Parsons The New School for Design BFA CD/DT Senior Thesis 2 M 12:10pm - 5:50pm U 617 Pascal Glissmann [email protected] 79 Fifth Avenue Floor 16, RM 1605 COURSE DESCRIPTION In this senior course level students develop their final year Thesis 2 project based upon a previously approved topic proposed in Thesis 1. Emphasis is placed on students’ ability to translate their cumulative knowledge into effective visual communication. Students need to develop a competence in cross media design processes and understand the nature of all available communication channels in the creative industries. The senior studies are initiated by topics and not by media or technology therefor the focus in this course is on research, critical thinking and developing concepts for an adequate visual communication. This course is taught through a multi-faceted in-depth design project, critique sessions, a series of juries and culminates in an end-of-year exhibition. LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this course, students will be able to 1. demonstrate aesthetic sensibility in more than one discipline of design; 2. show professionalism in the realization of their projects; 3. conduct design research and use the outcome for their own visual language; 4. evaluate their work in the context of the market; 5. create adequate design solutions for different settings and media. TEXTBOOKS & READINGS You are required to read a few readings for this class that I will distribute in class as a soft copy. However it is equally important to find your own readings that are related to your topic. In order to realize a successful project in thesis 2 you have to become a specialist of your chosen area/topic. Use this first part of the thesis project to identify and study relevant literature. A list of resources including books, websites, movies, installations that is compiled by you will also be part of the final deliverables. ONLINE RESOURCES This syllabus has a schedule that is tentative. You will find detailed information with homework and expected preparations on the class website: Homework and presentations have to be submitted through a shared google drive folder. The path will be shown in class. SCHEDULE 27 January 12.10pm- 5.50pm Briefing for all Thesis 2 students CD/DT: 1. Schedule Spring Term 2014 2. Thesis Publication 3. Critiques with internal and external assessors 4. Portfolio development as part of Thesis 2 5. Student Panel (Thesis 2013) 6. Meet your Thesis 2 instructor Thesis 2 | Spring 2014 | Glissmann 2 Classroom with your instructor Present to your Thesis 2 class your project as it stands now, feedback you received last semester, and strategies for moving forward. Use the PDF you uploaded to the google drive last semester and use additional online resources if available. Since the time for Thesis 2 is very limited we will use this first meeting as a full session. 3 February 12.10pm- 5.50pm: Advising in section 10 February 12.10pm- 5.50pm: Advising in section 17 February Presidents Day, no class 24 February 12.10pm- 5.50pm: Advising in section 3 March 12.10pm- 5.50pm: Advising in section 10 March 12.10pm- 5.50pm: Advising in section Deadline 1 17 March 12.10pm- 5.50pm Venue TBA: Thesis 2 “Science Fair” for all Thesis 2 students CD/ DT Present your thesis prototype to all Thesis 2 faculty, peer students and guest faculty. Make sure your work is presented in an appropriate way and as finalized as possible to get feedback for final tweaks. 20 March, 6pm, Deadline 1: • Upload a PDF to the CD THESIS google folder 1. Process documentation 2. Prototype 3. Artist/Designer statement 4. Persuasive Text: 250 words that present your project in a less personal but more convincing way. Think of an introductory paragraph that is intended to persuade someone to support your project (kickstarter, brochure, website, etc) 24 March Spring Break, no class 31 March 12.10pm- 5.50pm: Advising in section 7 April 12.10pm- 5.50pm: Advising in section 14 April 12.10pm- 5.50pm: Advising in section Thesis 2 | Spring 2014 | Glissmann 3 Deadline 2 Final Presentation 14 April, 6pm, Deadline 2: For publication and website provide: 1. 5 print-quality images of final piece or pieces, at least one of them vertical; 4 print-quality images of process 2. Final introductory paragraph 3. Further details TBA 21 April 12.10pm- 5.50pm Venue TBA: Industry professionals will assess your work 1. All Thesis 2 students have to participate 2. This is the final crit 3. Thesis 2 projects will be clustered by media 4. Each cluster will have several guest critics who work professionally in the field 28 April, 5 May, 12 May, 19 May 12.10pm- 5.50pm: Guest lecture series and advising in section. TBA Portfolio development workshop 1. All students should have a website up and running after this workshop 2. How do you get your own Internet Address? 3. How do you use a Content Management System? 4. How do you prepare your graphics and texts? 5. What is the best design for your portfolio? 