Answers week 10

COSC 344
Tutorial for Week 10
1. A file has r=20,000 STUDENT records of fixed length. Each record has the following fields:
NAME (30 bytes)
IRD (9 bytes)
ADDRESS (40 bytes)
PHONE (9 bytes)
BIRTHDATE (8 bytes)
SEX (1 byte)
CLASSCODE (4 bytes, integer)
An additional byte is used as a deletion marker.
The file is stored on the disk whose parameters are:
disk block size = 512 bytes
a. Calculate the record size R in bytes
b. Calculate the blocking factor bfr and the number of file blocks b, assuming an unspanned
bfr =512 bytes/113bytes=4
number of file blocks=20,000/4=5,000
2. Assume the following:
Disk block size = 1024 bytes
Record size = 320 bytes
Number of records = 600,000
Use unspaned records
Assuming the file data is ordered on the primary key, how many disk accesses are required
to find a record based on the primary key?
Blocking factor=1024/320=3
Index entries (rows)=600,000/3=200,000
Accesses =Log_2^200,000 is about 18
COSC 344
Lectures 17, 18
Week 10
Construct a primary index on the database. Assume the primary key requires 12 bytes and
pointers are 8 bytes. How many disk accesses are required to find a record using the
primary index?
Note: number of rows of the primary index is equal to the number of blocks of the data file
Index record size=12+8=20
Index blocking factor=1024/20=51
Index blocks=200,000/51 is about 4000
Accesses on the index is log_2^4000 is about 12
Plus one access of data clock
13 blocks in total
How many disk accesses are required to find a record based on a secondary key?
Linear search
Construct a secondary index on this key. Assume the secondary key requires 22 bytes and
pointers are 8 bytes. Now how many disk accesses are required to find a record based on a
secondary key?
Note: in this example, we assume the number of rows of the secondary index is equal to the
number of record in the data file (secondary index is based on the non-ordering field)
Index record size=22+8=30
Index blocking factor=1024/30=34
Index storage blocks=600,000/34=17647 blocks
Binary search log_2^17647 is about 15
Plus one access of data clock
16 blocks in total
COSC 344
Lectures 17, 18
Week 10