Tennessee School and District Improvement Plan Template 2014-2015 The final plan should be no longer than four pages. School: Blackman Elementary School District: Rutherford County Schools Analysis of Areas of Greatest Progress: Areas of Greatest Challenge: last year's Reading/Language Arts Reading/Language Arts final results: Our school ranked in the top 25% for In grades 3rd-5th, 68.3% of our students scored Proficient & statewide gains in 3rd grade. Advanced. We missed our 2014 AMO Target by 7.8%. We need 70.3% or higher of our students to score Proficient & Advanced Our school met safe harbor for 2013 to to meet the goal set for the 2014-2015 school year which is 2014 due to changes in students scoring 2% growth. Proficient & Advanced in 3rd grade. Students with Disabilities subgroup – In Reading, 57.4% of Our Economically Disadvantaged subgroup the students in this subgroup are not proficient. We need to met the 2014 AMO Target in grades 3rd-5th. show a 1.8% gap reduction to meet the goal set for the 20142015 school year: 46.2% or higher of SWD will fall in the Our Limited English Proficient subgroup Proficient & Advanced category. accomplished a 19.3% gap closure in grades 3rd-5th. Black/Hispanic/Native American subgroup - In Reading, 38.9% of the students in this subgroup are not proficient. We need to Math show a 0.7% gap reduction to meet the goal set for the 2014Our school met safe harbor for 2013 to 2015 school year. We need to focus on our African-American 2014 due to changes in students scoring population to ensure that 55.9% or higher of the students Proficient & Advanced in 3rd grade and will fall in the Proficient & Advanced category. grades 3rd-5th. Math Our Economically Disadvantaged subgroup Economically Disadvantaged subgroup - In Math, 37% of the met the 2014 AMO Target in grades 3rd-5th. students in this subgroup are not proficient. We need to show a 0.7% gap reduction to meet the goal set for the 2014-2015 Our school scored a 5 in the SAT10: Schoolschool year: 65.3% or higher of EDS will fall in the Proficient & Wide Composite and TCAP: School-Wide Advanced category. Numeracy categories. Students with Disabilities subgroup – In Math, 59.6% of Social Studies the students in this subgroup are not proficient. We need to Our school ranked in the top 25% for show a 2.1% gap reduction to meet the goal set for the 2014statewide gains in grades 4th-5th. 2015 school year: 44.1% or higher of SWD will fall in the Proficient & Advanced category. Black/Hispanic/Native American subgroup - In Math, 39.6% of the students in this subgroup are not proficient. We need to show a 0.7% gap reduction to meet the goal set for the 20142015 school year. We need to focus on our African-American population to ensure that 61.8% or higher of the students will fall in the Proficient & Advanced category. Limited English Proficient subgroup: In Math, 75% of the students in this subgroup are not proficient. We need to work towards decreasing this gap. Goals for this Source of Progress: TVASS http://tvasas.sas.com Achievement Targets AMO Gap Closure Report Overall Achievement Goals: Source of Challenge: TVASS http://tvasas.sas.com Achievement Targets AMO Gap Closure Report school year: The 3rd-5th Grade students did not meet the AMO Target goal for students scoring Proficient & Advanced. Our goal is for the 3rd-5th Grade students to increase current percentiles in the category of Proficient/Advanced in Reading/Language Arts. This requires our school to target 3rd-5th Grade students in order to meet our goal of 29.7% or less of the students to be in the Non-Proficient category. Subgroup Goals: (List each subgroup individually) 1. The Black/Hispanic/Native American Subgroup did not meet the gap closure in 2014 by 3.9%. Our goal is for the Black/Hispanic/Native American to increase current percentiles in the category of Proficient/Advanced in Reading/Language Arts. This requires our school to target the African-American students in order to meet our goal of 44.1% or less of the students to be in the Non-Proficient category. 2. The Students with Disabilities Subgroup did not meet the gap closure in 2014 by 3.9%. Our goal is for the SWD to increase current percentiles in the category of Proficient/Advanced in Reading/Language Arts. This requires our school to target the SWD subgroup in order to meet our goal of 53.8% or less of the students to be in the Non-Proficient category. 