6. What do you do with your portfolio? Graduation GRADUATION May, 22rd: CDT Graduation Ceremony Tishman (University Center) May, 23rd: The New School COMMENCEMENT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Attendance, participation: Thesis Project: Portfolio: 20% 50% 30% EVALUATION There will be a few evaluated and graded steps during thesis 2 to make sure you receive a certain percentage of your grade before the final presentation. As your first demonstration in class will mostly reflect what you created last semester this will not be graded. If a presentation will be graded I will let you know in advance and deliver a brief to you including the percentage of the final grade. These steps include: Understand the authorship of the designer Students need to depict and describe a topic that is suitable for a senior project and put this into a brief. Appreciate the importance of corporate identity and branding Students will create and apply a visual system to their final project including elements like a logo, choice and usage of a typeface, colors, visual elements and materials Study, explore and understand his/her work in the context of the corporate design world At an early stage students will research the position of their project in the market and analyze competitors. The outcome is not intended to be a research paper but a short design-related overview of similar projects to strengthen the specifics of his/her project. Thesis 2 | Spring 2014 | Glissmann 4 At an early stage of thesis 2 students need to commit to a main channel of communication for his/her project. The main channel of communication could be: Type Design, Book Design, A series of information design, Magazine, Campaign, Packaging, Graphics & Spatial Environments, Installation, Website, Animation/Movie. These are just a few options and of course these can be combined. Present ideas, developments and outcomes of a project in a professional way Students must be able to communicate their studies in a presentation that needs to be well wrapped up in ONE pdf. GRADING STANDARDS A Superior work. You have clearly demonstrated an enthusiasm for the projects, and an understanding of the concepts that guide your decisions. Your work demonstrates original and creative thinking and your projects are consistently and cleanly executed with a high level of attention devoted to craft and clarity of writing. You’re able to explain your own work and offer insightful critique of your classmates’ projects. You are present in class and participate in discussions. B Good work. You’ve completed all of the projects with a sufficient level of quality. Your projects are less conceptually clear, but you have displayed clear effort in attempting an understanding. Your projects are cleanly executed with a good level of attention devoted to craft and clarity of writing. You’re able to explain your own work and offer insightful critique of your classmates’ projects. You are present in class and participate in discussions. C Satisfactory work. You’ve shown that you can interact with the concepts presented in class, but you have not demonstrated a deep understanding or enthusiasm for your work. You do not demonstrate a high level of attention to craft. You participate in some discussions but have not added insightful critique. D Your work adheres to each project’s guidelines but you have not demonstrated original thought or depth of understanding of the concepts presented in class. You have not participated in class discussions, or have missed a significant amount of classes. F Failing grades are given for required work that is not submitted or for incomplete final projects. Make-up work or completion of missed assignments may be permitted only with the approval of the instructor and the program director. A grade of I (Incomplete), signifying a temporary deferment of a regular grade, may be assigned when coursework has been delayed at the end of the semester for unavoidable and legitimate reasons. Incomplete grades are given only with the written approval of the instructor and the program director. The Request for an Incomplete Grade form must be filled out by the student and instructor prior to the end of the semester. For undergraduate students, if a grade of incomplete is approved, outstanding work must be submitted by the seventh week of the following Fall semester (for Spring and Summer courses) or by the seventh week of the following Spring semester (for Fall courses). Otherwise, a grade of I will automatically convert to a permanent unofficial withdrawal (WF) after a period of Thesis 2 | Spring 2014 | Glissmann 5 four weeks. For graduate students, the maximum deadline for completion of an incomplete is one year though a shorter period may be imposed at the discretion of the instructor. DIVISIONAL, PROGRAM AND CLASS POLICIES Responsibility Students are responsible for all assignments, even if they are absent. Late papers, failure to complete the readings assigned for class discussion, and lack of preparedness for in-class discussions and presentations will jeopardize your successful completion of this course. Participation Class