30am on the correct collection
day. If your bin is not out by this time it may not be emptied. Please collect your
bin from the kerbside as soon as possible after emptying.
• Storing your bins on your own property will ensure that your bins are not vandalised,
upturned or contaminated with the wrong material by passers by.
• Please make sure all your waste is inside your bin as we do not collect waste
placed at the side of the bin.
• All bin collections will normally be a day late following a bank holiday. The week
after the bank holiday collections should be as normal.
Contact us...
Forest Heath
St Edmundsbury
01638 719284
email: [email protected]
Web: www.forest-heath.gov.uk
01284 757320
email: [email protected]
Web: www.stedmundsbury.gov.uk/waste
If you would like this leaflet in an alternative or larger
format please contact us.
Your guide to using your bins
Blue Bin
Items must be placed in the
bin clean, dry and loose
(except textiles which must be
put in the bag Whe crew will
leave you a replacement bag)
Paper (not shredded) and all types of cardboard
Newspapers and magazines
Catalogues and directories
Wrapping paper (non metallic), cards and envelopes
Junk mail (remove plastic wrapping)
Brown Bin
Garden waste (flowers, plants, grass cuttings, leaves, bark,
hedge trimmings and weeds)
Plain brown cardboard and cardboard egg boxes
Sawdust, untreated wood and clean straw Uncooked
vegetables, salad and fruit waste
(including teabags and coffee grounds)
Shredded paper
Cool wood and paper ash (not coal ash)
Plastic containers such as:
- Bottles (milk, shampoo, drinks and cleaning products remove tops from bottles and place both in separately)
- Pots (yoghurt, dessert)
- Tubs (margarine, icecream)
- Trays (fruit punnets, food containers)
Black Bin (landfill)
Metal cans and tins
All household waste (other than those items that can be recycled and
composted as part of our scheme) can be put into the black bin, such as:
Foil and foil containers
All Clothes (incl socks, shoes, boots, wellies, slippers, hats,
scarves, gloves, belts, clean underwear)
Bed Linen (incl blankets, sheets, pillowcases) Other (incl
handbags, curtains, towels, tea towels) Stuffed toys
Put your old and worn textiles into a council branded bag, tie
securely and place it inside your recycling bin on top of your
loose recyclables.
Replacement textile bags are available from Council Offices and
all Suffolk Libraries. They can also be requested by contacting us
(details overleaf)
Please continue to donate high quality items to charity
shops and textile banks
Plastic bags
Hard plastic
Please do not put hazardous waste or liquids in the black bin. Please refer
to the useful information overleaf.
Household Waste Recycling Centres
These sites are operated by Suffolk County Council SCC and have facilities
for recycling many items that cannot be recycled through the blue bin scheme.
You can find these sites at:
- Rougham Road, Bury St Edmunds
- off Chalksone ay, near Coupals Close,
- Brandon Road, Mildenhall
or further information visit www.greensuffolk.org recycling
non SCC site also operates at Depot Road, Newmarket. There may be a
charge to use this site for certain waste. visit www.newmarketopendoor.org.uk