3. Even though the Economically Disadvantaged Subgroup met the gap closure in 2014, our goal is for the EDS to increase current percentiles in the category of Proficient/Advanced in Reading/Language Arts. This requires our school to target the EDS in order to meet our goal of 35.5% or less of the students to be in the Non-Proficient category. 4. The Black/Hispanic/Native American Subgroup did not meet the gap closure in 2014 by 4.7%. Our goal is for the Black/Hispanic/Native American to increase current percentiles in the category of Proficient/Advanced in Math. This requires our school to target the African-American students in order to meet our goal of 38.2% or less of the students to be in the Non-Proficient category. 5. Even though, Students with Disabilities Subgroup met the gap closure in 2014, our goal is for the SWD to increase current percentiles in the category of Proficient/Advanced in Math. This requires our school to target the SWD subgroup in order to meet our goal of 55.9% or less of the students to be in the Non-Proficient category. 6. The Economically Disadvantaged Subgroup did not meet the gap closure in 2014 by 4.2% . Our goal is for the EDS to increase current percentiles in the category of Proficient/Advanced in Math. This requires our school to target the EDS in order to meet our goal of 35.7% or less of the students to be in the Non-Proficient category. 7. Our goal for the Limited English Proficient Subgroup is to increase the percentiles in the category of Proficient/Advanced in Math. Other Requried Goal Areas: Teacher, parent, and student surveys will collected through Advanced ED to determine areas of need to be addressed. Survey data will be completed by October 31st. Plan for this school year: Key strategies to achieve goals: 1. Teachers will have a common planning time once per week to collaborate and analyze data to guide instruction. Teachers will disaggregate the data to identify needs in targeted subgroups. 2. Teachers will select or create Common Assessments to guide instruction and determine needs in targeted subgroups. 3. Aimsweb Universal Screener will be administered 3 times this year by the Aimsweb Team to determine needs in the targeted subgroups. 4. PD will be provided by school staff and other invited guests throughout the year to strengthen faculty knowledge base of effective research-based literacy and math strategies. 5. PLC Data Team will meet monthly to analyze school data and create plan of action for areas of concern. 6. RTI² TEAM will meet monthly to analyze data and review progress of Tier 2 and 3 students. Key strategies to achieve progress for students with the greatest need: 1. Aimsweb Universal Screener will be used to immediately place students in Tier 2 and Tier 3. Teachers will use Common Assessment data and student class performance to refer students not caught by the Universal Screener. RTI students in Tier 2 will receive 20-30 minutes of daily support in their identified deficit by a classroom teacher. RTI students in Tier 3 will receive 40-60 minutes of daily support in their identified deficit by an interventionist. Movement in Tiers will be based on student progress guided by data points. 2. SWD students will receive 40-60 minutes of intense daily support in their SLD by a SpEd teacher. 3. ELL students will receive additional daily support from an ESL teacher. 4. All students will receive direct and explicit instruction in Tier 1 by the classroom teacher. 5. Special Area teachers will provide interventions for struggling students. Benchmarks for Progress Projected costs and funding sources for key strategies: *Approximately $500 for copies Universal Screener Assessments throughtout the year from school general funds. *Approximately $360 for team copy paper for Common Assessments. *Approximately $438.00 for digital copies Power in Words Common Core Academic Vocabulary materials. *Approximately $15 per child will unpaid TCAP Coach Science workbooks. *Approximately $4,536.00 for purchase of copiers, toner, and ink cartridges. Benchmark: All teachers in grades K-5 will be trained on SRSD writing strategies. All teachers in grades K-5 will be trained on Common Core Math best practices. All teachers will continue to monitor and adjust SMART Goals based on student performance. Timeline: Summer 2014 (TNCore Training), Fall 2014 (School Level Training), Fall 2014 (TNCore Training), Winter (TNCore Training), Winter (School Level Training) Summer 2014 (TNCore Training), Fall 2014 (School Level Training), Fall 2014 (TNCore Training), Winter (TNCore Training), Winter (School Level Training) Teachers will analyze and adjust SMART Goals during the four Rutherford County Schools PLC scheduled days.
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