participation is an essential part of class and includes: keeping up with reading, contributing meaningfully to class discussions, active participation in group work, and coming to class regularly and on time. Attendance – Faculty members may fail any student who is absent for a significant portion of class time. A significant portion of class time is defined as four absences for classes that meet two or more times per week. Lateness or early departure from class may also translate into one full absence. There are situations in life that are a reason to miss a class or part of a class. But in these cases you have to contact me in advance (if possible) to explain. Delays In rare instances, I may be delayed arriving to class. If I have not arrived by the time class is scheduled to start, you must wait a minimum of thirty minutes for my arrival. In the event that I will miss class entirely, a sign will be posted at the classroom indicating your assignment for the next class meeting. Academic Integrity This is the university’s Statement on Academic Integrity: “Plagiarism and cheating of any kind in the course of academic work will not be tolerated. Academic honesty includes accurate use of quotations, as well as appropriate and explicit citation of sources in instances of paraphrasing and describing ideas, or reporting on research findings or any aspect of the work of others (including that of instructors and other students). These standards of academic honesty and citation of sources apply to all forms of academic work (examinations, essays, theses, computer work, art and design work, oral presentations, and other projects).” It is the responsibility of students to learn the procedures specific to their discipline for correctly and appropriately differentiating their own work from that of others. Compromising your academic integrity may lead to serious consequences, including (but not limited to) one or more of the following: failure of the assignment, failure of the course, academic warning, disciplinary probation, suspension from the university, or dismissal from the university. Every student at Parsons signs an Academic Integrity Statement as a part of the registration process. Thus, you are held responsible for being familiar with, understanding, adhering to and upholding the spirit and standards of academic integrity as set forth by the Parsons Student Handbook. Guidelines for Written Assignments Plagiarism is the use of another person’s words or ideas in any academic work using books, journals, internet postings, or other student papers without proper acknowledgment. For further information on proper acknowledgment and plagiarism, including expectations for paraphrasing source material and proper forms of citation in research and writing, students should consult the Chicago Manual of Style (cf. Turabian, 6th edition). The University Writing Center Thesis 2 | Spring 2014 | Glissmann 6 also provides useful on-line resources to help students understand and avoid plagiarism. See Students must receive prior permission from instructors to submit the same or substantially overlapping material for two different assignments. Submission of the same work for two assignments without the prior permission of instructors is plagiarism. Guidelines for Studio Assignments – Work from other visual sources may be imitated or incorporated into studio work if the fact of imitation or incorporation and the identity of the original source are properly acknowledged. There must be no intent to deceive; the work must make clear that it emulates or comments on the source as a source. Referencing a style or concept in otherwise original work does not constitute plagiarism. The originality of studio work that presents itself as “in the manner of” or as playing with “variations on” a particular source should be evaluated by the individual faculty member in the context of a critique. Incorporating ready-made materials into studio work as in a collage, synthesized photograph or paste-up is not plagiarism in the educational context. In the commercial world, however, such appropriation is prohibited by copyright laws and may result in legal consequences. Student Disability Services In keeping with the University’s policy of providing equal access for students with disabilities, any student with a disability who needs academic accommodations is welcome to meet with me privately. All conversations will be kept confidential. Students requesting any accommodations will also need to meet with Jason Luchs in the office of Student Disability Services, who will conduct an intake, and if appropriate, provide an academic accommodation notification letter to you to bring to me. At that point I will review the letter with you and discuss these accommodations in relation to this course. Mr. Luchs’ office is located in 79 Fifth Avenue, 5th floor. His direct line is (212) 229-5626 x3135. You may also access more information through the University’s web site at studentservices/disability/.
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